Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Cosmos will

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Chapter 16

this is a fictional story by realTensai

Fully charged up with my cosmo energy again, I stared at the huge ice dragon. The dragon was visibly no longer in the best mood after Jane made him bleed. But it was worth it. In three minutes, the poison which will prevent him from using cosmo energy will be ready. Until then, I must weak him so much that I could defeat him for good in the 30 seconds.

Since Alek had no more cosmo energy and Jane was badly injured, it’s one on one. Me against the ice dragon.

When I saw the ice dragon prepare his ice beam, I did the same and prepared my attack. I created three ice spears at least three meters tall and shot them at its mouth. Before he could even fire his ice ray, they hit him. Still, these attacks again only left scratches. He fired his ice beam at me, but I quickly jumped to the side. I then ran far away from Jane and Alek so that they would not get involved in the fight between the ice dragon and me.

While I was running away, the ice dragon fired another ice ray at me. Suddenly, I changed direction and ran straight at him. Thus I also automatically escaped the ice ray. When the dragon noticed this, he swung his wings, which led to hundreds of ice spikes flying down on me.

I quickly created an ice shield, with which I then blocked the spikes, while continuing running toward him. When I was close enough, I used all of my cosmo energy to create a ten-meter-long ice spear and fired it at the spot where Jane caused him to bleed.

A painful scream came from the ice dragon, which had finally suffered a visible wound. Still, I was not satisfied. This attack with so much cosmo energy only made him bleed, but it still wasn’t strong enough to seriously hurt him, let alone kill him.

How much can this fucking dragon take?

Since I had used up all my remaining cosmo energy with the last attack, I quickly grabbed one of the many cosmo crystals that were in the room and absorbed the energy. My body was bursting with power and so far there were no side effects noticeable.

“ROOOOAAAAARRR!!!” the ice dragon screamed angrily.

His scream made the whole room shake. It was a battle cry that showed how powerful he was. An uneasy feeling spread together with an awful premonition in me. Throughout the fight, the ice dragon grew stronger, but somehow I knew that now he would become serious. He swung his wings again, but instead of ice spikes, several ice beams flew toward me.


Unprepared, I could no longer dodge, instead I created an absurd amount of ice to block his ice beams. Desperately, I used all my cosmo energy to defend myself, but it was still only barely enough. The ice ray bombardment stopped, but I also had no cosmo energy left. If it had lasted a little longer, I would have been dead.

I quickly grabbed a cosmo crystal and refilled my cosmo energy. But as soon as it was full, I immediately used it all to create a huge ice spear. It was probably twenty meters long and the strongest thing I could create. With all my cosmo energy, it should be able to really hurt the dragon.

With an insane speed, the spear hit the ice dragon on one of its wings and left a hole. He screamed in pain and I couldn’t help but grin. So one attack with all my cosmo energy could hurt him. I wasn’t sure if that would be enough to kill him, but it was a step forward.

Suddenly, I fell to my knees. I spitted blood and suffer unbelievable pain. My whole body hurt. It was as if the blood was burning inside me. But why? He did not hit me, did he? Can’t my body stand the constant absorbing of cosmo energy? Is it too much for my body to take? Damn it, but I had no choice.

Suppressing the pain, I stood up again while absorbing the cosmo energy from a cosmo crystal. Immediately, I prepared my next attack. Instead of an ice spear, this time I created a huge ice sphere. I placed the ice sphere, which looked like a meteorite, over the dragon. After I put all my cosmo energy into it, I dropped it on him. But the ice dragon only looked at it before he fired an ice beam, completely pulverizing it.

Shit, I just wasted all my cosmo energy.

Again, I suffered extreme internal damage. All my cells were in turmoil and the pain that I had last felt during the experiments came again. My sight became blurry and just thinking took a huge toll on me. Given the pain, I could barely stay on my feet.

However, I just grabbed another cosmo crystal and did the usual.

Although my cosmo energy was now full again, the self-healing process did not start, so the pain did not disappear. This was simple proof that the cosmo energy was the problem. My body was probably really not able to cope with the constant absorption and releasing of cosmo energy. If I continue to do this, the cosmo energy would act like poison and destroy my body from the inside out.

Speaking of poison, shouldn’t the three minutes be over soon? I turned to Jane, who was holding up her sword at that very moment.

“The poison is ready! Now, all we have to do is insert it into him.”

Finally! It’s almost over. I ran over to Jane to get the sword, but then all I heard was the ice dragon stomping its foot. Immediately I felt a terrible pain in my abdomen and suddenly found myself in the air.


“Damion!” was all Jane screamed.

What’s going on?

Then when I looked at my stomach, I saw it. An ice spear impaled me. He must have created it with his stomping earlier. In pain, I tried to free myself. I did everything not to faint. My vision now became dark and my head was pounding. Still, I somehow managed freeing myself.

Full of blood, I fell to the ground. The self-healing process started, but I could not move. It would take a while until such an injury heals. Though unfortunately, I did not have this time. The ice dragon prepared his next ice ray.

I quickly tried to stand up, but it was useless. With the pain that I already had before and with this injury, I could not move anymore. Even if I tried to create a wall of ice to protect myself, I would not have enough cosmo energy to heal myself anymore. And I was not even sure if I could create an ice wall in my current state. The ice beam was flying toward me. Is this the end?

But suddenly I saw Alek sprinting toward me. No, don’t tell me?! With a smile on his face, he pushed me away and I could hear him say, “survive.”

The ice beam caught him completely and his body froze in mid-motion. Alek’s sacrifice allowed me to escape the ice beam, but now he was dead. Our leader, Alek, sacrificed his life to save me.

Although I had only known him for a short time, his death was painful. I never expected that the death of a person in this world would mean anything to me, but he was a good person. With no ill intentions, he invited me to his party and now even saved my life. No bad person could have done this.

I could not as wonder what would have happened if his party had discovered me instead of John’s? Would this world have become a nicer place for me?

Only briefly, I was lost in thought, but the ice dragon did not wait. He immediately prepared his next attack. However, before he could fire his attack, Jane threw her sword at him with a crazy speed. All at once, it seemed as if he could not fire his attack anymore.

“From now on, he can’t use his cosmo energy! End it!”

These words were what I had been waiting for. The self-healing process was over, but the pain did not decrease. Although it could kill me, I took in cosmo energy once again to really be at 100 percent. Since he could not attack me now either, I could prepare my spell in peace. It was a spell I used only once, but after that, for several reasons, never again. One reason was that the preparation took a long time and in normal fights, I did not have so much time. The other reason was that it used up all my cosmo energy. Yet, without a doubt, it was my strongest spell!

I suppressed all the pain and focused fully on the attack. At first, an enormous cloud appeared over the dragon, but it had to become a thundercloud. To achieve this, an electrical voltage had to be created. To create an electric voltage, I had to create a charge difference. Simply explained, I had to bring all the positively charged particles upwards into the cloud and all the negatively charged ones to the bottom. But from here on, it got tricky.

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Since normal thunderclouds are gigantically large and so automatically the charge difference could be larger, I had to artificially increase the electrical voltage within my cloud with my cosmo energy.

I created as many positively charged particles in the upper part and negatively charged particles in the lower part of the cloud as I only possibly could. The more cosmo energy I added, the more particles I created and the higher the charge difference got. If this is then high enough, the voltage has to discharge. And it does this in the form of a lightning!

I did not know how long it took, but I was finally done. The huge thundercloud colored the room in a dark gloomy tone. Powerfully, it spread over the ice dragon, who had done nothing during the time of preparation. He tried to fire a few attacks, though he did not succeed, because he could not use his cosmo energy. But even if he could use it now, it was already too late. I raised my arm and when I let it fall, a mighty blue lightning bolt struck the dragon. Shortly after that, thunder was heard, which mirrored the power of the lightning.

This is the most powerful attack I have to deliver!

After I had once again used up all my cosmo energy, the side effects kicked in. Immediately I fell to the ground, but I tried everything not to faint. My body was in turmoil. I felt the pain of every single cell of mine. My eyes were bleeding, as well as my nose and mouth. This pain came from the overuse of cosmo energy. Even if I were to take in cosmo energy again to try healing myself, it would most likely only just have the opposite effect. I now had to just deal with the pain.

The only reason I did not want to pass out was to guarantee that the monster was dead. I was pretty sure, but safety first. When I then looked over at the dragon, I saw how it only lay motionless there. He was really dead! Calmed down, I started closing my eyes. While my strength left me, however, I heard something.


N-No! This can’t be happening.

However, it was already too late. My strength left me and I fainted.

My memory was switched off and around me was only emptiness. Everything was quiet. I did not know for sure where I was, though it was probably my inside. However, nothing bothered me. Here, everything was alright. I could rest easy. It was peaceful.

But then I felt it. Deep inside of me. Something rebelled. Something wild, uncontrollable, inside me, was rebelling. I knew exactly what it was. There was only one answer. It was the cosmo energy.

The little cosmo energy I still had in me was rebelling. It wanted to take over. And it used the chance where I was at my weakest. Somewhere I always knew it, but I didn’t want it to be true. Yet, I could not deny it anymore. The cosmo energy had its own will.

I always thought my body couldn’t take too much cosmo energy at once, but that wasn’t really the case. The scientist modified my body in such a way that it would become the perfect vessel for cosmo energy. So it did not make sense that my body limited me. Of course I still had to train my body, but the reason why I could not take too much cosmo energy at once was a different one.

It was my mind that could not stand it. The more cosmo energy I absorbed, the stronger the will became. And if my mind could no longer suppress the will of the cosmo energy, the cosmo energy would take over my body. Therefore, the limit of how much cosmo energy I could absorb in me was actually only the limit up to which I could control its will.

But what would happen if I exceeded this limit? What would happen if I let the will of the cosmo energy run wild? If it goes on like this, I will die anyway, so why not just try it?

You heard, cosmo energy? I surrender. You can do whatever you want. I surrender to your will!

With these words, I felt myself change into spectator mode and the cosmo energy took over.




After Damion fired such a powerful bolt of lightning, I thought the ice dragon was dead. Damion had really succeeded. In the course of this fight, it became obvious that Damion was not a normal human. Although he only had a cosmo energy level of 340, it seemed as if his cosmo energy was boundless.

Either he lied about his cosmo energy level or he had some ability that allowed him to quickly replenish his cosmo energy.

But at the moment I didn’t really care, he saved my life. Because of his attack, this ice dragon was finally dead. However, just when I thought that, all I heard was its roar.

N-No. This can’t be true.

All our efforts were in vain. The dragon was still alive. I quickly looked at Damion, but he was already unconscious. Damn it, what should I do? There was no way to escape. In order to survive, we had to kill this dragon.

I was badly injured, but I had to kill it somehow. After the ice dragon got hit by such an enormous attack, he could not be unharmed. He must at least be as weakened as I was. I drew my sword and held it in a suitable position. After taking a deep breath in and out, I was about to charge at him but then I saw Damion stand up again.

“Damion! Be careful, he’s not done yet,” I only shouted, but he ignored me.

Instead, he turned to the dragon and grinned. In this situation, he can still grin? However, it was not a normal grin; it was a devilish grin. Damion looked like he had changed.

He shouldn’t have any cosmo energy left, but it seemed as if he was collecting cosmo energy from the environment. It didn’t make sense, but even though he was just standing there, I felt the cosmo energy in him becoming more and more.

The ice dragon waved its wings and several ice beams came flying toward Damion. But instead of dodging, he just raised his hand. What the hell was he up to? When the ice beams hit his hand, they simply disappeared. I could not believe it. He stopped the deadly ice beams, which immediately froze everything they hit with his bare hand. And he did this while grinning devilishly!

Suddenly, he leaped forward and found himself in front of the ice dragon in the air. He was so fast that it looked like teleportation. He just clenched his fist and boxed the dragon. The dragon fell backward several meters, but Damion did not stop. He pursued it and kept punching it with his bare hands!

I could not understand it. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t understand how Damion had become so strong. All this time we hardly had a chance against the ice dragon, but now it looked as if the ice dragon had no chance against Damion. Damion hit him and threw him around by his horns, while he grinned the whole time. He didn’t even use a spell; it was just his pure physical strength. He was just playing with him.

After he was done beating the ice dragon bloody, he only raised his hand. Immediately after that, the ice dragon was iced. Within a second, he completely froze an ice dragon. However, he wasn’t done. Again, he only raised his hand, but this time, a thundercloud appeared. Thereupon appeared even stronger lightning than before, which demolished the iced dragon.

The ice dragon disintegrated into thousands of beautiful, small pieces of ice. Without any doubt, it was dead. Damion killed the ice dragon. But even though the ice dragon was now dead, I still felt a threat. And this threat was much more dangerous than the ice dragon. It was Damion!

With a devilish grin, he turned to me and I felt what a danger I was in. Even before I could raise my sword, Damion was in front of me. He grabbed me by the neck and held me up. Although I tried to defend myself, nothing worked. With a smile on his face, he strangled me.

Slowly, I could no longer breathe. My vision was getting more and more blurred and my strength left me. Will I die like this in the end? With my last strength, I only spoke, “D-Damion w..wake up!”

Suddenly, the grin on his face disappeared, and he let go of me. Immediately after that, he fainted.


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