Cosmic Champion

Chapter 1: Episode 1 – Seek

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Cosmic Champion

Episode 1 – Seek


My name is Zeke, a 21 years old dude who is currently looking for a job to make a living. I was born in an average family, so I have my own ambitions to strive in this world longer.

….but now……

In front of a tall building stood a young man. In his hand there was a brochure “Invitation to An RPG Game ‘Cosmic Champion’! Sign Up Now and You May Win a Grand Prize!”.

        This game’s ads are everywhere….I saw some celebrities on TV and online superstars promoting it too….but why do I have to sign it here though? Should have an online option……


        Zeke thought to himself for a while then let out a big sigh before went into the building.

“Welcome, sir! How may I help you?”

A lady receptionist greeted Zeke.

“I would like to sign up for the game ‘Cosmic Champion’. Are there any requirements?”

“There would be a registration fee, also you need to read the terms and rules carefully.”

After paying the fee, Zeke received a registration form.

Along with the form came terms and rules papers.


The fee is pretty costly…I used almost all of my savings for this. I must win the grand prize!”

While filling the form, Zeke was very determined about his goal and there’s no second thought in his decision.

After completed the form, Zeke read up on the rules and terms and mesmerized the important part of contents in rules and terms.

First, this is a real-life game. Once joined the participants are not allowed to leave the game unless willing to quit or finish the game.

Second, the participants might be harmed or even receiving fatal incidences. The providers will not take any responsibilities outside of their services.

Third, the participants could request to quit the game at any time and place but that also means the participants are willing to forfeit taking part in the game. The support team will escort you back safely.

Fourth, murder of other participants is prohibited. Violations shall not be tolerated.

Lastly, have fun with the game! If participants have questions, you can contact our support team anytime.

“Here’s the form, ma’am”

After Zeke handed the form the receptionist took a few minutes to finish up the signing for him.

“Thank you for joining us! Please show this paper to the staffs at that camp just before the gate and you’ll receive the support device.”

When Zeke looked to the way the receptionist shown him, he saw a large camp that looked like a soldier camp.

Not far from the camp there stood a closed gigantic metal gate with several guards in front of it.


“Hello. I’d like to participate in the game.”

After thanking the receptionist Zeke walked to the camp and handed the paper to the staffs.

“Thank you for joining us! Please choose your starter weapon.”

Hologram images appeared in front of Zeke’s eye. It seemed that the table had some devices to create holograms which surprisingly contrasted with earth’s modern technology.

“Wow! didn’t know that the technology has come this far! Is this some kind of secret exclusive technology in military or something?!”

“Anyway, what should I pick?”

The started weapons were Sword, Bow, Staff, and Daggers. The kind of weapons you’d see normally in any RPG games.

“Though it’s called a staff, I don’t think it could be used to cast magics though…”

The staff Zeke was looking at was a plain long stick. He thought it must be a striking weapon rather than a magic tool.

“Why aren’t guns an option?”

“The cost for bullets is expensive, so using something that steadfast are much more reliable.”

“But there is a bow?”

“Aside from the starter arrows giving along with the bow, participants could find more arrows from monsters and loots inside the game. You have a chance to acquire new weapons inside the game as well, so please don’t worry about weapons are being limited here.”

“I see.”

Zeke was curious that modern weapons weren’t in the choices, but after hearing the explanation he started to understand the game’s mechanics.

It could also be said that the modern bullets might not be useful for some tough monsters while the arrows could be because you could craft it from monster’s materials.

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Just Imagine arrows made from some monster’s tough scales or teeth versus normal bullets. Although you could say that you might be able to craft bullets with monster’s materials, you’ll still need to modify the gun. I mean you could just use any bow to fire arrows right?

“I’ll take a sword, please”

Zeke decided to take a sword because it’s the most favoured and easiest to master. The bow needs keen eyes. The staff was wooden, might be the worst choice if he encountered tough skin enemies. The daggers were too short in reach.

The staff gave Zeke a sword. The sword seemed to be made of plain metal. Zeke gave it some swings and found that it’s pretty light even though he’s not that muscular.

“Not that heavy right? We decided that a starter sword could be used even in a woman’s hands”

The staff gave Zeke a something that looks like a watch but it’s much more thin and quite transparent.

“This is a multi-purpose device. Please wear it at all time so that we could track your location for safety. It could also show your stats such as level, attack, etc. You just need to say ‘stats’ and it’ll pop up in no time.”


Zeke wore the device while listening to the explanations then tried testing it out.

A black screen appeared from the device.

“As I thought. The stats looks very similar to common RPG games. Stamina seems to be my action points. If I run It’ll start to decrease. If I attack it’ll also decrease too. The decrease amount varies by actions.”

“Attack 1+5…… that +5 must come from this weapon I suppose? And Defense is 1 because I’m not wearing any protective equipments”

“To think that 10 exp. are required to level up, this is gonna be easy for me!”



Zeke was recalling common knowledge about RPG games then when he saw the order section, he muttered it out.

“Please think of it as some kind of species or type.”

The staff heard his words, so he tried to clarify it.

“Oh..I see. Thank you. Now if you’d excuse me.”

Zeke got all he needed so he’d like to start his make a living path as soon as possible.

“Please do remember that you’re very low in Defense now. If your HP reached 0 it means you’ll die. Please be very careful and feel free to contact the support team anytime via the device!”

The staff gave Zeke a final warning while opening the gate for him.

“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll come back as a winner!”

Zeke past through the gate. What stood before him was sunny forest.

Everything was very clear. It was like Zeke had come to a new world. When he looked back the way he came from, he found that the gate has already closed.

“Alright, I’ll finish this quick!”

Brimming with determination, Zeke set out his new journey.


After walking for a while, Zeke came across a group of slimes.

Those slime were mixed with green and blue colors. They looked like walking mucus with sparkly big round eyes like anime characters or common slimes you’d see in RPG games. Inside their bodies were dark spots with a sphere shape. It seemed to be the core of the slime.

They seem to wander around. I wonder if there are water source nearby? This is a real-life game. I’ll need to find a water source for myself too!”


Zeke rushed to one of the slimes and slashed its core with the starter sword making its whole mucus body splashed to the ground in one hit.

[You have level up.]

A voice rang out from the device on Zeke’s left arm.


After reviewing the stats screen he found that he is now level 2, so he started swinging the sword around to kill the remaining slimes.


There were 10 slimes in the group and Zeke has already killed 9 of them. He thought that if he killed this last slime he might reach level 3, so before finishing the job he opened the screen to check if he received proper exp. or not.

“What the hell!!!?!?”


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