Cosmos Will: A Dark Isekai

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: The reason to survive

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Chapter 7

this is a fictional story by realTensai

“How can this be!!! The cosmo energy does not want to move!” I spoke in despair.

The scientist continued to look unimpressed and only said, “Keep trying.”

I did as instructed and concentrated fully on the cosmo energy inside me. I could feel it, but I could not get it to flow.

Exhausted, I dropped the sword and paused.

“I thought it should be easy for me to release the cosmo energy? Then why can’t I do it?”

The scientist looked at me emotionlessly. He just looked at me and said nothing. When the strange silence slowly became uncomfortable, he started talking.

“I really didn’t expect this. It seems that your body is unconsciously suppressing the cosmo energy. Under normal circumstances, you will not overcome this blockage.”

“What? Why would I unconsciously suppress the cosmo energy?”

“It’s just a theory, but until recently, you were doing everything you could to keep the cosmo energy inside you. Maybe it was programmed in your body not to let this force out under any circumstances, because it might get out of control. This would explain why you can not release the cosmo energy.”

I see, so I have a blockage in my head that does not allow me to use cosmo energy. How convenient. After I did everything I could to absorb cosmo energy, it will stay in me forever and won’t be used.

“What should I do now?” I asked, a little desperately.

He did not answer. A short time passed, and he started grinning.

“There is another method to learn how to release your cosmo energy,” he told me.

“And that is?”

“Just follow me.”

It was quite obvious that this method was not safe, but I followed him anyway. We left the room and walked through the lab. I saw him pack up some chemicals and then went on his way. I wanted to ask what it was, but he would most likely ignore me, anyway.

We climbed the stairs and arrived at the top. Without losing any time, we left the hut directly. Outside it was not yet really dark, so it was certainly afternoon. Long was it ago that I was outside. The scientist walked at a solid pace through the forest and I followed him. I asked where we were going, but got no answer. Generally, we did not talk.

An eternity passed, and we were still walking through the forest. It has become already dark, nevertheless, it seemed we still have not reached our destination. Slowly, I was getting impatient because we went deeper and deeper into the forest and apparently only aimlessly ran around. In addition, I had already seen some wild animals which have not attacked us, fortunately, nevertheless I was worried. It was only a matter of time before we would be attacked.

“How much longer are we going to hike?” I asked, but I did not expect an answer.

But suddenly he stopped.

“That should be enough.”

Astonished, I just looked at him. We just stopped in the middle of the forest, though apparently arrived. I wondered what he was up to when I saw him take out the chemical he had packed. It was a small bottle with a green liquid. Suddenly, he turned to me and poured all the liquid over me.

“Ahhh, hey, what are you doing?”

Annoyed and disgusted, I wondered what this was for. But then I saw his smile and suspected evil.

“With that, the preparations are done,” he spoke somewhat quietly.

“Preparations for what?” I asked, although I didn’t want to know the answer.

It could not be anything good.

“The smell of this liquid attracts cosmo beasts. I hope you know what that means.”

Hey, hey, hey, what does that mean? Cosmo beasts? Does this mean supernatural beasts like this fire wolf? If yes, this guy is a worse psychopath than thought. There is no way I could survive this?

“Y-you’re not serious, are you? Does that mean I’m about to be attacked by some beasts? How am I supposed to survive that?”

He just grinned.

“Quite simply, with cosmo energy! With the cosmo energy in you and the sword I gave you, you should be able to survive,” he claimed, bristling.

He is insane after all!!

“But I can’t even release my cosmo energy!”

“Then you’ll learn it now. If you can’t, you die. But if you die here, I guess you were a failure in the end.”

Hey, he’s not serious, is he? Is he crazy? He meant that there was some blockage in my head that was preventing me from releasing my cosmo energy, so how am I supposed to do that now? He wants to kill me!

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“I’m off now because the beasts are about to appear. The smell lasts about an hour. Try to survive.” With these words, he disappeared.

I wanted to follow him at the beginning, but for some reason, he was incredibly fast. Within a few seconds, I had lost him. And now I was standing here completely alone in the forest and was about to be attacked by cosmo beasts.


Full of rage, I started screaming. However, I soon regretted this decision. The first beast approached me. I heard its footsteps and saw it dart through the bushes. Drenched in sweat, I took cover, sword held in front of me for protection. I tried once again to let cosmo energy into the sword, but in vain. I breathed deeply in and out and tried to prepare myself for the coming beast. But when I saw it, I was astonished.

A hedgehog?

I looked at the creature that was a few meters away from me, but without a doubt, it was a hedgehog. Perhaps it was larger than the hedgehogs in my world, yet it was a normal hedgehog. A little relieved I could breathe again, still I remained cautious because I knew that the animals in this world were not normal. And just as I thought that, countless of his stingers flew toward me.


Desperate, I jumped to the side and was able to narrowly avoid the spikes. What the hell was that?! Completely overwhelmed, I stared at the hedgehog, who was already preparing the next load of spikes. I quickly got up again so I could dodge the next spikes.

The spikes flew with an uncanny speed directly at me, but I still managed to dodge them, even if only narrowly. When I then looked at the tree, which was hit by the spikes, I got shivers. The tree was completely perforated. These small spikes could make extremely deep holes in a tree. It was immediately clear to me that one hit on a vital spot and it’s over!

Beads of sweat formed on my entire body, and my breathing came to a standstill. Adrenaline flowed through me and my only thought was ‘one mistake and I’m dead!’.

When I saw the hedgehog preparing its next charge, I thought about fleeing, but I quickly discarded this idea because I could not risk turning my back on him. Desperately, I tried once again to release my cosmo energy, yet it still did not work. But I had no time to get angry because the next load of spikes was already rushing toward me.

The incredibly fast spikes almost reached me, but I managed to let myself fall. I could avoid hits. However, as I thought this, I felt an unearthly burning in my ear. I saw blood dripping and when I touched it, I noticed it. Half of my ear was gone.

Normally, one would panic after such a hit, but this was not the case for me. After countless extreme experiments, such a hit did not even hurt. I was even relieved rather than shocked. If he had hit a few centimeters to the side, my head would have been pierced. And there was a reason for joy. I found his weak spot!

There always was a break before he could fire the next load of spikes. If there were no breaks, he would have shot me down before or even now when I was lying on the ground, and I would have been done.

The duration of this break was about ten seconds. This means that until it fired the next spikes, it will only take a few seconds. I have to survive the next charge and then finish him off in the time he can’t shoot!

With these thoughts in mind, I prepared myself for the next charge, which was about to fly at me. I saw how the hedgehog finished preparing his spikes and fired them at me.


The spikes flew at me, but instead of falling, I ran toward them. I had to reduce the distance to the hedgehog as much as possible so that I could shoot him down. Shortly before they reached me, I took all my momentum and jumped to the side. It was very risky and if I were not under the effect of adrenaline, I would probably be dead right now, but I did it!

I was able to survive this spike charge. However, I was not unharmed. My left forearm and my left calf were pierced. Blood started flowing, but I suppressed the pain. I had to finish the hedgehog NOW!

As fast as I could, I approached the hedgehog, knowing that I had only a few seconds left. The hit on my calf caused me to limp, but I still reached the hedgehog. I saw him trying to shoot the next load of spikes, but before he could do so, I stabbed him with the sword. The hedgehog was dead.

Relieved, I let myself fall. I did it! I really managed to kill the hedgehog! And that without cosmo energy! I survived!

Clouded by feelings of success, I didn’t notice the scurrying of the bushes. Only when I saw the animals, I realized how stupid I was. It still was not over!

My heart beat faster and faster, and my head tried to process what I had just seen. I quickly stood up again and ignored the stabbing pain. Desperately, I searched for possibilities to survive this, but in vain.

“I-I could hardly defeat one of them...”

In front of me was a horde of hedgehogs. There were at least 20 of these beasts that were all out to get me.


Desperate, all I could do was laugh. Without any doubt, this is the end for me! I saw them all preparing their spikes. In a few seconds, hundreds of these deadly spikes would come flying at me. The only thing I could do was flee. I ran for my life and tried to escape them. However, I saw the spikes already flying towards me. With my last strength, I tried to hide behind a tree, but it was already too late. I felt how my whole body was perforated.

However, I somehow avoided fatal hits and survive this wave. Nevertheless, I was as good as dead. My arms and legs had holes everywhere and some parts of my belly were also hit. Excessive amounts of blood were pouring out of me and it was only a matter of time before I would die from blood loss. And to top it all off, I would be shot by the spikes again in a few seconds.

With death already breathing down my neck, I thought once again about my whole life. How my parents were killed, and I fell completely into darkness. How I met Sarah and found my way back to the straight and narrow. How I could live a happy life with Sarah by my side. And how I got separated from Sarah by being teleported to this shitty world. How this world only caused me pain and in the end, I die a miserable death.


I have a pregnant wife still waiting for me at home! There was only one way left to survive this.


Fuck the blockage in my head. You will move now! I don’t care if you get out of control, GIVE ME YOUR POWER!

It was as if the cosmo energy was listening to my call because I felt how it started flowing.


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