Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Dungeon mission

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Chapter 13

this is a fictional story by realTensai

Dungeons. Dungeons are unusual places that contain many treasures and mysteries. Each dungeon is different, but none is to be underestimated. A dungeon is inhabited by a wide variety of cosmo beasts, but the most dangerous one waits at the end of the dungeon. To conquer the dungeon and discover all of its treasures, you have to fight your way to the last level to finally face the boss of the dungeon. If you can defeat it, you have conquered the dungeon.

It was the daybreak of the next day, and I was on my way to the guild. I had not prepared myself specifically for this dungeon quest, since I didn’t know what kind of dungeon it was, anyway. The only thing that could be considered a special preparation was that I brought the cosmo crystal that Alek had given me yesterday, in case my cosmo energy runs out. Otherwise, I was not equipped differently than on normal missions. When I arrived at the guild, I saw Alek and his party already waiting. They noticed me too, and Alek was the first to greet me.

“Hey, glad you came. That means we are finally complete. But before we go, we should all introduce ourselves,” he said before continuing himself, “I’ll just introduce myself again. I am Alek Olbran, B-Rank with a cosmo energy level of 400, specialized in sword fighting and fire skills.”

As the leader of a B-rank party, it was actually clear, but he was strong! His cosmo energy level of 400 was truly amazing.

“I’ll continue. My name is Wintern Ster, C-rank with a cosmo energy level of 300, specializing in defense combined with earth abilities.”

Wintern was a huge, broad man with a beard who wore massive armor. Beside the dangerous-looking man lay a black shield that was at least two meters tall. I knew that it could only belong to this giant. He was the tank of the party.

Next, a woman introduced herself. “My name is Tris Wellborn. My cosmo energy level is 360 and recently I have advanced to B rank. I am the healer of this group. Nice to meet you.”

The woman, who looked to be in her young twenties, had long black hair and blue eyes. With her dark blue robe, her blue mage’s hat, and her long magic wand, it was clear that she was a mage. But the robe did little to hide her well-shaped body.

“Hey, that’s my girlfriend, so don’t even think about hitting on her!”

I looked at the man who had just yelled at me before I coldly replied, “I wasn’t going to.”

“Better! And while I’m talking, I might as well introduce myself right now. I’m Jake Storm, B-rank with a cosmo energy level of 210, but don’t be fooled by this low cosmo energy level, because I am still the strongest here! That’s because of my powerful cosmo weapon! With it, I can create lightning and ...-“

Before he could talk further, his girlfriend hit him on the head and told him to behave. They then discussed, though it seemed Jake had lost in the end. The temperamental lancer was barely older than his mage friend. With his spiky red hair and muscular, yet defined physique, he already looked like a daredevil. Since he wore nothing under his black vest, his scarred muscles were all the more visible.

“I’m Nik Lu, C-rank. Cosmo energy level 150, specialized in dagger fighting and fast killing.”

Only now did I notice him. It was a teenager who was not older than 15. With his black cloak and small physique, he was very inconspicuous and looked like an assassin. His white hair was very untypical, but the large scar on his face was what worried me. What kind of life he must have led until here to get such a scar?

“That would be everyone from the Dawn party. But for this quest, someone else is coming along,” Alek spoke. Does he mean me? No, there was someone who had not yet introduced herself. And her appearance brought back terrible memories.

“My name is Jane, just Jane. I’m a cosmo scientist and I’m coming with you today. I may be a cosmo scientist, but still a C-rank adventurer, so I won’t be a burden to you.” The cosmo scientist had short blond hair and looked relatively young, around twenty. She wore a white coat, but underneath she wore the clothes of a fighter. On her thighs were small pockets in which she most likely stored her chemicals or something. At her hip was a sword that had a white crystal on its handle.

For a cosmo scientist, she seemed very much like a warrior. It was very difficult for me to hide my hostility towards her. I didn’t like the idea of going on a quest together with a cosmo scientist, however; it was too late to stop now. Besides, I needed the cosmo crystals, so I suppressed my feelings.

“I can also introduce myself. I’m Damion Brooks, C-Rank with a cosmo energy level of 340. Water and ice magic is what I am specialized in.”

They all just nodded and didn’t comment further. Now that everyone had now introduced themselves, we were ready to go. On the way to the dungeon, the party members talked among themselves, and sometimes they tried to start conversations with me. During the journey, I learned a lot about the dynamics of the party. Apparently, they had been together as a party for a long time, but now that Alek was quitting, they would disband.

They had already come to terms with it now, but Nik was not quite ready for it. As I found out, his parents died in the war and he had to make ends meet since then as an orphan. At the age of 12, he became an adventurer and fought his way through life. At some point, he met the party Dawn, which then took him in because they thought it was wrong that a child was an adventurer all by himself. Since then, he was part of the party. Since this party would dissolve now, he did not know what to do.

Some time passed, and we finally arrived. The dungeon looked like a gigantic cave, but I could already feel the cosmo energy radiating from it. It was a strange feeling because I could feel how powerful this place was. Without wasting time, we entered.

The formation was as follows: Alek, Jake, and Nik were in the front row since they were all attackers. In the middle were Tris, Jane, and I with Tris in the center. As she was our healer, she had to be the safest. In the back was Wintern, who was making sure we didn’t get attacked from behind.

As we entered the dungeon, it was immediately noticeable how the temperature dropped. It must have been minus degrees in here. Quickly, but still cautious, we walked down a narrow path that led down. Around us were only stones and until now there were no cosmo beasts in sight.

“Watch out, we’re about to reach the first level of the dungeon. From there cosmo beasts will attack us, so get ready!” spoke the leader of the party in an authoritative voice. When we arrived at the first level, I could only be amazed. It was an underground cave with an icy floor. Above us hung beautiful icicles and next to us were white rocks. On closer inspection, I realized that some of them were cosmo crystals.

“Last time, we only got as far as here, but we did pick up a few cosmo crystals. Let’s first explore the entire dungeon and then collect the cosmo crystals,” Alek ordered.

We continued through the icy cave, but I was beginning to wonder where the cosmo beasts were. Normally you would be attacked by cosmo beasts from the first level. An uneasy feeling spread through me as I looked around for beasts. Suddenly I heard rustling. Something was here!

“Careful, I heard something!” I shouted, which made us all stop.

Everyone was ready to fight immediately if something came. Sweat drops formed on my forehead, while the hissing and rustling came closer and closer. And suddenly they appeared. A horde of white snakes.

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“They are white snakes! They are not strong, but many, besides, a bite from them is poisonous, so watch out!” shouted Alek as he drew his sword and engulfed it in flames.

Imitating him, everyone drew their weapons and started killing the snakes attacking us. I created several small water bullets and shot them one after at the snakes coming from each side. My primary goal was to protect Tris, since she was our healer, but she did not know any attack spells. The others were also doing well. Alek, Nik, and Jake killed the attacking snakes without any problems. Wintern killed them with his shield. To my surprise, our scientist had no problems either, since she simply killed the snakes with her sword.

We had been fighting for a long time now, but the snakes didn’t seem to decrease. At the moment, I had even created an ice sword so that I would not always have to create water bullets.

“They just aren’t getting any less!” complained Jake.

“Watch out, I’m going to fire a big fire spell now to destroy the snakes once and for all. Then before any new ones come, we’ll quickly move on to the next level,” said Alek before then closing his eyes and concentrating. “O mighty flames of the cosmo hear my will. Give me your power and let my enemies turn to ashes. FIREBATH!”

When Alek was finished with his spell, mighty flames appeared, completely burning all the surrounding snakes. Without wasting time, we quickly made our way to the next level, but then I heard a scream.

“AAHHH!” screamed Tris.

When I turned to her, I saw her being bitten by a snake that had survived. Damn! I quickly killed the snake and took Tris, who was lying on the ground. The poison started spreading, which meant that she could no longer move.

“Tris!” was all Jake shouted and ran over to her.

“Jake, take Tris with you. We need to get off this level first before we can do anything about the poison,” Alek ordered hastily.

Jake obeyed and carried Tris to the exit of the first level. The exit of this level was the entrance to a tunnel that was a path. When we arrived, Wintern created a wall of earth that would prevent the beasts of the first level from following us.

“Hey Tris, hang in there. You can’t die on me here. I was going to propose to you after we got out of here. That means you absolutely cannot die, do you understand?!” desperately he spoke to Tris, but she had long since fainted.

“Doesn’t anyone know what to do about this poison?” asked Jake with tears in his eyes.

Since only Tris was a healer, I didn’t think anyone could help her. Apparently, she could not heal herself from the poison. Does this mean that she will die now? Will we lose our healer just after the first level?

“To the side. I have something that might help her.” The person who spoke was the blond scientist Jane. She pulled a liquid from her side pockets and inserted it into Tris’s mouth. After a few minutes, Tris could move again.

“Thank you! You saved her life,” Jake thanked her while hugging his girlfriend.

We waited until Tris was fully functional again before moving on to the next level. At the end of the tunnel, an icy landscape awaited us. However, this one was a snowfield. The snowfield was about as large as a soccer field and, at the end, you could even see the entrance to the next level, but there was a problem. This level was full of cosmo beasts that could only be yetis.

“They are yetis! They are C-rank cosmo beasts, so be on your guard. To advance to the next level, we have to fight our way through. It won’t be easy, so get ready!” Alek ordered.

All of us got ready to fight, while the first yetis were already rushing towards us. There were at least 30 yetis here, all of them aimed at us. One after the other, they wildly stormed toward us. Our formation now became circular, with Tris in the middle, so that we were protected from all sides.

The humanoid white beasts came from everywhere and to kill one, I created powerful ice spears that came out of the ground. If a yeti approached me, I stabbed him immediately. The spell required a lot of concentration and control because I always had to watch out for when and where a yeti would attack so that I could spear it perfectly.

The others seemed to be getting out of breath, but they were not yet badly hurt. Some had already suffered a few injuries, but Tris healed them immediately. She did her job well. Jake was the only one who enjoyed the whole situation from the heart. Like a wild one, he killed the yetis with his lightning lance.

One thing was obvious: he was really strong. The lightning he could create with his lance killed the yetis with one blow, and his handling of the lance showed that he had years of training behind him.

Nik also surprised me. Although he was so young and his cosmo energy level was only 150, he was able to defeat the yetis. He was incredibly fast and aimed only at vital places. He really seemed like an assassin.

The corpses of the yetis became more and more and slowly an end was in sight. Nobody had suffered serious injuries. If it goes on like this, we can soon advance to the next level. Jake had killed the next yeti with a lightning bolt when there were only five left. Well, only five more, and then we’re done.

But I was too hasty.

The yeti we thought was dead stood up again and attacked the surprised Jake.

“WATCH OUT HE IS NOT DEAD YET!” I shouted desperately, but it was already too late. The yeti jumped on Jake and bit him in the neck. Nik, who was standing next to him, killed the yeti immediately, but what I saw then made me almost vomit. Jake’s neck was cut in half sideways and his head staggered down to the side. He fell to the ground and was dead.


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