Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: The power of a meteorite conqueror

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Chapter 23

this is a fictional story by realTensai

So that’s how strong they are.

A meteorite made someone one of the strongest people in this world. In a world full of magic and monsters, a meteorite could make you one of the strongest. This offer sounded very tempting indeed. That was why many try it, even though they knew how dangerous it was.

“I think I have explained all the important things about insight meteorites. Or do you have questions?” he asked me.

I thought about it for a moment, but nothing came to mind. Because of his explanation and my previous knowledge, I could understand how meteorites work.

“Ah, I forgot something important,” Gabriel spoke and so interrupted my thought process, “You can conquer as many insight meteorites as you want. But the more you conquer, the higher the probability that you can’t stand it and die.”

So you could conquer over one meteorite. The more you defeat, the more powerful you would become, but the higher the risk. Though he only said that you could conquer over one insight meteorite, was it different from creature meteorites?

“What about creature meteorites? Can you defeat over one of them?”

“No, you can’t. You can only defeat one creature meteorite. When I explain to you how they work, you will understand why.”

So my guess was correct.

“Go ahead,” I spoke enthusiastically. I did not expect to get my information about meteorites from a little boy, still he had knowledge. As long as I could learn more about them, I didn’t care who explained it to me.

“Creature meteorites are easy to understand. They work like a dungeon,” Gabriel told me.

Having been in a dungeon recently, I knew exactly how they worked and how dangerous they were.

“After inserting the cosmo energy into the runes of the meteorite, it teleports you into a dungeon. When you defeat this dungeon, you gain the abilities of the boss of the dungeon. See, very simple.”

It did sound very simple. However, I could not imagine that a dungeon of a meteorite would function like a dungeon in this world. That would be too simple for a meteorite. Surely these dungeons are on a completely different level.

“Why is it you can only conquer one creature meteorite now?”

He said that I would understand through his explanation, but I still didn’t know.

“I guess I should have explained that better. After you defeat the meteorite, you get the powers of the boss, but it’s not quite like that. It’s more like this boss or rather his will lives on in you. This leads to the fact that you can use his powers. Yet you cannot defeat two bosses, because several bosses in one body do not work. The stronger will would suppress the weaker and thus render it useless.”

That was a good explanation. I had understood the principle of the creature meteorites. They functioned similarly to Bijuus from Naruto. Then, of course, it did not work to have several ones.

“Wait, could you have insight meteorites and creature meteorites together inside of you?”

“Yes, you can,” he replied.

Okay, so that was possible. It was amazing how much he knew about meteorites, and he was just a little boy. Thanks to him, I learned about both types of meteorites.

“Hey Gabriel, how do you know so much about meteorites?” I asked, out of curiosity.

It seemed like he was thinking for himself. Dreamily, he looked at the incredible crater in front of us before he answered.

“You can say that it is my dream to conquer a meteorite someday. That’s why I need to know at least as much about them,” Gabriel told with a smile.

So it was his dream. It’s good to have dreams as a child. They spur you on. It is indeed a very difficult goal he chose, still he should never give up.

“I think you’ll make it.”

He just grinned.

“Thanks. I’ll do my best,” he replied.

“BRRUUUMMM~~” his stomach just growled.

I looked at him, and he looked at me. We both said nothing. He just held his stomach and looked at me with his blue eyes innocently.

“Hmmm, do you maybe have something to eat for me?” he asked innocently.

“No, don’t have anything with me.”

When I said that, he looked at me a little sadly.

“We could get something to eat in town, though. As a thank you for explaining so much, it’s on me.”

After I said that, a huge smile appeared on his face.

“Really? You’re paying for me? Thank you! Man, I haven’t eaten for so long because all my money got stolen. You are my savior!” Gabriel thanked me warmly.

We went to the city together. While we walked, we continued talking. I learned Gabriel ran away from home to explore the world. He wanted to go conquer a meteorite. Of course, I told him he could not just run away from home just to make his dreams come true. I wanted him to understand how his parents would feel.

He seemed to understand, yet remained stubborn. Gabriel thought he will be back soon. He also told me how he had been robbed by bandits or something while he was sleeping. He was so carefree that he decided to sleep outside in a meadow. Thereupon they robbed him, of course. Gabriel is young and naïve, that’s why I made it clear to him that he had made a huge mistake.

When we arrived at an inn, he filled his belly full. I just let him do it while I enjoyed my food. After we had finished eating, I paid and we left the inn.

“Whew! It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten so much,” spoke Gabriel contentedly while he stroked his belly, “Thanks again Damion, I owe you one.”

I just nodded in response. It was soon to be evening, so I should probably get back to the harbor to meet Jane. But what should I do with Gabriel? He has to go back home.

I took out a silver coin and tossed it to him.

“That should be enough to get you back home.”

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He looked at me in surprise before speaking.

“I don’t want to go home yet.”

“We discussed this earlier, didn’t we? I’m not telling you to give up on your dream. I’m just saying that first, you should go back home to discuss this properly with your parents,” I explained to him again. He still looked skeptical, but since we had the discussion earlier, he knew I was right.

“Alright, alright, I’ll go back home. But I won’t stay there for long! Soon I will conquer a meteorite and the entire world will know my name!” he claimed.

I just smiled.

“That’s what I’m waiting for,” I just replied.

After we exchanged these words, we went our separate ways. I walked towards the harbor and he walked in the other direction.

I hope he keeps his promise.



I said goodbye to Damion and went on my way. I did say that I would go home again, but that was a lie. Before I go home, I had something to do. I had just noticed that Damion and I were being watched. I went to a deserted alley to lure the pursuer out. As I thought, he took the tempting offer and came out.

I continued to pretend that I had not noticed him. Since I did not know what his goal was, I just let him do it. It was not as if he could kill me. He stood behind me and suddenly hit me on the neck. I was sure he wanted to knock me out, but his hit was way too weak for that. Nevertheless, I continued to play and pretended to faint.

Thereupon, he packed me into a large sack to take me with him. It was tight and stuffy in the sack, but I could stand it. After what seemed like an eternity, we arrived. The first thing I did after he threw me out of the bag was to look around.

Around me were countless pirates. We were in a cave or something. But in front of me was an earth throne, on which sat a man with red eyes and hair sat. He was the leader of them. It didn’t take me long to understand that I was kidnapped by pirates.

Though why would they do that?

“Boss, I have kidnapped this boy here because he is in a good relationship with the man with purple eyes.”

He must mean Damion. Are they after him?

“If we take him hostage, we should be able to get to the man,” he explained further.

I see, so that’s how it is. They want me to lure him out. Still, I can’t imagine what Damion did to them. I looked at the boss, who still hadn’t said anything yet.

“I hope for your sake that your plan works. Otherwise, you’ll end up like your comrades.”

He was talking to the man who had kidnapped me. His voice alone was enough to make him tremble. The boss must be pretty strong. I estimated his cosmo energy level at about 3000, but I wanted to know more.

“Let me go. I haven’t done anything! And what do you want from Damion!” I shouted while sounding like a rebellious child.

The man who arrested me couldn’t believe it. The shocked expression on his face looked funny. Yet the boss, on the other hand, just looked at me with cold eyes.

“You don’t seem to understand your situation. At the moment, you only have the right to breathe and even that is a kind of me. Dare raise your voice in my presence again and you will be dead!”

It seemed like I would not get any more information from him.

“You seem to overestimate yourself a lot for a simple pirate!”

I stood up and let out some murderous intent. The little cosmo energy I released was enough to bring most people to their knees. I stared at the boss, who had been so arrogant just now. He was still sitting on his throne and still did not seem to have understood the situation.

“I don’t like the way you look down on me from above. Come down!”

Due to my gravitational magic, his throne crumbled, so that the powerful boss lay on the ground in front of me. He could hardly move since he weighed at least two tons at the moment. But amazingly, he didn’t die from it yet. I ran up to him and placed my foot on his head.

“So is good.”

The anger in his eyes was hard to miss. It must feel very humiliating to be embarrassed in front of his underlings.

“W-who are you?” he spoke with all his might.

“Ah, I haven’t introduced myself yet. My disguise seems to be working quite well. Well, let me introduce myself. I am Gabriel Fuesto Durania.”

All the pirates seemed shocked. But that was to be expected.

“Th-that can’t be. There’s no way it’s you?!” shouted a pirate.

“No, it really is him! The blue hair, the blue eyes, there’s no doubt about it. He is the child prodigy who, at 13 years old, already conquered two meteorites. The prince of Durania, he is Gabriel Fuesto Durania!”

Wow, he is well informed. However, I think it’s time I clean up here.

“I suppose you are the pirate gang that has been terrorizing my seas lately. It’s an excellent opportunity to finish you off once and for all.”

I overheard a minister telling my father about a huge pirate gang with over a thousand members that attacks cargo ships. They have become such a problem that even my father, the king of Durania, learned of them. Although I was away for a completely different reason, it was a wonderful coincidence that I could finish them all off here. I felt the boss of them trying to fire a spell at me, but it didn’t even reach me.

“Normal attacks can’t hit me.”

“ATTACK EVERYONE! OR WE WILL ALL DIE!” their leader shouted desperately.

I just told him that normal attacks cannot hit me.

Countless spells came flying toward me, yet none of them reached me. They looked confused and surprised. However, I was not interested. I looked around and saw about a thousand people. I must have been lucky that most of the members were present. That saved me work.

I used only a fraction of the power I had received from the gravitation meteorite. Still, after a few seconds, it was already over. None of them could withstand the gravity and they all lay crushed on the ground. Even their boss, who had held out for a long time, was now dead. The pirate gang was wiped out.

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