Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Torturous experiments

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Chapter 5

this is a fictional story by realTensai

When he said he would turn me into a monster, I realized the seriousness of this situation. This man had dangerous plans for me. But I also knew that I could do absolutely nothing against him. Even if I tried to fight back, I wouldn’t stand a chance. So I had to obey.

“What exactly do you mean by monsters?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. But first, take off your clothes and lie there.”

I hesitated at first, but when I saw his impatient look, I obeyed. I took off everything but my boxer shorts. The camp bed in the middle of the room was where I laid down. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t uncomfortable lying here half-naked, but I was worried about other things at the moment. I’m about to become a guinea pig!

The scientist took off the chain he was holding me with all the time, but tied me with the chains of the camp bed instead. They were tight and I could hardly move.

With every second, it became more and more clear to me that I was about to be experimented with. I started sweating and panicking, and suddenly I remembered Roy and John’s torture. Will I have to suffer like this again?

“Could you please tell me what exactly you intend to do with me? Will it hurt?!”

He put on gloves and just said, “You have no idea what cosmo energy is, so I’ll explain a few basics to you.”

He completely ignored my question.

“Cosmo energy is everywhere. It is in every living being, but not everyone can use it. If you can control your cosmo energy, you can do inhuman things. This can be anything, like creating elements or buffing your body to be incredibly fast.”

I already knew that much. I learned from John and his crew that everyone has cosmo energy except me, of course. And that they can do inhuman things with it, which I have experienced firsthand.

“But every human being has a certain amount of cosmo energy in them. And they can only use that. This is fixed at birth and cannot be changed. Training is the only way to fully exploit your potential.”

Well, if I understood that correctly, you did not have an infinite amount of cosmo energy. And you could only use your own. But what happened when you used up all of your cosmo energy?

“What happens when you use up all your cosmo energy?”

“Cosmo energy regenerates itself within a few days. However, you should never use all of your cosmo energy at once, as you never know when you might need it.”

Yes, that made sense.

“Now for the interesting part and why you’re here in the first place.”

Now it became important.

“Isn’t it a pity that at birth it is decided how much cosmo energy you have in you and you can’t change it even with training? That’s just unfair! However, this is where I come in. With my experiments, it will be possible to go beyond the limits of each person and open up new paths.”

“How do you want to do that?”

“I will guide the surrounding cosmo energy into people’s bodies, compulsively expanding their cosmo energy levels.”

That sounds like a good idea. Yet I couldn’t imagine it was that easy.

“And it works that easily? So why wasn’t this done sooner?”

“There was no known way to collect the ambient cosmo energy. It is not possible to influence cosmo energy in the environment, at least not under normal circumstances.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I found a way to gather cosmo energy from the environment. Explaining the procedure to you would be unnecessary, as you would not understand it, anyway. Just remember, I did it, and that I collected the cosmo energy in this container. So I didn’t need much more to reach my goal, but there was a problem.”

A problem? What does he mean by that?

“In theory, it all made sense, still in practice, there were some difficulties.”

“And these would be?”

He walked out of the room without answering me and I wondered what he was up to. A short time later, he came back with a cage containing a white mouse.

“It’s quicker to show you than to explain."

He took a small syringe and went to the container. He then connected the syringe to a wire from the container, filling the syringe with purple air. With the syringe filled with cosmo energy, he went to the cage. He got the mouse out and what happened next was unbelievable.

He injected the mouse with cosmo energy. At first, nothing happened, but after a few minutes, the mouse started moving wildly. It ran around the cage like crazy and even bumped into the bars several times. Its body was already bleeding, however, the mouse didn’t stop. It acted as if it had rabies. But suddenly the mouse stopped. I could see its body becoming more and more swollen and its fur becoming prickly. The mouse started glowing purple and getting bigger and bigger. And then it exploded. The cage was colored red and its guts were everywhere.

What the hell just happened?!

Completely overwhelmed, I tried to process it all. The mouse died most horribly after being injected with just a little cosmo energy. Will the same happen to me? He said there was a problem, so that’s what he meant.

Will he really do the same thing to me as he did to the mouse? Can I survive this at all?

“This is what happens when you absorb cosmo energy from the environment. The body can’t control it and it wants to get out. Then something like this happens. The same thing happens with humans.”

“H.. how do you want to do it with me then? If you already know what happens, my death is unnecessary?!”

“I’ve come too far to stop now.”

He said that with an ice-cold face and with complete conviction. I knew there was no way to change his mind.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you survive. I will modify your body so that you can absorb cosmo energy.”

He wants to modify my body? That did not sound very reassuring. He also started grinning like a mad scientist again, which only made things even more dubious. What will he do to me?

“It’s time we get started. Be warned, you will most likely suffer excruciating pain, but if you succeed, you will be able to become the strongest!”

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Excruciating pain? Please, not again! Ever since I came into this world, that’s the only thing I’ve experienced.

“Isn’t there a way to lessen the pain?”

“Not in this case.”

Damn, there’s no way out for me. Is this my end? Please, I have to survive this. There’s no way I can die here!

“First, I will amplify your body so that you become a proper vessel for cosmo energy. You are lucky that your body is already trained, so you have a solid foundation.”

After saying this, he went out again. After a short while, he came back with a tray full of chemicals and syringes. I could only guess the worst.

He put on gloves and a mask, then filled a syringe with a very dangerous-looking liquid. It was pretty obvious that this red liquid was not something good well.

“What is that?” I asked, but got no answer.

He grabbed my arm by the elbow. He then put on the syringe and injected the liquid. I felt the liquid entering my body, but nothing happened at first. But suddenly I felt it, the terrible pain.


I started screaming. My whole body burned from the inside. Every cell in my body fought against this liquid. I could feel veins bursting and my body spinning out of control. Screaming, I romped around on the lounger, but being tied up, I could hardly move. Blood started coming out of my body. Be it on my arms, legs, stomach, or eyes, the burst veins turned my body red. Yet, the pain didn’t stop. Every second felt like an eternity, however, it just kept getting worse. It felt like my body was being destroyed from within. The torture I received from Roy and John back then was child’s play compared to this.



I don’t know how much time has passed, but the pain finally stopped. My body still hurt immensely, but I was relieved. I survived it. I survived something so bad.

“Your body is now warmed up.”

Hey, what does he mean by that? Stop joking around! I almost died here, so what warm-up?!

He filled the syringe with a new liquid, and I started trembling.

“NO! P.. Please don’t! Please, do not do that!”

Completely emotionless, he just grabbed my arm and wanted to inject the next liquid into me.

“From today on, you will take in a wide variety of substances countless times so that your body will eventually be able to absorb cosmo energy.”

Countless times this pain?

“N.. NO, you can’t do that to me! I won’t survive this! Please, don’t you have a heart?! I beg you to stop! PLEASEEE!!”

I tried to defend myself but without a chance. He injected me with the next liquid, and the pain started all over again.






“That is it for today. The last substance I gave you was for regeneration. It will continue from tomorrow.”

Those were the last words I heard from him before he left the room. So this will continue tomorrow too?

“Hahahaha!” Completely desperate, I could only laugh. My body was completely destroyed. My skin was torn and there was blood everywhere. The one’s black lounger was now completely red. No cell in my body was functioning as it should have. My guts itched, and I felt the blood in my body merging with the stuff I was being administered. It was hell.

I was even more exhausted mentally than physically. And that was just the first day?! Without a doubt, I will die here. Even if I survive this, my spirit will die here. When I get out of here, I won’t be myself anymore. I will become a monster.







I don’t know how many days have passed since he started the experiments, but since then, every day has been hell. Every day I was given some substance and every time I thought that this time I would really die. No matter how many times I got them, my body didn’t get used to them. The pain got worse each time. I don’t know when it was that I really wished to die. With my death, all of this would end. But every evening he gave me a regeneration substance so that I wouldn’t die. There was no escape for me!

“Today is the day! Today I will give you cosmo energy. Your body should now be able to take it.”

I didn’t care. Actually, I should be happy because it was almost over now, but I didn’t have any strength anymore. My spirit died a long time ago. I didn’t feel anything anymore.

The scientist prepared the cosmo energy. He connected me to cables leading from the container. When everything was set, he took the same tool he had with him in the slave camp.

“This device can measure how much cosmo energy someone has. It will show me if it works or not. Well, I hope you are ready for this revolutionary event. Everything I did to you was only there to prepare you for this. Now it depends on whether you are a failure or maybe the real thing. Be ready, here comes the cosmo energy!”


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