Cosmic Realm Wars – A lone girl’s Technology

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Have you Considered Earth?

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In her mind, a panel appeared.

Realm name: none

Realm Level: 0

Realm diameter: 0.81 kilometres.

Realm Species: 0

Analysis Result: Lifeless, planet-like Realm made of rock. No chance of new information.

After everyone awakened the realm successfully, they had a realm data panel. The difference to normal was Terra Stars had an extra detail, “Analysis Result”. Obviously an addition of the Analysis System.

Terra Star carefully asked, “System, what do you do?”

The system did not answer for several moments before a new sound filled her mind. “System is accessing all data available, please wait.”

Elevator music played in its place. Time slowly ticked, each moment felt like minutes. Terra Stars begun to worry but felt the flow of Origin Energy had frozen for a moment. With a click and beep the music disappeared.

[Have you considered Earth?] over top of the Realm Data panel a new one formed with matching text that asked a question.

Earth? Terra Stars recalled her old world, the one she had no desire to return to. She had already committed to this world full of magical things and ever flowing unique news. Earth didn’t have the complex arrays that provided great comfort and convenience through magic, it didn’t have anything extraordinary at all.

“What about Earth matters here?” Terra Stars asked the system. The reply came in the form of another data panel.

[Life only needed light energy and a suitable planet to grow. The standard process uses extraordinary energy to jump start the realm’s vitality for the birth of life. This is a controlled method but requires constant control.]

Terra Stars read it and realized, setting up a realm to give birth to life on its own was a precise method, but it would be one and done once it got started if nothing interrupted it. She recalled the traits of a realm she learnt from her body’s memories in the months since she arrived here.

Extraordinary Energy supported the Realm’s vitality, the Realm’s vitality gave birth to extraordinary life. A similar system for ordinary energy too. The key was the Realm’s vitality provided the owner with Realm Energy that was used to expand the realm and give birth to new matter or energy.

Yes, to replicate Earth’s process of giving birth to life used ordinary light energy and would only allow ordinary life with limited potential. Normally this was a poor result when done in the same way as extraordinary energy and life. But there was a trace of excitement in Terra’s mind instead of plans to be weak.

Life born with the external interference of Origin Energy along with Extraordinary energies was quick. But it was still artificially created life, it formed an artificial ecosystem. Like moving life from Earth to Mars in her old world, the process had constant upkeep costs and management time to maintain survival. One mistake could collapse the ecosystem.

Letting life form naturally using the ordinary energy of the realm would be slow to begin but will maintain itself without any extra care from Terra Stars herself. One was an artificial and controlled ecosystem, the other was a natural and free ecosystem. Both with flaws and benefits of their own.

“Although the ordinary life has lower individual potential than that of extraordinary life, the civilization potential is a different case. The upkeep and energy cost of an extraordinary life is far higher than an ordinary life, especially if the ordinary life forms from the realm itself.” She muttered, in deep thought about them. Now awoken from her initial excitement of extraordinary things.

Although the individuals of ordinary life cannot develop extraordinary abilities and form what are called extraordinary civilizations from them, they could develop technology. Terra Stars could create a technological civilization. Beating extraordinary like original Earth man beating back beasts and predators. Science and technology could develop to incredible heights like her old world.

Modern weapons were not in any way inferior to many extraordinary civilizations. Weapons of mass destruction were even stronger than the common kinds too. With the right nudging, nurturing and extraordinary materials sci-fi could become her realm’s reality. The amazing height of future technology was clearly remembered by her.

For example, a drop of water could directly penetrate an entire star fleet. A space warper could turn the entire solar system into a piece of paper. The heights of technology and science was the god-level civilizations of sci-fi.

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When Sci-fi meets extraordinary, the possibilities would become endless. Thinking of this, Terra Stars decided in her heart. She had begun a new life, but she would use the seeds of civilization of her old life to change her own fate.

“System, can you analyze the needed conditions for natural life.” Terra Stars ordered.

The result of analysis was out, layers of panels appeared with various data and operations ordered from the system. Terra Stars grew excited as she gleamed them. She observed the state of the realm she had just awakened.

This dead rock floating in the nothingness was no different from most newly awakened realms. The surface was sand and rocks, temperature was absolute zero, there was no trace of water. A completely lifeless and dead planet if it were outside of the realm space. Following the analysis of the system, Terra Stars began to transform the Origin Energy in her body into different kinds of energy.

First was sunlight and temperature. Earth had this condition because of the sun. This little planet-like realm was alone in the realm space. Fortunately, there was origin energy in this world, it could be converted into all kinds of energy. Terra Stars directly converted some of her origin energy into light energy. That is, she created an artificial sun out of nothing air.

The volume, position, distance, age, etc. of the sun were set according to the system’s analysis. Within the empty realm space beyond the tiny planet realm an extra white object appears. Like a star, started from origin energy, the sun was born. Terra Stars finds the origin energy she gained from the pod she was in had been reduced by a quarter.

Considering the inside of the sun, she breathed a sigh of relief. Inside there was a nuclear fusion reaction that produced light keeping the origin energy cost to an extreme minimum, with it being an ordinary energy helped too. Otherwise, if it were an extraordinary energy it would be all spent long ago.

With light and temperature solved Terra Stars moved onto dealing with the next task. Atmosphere and liquid water. As the ruler of this small realm, she had the most authority. Realm Rulers were equivalent to the creator of a world within their realms. She could transform the realm at will as long as she had Origin Energy to form into any energy. Only, a newborn realm was like a newborn baby, very fragile and risk to realm collapse was high. The system’s instructions greatly reduced the danger to a null.

Creating the atmosphere was relatively simple with her powers, Terra Stars quickly set it up. Water was difficult, but with the help of origin energy she converted energy directly into hydrogen and oxygen. Synthesizing water step by step. The small planetary realm gradually became covered in water.

The entire realm’s surface slowly changes. The water forming an ocean that took majority of the land. The final details of the planetary realm, including gravity, magnetic field, crustal movement, and other features of Earth had been set and adjusted with the energy of the realm using origin energy. Creating a tiny copy of Earth held together by Origin Energy and Realm Energy.

Now just like the Earth in her previous life. The conditions of life were met, and the birth of life was a long process. According to the system, the realm’s environment was as perfect as it can be, but this was still worse than Earth. It would take about 100 million years. Time flow of the realm space and real world were the same.

It would take millions of years that Terra Stars did not have, even hundreds of lifetimes were not enough. Fortunately, Origin Energy could accelerate the time of the realm space. She didn’t hesitate and directly used almost all the remaining Origin Energy to accelerate time.

The flow creeped up quickly. 1 to 10, 1 to 100, 1 to 10,000, 1 to 100,000,000. Until it reached 1 to 100,000,000,000,000 acceleration. Terra Stars stopped at this rate, although in theory, infinite acceleration was possible. The Origin Energy cost was incredibly high, even for a realm with no life in it yet.

Not many people did this. A realm born by others was equivalent to an artificial ecosystem. Not to mention speeding up, not taking care of it for a day could lead to accidents. Enough accidents would collapse the ecosystem. A common story told to students was of one student who successfully birthed life, but there were several days without care. The result was all life was dead and the realm degenerated to a dead realm.

Terra Stars was glad she decided to go with natural life birth, she watched the accelerate realm progress. The entire planet underwent earth-shaking changes. During the sped-up time 100 million years passed in a few minutes. The sun shines continuously on the realm’s surface, temperature rising. The tectonic plates shifted with the extreme heat of the sun supporting it.

Above the sky, thunder and lightning formed, clouds cover the sky and heavy downpour pelted the land. The shape of the land changed constantly as the ocean’s temperature continued to rise, it remained unfrozen.

Various gases begun to form. These gases synthesized small organic molecules. Over time some of them begin to dehydrate. Progressively synthesized protein. Through thermal polymerization, small molecules formed organic macro-molecules. Such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, etc. The building blocks of life gathered.

These organic macro-molecules evolved towards primitive single cells. The improbably odds of all the building blocks matching in the right order and way was a near zero value. Even with the system’s help the process still took over 100 million years. Of course, at the time flow rate of one to one hundred trillion.

Less than 15 minutes had passed outside since the start of Terra Stars’ awakening. Finally, in a high temperature body of water. The first life of the realm was born…

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