Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Adventurer

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Chapter 12

this is a fictional story by realTensai

About a month has passed since I started training here in the cosmo forest and since I became an adventurer. Shortly after I decided to stay here to train, I found out about the Adventurer Organization.

The Adventurer Organization was an organization that managed all adventurers and had its headquarters near the cosmo forest. There were guilds of them all over the world, but the guild near the cosmo forest was the largest because there were the most missions in the cosmo forest.

Every adventurer first had to register with the Adventurer Organization to officially be considered an adventurer and to be able to accept missions. I became an adventurer because I knew that my training here would mostly consist of killing cosmo beasts and, as an adventurer, I would earn money for the same thing, but only as a quest.

Signing up to become an adventurer was quite simple. When I went to the guild near the cosmo forest to sign up, they first explained the rules and how everything worked. They explained how quests work and what ranks there are.

Adventurers and quests were ranked E, D, C, B, A, and S, where E was the worst and S was the best. For quests, it reflected the difficulty level. The higher the rank, the more difficult the quest, but the reward was also much higher. One could only take quests from the same rank or one higher or lower than that of oneself. That meant if you had C-rank, you could only accept D, C, or B- rank quests. Though you could also improve your rank and move up if you had successfully completed enough quests.

When they finished explaining all this and more to me, they measured my cosmo energy. They did this to see if I had the minimum cosmo energy of 100. Since for becoming an adventurer, you had to have at least a “cosmo energy level” of 100. My cosmo energy level at that time was 230, but that has risen significantly in this one month.

Normally, as a new adventurer, you started at E-rank, however, if your cosmo energy level was high enough, it was possible to request a higher rank. My cosmo energy level was high enough to claim D rank. To get the rank, you had to complete a mission with the rank. This I did successfully and was immediately D-rank. Currently, I have already moved up to C-rank.

As an adventurer, I only took solo quests and also earned some money. I continued to live in the hut of the scientist and read books here in my spare time. A few times I went to the town outside of the cosmo forest to do some shopping. The town was immediately adjacent to the cosmo forest and the Adventure Guild was also located there. It was a more old-fashioned town that felt very much like the Middle Ages.

There were a lot of adventurers living in the town, so most of the shops sold things that adventurers could use. The currency used in this country was coins. There were copper, silver, and gold coins. With time, I found out that a copper coin was worth about as much as a euro. And a hundred copper coins were worth as much as one silver coin.

First, I bought myself new clothes because the rags I wore until then were no longer sufficient. New shoes, a new pair of white pants, a blue T-shirt, and a loose white coat became my new outfit. I also no longer wore my glasses, because they broke during a quest and since I had cosmo energy, I could see well enough, anyway.

The other reason I went to town was that I wanted to sell some of the equipment from the scientist. The scientist owned many weapons and gadgets, but because I did not need most of them and the scientist was dead, I sold them. This also brought me a small fortune. As far as the financial aspect was concerned, I was well provided for.

Now we come to the result of my one-month training. In this month I learned to control my cosmo energy much better and to use it more efficiently. For spells I used to use a lot of cosmo energy unnecessarily, I now used less. In addition, I learned many new attacks and my control over water and ice had reached a new level.

My primary focus in this month was to fully develop my water and ice skills since I knew the most about these elements. And it paid off. Now, for creating water, I hardly needed a second and turning it into ice was not difficult either. I could now also create ice directly. My water pistol became unnecessary since I could fire a water ball fast enough without it.

My physical abilities had also improved a lot. I learned that the more cosmo energy I had inside of me, the more I could strengthen my body. I trained my body every day because it was the vessel of this cosmo energy and I could only take in as much cosmo energy as my body could withstand.

My current cosmo energy level was 340, only so much I could take in. When I tried to take in more, I lost control and my body almost destroyed itself. But that I could improve my cosmo energy level by 110 in just one month was amazing. Since I theoretically had no upper limit, this made me very optimistic about the future.

I could not yet absorb cosmo energy directly from the environment, so I still had to absorb it by eating cosmo beasts. This was relatively inconvenient since I always had to kill the cosmo beasts first, and one beast alone did not have enough cosmo energy to satisfy my need. And as I could absorb more and more cosmo energy, it became more and more difficult for me to replenish my cosmo energy. It was clear to me that this method would not work in the long run.

Although I could also absorb cosmo energy from the container in the laboratory of the scientist, however, I had made too unpleasant experiences with it to try that. I much rather use the method with the cosmo beasts. But something was sure, sooner or later I had to learn to absorb cosmo energy directly from the environment.

I had already searched the scientist’s records, hoping to find out how he managed to collect cosmo energy from the environment and I even found it. But in the book, he explained the procedure in such a complicated way that I did not understand anything.

However, there was another method to get cosmo energy, namely through cosmo crystals. Cosmo crystals were rare in nature and were very valuable. They were pure cosmo energy in the form of crystals. When I completed my first B-Rank quest, the prize was a cosmo crystal.

Cosmo crystals functioned like a booster for normal people. When they absorbed the cosmo energy, it would react with their own cosmo energy and boost it that way. They could use their cosmo energy much more effectively, and it helped one to reach one’s full potential.

But they couldn’t use the cosmo energy of a cosmo crystal as their own. This meant that they cannot simply replenish their cosmo energy if it is depleted. Normal people could only use their own cosmo energy. However, since I did not have my own cosmo energy, I could use cosmo crystals to replenish my cosmo energy.

With one, I could fill up my cosmo energy three times by simply absorbing the cosmo energy out of the crystal. Never before had I been able to get so much cosmo energy so easily. If these cosmo crystals were not so damn expensive and rare, I would only get my cosmo energy from them.

So much for last month, now for the here and now. At the moment, I was on my way back to the guild after completing a B-rank quest. In this quest, I had to get an egg of the powerful B-Rang cosmo beast “griffin”. I knew griffins only from mythologies from my world, but in this world, they really existed.

To find their nest, I had to hike deep into the cosmo forest. I was several days on the way to finally arriving in their habitat. When I finally found a nest, as expected, there was a parent there guarding the eggs. To fulfill my mission, I had to kill it.

Killing a griffin turned out to be more difficult than expected. With their wings, they were incredibly fast. The power of their claws alone was strong enough to pull out entire trees. They could create dangerous gusts of wind with a flap of their wings, leaving craters in the ground. The griffin was without a doubt the strongest cosmo beast I had ever met.

It was a long and hard fight in which I received fatal wounds more than once. However, my regeneration abilities and my large amount of cosmo energy made the difference.

In the end, I managed to kill the griffin and take its egg with me. When the battle was over, I had no cosmo energy left, but after eating the griffin’s flesh, I replenished my cosmo energy. The griffin had enough cosmo energy to satisfy my needs, which once again showed what a powerful beast it was.

With the egg with me, I had been on my way back for a few days, but soon I should be there. After a few hours, I arrived at the guild. From the outside, the guild looked like a town hall, but as soon as you enter it, you were greeted by the loud noise. In the guild, there always were many adventurers and there was always something going on. Without stopping, I immediately went to the reception.

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“I have completed my B-rank quest.”

“Hello Damion how nice that you are back,” Lisa greeted me with a smile.

With her beautiful face and her large bust size, she was very popular with the men, however; she did not trigger any feelings in me.

“The order was to get the egg of a griffin, which I have done,”

I took the egg out of my jacket pocket and put it on the table.

She looked closely at the egg and nodded her head.

Then she took it and disappeared into the camp. After some time, she came back with a sack in her hand.

“The reward of this mission was 20 silver coins,” she said, and handed me the money. “Good work, goodbye,” she bid me farewell with a smile.

I just waved my hand and left. Exhausted, I wanted to go back to the hut, but someone stopped me.

“Hey, wait. You’re the one who advanced to C-rank within a month, although only accepting solo quests? I’ve been waiting for you.”

Apparently, there are already rumors about me.

I turned around to the man, “Yes, I am. What do you want from me?”

The man spoke with a smile on his face, “I am Alek Olbran, the leader of the B rank party Dawn.”

I took a closer look at the man. The man, who looked to be in his late twenties, had blond hair and blue eyes. With his light silver armor, the sword on his hip, and his charismatic smile, he looked like the prince of a fairy tale. I had seen him many times here with his party, so he was not too strange to me, yet I wondered what he wanted from me. It was as if he had read my thoughts because he continued.

“You’re probably wondering what I want from you, so I’ll tell you right now. Join our party for a dungeon quest.”

What? He wants me to help his party with a dungeon quest?

“Recently, my party and I discovered a new dungeon and thus have the privilege of exploring it. I’ve had my eye on you for a long time and I know how capable you are, so I wanted to ask you to assist our party as a mage on this quest.”

“Why should I?” I asked coldly.

“This is the last mission I’m doing with my party before I retire once and for all and concentrate only on my family. In a short time, my child will be born, so I’m going to stop being an adventurer. I wanted to make the last quest as safe as possible. You would be a great help.”

“Is that all? If so, I decline.”

The old Damion would have said yes, but I’m not the old Damion anymore. I didn’t have time to protect strange men so they could get home safely. I had a child of my coming too and a wife waiting for me.

“Of course, that’s not all. As you are surely already aware, the treasures of a dungeon are magnificent. My party and I actually went into the dungeon a little and discovered some cosmo crystals. I assume that you know how valuable a cosmo crystal is. Although we did not go deep into the dungeon, we already found cosmo crystals. What kind of treasures are still hidden in this dungeon? If you help us, you’ll get your fair share, of course. And so that you really believe me, here, take this.”

He put something in my hand and I immediately knew what it was. It was a cosmo crystal.

“I’ll give it to you, but there are many more in the dungeon. Are you in?”

I just grinned. He convinced me. At the moment, there was nothing I wanted more than those crystals. I won‘t let this chance pass!

“I’m in!”

Alek just smiled with relief and spoke, “Good! My party and I will be waiting for you tomorrow morning at dawn in front of the guild. Prepare yourself, dungeons are not to be underestimated. It’s only a C-rank dungeon, but dungeons are unpredictable!”


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