Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 26: Chapter 26: The perfect city Utopia

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Chapter 26

this is a fictional story by realTensai

Utopia! We have finally arrived!

When I got out of the cosmomobile, my heart was pounding. The excitement that I felt at that moment was abnormal. I had to pull myself together not to do joyful dances on the spot. I was finally here!

During the time in the Cosmo forest, all I could think about the whole time was to get here, to find the scientist who had brought me here. Now I was here, so all I had to do was find the scientist.

I was fully aware of how difficult this part would be, yet I had come so far. My goal was within close. My home was within reach. An end to this hellish world was in sight!

After I sorted these thoughts all in my brain, I perceived the surroundings for the first time. For the first time, I looked at the city of Utopia. And with a doubt, this city was the greatest thing I had ever seen. Not even in my dreams I would have imagined such a city.

“You were right Jane, it is breathtaking!”

The futuristic city of Utopia was exactly as one imagined the future in 1000 years in my world. Everywhere tall white buildings that didn’t even look like normal skyscrapers anymore. Even the best architects in my world would be overwhelmed, just by the idea of such buildings. Most of these buildings glowed in a shade of blue, as if someone clad them in LEDs.

And then there were the flying cars, but they didn’t fly just above the earth like the cosmomobiles, but flew through the air. They were flying cars! They flew on air channels or drove on the roads, which hung in the air. There even was a civilization of its own in the air!

Huge platforms, on which houses were, simply floated in the sky. This city ignored all rules of physics and used cosmo energy and science to create such a society. Various platforms on the ground served as elevators to reach civilization in the air. But even here on the ground, there was a lot going on.

Innumerable people were walking through the illuminated streets, each looking different. Some were ordinary citizens, some were walking around in suits, but many wore white coats and were scientists. No city in my world could match this one. This was the city of the future. This was Utopia!

“Even for me, it’s amazing,” Jane spoke.

Standing in the middle of the city, we just looked around. We both just took in all the environment. Since we had already paid for our cab, it, too, disappeared. After we calmed down a bit, we discussed our plans.

“We arrived, but now what? You said you had something to do here. What is it?” asked Jane.

That’s right, I hadn’t told Jane why I wanted to get here. Before I could mention any details, she decided to come with me. What now? Should I tell her? Should I tell her I am looking for someone from the council? But I can’t mention the reason for it, because I swore to myself that I would never again tell anyone that I am from another world. But would with just this answer satisfy her?

What would happen if I told Jane about my truth? I have long since found out that I could trust her. I could trust her and if everything goes well, I would soon be in my world. So what is stopping me? Not every person in this world is bad. I knew that, yet still hesitated.

“I need to find someone from the council,” I said a little more quietly so that people walking by didn’t hear.

“Why is that?” asked Jane in surprise.

It was obvious that this answer alone would not be enough. There was no other opportunity now. Even if telling this secret bears significant risk, I will do it. Jane was not like John and his troop. She was a good person. My only friend in this cruel world.

I took a deep breath and made sure that no one overheard us, whereupon I then spoke.

“Someone from the council teleported me to this world. Jane, I come from another world!”

Now it was out. My biggest secret. This was the ultimate proof of my trust in Jane. She was the only person in this world I could trust with my secret. She was the only one I trust.

Jane seemed a little surprised, but much less surprised than I would have expected. No comparison to the reactions of John and his troop. But suddenly she smiled slightly.

“You finally told me! I thought you would never really trust me. Thank you, Damion.”

Wait, what? What kind of reaction is that?

“Jane, did you even understand what I said? Why are you not surprised?”

“I’ve had this suspicion for quite a while now that you were from another world. And the longer I traveled with you, the more certain I became,” Jane spoke confidently and relaxed.

“H-how could that be? Have I behaved abnormally in any way?”

I was way too confused right now. I just couldn’t imagine how she had found out.

“You didn’t act abnormally, at least not at first glance. Your ignorance, in certain areas of this world, was only a confirmation of an already existing thesis of mine. I knew it after you told me about your powers.”

“What gave me away?”

“The experiments to expand the cosmo energy content are impossible with people who already have cosmo energy in them. This I have found out after my own research. No human being in this world can expand his innate cosmo energy content. It is biologically impossible. The fact that it worked for you means that you have had no cosmo energy since you were born. But since every living being in this world possesses cosmo energy, it can only mean that you are not from this world,” she explained her whole theory.

Wow, she never ceases to amaze me. So she knew it all along.

“If you knew this all along, why didn’t you say anything?” I asked, still a little confused.

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“It was already a very wild theory of mine and besides, you didn’t mention it, so I wanted to leave it at that. If you didn’t come up with it on your own, I never would have mentioned it,” she spoke honestly.

So that’s how it is. Jane is truly amazing. She knew I was hiding something, but she never brought it up because she was being considerate of me. It was the right decision to tell her. She is a good person.

“Thank you,” was the only thing I could answer.

“You don’t have to thank me for that. Still, I have to admit, you’ve picked a pretty tough target. It is impossible to get in touch with a person from the council,” Jane spoke with a serious tone.

I wanted to believe that it might be easy, but that was clear. Finding the responsible person will be difficult!

“Do you have any plans?” I asked Jane.

She thought about it and it even seemed as if she had an idea for a moment. However, she just shook her head.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been to this country, so I can’t come up with a good idea on the fly. The best would be to explore the city and ask people,” she answered honestly.

Damn! It was obvious, yet it still upset me. I wanted to find that damned person as soon as possible and just get back into my world. But it was no use getting upset now. I should keep a clear head and come up with something good.

I agreed with Jane’s idea, and we started exploring this futuristic city. Since Jane knew her way around, she showed me around. We walked around the area while she explained to me many things about Utopia.

The country of scientists was not only the most advanced but also the only large country that had a republic as its form of government. Most countries still had a monarchy under a king. This was also the case in Durania and Istavil.

However, because the country of scientists was a republic, the country gained a lot of support from its citizens and many immigrants. The people elect the ten council members and those ten are the most capable cosmo scientists. They act only in the interests of the people and develop the country.

Development and knowledge play a significant role in this country. That was why the school here was free. This surprised me because even in my world, most countries demanded for schools. But that this was different in here automatically led to the fact that the entire nation was educated, which was indispensable for a nation made up of scientists.

Something else that surprised me was that there were no slaves in this country. Slavery was forbidden. Since I immediately became a slave after I came into this world, I thought slavery was the most normal thing here. This was true for most countries, but not for this.

This just made it even more disturbing that the scientist Theo Handerson bought me as a slave, even though he came from this country and was even part of the council. He was a crazy man who would use any means necessary to achieve his goals.

Yet from what I have heard about this country and what I have seen, it is the perfect country. It is so far ahead in development to the other countries and all the advantages that one enjoys are almost paradisiacal. I could understand why so many people have emigrated here. But there was only one problem.

What is it with the cosmo weapons of the pirates? If what Jane said was true, the council was currently taking a risk to introduce weapons into the society that would only increase the crime rate. That didn’t jive at all with what I’d heard from the council. The council was only acting in the will of society and I could hardly imagine that society would want that.

Jane also assumed that, so she suggested consulting the citizens. I just let her do it, since she knew more about this than I did. Apparently, she found out even more about these weapons when we were on Meteorite Island. But this new information only made her more concerned.

The first person we approached was a young woman.

“Do you have a minute?” asked Jane politely, with a smile on her face.

The woman stopped and also politely replied, “Well, sure, what is going on?”

“I just have a few questions. I’m not from here so I’m not familiar with the republican system. I wanted to know what you think of the council?”

Jane’s choice of words was perfect. She phrased the question in such a way that it would not seem suspicious, but still get her information.

“What do I think of the council? That’s a simple question. It’s perfect! Because of the council, our country is what it is, which is the best country in the world! All the decisions of the council are perfect!” the woman answered happily.

It was a rather extreme answer that makes one somewhat suspicious. The council was quite amazing, but whether it was perfect, I did not know now.

“Is the council really that perfect? After all, they’re only humans too, which means they can also make mistakes. Haven’t there ever been decisions of the council that you didn’t completely agree with? For example, the cooperation with Istavil?” Jane asked seriously, still playing the ignorant one.

However, the woman was now getting angry.

“How dare you say such things! The council is perfect, there is no doubt about it! No matter what decisions they make, they are always right! If we do not agree with the decisions, it only means that we are too stupid to understand the intentions of the council! The council makes no mistakes because it is perfect!” the woman shouted at Jane before she then disappeared.

“Well, that was extreme,” I spoke my thoughts aloud.

No matter how you spin it, such a response was not normal, no matter how much you love the council. This reaction almost seemed like brainwashing. A very bad feeling spread through me, and I only hoped that my premonition was not correct. But after we had questioned other citizens, there was no longer any doubt.

No matter whom we asked, as soon as we expressed any doubts about the council, people started freaking out and describe the perfection of the council. It was so extreme that it could only be brainwashing or something. No matter what the council would do, the citizens would accept it with open arms. The council had absolute control over the citizens. That simply could not be good.

This country may not be as perfect as it seems.


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