Cosmic Realm Wars – A lone girl’s Technology

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 – Call to Arms

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Terra Stars immediately delved her focus into the realm space. Now having decided to participate in the Polaris Tourney in half a month. She wouldn’t take things as lightly as before. She planned to have Kai prepare well.

Inside the palace of Babylon. A specialized extraordinary laboratory.

It was late at night, but inside the laboratory was wide awake. Kai and several experts had been working all night to continue to conduct practical tests with vibranium. Even as tiredness crept on his face, Kai was still full of excitement and longing. The longing for a new field, a new direction of development drove him onwards.

The air patted him on the back, the old king’s body shook. He quickly went to another room and exclaimed, “Teacher!”

“How is the experiments with vibranium going?” Terra asked.

She wrote it off as a weakened version of vibranium. The practical applications were unknown with only its limited similarities to the fantastical indestructible material.

Kai filled her in, “We conducted various experiments, this metal has unimaginable properties!”

“Teacher, I will have the soldiers demonstrate, see here.” He said before ordering some soldiers to take weapons made of vibranium and conduct field measurements.

First Kai introduced an arrow made by vibranium. The golden metal looked impressive on the advanced arrows of Babylon. Then he brought out another arrow, this one was dark gold color with a dull orange shade to it.

Kai introduced it, “This arrow is an allow made of vibranium and other metals. Compared to pure vibranium, some of its characteristics became stronger.”

He explained the previous experiments of alloying they did, stating alloying was like tempering for vibranium. Kai said mixing it with other metals had no losses. Kai’s tone became quick and excited. His body almost fluttering into the air. The aging king would put down his royal demeanor, in front of his respected teacher.

“After extensive testing, we found the best ratio for improving the properties vibranium has.”

“Well done. How much vibranium is there now?” Terra Stars complimented and asked. She was truly satisfied with Kai and his team’s progress in researching the previously unknown metal.

“As of the last excavation, the total is less than four hundred kilograms. Fortunately, it can be made into an allow, greatly reducing the amount of vibranium consumed. The current amount should be able to support a legion.” Kai answered.

He hesitated for a moment, the reluctantly said, “Just… vibranium has a fatal weakness…”

“What weakness?” Terra Stars asks.

“Teacher, see for yourself.” Kai ordered the soldiers to begin testing.

In the enclosed field, a fire started. A hundred meters away, a burly soldier held a bow and arrow. The arrowhead was the pure vibranium.

Kai introduced, “This kind of arrow made of vibranium is used by soldiers, and the speed is about 150 metres per second.”

“It can also absorb the kinetic energy of all momentum. But the increased potential energy within it will not increase as much as from human shouts.” He finished explaining. He signaled the soldier to shoot.

The soldier shouted then drew the bow. He released the string and the arrow shot through the air. In less than a second it made contact the fire a hundred metres away. A surprising scene occurred. The roaring fire suddenly extinguished.

“The alloy absorbs energy such as kinetic and thermal energy from objects once used.” Kai had grown accustomed to this scene.

He calmly continued, “It’s just… look at it now…”

Terra Stars looked closely at where the fire was. On the burnt ground, the arrow’s body has been burnt completely, but the arrowhead remains. It’s color changing from the off gold to coal black.

“After absorbing heat, vibranium will become like this. It will become useless.” Kai uttered with some regret. He had someone collect the arrow and deliver it to storage for future study.

“In the world, there are no perfect objects.” Terra Stars didn’t mind. She found it was acceptable after considering the properties.

“This material may have miraculous effects against super-humans. Perhaps…” Terra begun to ponder.


Babylon’s army, just the regular army had reached 50,000. If the reserves were counted the estimate was as many as 100,000. The population of Babylon Kingdom was only over one million. Meaning such a huge army was a substantial economic pressure on Babylon’s government. Even when the regular army pioneer the ever-expanding continent Babylon slowly covered with human civilization.

In recent years, the presence of alien worlds had faded to the back of people’s minds. Only a few vital people were taught exact details as they knew it. Kai and a few people from the extraordinary research laboratory, along with the Great Discovery Army knew the full details clearly.

Before the world knew it, the Great Discovery Army expanded to 30,000. With 10,000 cavalry. The expenses of 10,000 cavalry in one year, was almost equal to 100,000 infantry.

Watching the training of the elite army, the scene from the martial arts realm rose in her mind. Although the Great Discover Army was extremely brave, in the face of martial artist they couldn’t help but feel timid as the battle continued.

“They need actual combat experience. This kind of training is only so useful. Hunting the beasts of this ordinary realm is useless.” Terra Stars thought to herself.

She relayed her thoughts to Kai immediately.

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“Teacher is preparing to… open another passage to another planet again?!” Kai’s eyes widened, hope filled his eyes.

“The army of Babylon will face great super-humans in the future. They will face the best of many types of super-humans.”

Terra Stars displayed a message, then continued below it, “Between super-humans, there are huge differences. The martial artists you saw last time are the most common of them all. You may encounter other unique supernatural species. You must be better prepared.” Terra Stars left a reminder and warning.

Reading the warning, Kai recalled last time. Although the Great Discovery Army won in the end. The performance of each soldier was not very good. Many soldier were too scared to act properly. Some soldiers even developed a phobia of martial artists.

“You are right Teacher. The soldiers of the Babylon Kingdom did not perform well when facing super-humans.” Kai nodded with a serious face.

“They need more practical experience. Teacher, please help!” Kai deeply bowed.

“You need not ask.”

Terra Stars controlled water and wrote, “This is my business. Get ready, in ten days there will be a new passage in the same place.”

The realm connection would appear in the same location every time. The passage of Gaia was located near the Great Development City, in mountain range. Now, the mountains had been made a quarantine zone. No outsiders allowed. Near the channel point there was heavily armed guards. The general training grounds of the Great Discovery army was just a short distance away.

“Thank you Teacher.” Kai said respectfully.

If he were asked before, he would still be anxious about how to deal with the extraordinary. But after getting vibranium, the anxiety had been reduced. Vibranium let him see hope in being able to defeat the extraordinary.

Terra Stars left the realm space and then her house. Traveling to the Society of Realms. She planned to pick a few low-level civilization realm.

Arriving at the first floor, she went to the same counter. In place, the same young receptionist was there. Seeing Terra Stars, the receptionist’s eyes lit up and her smile widened.

“Hello, Miss Terra, how can I help you today?” She asked.

“I want to train my realm’s warriors. Which realms are suitable?” Terra Stars asked.

“Realms for training?” The receptionist tilted her head slightly in thought.

She begun working and a panel was pulled out, she showed it to Terra and said, “If it is mainly for training, then I suggest relatively weak realms.”

Terra read the panel. A long list of low-level energy realms was listed. As she read her expression turned progressively tighter.

The top slime realm was not bad. But below it, there was a civilization of starfish, sponges, and small rodents.

Seeing Terra’s gaze freeze on the second option, the receptionist explained, “There is a kind of intelligent creature called SpongePants living in this realm. It is a deep-sea creature and has low combat power, so it is very suitable for training in water warfare.”

“Ah.. yes.” Terra Stars weakly replied, unable to bring herself to think about that realm anymore.

She continued to read the list carefully. Coming to a decision. Her choices were simple. Of low-level civilization realms, Martial Artist Realms are the most. It is the favourite of students who have low-level energy realms. The system for martial arts realms is very mature and heavily developed. To students, it is relatively simple to build and manage.

So, her possible options were few in the end. Terra Stars chose three realms. A martial artist realm, the slime realm, and a beast realm. All different types of realms. She intended to let the Great Discovery Army enter a realm for training once a month Gaia Time.

The first will be the martial arts realm, then the vastly different but still weak slime realm. Finally, the beast realm. The beast realm was ruled by the ferocious beast, Blood Wolves. Similar to Blood Hounds of Earth, they were specialized for hunting mobile creatures. Unlike blood hounds, blood wolves were usually far more powerful and ferocious with close bloodline connection to Blood striped Wolves of high-level beast civilization.

As a distant relative, the blood wolves were significantly weaker than Blood Striped Wolves. But when compared to martial artists their combat power was stronger. Their wisdom was relatively lower though.

Terra Stars Planned to let the Great Discovery Army train in all three realm for now. She could select others if there was time. She books the realms, for a casual, walk in anytime appointment she paid the toll using some of her savings along with all she made from plundering last time.

Terra Stars glanced at the receptionist and curiously asked, “Do you know… are there any Jurassic Park realms among the many realms?”

“Jurassic Park Realms?” The receptionist was slightly taken aback at the unrecognizable realm name.

She frowned as she thought seriously about it.

After thinking for a long time, she shook her head and said, “It seems… I have never heard of such a realm. Where did Miss Terra hear it?”

“Overhearing things, I probably just heard it wrong.” Terra cringed at her excuse. She sighed in her heart.

Dinosaurs were not a thing anywhere in this world it seemed.

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