Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Take me back to my world

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 Chapter 31

this is a fictional story by realTensai


Everything happened too fast. Suddenly, I found myself in a dark hall and saw only ten immense columns surrounding me. I got kidnapped.

Just a moment ago, I was still in my room, but suddenly someone appeared in front of me. The man was wearing a white coat that completely enveloped him. I could not see his face.

Immediately, I took cover, but the man simply grabbed me with tremendous strength. Desperately, I tried to resist, but in vain. The next moment, I was here.

Far too much was going on in my head. To process all these events was too much for me, yet I knew what had happened. This large hall and exactly ten columns. Even in my confused state, I could connect the dots. There was no doubt that I had reached my goal. I was at the council!

I didn’t think it would happen so quickly, but that did not matter to me now. My plan to be kidnapped by the council bore fruit. Even if it was risky, it worked. Now I had a chance.

Now I lay here on the cold floor and just looked around. It was just a wide black hall with ten enormous columns. The man who had kidnapped me disappeared behind one column. There were large white columns, and on the top of each was always someone sitting. A white veil shimmering through surrounded the people who were sitting there so that I could only recognize the outlines of the persons.

However, I knew that each of them was a council member. They were my enemies. Only now, when I realized the situation, did I feel the enormous pressure. The pressure emanating from each of them made me stay on the ground. It was comparable to the pressure of the ice dragon, except that the presence of these people had something dark hidden in it.

However, I had no time to be afraid. My goal was within reach! An end to this hellish nightmare was within reach!

I gathered my strength and stood up. My heart beat wildly and the blood in me rushed uncontrollably because of excitement. The cosmo energy in me also did not hold back, its irrepressible will was already seeping out. But that gave me strength. Its powerful will together with my will to come back into my world combined and made me stronger. Nothing could stop me now. I was ready!

“Take me back to my world!”

That was the only thing I said. My biggest wish. It was a command. If my theory is correct, only one person in this council will have understood me. The person who kept experimenting and brought me into this world. That was the one I was talking to.

Yet there was no answer. Only an unbearable silence awaited me after I expressed my concern. It was as if they simply ignored me. None of them spoke.

However, I could feel their glances. Every one of them was here and had heard me, yet they ignored me. Only their sharp glances and this enormous pressure were their answer.

I waited and waited, but still got no answer. With every second, I grew more impatient. I guess there was no other choice. It seems as if I had to use force.

“Are you deaf or something? I said bring me back to my WORLD!”

This time I transmitted my words along with some cosmo energy, which caused the whole room to shake. It was comparable to the scream of the ice dragon, which brought one to his knees in fear. It was my way of showing that I was completely serious and that I would reach my goal by force, if necessary.

“Your eyes.”

Suddenly someone spoke, though he gave me no answer. All he said was your eyes. What the hell does he mean? The color of my eyes changed to purple after the experiments, but I thought it was only a side effect. Were my purple eyes something special? Hell no! Instead of answering me, he addressed my eyes. He just did not take me seriously.

“What do my eyes have to do with it?! Was it you who brought me into this world?”

He was the first to answer, so I asked him this question.

“Those purple eyes. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen them. Still, never before have I seen them in this world. Say, you have it in you, don’t you? Cosmos will!”

What is this guy talking about? Purple eyes, cosmos will? What does that mean? So my purple eyes do have a meaning. But how does he know? Everybody could have purple eyes. Even though I myself have never seen someone with them, it could be possible. But the way he said it, my eyes are something special.

Also, the thing with cosmos will. The only thing he could mean is the irrepressible will of the cosmo energy within me. It was a great power that could destroy everything if unleashed. However, myself included. It was a power I knew way too little about. Yet he knew something. The way he just said it was a proof of it. Nevertheless, it did not matter right now.

Only one thing he said interested me. He said that he had never seen them before in this world. That meant that he himself was from another world. Yes, without a doubt, it was him! He was the person I was looking for. The person who brought me into this world, my goal!

“Ha..haha...haha, finally! I have found you! It was you, wasn’t it? The one who brought me to this world!”

I confronted him directly. The time had finally come. Now I could not hold myself back any longer. If I defeat him, I can force him to bring me back to my world. Yes, soon I’ll be back in my world.

“It seems to me you have a little logic flaw. I am supposed to have brought you to this world? Don’t make me laugh. You were the one who went through the portal. No one forced you. It was your own decision. If someone brought you into this world, it was probably your own incompetence.”

“Shut up! I don’t care, just take me back to my world!”

Deep in my heart, I have long been aware of what he just said. I knew I was the one who jumped through the portal and that I had not been summoned here just like that. Blaming him was the only way I could stop myself from hating myself. It was the only way for me to keep going without destroying myself mentally.

But none of that mattered now. As long as he just brings me back to my world, it was all good. Yes, this hell will end soon.

“I didn’t expect you to go into the portal. It delayed my plans a bit. But because of you, many people will suffer and die a horrible death.”

What? Because of me, many people will die? What kind of absurd lie! This guy is crazy. What has me being in this world to do with the death of other people? It does not make sense. I am the one who suffered! Instead of sending me back to my world, he starts babbling some bullshit.

“I didn’t expect you to find your way to me so quickly. But after I saw you in this town, I had to bring you here. Your plan was certainly not a bad one, but in one thing, you miscalculated.”

“Stop talking such nonsense, you’re really starting to piss me off! Just take me back to my world!”

“Normally, people who rebel against the council are not kidnapped, but killed immediately. I don’t need disloyal trash.”

He is insane. His way of never responding to what I say really pisses me off! It reminds me of that fucking scientist, Theo Handerson!

And the council is even more corrupt than Jane and I thought. They kill anyone who investigates them? I thought this was a republic here, but this is worse than any dictatorship! This land is all rotten! The council is the complete opposite of what the citizens told us.

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“It seems like you just don’t want to answer. I’m telling you for the last time, take me back to my world!”

“And what if I say no?”

So that’s his answer.

Immediately, I gathered the cosmo energy in my body and jumped in the direction of the pillar from which he was talking. With my cosmo energy-enhanced fist, I was about to destroy the whole column, but suddenly someone jumped out of another column and stopped my fist.

“Oh, so the rest of you are not just decoration?”

The man standing in front of me was one of the council members. He was an older man, though not much older than forty. He had a bald head and a beard with more than a few white hairs. His white coat with a gold insignia on it made him look like the high scientist that he was.

He will probably be my opponent.

There was no way around it. To get back to my world, I would have to defeat, for better or worse, every single council member here. I knew that when I entered Utopia. No, even much earlier. To even have a chance in this fight, I trained hard in the Cosmo Forest. Now I had to deliver.

First, I jumped back a few steps to gain distance. My opponent was still standing there, as if rooted to the spot. But this did not matter to me. I gathered the cosmo energy in me and aimed at him with my palm. Immediately afterward, several water bullets appeared, which flew faster than pistol bullets toward him.

However, these were no problem for him. He dodged all of them. But I did not stop. My plan was to only test his reaction speed. While I continued to bombard him with the water bullets, I began creating ice spikes from the ground.

I placed these spikes in such a way that whenever he dodged one of my water bullets, an ice spike would be waiting for him on the very spot where he went next. I calculated how he would dodge, then set a trap for him.

Now he seemed to be having his problems. After a few ice spikes aimed at him had hit him, he stopped dodging. Suddenly, a layer of fire enveloped him, which meant that my water bullets were useless. He looked deep into my eyes and started his attack.

Out of nowhere, I could no longer move. I don’t know what he did, but I just couldn’t move. It was like if I he paralyzed me. I saw him create several blue fireballs, which were about to come flying toward me. Desperately, I tried to move, but I just couldn’t. No matter how much force I used or how much I struggled, I could not move a millimeter.

Damn it!

Only when the mighty fireballs destroyed my body, I could move again. Though now it was already too late. My whole body got burned. No matter how many times I have been burned in this world, the pain seemed to get worse each time. Those blue flames had completely exposed my muscles.

In immense pain, I fell to the ground and all I could do was wait for my body to start healing itself. The self-healing process started immediately, but the large amount of cosmo energy that was needed to make my body functional again was alarming. Even with a cosmo energy level of 700, I should not let such an injury happen again.

Now that I could move again, I could also start my attack. I did not know what that ability was that made me freeze, still it should better not catch me again. I should finish the fight as soon as possible.

During the time of my training in the Cosmo Forest, I noticed pretty fast that it is actually impossible to become stronger than all the council members together. In such a short time and without a teacher, it was simply unrealistic. This was clear to me, however, I couldn’t just give up.

I improved my basic skills and increased my cosmo energy level. But while I was doing all that, I was working on one attack. An attack that would defeat everyone instantly. While searching for such a fabulous attack, I discovered a possibility.

However, my skills then were too bad, as that I could perfect the attack. Even the preform of the attack was useless in most fights. In the fight against the ice dragon, I wanted to defeat him with it, but it was not enough.

However, in a fight against a human, it should be much more effective. Even if the humans in this world were different and they could strengthen their bodies with cosmo energy, this attack should cause them significant damage. The sheer anatomy of a human being did not allow one to get away unharmed.

To bring out the full potential of the attack, I created a gigantic wave of water to hit the council member. Though the layer of fire surrounding him did not allow that.

He tried to look me in the eye, but I glanced away. It was only a guess, but only after I had looked him in the eyes earlier I could no longer move. I had to fire my attack quickly before he could attack again.

Only a few times had I practiced this attack. Only after I got out of the dungeon and my cosmo energy reached level 700, I succeeded. Compared to the huge lightning spell, this attack was much more practical and didn’t need as much preparation time.

In my hand, I tried to create electricity. I had to imagine several hundred billion tiny electrons flowing in a circle in my hand. Only with this, cosmo energy could create it.

But just creating this idea in my head was almost impossible. My brain simply could not imagine it. Electrons are so incredibly tiny that my brain simply did not have the capacity to imagine them. But through cosmo energy, it was possible.

Early on, I found out that knowledge was the most important thing in using cosmo energy. However, the more cosmo energy you have, the easier it was to give form to one’s thoughts. Even if your knowledge is not perfect, as long as you supply enough cosmo energy, you can make up for it with it.

And that’s exactly what I was doing. Within a few seconds, I had created electricity in my hand. I didn’t know how strong that electricity was, but with the amount of cosmo energy I added, it should be enough to kill a human being instantly.

The scientist wasn’t stupid and had already noticed that I was up to something. He shot blue fireballs at me to interfere with my attack. I easily dodged while I continued to hold the electricity in my hand.

But suddenly, exactly at the place to which I dodged, an earth spike almost impaled me.

He used my strategy from before!

But this did not matter now. With full power, I sprinted towards the scientist, dodging all the bullets at the same time. When close enough, he tried to take cover, but I froze his feet with ice.

Although he permanently protected his body with a layer of fire, my ice was cold enough to stop him for a moment. At that exact moment, I shot electricity into his chest. My goal was to knock his heart out of rhythm and thereby kill him. Hit, he could no longer move, though this attack would not be enough to kill him.

Immediately, I created an ice sword in my hand and used the time in which he could not move. I grabbed the sword with my two hands and swung it towards his neck. I felt almost no resistance as I separated his head from his body.

His head fell to the ground, and he was dead.

That’s what I thought, but there was no blood coming out of his neck. This man had no blood in his body!

Suddenly, he started moving, although he had no head. He stood up again, took his own head in his hand, and put it back on his neck. It all happened way too fast.

What the hell is happening here?! He isn’t human!

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