Cosmic Champion

Chapter 5: Episode 5 – Good vs. Evil

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Cosmic Champion

Episode 5 – Good vs. Evil


[Special Event: Defeat The Slime Queen!

 Rewards: A boss weapon and random stats boost

 Duration: 5 Hours 49 Minutes 21 Seconds.]

“Its attacks are strong but slow, If I concentrate well I could dodge it!”

[You have learnt a way to fight efficiently. Skills are in progress of awakening.]

The voice of the device rang out but Zeke ignored it.

“2 o'clock!”

Zeke was trying hard to dodge the Slime’s Queen attack as he tried to hit her with an oil pot received from Carl as well. When the Queen was in the right position, he shouted for Adria.

Whoosh  POP!

The Slime Queen was shot by burning arrow that has been shot through the wall of flames and got ignited by the oil from the pot.

The Queen growled as the fire burned. She stretched a part of her body out and enveloped the burning part to try putting out the fire.

Although she successfully putting out the fire, the part that got burned was damaged and Zeke could clearly see it from the screen.

“Good! If we keep going on like this we’ll win for sure!”

Zeke could see his victory not far away.


Suddenly, the Slime Queen stretched out a huge amount of mucus to the sky then sprayed water over the area.

The wall of flames slowly subsided and finally be extinguished.


The three of them exclaimed at the same time.

“Sh*t! I should’ve known! The slimes stay nearby water because their bodies are consisted of water!”

Zeke cursed himself for being ignorant.

“Although their mucus are flammable, they can still shoot out water from their bodies just like us humans!”

Adria’s face was filled with anxieties.

“No wait! Look at its stats!”

Carl saw the Slime Queen’s body got smaller so he thought something might change and opened up the stats screen.

“Its stats got lower?!”

Zeke was surprised that the Slime Queen’s stats were half from before.

“Die you vile woman!”

The Slime Queen changed her target to Adria.

“Your enemy is me. Forgot it already?”

Before the attack could land on Adria, Zeke quickly slashed her from behind.

“Let’s run! It’s still so much! I don’t think we’ll win….”

Adria yelped and quickly backed off from the area.

She was terrified and still in shock because she had experience death from the Slime Queen once. Normal humans would fear for their lives as this was not a game but a reality.


“You can die first then!”

In a split second Zeke got attacked by the Slime Queen.

[You received an attack. Your HP decreased to 56.]

“Its stats got lower because it spurted out some of its body….and now it moves faster?!?!”

Carl witnessed how fast the Queen was. He started to panic. He thought he won’t be able to survive with that kind of speed for sure, so he slowly took steps back.

“No! We can win this! Trust me!”

Zeke pushed himself up with his sword determinedly.

Why should we trust you? You are not even a captain!

Don’t you dare order us!

A past memory echoed inside Zeke’s head.


Zeke quickly calmed his mind then asked for a potion from Carl.

“There are only 2 left! Let’s retreat Zeke! We can come back later! F*ck the event for now!”

Carl was reluctant. Although he looked like a coward right now, he still cared about Zeke.

Boom! Boom! Swish!

[You received damage. Your HP decreased to 7.]

The Slime Queen launched attacks after attacks on Zeke. He managed to dodge some of them.

[You have awakened “Strong Heart and Lungs”]

[“Strong Heart and Lungs” increases your Stamina recovery]

“Please! I need your supports! Just throw it! You don’t have to fight with me!”

Zeke was still persistent even though he couldn’t stand up anymore.

“Die! You wicked!”

The Slime Queen prepared to attack again but suddenly.


An arrow struck the Slime Queen’s body making her pause.

“How could you say that? We are team, right?”

Adria shot an arrow from the outside range. Her fears evaporated. The system sound and Zeke’s bravery snapped her back.

Zeke was happy and smiled at her.


Carl threw the last 2 potions at Zeke. He grabbed it perfectly then quickly drank it.

[You consumed a potion. HP recovered by 50.]

[You consumed a potion. HP recovered by 50.]

“I believe in you!”

Carl said with hopeful looks while looking at Zeke’s eyes.

“And you are not a coward.”

Zeke responded with kindness.

“Come on, Slime Queen!”

Zeke stood up and concentrated his mind. He tried to recall a memory of the slime’s weakness.

The common slimes’ weakness is its core. Then the queen should have it too!


The Slime Queen rushed in without hesitation.


Zeke slashed the Slime Queen but dealt no damage because the difference in stats was too far.

“What is he doing? Physical attacks can’t hurt it!”

Adria shouted from afar while keep aiming at the Queen and ready to shoot anytime in case Zeke failed.

“Zeke! We still have some oil left! You can coat it and deal some damage to it!”

Carl too was confused with Zeke’s actions. He suggested out loud with worries.

“Not yet!”

Zeke replied as he avoided an attack.

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Fwip! Fwish! Splatter!

He slashed the Queen’s body again and again as he dodged her perfectly.

Adria and Carl were watching him in awe.

“There it is! The core that is not at the core huh?”

Zeke tried slashing her body again and again. When he slashed her torso he saw a small dark spot around her left chest.

That dark spot was almost as the same color as her body, making it hard to detect.

“Mr.Carl! Oil Please! I found it!”

Zeke shouted as he kept dodging attacks.

“Found what?”

Carl looked into the bag and grabbed an oil pot out and readied to throw at Zeke.

“Its core! Every slime has the core as its weakness! I’m sure if I can hit her core physically it might do something to her!”

The Slime Queen heard their conversations and became more aggressive. Zeke tried to dodge attacks but failed because it’s faster. Luckily Adria was fast enough to respond and helped Zeke in time.

“Adria! Light it please!”

After Carl threw a pot of oil to Zeke and he successfully caught it. Carl shouted at Adria to request a support while Zeke was busy with covering his weapon with oil.

“Got you!”

Adria drew a bow and tried to aim at Zeke’s sword.

“Let’s go!”

“Burning Arrow!”

After dodging some attacks Zeke sent a signal for Adria then she used a skill to ignite the sword.



At first the arrow was going to miss because the Queen kept attacking faster to block Zeke from igniting the sword, but he still managed to clash his sword with the arrow then the sword was burning brightly.

When The Slime Queen saw his sword got ignited, she moved mucus from her limbs to cover up her left chest.

“Abomination! Repent on what you’ve done to that human and go to hell!”

Zeke saw her actions and felt disgusted again. He recalled the moment he saw her mouth was covered in blood and became even more motivated.

[Through your sheer will and continuous efficiently concentration, you have awakened skills before a job change!]

[Because you acquired skills outside of your job, the effects and efficiencies will be adjusted. Once you changed your job it will no longer take an effect.]

[You have awakened “One Mind One Cut”!]

[You have learnt “Lightning Sting”!]

“It is you who is wicked!”

The Slime Queen used her small legs as a spring and then flung herself toward Zeke.


Lightnings flowed out of Zeke’s hand while he’s holding his sword up with two hands and pointed toward her, ready to stab.

Lightning Sting!

The moment the Slime Queen came closer within his sword range, Zeke used Lightning Sting toward her left chest.

[With your keen eyes, you attacked enemy at the perfect spot! The passive skill “One Mind One Cut” activated!]

The Sword pierced through the thick layers of the Slime Queen’s left chest to her back.


Adria and Carl saw what happened and cheered joyfully.

Zeke panted because he used so much stamina to cast Lightning Sting and from a long fight.



Zeke got kicked away by the Slime Queen. Both of them flew away pretty far.

[You got kicked by the Slime Queen. The attack was weaker than normal.]

[Your HP decreased to 87.]

“How? The core is destroyed. How could she still move!”

Zeke got up and was surprised.



A loud heartbreaking and sorrowful cry pierced through every one on the surrounding.

The Slime Queen held the little slime Zeke used as a bait in her chest. The little slime’s body was dripping as if water oozing out of a crack on the pipe.

The little slime, who was protected inside the body of the Queen, had seen everything from the beginning. He knew that if the Queen got pierced with that burning sword, she would die for sure.

So, as his body made of the same thing as her, he pushed the Queen’s core away at the moment the Lightning Sting was about to hit.

Unfortunately, the Sting pierced through his instead.





Notifications kept resonating from Zeke’s device as he confused what happened but it seemed to not loud enough for Carl and Adria to hear.

“What are you doing Zeke? Let’s finish it and earn our rewards!”

Adria came along with Carl to Zeke’s side joyfully.

[Special Event: Defeat the Slime Queen complete!]


The three of surprised when the screen popped up from the device.

[The Slime Queen is heartbroken. She no longer has a will to fight.]

[You have defeated the Slime Queen! Congratulations!]


Carl and Adria shouted happily. They didn’t expect to actually win.

“It’s too early to celebrate. That thing is still alive. It might hunt other humans for foods again.”

Zeke recovered from tiredness and saw the Slime Queen not moving. He was afraid that the same fate might fall upon other people if he spared her.

“You’re right. Let’s get the work done and celebrate tonight!”

Carl and Adria agreed then got on their guards while Zeke picked up the sword and slowly waked toward the Slime Queen to finish her off.




A mysterious man landed nearby the Slime Queen and tried to take the little slime from her chest.

“Give him to me. We still have a chance”

He persuaded when the Slime Queen threatened him and pushed his hands away. When she heard that she still has a chance he let the slime go but kept looking at him without blinking.

“Hey dude. You’re very brave. Drink this. Slowly Slowly…”

The man poured something similar to potion but in blue color into the lower part of the slime while he scraping the ground with his foot creating a long line parting the area between the trio and the Slime Queen.

“Yes. What a miracle. Thank gods….”

The little slime’s body stop oozing mucus. The man felt relieved and the staring Slime Queen was washed off of sadness.

“Hold him for me. Have some shit to deal.”

The man handed the little slime to the Slime Queen then he stood up and turned around to the trio pointing his sword at them.

“Who dares cross this line……shall face consequences!”

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