Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Resolve

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Chapter 28

this is a fictional story by realTensai

“This is crazy!” Jane tried to talk me out of my plan.

“It’s our best idea. Unless you come up with something better, you won’t be able to change my mind,” I told her calmly.

Jane was upset, but she also knew I was right. My plan to have myself get kidnapped was without a doubt dangerous, yet in our current situation, it was the only way to get to the council. This Jane also knew very well.

“Are you aware of what you are about to do?” Jane asked skeptically.

I just nodded in response. For me, there was no other possibility. Come what may, I will return to my world!

“Damion, the council is not to be trifled with! You must not take them lightly. The ten council members are the most capable cosmo scientists in this country, most likely in the entire world. Their powers are unimaginable!”

All this was already clear to me. I already knew one council member and have felt his powers firsthand. Although he had little cosmo energy and was massively holding back because he didn’t want to kill me, I didn’t have a chance.

And I was not even sure if I could defeat him with my current strength. All he’d have to do was fire a plasma ball and there wouldn’t even be any dust left of me. That’s how strong council members are.

Still, I didn’t care about any of that! I would rather die than stay in this world forever. I finally arrived in Utopia. I will not let this chance pass!

“Jane, I am quite aware of what I am doing. But for me, there is no other way. I have to go back to my world!” I still spoke calmly, but these words I transmitted with willpower that would convince anyone.

Jane, who had already understood in her inner self that this was our only plan, now could not help but accept. Even if she would not accept it, I would do it anyway.

“Okay, I understand how important it is to you. But let’s make a deal. It’s only just evening. Give me until tonight to come up with a better idea. If I can, we’ll go with my plan. But if not, you can follow your plan from tomorrow onwards,” Jane suggested.

It was her last try to save me from my own idea. Actually, I wanted to take advantage of today. However, I will take the deal from Jane. If she comes up with a safer idea, I have no problem following it. My only goal was just to meet the council member who brought me into this world.

“Okay, agreed. But then what do we do now? It’s already evening and to just walk around without a plan is useless,” I replied.

Jane just nodded and seemed to think. “You’re right, it wouldn’t be worth it to do anything big today. Let’s find a place to spend the rest of the day. There I can then also think in peace about a new strategy.”

I accepted her suggestion, and we made our way to a hotel. Having no idea where exactly to go, I just followed Jane. Under the evening sky, the city looked even more breathtaking than before. The luminous buildings acted as a source of light, which gave the feeling of being in the middle of the starry sky.

Enjoying this atmosphere, I fell into thought. I thought about my whole time here in this world and how this would soon end. About two months have passed since I came into this world. That is, for two months, I have been untraceable for Sarah. That is a damn long time.

I wonder if she’s still waiting for me. Or has she already given up hope? It was hard thinking about it, but now I couldn’t push these thoughts away any longer. During my time here, I tried all the time to lock these thoughts away so that I would not fall into depression. I had to think positively in order to continue fighting. But now that the end was near, doubts arose in me.

What if Sarah is no longer waiting for me? What if she has already written me off? What if she already has a new man? What if she fell into a depression? What if she has already given up on the world?

I knew very well that these thoughts were of no use to me, yet I couldn’t help but ask myself these questions. Sarah meant the most to me in the entire world, and I could not forgive myself if something happened to her. But when I thought about what could happen to her, the worst possibility came into my mind.

What about the murderer of my parents?

He wanted to enter the portal to get into this world, but I prevented it. That was why I was nowhere. However, he was still in the other world, so what was to stop him from killing Sarah? For some reason, he knew who I was right away. And as if this was not enough, he also knew that Sarah was pregnant, even though I didn’t find out until the same day. Either he must have been stalking me and Sarah for quite a while or he had supernatural powers.

Neither was unlikely. Since he wanted to come into this world and he even had a portal appear in his basement, it only made sense that he has supernatural powers. But that only made him an even bigger threat! Only now did I realize what kind of danger Sarah was in.

The murderer of my parents surely knew where Sarah was, so he could kill her at any time! Besides, he had a problem with me since I prevented him from coming into this world. The idea that he kills Sarah together with my unborn child to take revenge on me was not improbable!

And here in this world, I couldn’t do anything about it either. This can not happen under any circumstances! No! No! No! NO!!!

“Damion, what’s wrong?!” Jane spoke to me, grabbing my shoulder in concern.

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Drenched in sweat, I looked at her. I had to calm myself down. Because of these thoughts, I had been radiating enormous murderousness. I definitely needed to calm down.

“It’s all right. I just realized once again how badly I need to get back to my world!” I spoke icily. That’s right, I had to get back to my world first, so I could do anything at all. It was useless now to think about such scenarios.

“You’ll be fine,” Jane tried to cheer me up.


We continued walking and arrived at a hotel. From the outside, it looked better and more modern than all the five-star hotels in my world put together. And when we entered, it only confirmed that.

Only the finest furniture was visually distributed here in the lounge. The golden-decorated walls made it seem as if they were works of art. The carpet on the floor was the fur of a mighty cosmo beast.

“You sure picked a very fine hotel,” I said to Jane.

Jane just looked puzzled.

“I chose a cheaper hotel because I don’t want to waste money unnecessarily,” she answered me.

Wait, what? This is supposed to be a cheaper hotel? Then what do the expensive hotels look like?

“Utopia never ceases to amaze me,” I muttered to myself.

We ordered two rooms, and Jane was right, it didn’t cost much. Per room, it only cost 85 cosmos for one night, which was sure cheap for such a hotel. On the way to our rooms, Jane spoke to me again.

“I’ll give you a new plan in the morning. Until then, you don’t do anything stupid, understand?”

“I’ll stick to our agreement.” With those words, we both went to our rooms.


Was it really the right decision? I said that I would give him a plan, but would I really do it? I had an idea all along that could work, yet I didn’t mention it. I did it to protect myself.

I didn’t want to have anything more to do with my past, so I didn’t mention the idea. If I suggest this idea, there was no other way than to tell Damion the truth. The truth about who I really am.

Even after Damion told me everything, even about the other world, I couldn’t tell him. I didn’t want to lie to him or keep secrets between us, yet I couldn’t tell him. The reason, however, was quite simple.

It was not because I didn’t trust him or because I was afraid of what he would think about me. No, it was because I didn’t want to accept it myself. For me, there was no more connection between me and this person, that’s why I didn’t mention it. That may sound naïve, yet that’s how it was. I had nothing more to do with him.

But now I was in a quandary. If I did nothing, Damion would go ahead with his plan and most likely get kidnapped by the council. If this happens, that will be the end of him. Even if he goes into the form in which he defeated the ice dragon, I don’t think he has a chance to defeat all ten council members. He will die.

So I had to do something. I couldn’t just let Damion die. Even though I hadn’t known him for several years, he still became important to me. It wasn’t something like love, but something more like comradery. We survived a dungeon with an S-rank cosmo beast together and have been traveling together ever since. It was a pleasant time that I value very much.

He was probably the person with whom I was currently closest connected at the moment. That’s why I knew how much he wanted to go back to his world. Even if that would separate us, I had to help him. Damion was my only real friend. I couldn’t help but help him!

But that brings us back to the original question. If I really want to help him, I have to confront my past. If I do this, he has the best chance. However, I would also have to admit my connection to this person. Just the thought made me feel sick.

But I will do it.

Damion trusted me, and I will return the favor. I will not let him die! After grabbing my sword, I was ready to leave. I had to go to this place. The terrible events of the past connected with this place came to my mind, yet I ignored them. With my sword on me, I left my room. My destination was the district in heaven where only council members lived.


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