Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: The island Meteorite

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Chapter 22

this is a fictional story by realTensai


The rest of the cruise went with no further problems. There were no pirate attacks on us, so we could spend the two days in peace. And now we had reached our destination. We finally arrived at Meteorite Island.

“Thank you again for protecting my ship so well. Thanks to you, nothing happened to the goods,” the captain of the ship thanked us for the last time as a farewell.

“One hand washes the other. Thanks to you, we reached our destination,” Jane replied with a smile.

As always, Jane had found the right words. The journey with her made me realize how talented she was. She was a skilled cosmo scientist and an incredibly strong swordsman. If you go by her strength alone, she would be at least B-rank, but she told me she had not completed enough missions for that rank yet. She also had a cheerful personality that cheered up the people surrounding her. In a fight, however, her cold side came out, and she did not hesitate to kill her opponent if necessary. This versatility was amazing.

We said our goodbyes to the captain once again before we went to, then look around the island. At the moment we were at the harbor of the island Meteorite. This island seemed like a normal vacation island with many tourists.

There was a beach, and the weather was good. But in the distance, you could see the forests and mountains of this island, and somewhere back there a meteorite had hit a thousand years ago. This was the island of the first meteorite conqueror.

“We should probably look for a ticket quickly,” Jane said after we arrived on the island.

She was right. We were on Meteorite Island, but the land of science was our actual destination. From here several ships went there, so it was easier to get a ticket here.

“Yes, we should do that,” I replied. Since we were already at the port, it was easier to look for a ticket shop again. After a bit of walking, we found the store. When we entered, this time there were also other customers who wanted to buy a ticket. When it was our turn, we asked for a ticket to the Republic.

“You’re lucky. There are two tickets left for tomorrow. Do you want them?”


“That will be for both of them together, one silver coin.”

After I gave her that, we received our tickets. It was just a piece of paper that had the ride on it and was made valid with a stamp. Before we enter the ship, we were supposed to show these tickets. Satisfied, we left the store. With these words, we parted ways.

“Now we just have to wait until tomorrow and then we’ll be almost there,” Jane spoke enthusiastically.

“Right. Good thing we got tickets right away this time,” I agreed with her.

It may not seem like it, still at the moment I was happier than I looked. We finally had tickets to reach my destination. If nothing came up, we will soon arrive in Utopia. And when we get there, I just needed to find those scientists so I could get back to my world. Of course, I was quite optimistic, but the thought that I could soon be back home was too strong.

“Since we’re not taking the ship until tomorrow and today is only noon, we still have time. To be honest, there is still something here on this Island that I want to investigate,” Jane told me.

Investigate something? Ah, that’s right, with so much anticipation I almost forgot, but there is also something I wanted to find out here.

“What a coincidence, me too. I wanted to learn something more about meteorites.”

It was true, ever since I read the book about the origin of cosmo energy, I had been interested in meteorites. Yet I could not expand my knowledge about them until now. I simply could not find books about them anywhere. However, here on this island, which was even called Meteorite, there must be a lot of information about those meteorites.

“That’s good. Then you and I can go off separately. We’ll meet back here tonight.”

I did not know what Jane wanted to investigate, but since she did not say it on her own, I did not ask. I simply went on the way into the city, in order to find information about meteorites.

I relatively quickly found out where I would find the impact site of the meteorite. I should just go to the mountains and then it could not be missed. Following the advice, I went into the forests of this island. To even arrive at the forests, I had to walk for an hour, but from here I should still go to the mountains.

Without knowing where my destination was exactly, I just walked to the mountains. Arriving there, I started climbing them. The mountains were fortunately not the largest, yet they were still considerable. It was not particularly strenuous, but it took a long time. However, after about half an hour of running up the mountain, I arrived. And then I saw something incredible.


Completely amazed, I kept my mouth open. I was high up in the mountains, but in front of me was a vast hole. The hole had a diameter of at least one kilometer and it was gigantically deep. With what force must this meteorite have hit here to create such a crater? This crater was incredible!

At first glance, it just seemed like a gigantic crater. However, I could feel something. I didn’t know what it was exactly, but somehow I felt something incredible from this crater. It was as if the cosmo energy in this environment was different. I had a hard time explaining it, but it felt like whether I would stand in front of something bigger. And I did, though I mean in terms of power. It was like when an insignificant person was thrown into the universe.

Suddenly I felt the cosmo energy in me behaving strangely. It was in turmoil, but not rebelling. For the first time, it did not want to take over. I felt the power flow, and it felt like I was becoming one with the universe. It was an incredible feeling. And this feeling was only triggered by a meteor crater. What would happen if I stood in front of a real meteorite? What kind of forces did a meteorite harbor? Only the thought of it let me become excited.

“It is unbelievable, isn’t it?” I heard a childlike voice next to me say.

What the hell!!!

Startled, I turned to where I heard the voice, only to see a child no older than 14. It was a boy with blue hair and strange-looking clothes. He was wearing too big blue pants with white stripes on them and a white t-shirt to go with them. Very relaxed, he sat on the edge of the crater. With his blue eyes, he looked at me as if nothing was going on.

“S-Since when have you been here?” I asked, surprised.

“Heh? I was here before you,” the blue-haired boy asserted, confused.

How could that be? I hadn’t noticed him until just now. Normally, I would never overlook someone who was next to me.

“Never mind, never mind, just sit down next to me,” he waved at me and invited me to sit next to him.

Still confused, I just did as he said.

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“Hey, what’s your name, anyway?”

“Damion. And yours?”

“I’m Gabriel,” after he said his name, he started screaming, “Ahh no, I probably shouldn’t have said that. Forget it.”

Huh? What the hell was wrong with this boy? Why shouldn’t he be allowed to say his name? He was definitely not quite normal.

For a short time, we didn’t speak. We just looked at the amazing meteorite crater without saying anything. I still wondered how strong a meteorite could make someone. Only at the crater did I already realize its power, so how strong was someone who could defeat the real meteorite?

“I wonder if it was an insight or creature meteorite? From the feeling, I would rather say creature. What do you think?” the boy asked me as he continued to look at the crater.

But I had no idea what he was talking about. Creature meteorite, insight meteorite? What is this supposed to be? Maybe some form of meteorite? I did not know. When he saw I was just looking at him in confusion, he spoke again.

“You have no idea what that is, do you?”

“Absolutely no idea.”

After I said that, instead of looking surprised, he seemed relatively happy.

“I guess I have no choice but to enlighten you,” He spoke proudly.

That’s why he was happy, I guess because he could explain it to me. How childish, haha.

“Well, there are two types of meteorites. The first would be insight meteorites and the other would be creature meteorites. So far, all understood?”

I just nodded in response. Of course, I had understood everything so far. He only explained one thing.

“Okay, let’s start with the insight meteorites then. Oh, wait, first I need to know how much you know about meteorites. So I know exactly what I still have to explain,” spoke Gabriel.

Thereupon I told my approximate conception of a meteorite. First of all, one would be transported by it into another dimension, in which one is confronted with the powers of the meteorite. If one conquers these, one attains the powers of the meteorite. This was all I really knew. Gabriel just nodded the whole time during my explanation. All the while, he held his arms crossed over his stomach.

“I see your basic understanding is all right. You have actually explained all things correctly, but not really in detail. To enter this ‘other dimension’ of a meteorite, one must first find the core of the meteorite. If you have found it, you have to let enough cosmo energy flow into the runes of the core. Only then will you be teleported to this other dimension.”

“A meteorite has runes? I thought cosmo scientists invented runes?”

“That’s not quite right. The scientists first got the idea of making runes only by exploring the runes of the meteorites.”

That was new to me. Runes are the compressed form of a spell. I knew that much. I also knew that only the most skilled of all cosmo scientists could make them. So how could these runes just be in meteorites that came from outer space?

It couldn’t possibly be that an accident created them. But how should runes come into a meteorite from the universe otherwise?

Somehow, they had to get in there. I racked my brain further, yet did not come to a logical answer.

“So, now we can talk about the two types of meteorites. The first type is the insight meteorite. These give you powers over a certain element or something else, like gravity or something. To get these powers, it confronts you with them in the other dimension. It will agonizingly inflict you all the information about that element,” Gabriel explained in a serious voice.

I understood what an insight meteorite was, but not how to get the powers. What does he mean by ‘it will agonizingly inflict you all the information about this element’?

“Can you explain that last part again in more detail?”

“I think I may have been a little unclear. I’ll try to explain it a little more simply,” he touched his forehead and thought a bit, before he continued, “You know, of course, that when using cosmo energy, knowledge is the most important thing to create something?”

I just nodded.

“In an insight meteorite, you are taught this necessary knowledge excruciatingly. Let’s take a fire insight meteorite as an example. In the other dimension, you would then experience all imaginable forms of fire on your own body. You will be burned by the most different kinds of fire until you understand them completely. This may sound hard to imagine, but it is the truth. This is what all the information being painfully inflicted meant.”

That was really hard to imagine. No human being could endure something like that. It forced all the information about the element to you. Your brain couldn’t stand that at all.

“What happens if you can’t stand it?” I asked, assuming that this is the case with most people.

“Very simple, you die,” Gabriel answered, as if it were nothing.

Ah, that’s a solution, too, of course.

“Most people die trying to conquer a meteorite. That’s how powerful meteorites are.”

So most people did not make it. Then what about the people who did make it? How strong would such humans get?

“Hey, how strong do you think meteorite conquerors are?”

Gabriel looked up into the air and considered. Then he looked at me suddenly with a smile.

“They are the strongest people in this world!”


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