Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Cosmo energy

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Chapter 6

this is a fictional story by realTensai

Now it was finally time. All the pain I endured worked for this. It was the only reason I was here. The cosmo energy!

The scientist started inflicting the cosmo energy on me and I saw the purple air seeping through the cables into my body. At first, I felt nothing, however, I hadn’t forgotten what happened to the mouse. Its painful death wasn’t a thing you could just forget. And that all substances before were only preparation for this made me stay more vigilant.

My heart beat faster and faster and my body was already trying to prepare for what was to come. The seconds slowly passed, but nothing happened. Still, I hardly felt safe. Then, out of nowhere, I felt it, an immense force that sent my body into turmoil.


Completely shocked, I started screaming. What the hell is happening to me? I felt the cosmo energy flowing through my body and totally overwhelming me. Every fiber in my body was confronted with enormous power, which led to my body getting out of control. I raged uncontrollably on the lounger like a madman, but I tried to hold in everything just to suppress this cosmic force.

Immeasurable pain awaited me when I tried to keep this power in me. I felt how the cosmo energy wanted to break out of my body, like an untamed monster that one tries to imprison. My body started bleeding as my skin was tearing. It hurt like hell, but I knew that if I let go for a second, my doom would be sealed.

Bitterly, I did my best not to be taken over by this power, yet I knew that my body would not hold out much longer. The same symptoms as with the mouse started appearing on me. My body slowly turned purple, while my skin expanded agonizingly. Not much longer and I would suffer the same fate.

“E...Enough! I’m at my limit! ”

Desperately I tried to stop the process, but it seemed as if the scientist had other plans. “Fuhaha, it works! I did it! I Theo Handerson did it!”

He didn’t listen to what I said and only celebrated his success. Cosmo energy continued to flow into my body and I felt how it was about to tear me apart.

SHIT! Am I going to die? After surviving all the painful experiments, I am supposed to die like this in the end? Just before the end, my prayers for my death are answered? That’s bullshit! No! I will not die here!

„NOOOOO !!!!!”

Utilizing all my strength, I tried to control the cosmo energy. The pure thought of survival drove me. It was a bitter struggle whose defeat meant my death.

“Excellent! You are the best! You exceeded all my expectations! You can absorb the cosmo energy.”

I continued to fight desperately when a millisecond of hesitation would mean my safe end. My veins burst and my skin kept tearing up, but my bloody body couldn’t even clarify the pain I felt. The cosmo energy continued to romp in me, however, I saw how my skin slowly got its original color again. Nevertheless, I was not put off by this good sign. Without leaning back, I gathered all my strength to tame the cosmo energy once and for all.

“Aahhhhh!!!” I screamed with my last strength. When I looked at my body, I saw it. I was no longer purple. I did it! When I realized this, I lost consciousness.





I did not know how much time had passed since I fainted, however, when I woke up again I was still on the lounger in the same room. I looked around and saw the scientist who was also in the room. When he realized that I had woken up, he started speaking.

“Hahaha, incredible! You were really able to absorb all the cosmo energy from the container. Finally! I finally did it! ”

I looked at the container and noticed that the purple air had actually disappeared. So I really did it. I now have cosmo energy.

Only now did I look at my body. My skin still had a lot of painful-looking scars, but I was no longer bleeding. My skin color had changed too. I got a lot paler, almost like a corpse. This was definitely due to the tons of blood I had lost in the past few days. But these were the only physical differences I noticed. So physically I had not changed too much.

Now I concentrated on what was within me. Cosmo energy was in my body, so I should feel something too. When I deliberately focused on the cosmo energy, I felt it. An immense force that now slept within me. It was a strange feeling. Before that, I did everything to suppress this power, but now it felt like it had become part of me. The power that just restores my whole body has now become an immense source of energy for me. This incredible power was really mine now!

When I realized this, feelings of power flooded me. Infinite possibilities opened up before me. What can I do with this power? How strong can I get? But when I asked myself all these questions, the scientist interrupted my thoughts.

“It is time that we come to the second phase of the experiment.”

What? I was told nothing about a second phase.

“There is a second phase?!”

“Of course. You now have cosmo energy in you, but what use is that if you can’t use it? In the second phase, you will learn to control the cosmo energy and use it as you want.”

So that was meant by the second phase. I was afraid that the most painful experiments would be carried out with me again.

“And how exactly should I learn that?”

He started grinning again and said, “I will teach you.”

A bad feeling spread through me because this smile never promised anything good. Still, for now, I trusted him because I wanted to learn how to control this power. He freed me from the lounger and tied me off. When I was freed from the chains, I got up for the first time in many days. It was an indescribably good feeling to be able to move freely again.

At first, it was difficult to stay on my feet but I quickly got used to it. Then I stretched a little to get my body efficient again. I looked closely at my scars and blood-smeared body and noticed that I had hardly lost mass. Although I only got one meal a day, I lost no mass. He must have injected any nutritional supplements into me. Physically, I was in surprisingly good condition if you consider what I have had to go through in the past few days. Since I was still half-naked, I first pulled the rags they gave me in the slave camp.

“Are you finally finished? I want to start?”

I glanced at myself in the reflection of the container when I noticed something.

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“My eyes?!”

“Ah, did you only notice it now?”

It was the first time that I could see my eyes, of course, I only noticed now. My eye color has changed. My previously black eyes were now completely purple. They were the same color as the cosmo energy.

“How can that be?”

“This is most likely a side effect of the experiment. But it doesn’t affect you in any way, that’s why it doesn’t matter. “

He says it doesn’t matter, but these eyes have changed my appearance drastically. The unnaturally pale skin with all the terrible-looking scars in combination with the purple eyes made me look extraterrestrial. I looked like another person. How should Sarah recognize me like that again? Well, it doesn’t matter right now. That was to worry once I have made it back into my world. But first I had to be able to use this cosmo energy in me.

And if I can do that, I’ll kill this scientist! He shouldn’t think that I forgot what he did to me. All the pain I have suffered, all the days where I wished I would rather be dead. I will pay him back for all of this! It took me all of my control to hold myself back and not attack him on the spot. Because I still needed him. Besides, I’m not even sure if I could defeat him with my current strength. So I had to be patient and endure it until I could control the cosmo energy.

“I’m ready. Show me how I can use cosmo energy!”

“Well, let’s start with the basics.”

Okay, basics are always important.

“When using cosmo energy, the most important thing is your knowledge.”

My knowledge? What does he mean by that?

“Let me explain it in more detail. With cosmo energy, you can theoretically create everything. However, there are two conditions,” he said, holding up two fingers.

“And these would be?” I instantly asked.

“The first is that you have enough cosmo energy to even create this thing. And the second is that you know exactly how it works. You have to understand the matter from scratch to create it.”

So that’s why he meant that knowledge is the most important thing when using cosmo energy. Without the necessary knowledge, you could not create something. It doesn’t matter how much cosmo energy you have. He raised his hand and seemed to be concentrating. After a short time, a small fireball appeared above his hand.

“In order to create this fireball, I have to know exactly how it is structured and how it works. Then I have to release the necessary cosmo energy and use it to form this fireball.” The fireball went out again.

“I said that knowledge was the most important thing, but there is one thing that comes before. Namely, the release of the cosmo energy. “

“Is the release of cosmo energy just the ability to use the cosmo energy? “

“Yes. All people have cosmo energy, but not everyone can use it. That’s because not everyone can freely move and release their cosmo energy. So the first thing you learn will be to release your cosmo energy.”

So that will be the first thing I am learning. This is the first step to controlling this power.

“And how should I learn to release it?”

When I asked this, the scientist left the room without saying anything. His action did not even surprise me. A short time later, he came back with a sword in his hand.

“What are you going to do with it?!”

He didn’t answer and came closer and closer. I instinctively went into a defensive position because I didn’t know what to do. But when he arrived before me, he just gave me the sword.

“With this, you will practice releasing your cosmo energy.”

This sword should help me to release the cosmo energy? I looked at the sword in amazement. At first glance, it seemed to be a normal sword, but on closer inspection, I realized something. There were characters on the handle of the sword that looked like a drawing. They were similar drawings to those on the entrance gate.

“What are these drawings?” I asked, interested.

“Drawings?” the scientist said, looking a bit confused, though he immediately continued, “You mean the runes? Simply explained, runes are the compressed form of a spell. If you let cosmo energy flow into them, they activate and serve their purpose. “

“Wait what? Does that mean you just have to let cosmo energy flow into a rune and you can do a spell? I thought you had to know how a spell works to create it? “

This was a contradiction to what he said before.

“This is the normal case. But through cosmo science, runes have spread widely, and it is easier for ignorant people to use powerful spells. However, it is not so easy to get runes.”

Suppose I understood that correctly, there are runes that allow ignorant people to use spells. Then why should one still make the effort to acquire the necessary knowledge? Oh, it doesn’t matter. I can clarify these questions later. First, I have to do the thing in front of me.

“I gave you this weapon with a rune so that you let your cosmo energy flow into it. If you can do that, you automatically managed to release your cosmo energy,” the scientist explained.

He says it so easily, but I doubt that it’s really that easy.

“Just imagine how you let the cosmo energy flow out of your body into the runes of the sword. It should be easy for you since you were already in contact with cosmo energy. You also suppressed it, so you should be able to release it.”

That sounded plausible. I will just try. Taking a deep breath, I strengthened my grip on the sword. I closed my eyes and only focused on the cosmo energy within me. When I felt the mighty power in me, I tried to move it. I wanted to let it flow out of my body into the sword. I imagined how the cosmo energy would start flowing, but nothing happened. Still, I didn’t let myself be put off and kept trying. Some time passed and absolutely nothing happened. I concentrated desperately and imagined it exactly, however the result remained the same. The cosmo energy did not move a piece.


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