Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Pirates attack

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Chapter 21

this is a fictional story by realTensai

“Pirates!” a man on board yelled.

Damn, why didn’t we notice them until now? Next to us was a large pirate ship approaching us. Immediately, we stopped our conversation and got ready to defend our cargo ship. Together with the other men on the ship, we went to the side where the pirates were about to attack.

“Conquer the ship!” shouted a pirate as they came onto our ship.

All the other pirates just shouted in response. Their ship was close enough to ours that they could just jump over. More and more armed men came onto our ship, so a confrontation was inevitable.

I quickly replenished my cosmo energy with a cosmo crystal. I suppressed the powerful will of the cosmo energy and got ready to fight. Jane, next to me, already drew her sword and charged at the first pirates. The pirates also did not falter long and began their raid. Most of them wielded a dagger or a sword, but some carried weapons that reminded me strongly of pistols. I decided to simply finish them off with my normal magic.

Jane was already fighting the first men with her sword. Although several of them pounced on her at the same time, she managed to simply avoid them and put an end to them. Her swordsmanship was really on another level. Though I had no time to admire her because now I they also attacked me.

Two men with swords swung directly at me, yet it was easy for me to dodge. After I did that, I punched one of them in the pit of his stomach and put the other to sleep with a kick. I immediately knocked both out. My reflexes and physical strength always increased when I increased my cosmo energy level. But when I extra strengthened my attacks with cosmo energy, they were deadly. Since I trained in martial arts since my childhood, I should be able to defeat these men with pure physical strength.

A few more men attacked me, but I defeated them without problems. Jane didn’t seem to have any problems with them either, as the pirates were not particularly strong. There were just many of them. But suddenly I saw someone with a pistol-like weapon firing a water ball at me. The water ball was relatively large and flew at a high speed. I could avoid it, but then the goods behind me would be destroyed, so I decided to create my own water sphere to intercept the pirate’s one.

When he saw this, he could not hide his disappointment. He hoped that this water ball would finish me off. But I was surprised too. I didn’t expect them to use cosmo weapons. According to my knowledge, cosmo weapons were very expensive and difficult to acquire, yet the pirates had some. And even many of them. I saw at least ten people who were equipped with this gun. So I should defeat them first.

The people armed with pistols started shooting at me and Jane with their water bullets. While this was going on, we also were simultaneously attacked by the swordsmen. Since we knew we would rather not dodge the water bullets for the sake of the goods, we had to somehow intercept them. Jane simply cut the bullets with her sword, while at the same time dodging the attacks of the other men. I, on the other hand, continued to create my own water bullets to stop those of the enemy. Sometimes I would also use an attacking pirate as a shield.

The bombardment with the water spheres did not stop, so I decided to eliminate the shooters. To finish them off, I did not have to approach them since I had enough long-range ranged attacks I could fire off. I created several water spheres around me and fired them. I succeeded in eliminating four of them, but the others were able to dodge. Jane followed my example and charged at the pistol bearers.

One by one, she eliminated them before the other swordsmen intervened. We knocked out most of the pirates, and I only saw three with a pistol. The pirates, realizing that they had no chance, started retreating. But then one of the pistol bearers started yelling at them.

“You cowards! Do you really think we can show our faces in front of the boss after such a defeat?”

The pirates hesitated. It seemed like his statement made them waver.

“B-But we don’t stand a chance against them. Those two are monsters!” claimed one fearful pirate.

The other pirates agreed.

“Who is a worse monster, these two or the boss? I think we all know the answer. Fight even if it means your death!” shouted the pistol bearer.

“Oh yeah? Then die.”

Jane stood beside him and said those words before stabbing him. The pistol bearer fell to the ground and died. Without hesitation, Jane killed him, thereby destroying the pirates’ morale.

Immediately after he died, the pirates fled back to their ship.

It wasn’t long before they were all gone. We let them escape because we were sure that they would not attack us again. A few of the pirates were still lying unconscious on our ship.

“You guys were really incredible! It was the right decision to bring you on my ship. Thank you very much!” thanked the captain of the ship warmly.

“Oh, no problem. You are helping us. But what should we do with the men who are still on our ship?” I asked.

The captain just looked at them with a disgusted look before he spoke, “Throw them into the ocean. Such criminals do not deserve to live!”

It was a harsh answer, yet I could understand it. These pirates had just tried to attack his ship. Besides, he also said that the pirate attacks were increasing more and more lately. Surely he has had his problems with them for a long time. The other men on the ship began throwing the unconscious pirates into the sea. I stayed out of it, but Jane did something I didn’t expect. She took a pistol and analyzed it.

“I knew it!” she spoke, somewhat horrified.

“Jane, what’s wrong? Is there something wrong with these guns?”

I grabbed a gun that looked like a pistol, too. They worked similarly to the water pistol I had created back then. However, I didn’t see anything special about them.

“These weapons don’t need cosmo energy to work,” she answered.

What? I immediately tried using the gun, but I couldn’t get any cosmo energy into it. Instead, I had to press a button to make a water ball appear. A strong water ball shot through the air and disappeared into the ocean.

Amazing! Without using cosmo energy, I could create a water ball.

“You’re right, I didn’t have to use cosmo energy at all. But how can that be?” I asked, confused. It was amazing, but I couldn’t imagine how it could work.

“The normal cosmo weapons, you know, work by runes. If you pour enough cosmo energy into them, their power is unleashed. But this weapon has no rune,” Jane explained, as she continued to examine the weapon.

I took a closer look at the weapon, but she was right. There was no rune to be found. Every cosmo weapon I have seen so far has had a rune somewhere.

“Only the most skilled cosmo scientists can create runes, so you can’t mass produce cosmo weapons. That is why they are so rare and expensive.”

Couldn’t you just write off the runes or copy them exactly? I asked myself that, yet with one look at a rune, one immediately noticed that there was much more to it than what one saw. Something so complex that only the most skilled cosmo scientists could create could not simply be written off.

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“This problem became apparent to the scientists as well, so they worked on cosmo weapons that didn’t require runes. These weapons would be weaker than normal cosmo weapons, however, they could be mass produced.”

“So, these weapons are the result?” I held the pistol slightly higher.

She just nodded.

“But how do the weapons work without cosmo energy?” this question remained unanswered despite her explanation.

“I’m not sure either, but I believe that cosmo energy has been filled into these weapons and has been stored. By pressing the button, it is released in the form of a water ball. Since the cosmo energy in the weapon is not infinite, there should be a limit to the number of spheres that can be produced.”

She fired the gun several times into the ocean, and after a while, no more water balls appeared.

She was right. Did that mean that after you have used up everything, the weapon becomes useless? Most likely.

“But I thought that the work on such weapons had been stopped. Before I left Utopia, the council decided to stop the invention of such weapons. This was because they did not want to take the risk that minor criminals become stronger through those weapons. Besides, ordinary people would not need such weapons, so they just wanted to stick to cosmo weapons with runes. I wonder why they changed their mind?” Jane spoke with a puzzled look.

Her concern was understandable. Why were these weapons made? That such pirates used these weapons was what they wanted to prevent. Something must have changed their minds in such a way that they took the risk of making criminals stronger. Maybe we would find out when we get to Utopia.




On the way back, we were all quiet. No one wanted to speak, because everyone knew what was going to happen to us. We couldn’t get the goods and just ran away. No matter how we turn it around, the boss would not forgive us.

Yet if we had stayed on this ship, they would have killed us. Just as they killed Krit. But perhaps such a death would have been better than the one that awaited us.

It was not long before we reached our hiding place. When the other members saw us incomplete and without the goods, they just looked at us pitifully. They knew exactly what would happen to us. Filled with fear, we went to the boss. He was sitting on his earth throne and several servants surrounded him. With his dark red eyes, he stared into our souls.


The power in his voice alone was enough to bring each of us to our knees. My heart beat faster and faster and cold sweat spread over my body. I could not speak. Even if I wanted to, under such pressure, I couldn’t make a sound. But I also knew that if no one spoke, we would all die immediately.

“W-W-We couldn’t get the goods,” Rude stuttered, full of fear.

The boss said nothing. He just kept looking at us. The pressure emitting from him was not normal. At any moment, I could lose consciousness.

“So you came back without the goods?”

No one could answer. He knew the answer but asked, anyway. He wanted us to admit our mistakes and then die.

“I see no one wants to answer.”

After he said that, someone next to me bursted into flames.

The boss didn’t move a finger, but the person next to me was wrapped in agonizing flames. Although the flames did not touch me, I thought I would die from their heat. The person next to me had turned to ashes in a few seconds.

Immediately after, other people started burning. Their agonized screams showed me they regretted their decision. If only we had just stayed on the ship, we could have died a simple death.

One by one, the boss burned my comrades, without even batting an eye. The longer it went on, the worse it became to wait. It was only a matter of time until it was my turn, but I didn’t know when that time would come. When only I was left, he spoke again.

“Speak. What made you come back here with no success?”

I had to answer. I had no other choice. He addressed me directly. If I did not answer now, I was in for a worse death than just burning.

“T-there were two fighters. A man with purple eyes and a woman with a white coat. W.. We had absolutely no chance.”

When I looked up for a moment, I saw that the expression on the face of the boss had changed somewhat. Still, I could not really recognize how he felt just with this expression on itself. I did not know if it was something good or bad.

“Only two fighters? And that even though I’ve equipped you with weapons. They must have been capable fighters. But that’s still no reason for you to come back with no goods.”

After he said that, I felt my body burst into flames. An unbearable heat destroyed my skin, then my muscles, and then my cells. Time slowed down as I felt my body slowly turning to ash.

So this is my end?

But suddenly it stopped. My whole body was burned and I could hardly breathe, yet I was still alive. I did not know why, but he kept me alive.

“Inma, heal him. You won’t die yet, because you’re going to help me find those two people. I will make them my servants!”


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