Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Jane’s past

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Chapter 29

this is a fictional story by realTensai


The streets of Utopia were still busy as I moved through them. Feelings of nostalgia came over me and I remembered how many times I had walked by here with my family. But now I was alone.

A lot had changed in Utopia, though the district in which the council members lived should have remained the same. When you look up, you could see it even from here. A huge platform that simply floated in the air. On it was an enormous castle, where the meetings of the council took place.

When I arrived then at the place, which brought one high on this platform, I already saw some guards. At all hours, strong guards guarded the platform and made sure that unauthorized did not come up. After they saw me, they stepped out to prevent me from going on.

“Stop! Turn around. You have no business here!” ordered one guard.

I continued walking, and he drew his sword. The other guards did the same. But I did not want to fight, so I stopped.

“Who are you?” asked the same guard who had spoken to me before.

“I’m Jane _________.”

I hated to say my full name because I so automatically have a connection with this person. Yet I had to say my full name for the guards to let me through.

The guards were all completely surprised. They did not know if I was telling the truth or not. And newer guards probably did not even know me. But some guards should still know me from before. Just like the guard who had addressed me first.

“It’s really you! At first, I didn’t recognize you, but after you said your name, I knew it right away. It’s you Jane!” spoke the guard, named Mark.

He was a guard I had known since childhood. He had been working here for a very long time now.

“That’s right. Can you let me up?”

“Of course.”

He bowed respectfully and let me through. A few other guards seemed confused, but they simply listened to Mark. To get on the platform in the air, I had to pass through a gate. After I did that, it automatically teleported me to the platform above. There, of course, guards were waiting for me, though after I said my name, they let me through.

Now I had arrived. I was here in the district where only council members lived with their families. This heavenly city was even more beautiful than Utopia. A shimmering white barrier, which immediately reported intruders, surrounded it. However, this barrier made this district glow in a beautiful shade of white.

There were not too many houses, but the houses that existed here were more magnificent than some royal houses. Since only the council members and their families lived here, nothing was going on here. Except for a few guards and servants, no one ran around here. When I was a child, I and my little brother preferred to play in Utopia. Generally, we were more often in Utopia than here.

I wandered lonely through the area, and with each step, I remembered the past. All the familiar places here were connected with precious memories. The time I had spent here with my family had certainly been beautiful. But then this had to happen...

Not much longer and I would arrive at my old home. At the place where this tragic thing happened. At the place where I had lost my whole family. I walked the same way as always, the way that had already been burned into my brain. It was the fastest route from the gate to my home.

And then I saw it. The house of my family. Nothing had changed from the outside. It was a way too large house, which still looked magnificent. They must have maintained this place often, at the time in which I was not here. Though no one lived there anymore.

A strange feeling spread through me. I did not want to go back in there. Memories of that night plagued me when I only saw the house. You could say that it was a traumatic experience, which I was still not over with. The corpses of my mother and my little brother came into my mind and I almost threw up.

No, there was no way I was going back in there!

Desperately I stood in front of the door and I wondered why I had come here in the first place. In order to get Damion to the council I wouldn’t have to go back to my house, so why was I here?

I just walked here instinctively. In the end, I wanted to overcome my trauma and finally put the past behind me. They are all dead. But their killer, my father, is dead too. I am the only one in our family who was still alive. I must leave the dead behind me and move on. YES, I have to move on!

I opened the door and entered my old house. My heart was pounding, but still, I kept going. I looked around and noticed that everything remained the same. Nothing had changed here. Even after something like that happened in this house, they left everything as it was.

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When I went into the living room, I saw Lucas’ homework on the table. Surely he had done them here together with Mom before he finally died. I noticed a tear flowing down from my eye. Quickly, I wiped it away. I had already cried more than enough.

From the living room, I went upstairs to my room. My and Lucas’ rooms were on the second floor. Mom’s and my fathers on the second. When I arrived in my room, everything was still the same. My room was painted in a girlish pink tone.

Even when I was 17 years old, I didn’t want to change it. This was because I painted it together with my mother and father. I still remember exactly how fun it was. Those were the days when my father was not yet a psychopath.

My father used to be the kindest person I ever knew. Even though he was always so busy with his research, he would take time to play with his children. Often we even experimented together. The love for cosmo science is something I certainly inherited from him. But this cosmo science eventually robbed me of my father.

I continued to walk around the apartment, remembering the past. All the beautiful and sad things we had experienced here. Often tears started flowing, however, I continued to stay in the house. These tears were the proof of my love. Nevertheless, these should also be the last tears I shed. I cannot hang on to the past forever.

There was only one place I had not yet been to. I wanted to avoid this place, but I had to go there in order to finally close the door to the past. The place where my mother and brother died was where I had to go. I had to go to the place where they were killed. I had to go to my father’s laboratory.

My father’s lab was in the basement. Slowly, I went down the stairs. In the past, he never allowed us to go into his lab without permission, but now there was no one who could stop me. The way down was not lit, which made for a gloomy atmosphere.

After going down all the stairs, I arrived in front of the all too familiar door. Many times I went through this door to experiment together with my father. But when I walked through that door on that day, I only saw the lifeless bodies of my mother and brother and my father experimenting on them. His blood-smeared gloves and his insane look are still burned in my mind.

Hesitantly, I didn’t dare open the door. I breathed deeply in and out before I finally entered. A nostalgic smell tickled my nostrils as I opened the door. It was the same one I had smelled in the past. The smell of chemicals and experiments. I used to love this smell, though now I only associated it with the death of my family.

But it was strange that even here, everything remained the same as before. Of course, they disposed of the corpses and cleaned the place, but everything else was the same. All the equipment and chemicals were still in the same place as they were before.

The desk was also unchanged. There was still a pile of sheets there, on which experiments were described. It surprised me that the council left everything as it was before, though I did not question it further.

In front of me was a black lounger on which my father had killed my mother. His attempts to expand the cosmo energy limit he first tried out on his own family. He was aware of how likely it was that they would not survive, yet he did it anyway. His experiments were more important to him than his family!

After he killed my mother, it was my little brother’s turn. He performed the same experiments on him and he died. Exactly at the moment when he experimented on him, I came back home. Since I only heard screams from the cellar, I immediately ran downstairs, but then I saw it.

The bloody bodies of my mother and brother. And I was to be next. My father also tried to experiment with me, but I could escape quickly enough and get help. When help arrived, however, my father had already disappeared.

From one moment to the next, I had lost my entire family. My father, who seemed normal the day before, was a psychopath who killed his own family the next day. I knew that his research was not going very well at the time, yet he always had a smile on his face and was the normal father I loved so much. His change did not make sense, yet there was no doubt he had gone crazy.

From Damion, I even learned that he continued with his experiments and had even bought slaves for it. Damion was then finally his success, but as fate would have it, his own masterpiece killed him.

After my whole family died, I was devastated. I didn’t know what to do with my life. I started hating everything. However, most of all I hated my father and cosmo science. I couldn’t understand why he had done that. So I left the country to look for him and confront him. I wanted to hear the truth from his own mouth and then kill him.

Yet now, he was already dead. Everyone was dead.

I stood there in the room and remembered my past. Only here in this room could I come to terms with the past. My father, the murderer of my brother and my mother, was dead. There was no point in hanging on to the past. To move on, I had to accept this!

For the last time, I cried.

My whole family was dead. As hard as it might be, it was a fact. I cried and cried to finally come to terms with it. When my eyes were already red and I had hardly any strength left, I sat down on the chair at the desk.

I skimmed the documents that lay on the table, but they were only experimental protocols and theories. However, suddenly I had a déjà vu. When I was little, I sat once before at this desk. Back then, my father showed me his secret hiding place. I opened the drawer at the table and saw only a book. But this was not the hiding place.

The drawer had a false bottom. I took out the book and then removed the false bottom. If one did not know the hiding place, one would never expect anything to be there. That’s how real it looked. After I removed the bottom, I saw another book. Though this book was a special one. The title on it aroused my interest. It read,



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