Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: A leader’s responsibility

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Chapter 15

this is a fictional story by realTensai



I did not want it to be true. It just couldn’t be true. However, it was already too late. Tris was dead. As the leader, I had to play the strong one all the time. I could not show any weakness. But I could not stand it anymore. I broke down. After seeing this ice dragon, the last spark of hope to survive today extinguished.

I will die!

Just like Jake, Wintern, and Tris, I would die in this C-rank dungeon. It was the biggest mistake to evaluate this new dungeon as a C-rank. That was the only reason we even accepted it as our last quest in the first place. But this was not a fucking C-rank dungeon! The boss was an ice dragon!

Ah, that’s right, this was supposed to be our last mission together as party dawn. After that, I was going to retire. But my child would now have to grow up without a father. Just thinking about that, my chest got tight. I did everything to suppress my tears. It was hard. I could never see my wife again, nor my child. I would die on my last mission without even bidding them farewell. What a terrible man I am.

If we had gotten out of that dungeon, Jake would have proposed to Tris, and they could have forever been happy together. But they were both dead now. My best friend Wintern, whom I had known since my childhood, was now also dead. He was like a big brother to me, who always kept an eye on me, but now he was dead. He even died while he was trying to protect us.

Fortunately, at least Nik was still alive. I did not know how I would feel if my entire party had died. No, no way I could let this happen. Nik has his entire future ahead of him, he’s only 14. He spent his whole life in mourning. I would never forgive myself if he died here.

I noticed Jane shouting something at me, but I couldn’t really understand it. At the moment, I could perceive nothing. The only thing I felt was all the pent-up pain that was exploding inside me at the moment.

But suddenly I saw how the ice dragon again fired an ice ray in our direction. The whole time I was lost in thought, so I didn’t notice it until it was too late. Even if I wanted to dodge, I would not make it. So this is the end for me?

I will die.

When I had already reckoned with my life, I felt someone pushing me away. I did not want it; I didn’t want to accept it, but the person who pushed me away was Nik. He pushed me out of the range of the attack and saved my life. But the price was too high, it hit him. In the matter of seconds, I lost him.

Nik was dead.

No. No. It could not be true. Nik’s frozen body was lying next to me. Please, not you too. It was over. All the emotions I tried to suppress came out all at once.

“Noooo Niikkk! I should have died, not you!”

I couldn’t take it anymore and burst into tears. Why Nik? Why are you doing this to me? You still had your whole life ahead of you. But now you were dead. And all because of me!

“Why? Why did everyone have to die?! Jake, Wintern, Tris, and Nik are all dead. All my friends died because of me!”

I screamed it all out. All the pain I felt I shared with the world. I couldn’t understand it. Why? Why am I the only one still alive? Why did they all leave me alone? Why?!

I was completely lost in my feelings, still I saw how Jane came up to me. She grabbed me by the collar and started speaking.

“Alek Olbran, all your friends are dead. However, if you miss them so much, how about I send you to them?!”

Suddenly, she drew her sword and held it to my throat. I felt a stabbing pain, and I began bleeding. She really wanted to kill me!

“I don’t care if you live or die, but what would your friends say if you meet them in the afterlife and they find out that you just wasted your life without a fight? Did Nik sacrifice himself so that you would die right after? If you want to die so badly, do it after you have avenged your fallen comrades!”

Her harsh words were like throwing cold water at me. It hurt, but she was right. I couldn’t just throw away my life, not after Nik had sacrificed his own for it. None of them would want me to just die here now. They are all dead, yet I am still alive. That I am alive is proof that their death was not in vain. As long as I live, they can rest in peace.

Even if just accepting my fate and fall into depression was the way easier choice, I could not do it. It was my responsibility as a leader. As the leader of the party Dawn, I had to move forward. Thus, all of my fallen comrades can be proud about once being with this party.

I will conquer this dungeon and avenge their deaths. All of you did not die in vain! I raised my sword and pointed it at the dragon before I made my announcement.

“I will kill you and thus avenge my friends!”

Now I had said it. These words served as an oath for me. The vow not to disappoint my friends. Come what may!




It seemed that Jane’s words woke Alek up again. Even for me, it was surprising to see this side of Jane. These cold, yet accurate words, not everyone could have said this in this situation. But now Alek was ready. We three were the last ones left. The three of us had to slay a dragon together!


It was as if the ice dragon was responding to Alek’s announcement, as he let out another tremendous scream. Now we’re getting serious.

“Damion, let’s fire powerful attacks at him and see what effect they have!” ordered Alek, who again assumed his role as the leader.

Without hesitation, I created several at least a meter tall icicles in the air. Alek created a huge fireball that reminded me of the one the fire wolves created. First, I started shooting my icicles at the dragon, and shortly after that Alek also shot his fireball at him. When the smoke disappeared, we saw what effect it had.

Absolutely nothing had changed. The ice dragon had not even a scratch.

They were not our strongest attacks, still; they were among our strongest. But they had absolutely no effect. Shit!

When I saw the ice dragon charging its ice beam again, I got ready to dodge. The destructive ice beam came flying straight at us and iced everything it hit, still we managed to escape. It was relatively fast and one hit would mean death, but we could dodge them. Since it also always took time to charge them up, we could prepare in advance.

“Watch out, he is shooting another one!“ was all Jane yelled.


Immediately, I tried to get away from the spot I was at the moment. The hit area of the attack was huge, so it was almost impossible to escape it unprepared. But thanks to Jane’s warning, I managed to save my life at the last second. A few centimeters next to me, everything was frozen. If I had reacted even a millisecond later, I would have been dead! Our attacks had no effect on him, and he could fire his ice beams several times in a row. Things are even worse for us than I had anticipated.

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“How the hell are we going to defeat this monster?” asked Alek desperately.

I had no idea how we were going to succeed, either.

“I have a plan,” Jane said.

“What, you have a plan for how to kill this monster?” I wondered.

“Yes, but there are several conditions,” she replied.

But before she could speak any further, the ice dragon had already finished preparing his ice ray. He shot it in our direction, but we got away again. I was waiting for the next beam, however; it did not come. Instead, it swung once with its mighty wings and hundreds of ice spikes flew down on us.

A new attack?!

It would be impossible to dodge them all, so I created a solid wall of ice that intercepted the spikes from us.

“Hurry up and explain your plan!” I commanded while feeding the ice wall with cosmo energy to keep it intact.

“My sword here was constructed by myself, and it has a special ability,” she began her explanation, while she pointed to the crystal on the hilt of her sword, “when I absorb the blood of the opponent with the sword, this crystal can analyze the cosmo energy in the blood and produce a poison, capable of interrupting the flow of cosmo energy in the enemy for a certain period. This means that during this time they can’t use their cosmo energy.”

“How long does it take to make the poison?” I asked immediately.

“Three minutes.”

“Three minutes?! How long does the poison last?” asked Alek skeptically.

“For such a powerful beast, 30 seconds at most.”

Only 30 seconds? That’s a damn little. So the first thing we have to do is inflict a wound that makes him bleed. After that, we have to hold out for three minutes and not die, just so we can finish him off within 30 seconds. That sounds impossible.

“It’s impossible!” said Alek, who realized what a challenge it was.

“This is our only chance. We have no other choice but to make it,” Jane replied.

I noticed how the bombardment of ice spikes stopped, however; the dragon was already preparing its next attack.

“We don’t have time to argue anymore! Alek, let’s fire our strongest spells at one spot. Jane, you will stab at that spot with your sword and get the blood you need!” I ordered hastily while I was getting ready to dodge the next attack of the ice dragon.

Once again, the ice ray flew at us at a crazy speed and it seemed like it was getting faster with every shot. Still, we managed to avoid a hit. Immediately he shot another ice ray, but again we dodged it. Our bodies were working at peak performance, each of us just delivered more than 100%, and we were completely focused. But then he shot another ice ray. Although we were completely focused, the third ice beam came unexpectedly.

I quickly gathered all my strength and put it into my legs. Then I jumped as far away as I could. A few centimeters from me, everything was icy, and once again I barely escaped death.

I did not want to believe it, but with each attack, this monster became stronger! In the beginning, he only shot one ice beam, yet now it was already three in a row, which also became faster each time.

“Alek, let’s fire our attacks at his leg!” I shouted to him, but when I turned to him, I was startled. Alek failed to completely dodge the third ice beam. His left arm was completely iced over and therefore no longer functional.

“Don’t worry about me, it’s just an arm. Prepare your attack. You too Jane, get ready!” ordered Alek with an iron voice.

I listened to him and started preparing my spell. I poured all my remaining cosmo energy into the creation of this attack. In front of me appeared a three-meter-long ice spear, which was made as sharp as possible at the tip. I concentrated on making the ice colder and colder to make it harder.

Alek next to me created a normal fireball. But he made it so hot that it became a blue flame. He could not create plasma, still the flame was extremely hot.

I first fired my attack at the front leg of the beast. The ice spear flew through my influence with a rotation so that it became even stronger. When it arrived, the ice dragon let out a scream. The attack was effective!

Immediately afterward, Alek shot his blue fireball at exactly the same spot. Again, the dragon screamed in pain. But when I took a closer look at the place we hit, I only saw scratches, but no blood. We had not managed to make him bleed. Damn it!

Jane, however, was already charging at the dragon. She poured some liquid over her sword and ran straight at him. When the ice dragon noticed this, it just lifted its wings and hundreds of ice spikes flew down on Jane. But Jane elegantly dodged all the ice spikes or parried them with her sword, without even losing speed. She was a monster.

When she arrived at the dragon, she rammed her sword with all her might into the spot we had hit before. The ice dragon screamed and wriggled like crazy, but Jane kept her sword inside. But suddenly the dragon swung its tail like a whip at her.


But it was already too late. Jane was completely caught and flew far enough away that she crashed into the walls of the room. The impact was so hard that we only heard loud ‘BOOM’. Did she survive that?


I just heard her laugh. Her whole body was covered with her blood, yet she was just laughing like a mad scientist.

Her laugh reminded me of another mad scientist, but I’m sure that was just a coincidence. She raised her sword high and just spoke.

“I have it. I have the blood!”

Hell yeah! She really did it! Unbelievable! From now on, it’s three minutes to survive. We have a chance!

“I’m sorry, but I’m almost out of cosmo energy,” Alek spoke, barely hiding his frustration.

Shit, that means he can’t fire any more attacks at the dragon. I don’t have any cosmo energy left either, but I still have the cosmo crystal with me, so I can easily replenish my cosmo energy. But he could not do that, because he can’t absorb cosmo energy from outside. Jane will probably not be of much help anymore either, after she got hit by such a blow. That means after the three minutes are up, I’ll have to slay the dragon alone.

Normally, I would never think that I could do that. However, I have had an idea in my head all the time. In theory, it should work, but who knows if my body could take it? Anyway, it’s time to get serious.

I absorbed all the cosmo energy in the cosmo crystal and was fully charged again. Here in the entire room were cosmo crystals, which meant that theoretically, I had an infinite amount of cosmo energy at my disposal.

“Just try to survive the three minutes. I’ll take care of the rest.”

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