Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Travel

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Chapter 18

this is a fictional story by realTensai

“I’m coming with you!” replied Jane enthusiastically, without asking for further details at all.

Huh? I hadn’t even thought about that possibility.

“Why? You don’t even know what I’m planning to do there,” I replied to her.

I couldn’t think of any reason why she would want to just come along. Of course, she was a scientist, so it was not so far-fetched that she would want to go to the land of science, but wasn’t it all too sudden? I mean, she didn’t even hesitate.

“I don’t really care what you’re going to do there, but I wanted to go back to my home country, anyway. Since I know my way around, I should be of great help to you,” she reasoned logically.

So she was from there. In fact, she would be a great help to someone like me, who hardly knows anything about this world, so there was no reason to say no. So why not?

“Alright, I don’t mind if you accompany me.”

Jane then started smiling before saying, “Then let’s discuss the details of the trip!”


Some time passed, and we discussed everything important. In three days, we would meet at the guild so that we could then start from there. The three days serve to prepare everything necessary for the journey. The journey to Utopia would take about a week. First, we would have to go to the port city in Durania and from there take a ship that would take us to the Republic of Cosmo Science. After that, we would have to make another brief journey to finally arrive in the capital city of Utopia.

“I think I’ll be on my way now,” I said while I picked up the two bags full of cosmo crystals.

“Can you do that with your injuries?” asked Jane, a little worried.

When I woke up, everything still hurt, but by now it was much better. “I should be fine, all good. Thanks again for everything,” I thanked her sincerely and bowed a little.

If it wasn’t for Jane, I wouldn’t be here right now. I will always be grateful to her that she saved me.

“I’ll see you in three days then,” she bid me farewell.

When I left the house, I only noticed one essential thing. I don’t know where I am. Immediately; I knocked on Jane’s door again and asked.

“Ah, that’s right. How could you have known? If you follow this road all the time, you will eventually arrive at the guild. From there, you should know how to get home.” Following this explanation, I set off again.

The sun was still out, so I would estimate that it was still noon. That this way leads me to the guild was also advantageous, since I still had to do something there. I didn’t have to walk too long until I arrived at the guild. As always, a lot was going on, yet I didn’t let that stop me.

“I’d like to drop this off. I would like you to give this to Alek Olbran’s family.”

I handed her one of the bags full of cosmo crystals. When she then accepted it, it startled her.

“This is...?! Are you sure?”

“Yes, please send it as soon as possible.”

Without wasting any more time, I disappeared. It was one thing I had to do. Alek had saved my life, even though we barely knew each other, and he was expecting a child. I know these cosmo crystals were no substitute for him, but at least his family would never have financial worries again. Alek was a good man, and I want him to rest in peace. Through these cosmo crystals, his family should be able to live a comfortable life.

Finally, I arrived at the wooden hut that I had called home for about a month. The first thing I did was lay on the bed. In three days I was leaving for Utopia, and until then I had to prepare everything important. But before that, I had to try something out. I took one of the many cosmo crystals out of the bag and held it in my hand.

There was no cosmo energy in me at the moment, but I also didn’t know what would happen if I absorb some now. After I had not only overused the cosmo energy but also given free rein to its will, I was not sure what consequences this will have on my future use of cosmo energy.

Since I did not know this either, I did not want to try absorbing cosmo energy at Jane’s home. What if the cosmo energy runs wild again? This should not happen in the vicinity of another person. Here alone in the middle of the cosmo forest, it was fine.

With sweaty hands, I slowly began absorbing the cosmo energy from the crystal. Slowly and carefully, I took in more and more. However, until now, I did not feel any counter-reaction. Some time passed, and I succeeded. Without problems, I could absorb the whole cosmo energy from the crystal. Moreover, I felt that I had absorbed even more than ever before. Immediately I grabbed the device that measures cosmo energy level so I could find out mine.

“Th-This can’t be?!”

The number on the device was 700. Surprised, I fell to the floor. My cosmo energy level had more than doubled! But how could that be? I had expected some side effects, but now I have become stronger.


At that moment, I heard a voice inside me, an incredibly strong demand. It was the cosmo energy! I felt how its will wanted to take over.


The will was so strong that I could literally hear how it wanted to take over. Complete chaos reigned within me while I tried to tame this sinister will. Lying on the floor, I did my best to suppress the cosmo energy. I started kicking and destroying the things around me like a madman. The will to destroy everything was too strong!


If it continues like this, I will lose my mind. No, I can’t be controlled by the cosmo energy again. That would be my certain end!

“NOO!” is all I screamed out loud.

With this scream, I managed shutting down the will of the cosmo energy. I still felt its immense desire for power, but for now, I had it under control. Exhausted, I simply remained lying on the floor. So these are the side effects. Although I could now absorb more cosmo energy, its will also got many times stronger. One moment of weakness on my part and it would take over!

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After I had calmed down a bit, I started reading a couple of books. I wanted to expand my knowledge about this world as much as possible, so I read the rest of the day.


The day of departure had come. I made all preparations. All the things I needed were in the huge backpack I took with me. First, there were all the cosmo crystals, but since these alone would take up the whole backpack, I put them in one of the scientist’s inventions. It was a box that could shrink objects which you put in it. This way I could take all the cosmo crystals with me without any problem.

The scientist had many practical inventions, so I took some that I deemed useful. Among them was the fire-sword. My sword skills were not so good. Nevertheless, the ability to generate fire was too powerful, especially since I couldn’t do it myself yet. With a little training, perhaps from Jane, my sword skills should improve as well.

What I also took with me was the world map and the book about the experiments on the existence of another world. This book was the only clue I had to find the scientists who brought me to this world. It would certainly help me when we got there.

With all things prepared, I left the hut. It was a strange feeling since I knew that I would never enter this hut again. Yet, I didn’t feel a bit homesick or anything. My actual home was waiting for me and soon I would be there again. Be patient, a little longer Sarah!

After some walking, I arrived at the guild. The blond scientist was already waiting for me. Again She wore her white coat and under it her warrior clothes. Like me, she had a large backpack with her. At her hip was also her sword, which had helped us back then from the trouble.


“Yo,” she replied, “Then let’s not waste any time and go.”

Together, we thus began our journey. I knew that we had to go to the port city first, but I didn’t know exactly where it was. But since Jane knew the way, she went ahead.

“From here to the port city, by foot would take a week. Therefore, we will move with a carriage, so that the journey should only take one day,” Jane explained, looking around for a carriage.

I have never ridden in a carriage before, but somehow I could not imagine that it would be so fast that it could fit a week-long trip into one day. Since we were also already in a somewhat busier city, the streets would be crowded, which would slow down the trip.

We still walked a little through the area until we found a carriage. Two white horses that had a horn on their head pulled the carriage. When we signaled that we would like to ride along, it stopped.

“Once towards the port city.”

The coachman looked at us before asking, “Regular or special?”

Confused, I just stared at Jane, but she only replied with special. She then gave him a silver coin before we could get in.

“Jane, what’s the deal with this special?”

“You’ll see in a minute.”

Then, as we sat in the carriage, the horses started running. However, then something incredible happened. Their horns began glowing and then white wings appeared on their bodies. After a few seconds, I felt us slowly take off. We rose higher and higher and flew through the air.

“Wow!” completely amazed I could not hide my excitement.

“This is special,” Jane replied with a smile.

Who would have thought that this carriage would use unicorns? They used cosmo beasts to get a better deal. Amazing.

“Since Durania is right next to the cosmo forest, a lot of cosmo beasts are used to trade or to improve life in general. Only Durania has the luxury of exploiting the cosmo forest like this,” Jane explained.

Durania was one of the two largest countries in this world. That they used the cosmo forest to their advantage was to be expected. Since the forest also attracts many adventurers, Durania benefits even more.

The view from up here was beautiful. You could see the cosmo forest from above and see how it stretched across the whole country. All the houses looked like small, beautifully sorted Lego bricks. But in the distance, you could already see the ocean a little.


I don’t know how long we flew, but it was already dark. The evening sky shone in a beautiful brown tone and the water reflected the sky. We were there. The carriage brought us back to the ground so we could get off. Once again, we thanked him and the carriage went on its way.

“Let’s find a place to spend the night,” Jane suggested.

We walked through the beautiful harbor town, but although it was already evening, the streets were still very busy. Many ships were setting sail or arriving. The lights of the houses were on and many people were walking through the streets. The people could not have looked more different. There were poor, rich men, women, children, fishers, sailors, financiers, adventurers, and many more. Still, this was to be expected, considering that this is a place that connects people.

Mountains and forests surrounded the port city in the distance, but the city seemed to be a central meeting point of the country. After a short walk through the town, we arrived at an inn where there were rooms to spend the night. We entered and immediately the bartender greeted us. A lot was going on. Many people, many men, were eating here and having fun with alcohol.

“We would like two rooms,” Jane spoke to the bartender.

While she was taking care of the rooms, I was called by a drunken man. I wanted to ignore him, but his voice sounded somehow familiar.

“Hey, you come here,” he called again. I walked up to him and only when I stood in front of him did I realize who it was.

“Your friend there is cute. How about introducing me to her?”

I completely ignored his question. My blood started boiling and all the memories of what they had done to me came up again. He was still wearing the same brown robe, but what upset me the most was his smile. His hypocritical, lying smile almost made me lose control.


For the first time, the will of the cosmo energy agreed with my own. I will kill him. I will kill John!


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