Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Revenge

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Chapter 19

this is a fictional story by realTensai


He and his group were the first people I met in this world. At first, they acted as if they wanted to help me. However, this was all just a facade to show me hell. I had done absolutely nothing to them, yet they lied to me, tortured me, and then enslaved me. They were the reason I had to suffer such pain. Such people had no right to live. I will kill them!


As fate would have it, we met again. It gave me a chance to kill him! I had definitely not forgotten him and his group, but since I did not know where they were, I could do nothing. However, now he was in front of me, nothing held me back any longer!

“Hey, what’s going on? Why are you looking at me like that?!”

John spoke drunkenly while he looked at me suspiciously.

At the moment, I was doing everything not to kill him on the spot.

I had to be patient. I couldn’t kill him here. In my head, I was just looking for a way to kill him. Suddenly, I saw the other party members sitting at the next table. Zinx, Bill, and Roy were having fun with alcohol and women.

This will be the last time they can enjoy themselves. I will kill them all!

“Hey Damion, I rented two rooms. Let’s go,” Jane waved to me, who wanted to go up to the rooms.

But I already had something else in mind.

“You go ahead. I have something to do,” I said coldly.

She seemed confused, but just let me do it.

“Why are you sending her away?! I wanted you to introduce me to her!” John complained.

I ignored him and sat down next to him. The bartender asked me if I wanted something to drink or eat, yet I refused.

“Hey, can you answer me?!”

“Sorry, I’m still exhausted from the long trip,” I replied, hiding all my murderous intent. John ordered another pitcher of beer to fill himself up. Suddenly, however, he came closer to me with his face and looked at me thoroughly.

“Somehow I have the feeling that I know you from somewhere,” John spoke as he looked at me more closely.

He came so close to me, I could feel his disgusting breath. One step closer and you’ll never be able to breathe again!

I pulled back a little so that I could continue to control myself. Though it was amazing, he could remember me a bit. Still, he won’t recognize me. My appearance has changed too much for him to recognize me. Besides, now I also had cosmo energy in me, which the old me didn’t have, so I didn’t have to worry.

“No, that couldn’t be. If I had met a man like you, I wouldn’t be able to forget it,” I answered, flattering him.

First, he would have to trust me, before I could somehow plan further. Visibly happy from the compliment, he invited me to drink. I accepted his invitation and took a cup of beer.

“I feel that you are not a normal man. Are you perhaps a strong adventurer?”

I already knew he was an adventurer, but this question was part of my plan.

“You have a good eye. I am an adventurer. The people back there are part of my party.” He pointed to Zinx and the others, who were about to enjoy themselves. The fact that he mentioned his party was important. It saved me work.

Now I just had to get on with it.

“If it’s all right, I have a job for you and your party. You will, of course, be handsomely rewarded.” I took out a gold coin and showed it to him.

John could not hide his astonishment when he saw it. No wonder one gold coin was worth as much as 100 silver coins. And one silver coin was worth as much as 100 euros in my world. So it was as if I was holding out ten thousand euros to him. I earned this money by selling the inventions of the scientist and some cosmo crystals.

“This gold coin would be just a small part of their reward.”

That was a lie, of course, but when I saw his disgusting smile, I knew I had him. He took the bait.

“I still have to discuss this with my party, but there shouldn’t be no problem,” he explained as he rubbed his hands together. He walked over to the table where the others were sitting and explained the situation. It wasn’t long before they all had smiles on their faces. When they came to me, they had sealed their fate.

This deal will mean their death!

I explained to them that I had lost something important in the forest and I would need help in finding it. I also said that I was afraid of attacks from cosmo beasts, so they should protect me. Although such a mission would never be rewarded with a gold coin, they believed me. They were so blinded by money that they could not think normally.

After I explained the mission, we immediately left for the woods.

We walked through the streets of the city, getting closer and closer to the woods. The longer we walked, the fewer people we met.

“Hey what did you lose, anyway?” asked Roy.

When I heard his voice, I flinched for a moment. I immediately remembered how he had tortured me without mercy. He stabbed me several times with his sword. I will make sure to pay him back a thousand times today.

“I have lost a gold chain worth several gold coins. But I don’t really care about the price. It was a gift from my dead father. It means more to me than my own life!”

I was exaggerating when I told this cliché story, but I could tell by their faces that they bought it. The greed they radiated with their smiles was immeasurable.

“John was right. You really are rich. Even though you don’t look like it,” Zinx claimed, carrying his red lance.

In general, all of them were equipped as if they were going on a normal mission. Apparently, they took this mission seriously.

“At the moment I’m traveling, I guess that’s why my wealth doesn’t show,” I spoke and laughed a little.

It wasn’t long before we arrived in the forest. Now it was already dark and far and wide no one was to be seen. I wanted to go a little deeper into the forest so that I could kill them in peace. However, something unexpected happened. They all pointed their weapons at me and started grinning.

“We have run enough. Your offer was very good, but we believe we could get more,” Zinx said in a greedy voice.

Surprised by this turn of events, I stopped for a moment. I didn’t expect it, but I played along to see how far they would go.

“W-what do you mean? W-What are you going to do?” I asked anxiously, continuing to play the weak, rich man.

They started laughing.

“We’re going to rob you completely! But we don’t stop there. We’re going to kidnap you and demand a massive ransom from your family. As rich as you are, they’ll give several gold coins, hahaha!”

The one who spoke was John. Now there was absolutely no doubt they were evil. So I didn’t have to hold back on my revenge.

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The cosmo energy in me went completely crazy, but I didn’t mind. Its will to kill was not even close to my own.

“It would be better if you just give us all of your stuff right now!”


The murderousness I was radiating at that moment was enough to silence them all. The smile on their faces disappeared, and they became aware of the seriousness of the situation.

“S-seems like you want to learn the hard way,” Roy spoke, who must have decided to fight. The others also put aside their doubts and got ready for a fight. One by one, I just stared at them until I decided who would be my first prey.

With one step, I was immediately in front of him. Surprised, he only raised his shield, but I simply hit it with full force. His iron shield shattered, and he was now completely exposed. The despair on Bill’s face was priceless. He knew full well that he was going to die. Yet I could see a glimmer of hope in his eyes as John fired a water ball at me. However, this too disappeared immediately when I blocked the water bullet with a wall of ice. Bill started shaking like crazy and sweat covered his fat body.

In my eyes, he was no more than a pig about to be slaughtered. I should probably put him out of his misery. Immediately, several ice spikes appeared from the ground, stabbing Bill from everywhere. The first one was dead.

I turned around to capture my next prey. By now, at the latest, they realized they had messed with the wrong guy. I was the hunter, and they were the hunted. But even though they knew the level difference, they tried to fight on.

Their leader Zinx stepped forward. His body was trembling, but nevertheless, he prepared his fire lance. When his lance finally caught fire, he rushed toward me.

“Aahhh, die!” he just screamed.

“You want to kill me with these candle flames?"

I created a wave of water that washed him and his flame lance away. But I wasn’t done yet. Immediately, I froze the water on the ground so that he could no longer move. I then drew my fire sword and walked towards him. I saw Roy sprinting towards me, but one look from me was enough to stop him.

With my fire sword in my hand, I now stood in front of Zinx, who still couldn’t move. He had tried to melt the ice, but I had always immediately created new layers.

“I will now show you what true fire is!“

I let a massive amount of cosmo energy flow into the sword so that tremendous flames were created. With my cosmo energy level of 700, I didn’t have to worry about having too little cosmo energy.

“P-please no!”

He started begging. Pathetic. I stabbed the sword into his chest and continued to make flames. I burned him from the inside out. After only a few seconds, he was charred to death.

Now it was just these two.

Roy and John. I had saved these two for last because I had the biggest problem with them. Now they were completely shaking and despairing.

“P-please forgive us. We were too greedy and had bad things in mind. However, we didn’t do anything to you,” John begged.

“Back then I did not do anything to you too, yet you enslaved me.“

They both seemed surprised since they still didn’t know who I was.

“Enslaved? We have never met you before,” replied Roy.

“Yes, you were the first people I met in this world.“

As I said this, something clicked. I knew from their shocked faces they remembered.

“B-But that can’t be! You didn’t have any cosmo energy at all!” John replied, not wanting to believe it.

I ignored his claim, now that I had explained enough. It is time to move on. When they noticed how the murderousness was rising in me, they decided to run away. Pathetic. Without any pride, they just ran for their lives.

I chased them, and within a few seconds, I had caught up to them. Earlier, I had been the one running away from them, but now it was the other way around.

“Did you really think you could get away from me?!“

When they suddenly saw me beside them, they were startled. With one movement, I created many small ice spikes and let them pierce their legs. Full of blood, they fell to the ground, unable to continue walking with such injured legs.

“Aaahhh, no! John, heal me!” shouted Roy, but John was busy with himself. He was trying to heal himself, though with these injuries, it was going to take some time. I took my fire sword, yet this time I only let a little cosmo energy into it, so that there were no flames and it only glowed. With this sword, I then began what Roy had done to me that time.

Slowly and agonizingly, I started cutting his whole body with my glowing sword. He screamed, cried, and begged me to stop, but just like him at that time, it left me cold. However, when I noticed he was about to die, I called out to John.

“Heal him!”

John hesitated, not wanting to listen. But I just grabbed him by his arm and froze it completely. Screaming, he also started begging for his life. Still, I didn’t stop there. With full power, I stepped on his frozen arm and destroyed it brutally. A huge amount of blood appeared and John could only scream in pain.

“Heal him!”

John, who just a moment ago did not want to listen, now began healing his comrade. He knew full well that if he did not hear, he would suffer an immensely agonizing death. Roy shouted at John because he did not want to suffer that agony again, but John continued to heal him. When Roy was healed up a little, I started the torture again.

I don’t know how many times I stabbed him, but eventually, he was dead. I turned to John, who was so scared that he wet his pants. Disgusting!

“You are the last!”

John’s whole body was shaking.

“I-I beg you, have mercy!”

I just grabbed his remaining arm and started freezing it in place.

“John, you were right, this world really is hell,” I spoke as I continued to freeze his arm, “but now I am not weak anymore. You are the weak one. That is why this world is hell for you!”

When his arm was completely frozen, I crushed it again.


His blood stained the ground, and his scream could probably be heard throughout the forest. Since he had no more arms, I continued with his legs. One by one, I froze them and smashed them. He was going to die of blood loss soon, so I stopped. I had to finish it now. I put my hand on his face and froze it.

“This is justice!”

When his entire head was frozen, I just stepped on it and destroyed it.


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