COSMOS WILL: Hell in another world

Chapter 34: Chapter 34: Damion vs Jane

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Chapter 34

this is a fictional story by realTensai


I had made up my mind. Yes, I will fight Damion. He was manipulated, so it's no use trying to stop him. I had to fight him and find a way to bring him back to his senses.

Damion continued to shoot ice bullets at me, but instead of dodging them, I parried them with my sword. Thus it was easier for me to avoid the ice spikes from the ground.

Nevertheless, I should do something. In a long-distance fight, I am clearly at a disadvantage. I immediately charged at Damion, simultaneously dodging the ice bullets and ice spikes.

It was relatively hard to dodge all the attacks, but I strengthened my body and senses with cosmo energy, which made it possible for me to achieve inhuman reactions.

I learned this technique of body reinforcement from my father as a small child. Since he had only little cosmo energy, he had to use the little he had effectively. This he taught me.

But on my journey, I perfected this skill. I improved my knowledge of human anatomy to get the best out of my body. The more I knew about my body, the more effectively I could amplify it.

Now I even manage to amplify the electrical impulses coming from my brain to accelerate them, which leads to a lightning-fast reaction time. These abilities, together with my swordsmanship, made me a dangerous opponent.

Within a few seconds, I reached Damion. I did not hesitate either and swung my sword at him. He possessed incredible healing powers, which means that as long as he still has cosmo energy, he can heal himself. Therefore I did not have to hold back.

But instead of dodging my sword, he created a layer of ice on his forearm and stopped my attack. When my sword hit him, the layer of ice was not enough to block my attack completely. He began to bleed profusely, but it was already starting to heal.

After deflecting my attack, he grabbed my forearm and created an ice spear in his other hand. Immediately he tried to stab me with it, but with my enhanced body and fast reaction time, it was easy for me to avoid this attack.

He aimed at my heart, but I just turned to the side, so his ice spear slipped just past me. But now, his body was completely exposed. Since he was already holding me anyway, I pulled him even further to me and gave him a hard punch in the face. The sheer force of my fist sent him flying back several meters.

How do you like that? Is that enough to wake you up?

But Damion simply got up again. He is way too strong to be finished off by a fist. Again he started firing ice balls at me. Only now have I noticed how much cosmo energy he actually has.

He told me how he suddenly reached a cosmo energy level of 700, but only now I realized how much that is. I could only dream about so much.

I continued to dodge the bullets, but out of nowhere, the ground underneath me was covered in ice. Damion has frozen the whole floor!

Due to the slippery floor, my movements were restricted. Suddenly it became much harder to dodge the ice balls. In order to not be at a further disadvantage, I took out a chemical from my pocket and shook it onto my sword.

This chemical caused my sword to burn. I stabbed my sword into the ice, which then began to melt. But suddenly, several ice spikes appeared from the ground next to me, which wanted to take my life.

Since they came from every direction, it was almost impossible to avoid them all. I had to parry them. I changed the grip on my sword and began to swing it around like a whip. By doing this, I destroyed every single ice spike that came out of the ground. After some time, the attacks stopped.

"Is that all, Damion? You won't be able to defeat me like this!"

I knew full well that Damion was still holding back. That was the only reason why I was still unharmed. But it made no sense. If Damion was being manipulated, he couldn't even hold back. Does that mean that Damion is still conscious?

"Damion, answer me, are you still you?"

I did ask that but got no answer.

"Damion, I have the feeling that you are not taking this seriously. If that's true, our deal will not work out. You will never get back to your world!"

After the string-puller said that, for the first time, I saw a reaction on Damion's face. That was all I needed to understand the situation. Damion was not manipulated but blackmailed!

This man is the only one who can bring Damion back to his world, so he blackmails him. Nothing is more important to Damion than to get back into his world, that's why he can blackmail him so well. Now Damion has no choice but to listen.

Damion's facial expression became a lot more serious, and I could see that, from now on, he would no longer hold back. Now things would get serious.

I thought about using the new skills I had developed for my sword, but if I did that, Damion would certainly die. No, I had to defeat Damion without them. I had to bring him back to his senses.

Once again, I took a deep breath in and out before I rushed at him again. After a second, I stood in front of him and swung my sword at full speed, but out of the ground, an ice spike suddenly appeared. This one almost impaled me, so I had to take cover.

I jumped one step back. But immediately, I started to attack again, but this time from another side. The moment I was in range, another ice spear attacked me, and I had to retreat.

These ice spikes appear just when I am in range to attack him. He summons them so so quickly and precisely that it's almost automatic. I needed a new strategy.

Immediately an idea came to me. From one of my side pockets, I took a chemical. I then threw it at Damion. He wanted to destroy it with a water ball, but that was exactly what I wanted.

I knew that he would try to deal with it with a water ball. Damion prefers to fend off small attacks with a water ball because it is the easiest to create.

The chemical I threw at him was cesium. This substance reacts explosively with water. And that's exactly what happened when the water ball destroyed it. A strong explosion surprised Damion and it was exactly this second of hesitation that I used.

I immediately found myself next to him and swung my sword at him. This time he was not fast enough to create an ice spear. But just before I hit him, he created a large sphere of water, that knocked me away.

It did not do much damage, but now I was again several meters away from him and also soaking wet. I couldn't use that one gap.

He shouldn't have that much cosmo energy left, though. I estimated that he can't have more than 100 left, considering that he fought here before that.

Suddenly he raised his hand and I immediately took cover. What attack will come next? But then I only saw blue streams coming towards me and it was already too late. I experienced the most brutal electric shock of my life.

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My whole body cramped and I fell to the ground. I could hardly breathe, let alone move. He had caught me. I did not even know that he had such an attack. Damn!

"Well done Damion, I was wondering when you would use that attack."

Damion still seemed lifeless and didn't respond to him.

"Very well, finish it."

After hearing those words, I knew exactly what he wants, but Damion seemed shocked for a moment.

"What, don't tell me you thought the fight was already over. Kill her! Only then you can work under me."

Damn. I wanted to move, but my body was still in shock. Since I was still wet before, I can only speak of luck that I am still conscious.

Hesitantly, Damion approached me. He created an ice sword in his hand and came closer and closer. When he stood next to me he could not look me in the eye. He only placed his sword to my neck and I felt the cold.

Is this the end of me? Will I end up dying at Damion's hands? But when I thought about my death I realized, that maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. If he would kill me my death would at least have a meaning.

"Damion, I know you're not a bad person. Your desire to get home is just stronger than anything else. I hope my death will at least bring you back home. Please don't forget me after you are back in your world."

These were my honest thoughts. Damion was my only friend, but since he came to this world, he just has been suffering all the time. A big reason for this was also my father. Even though he was manipulated, he still caused him incomparable suffering.

If my death brings Damion home again, I have nothing against it. Here in this world, there is no one left who would be interested in my death. In the hereafter, my whole family is waiting for me. When I die I can finally see them again. But just when I was getting on terms with my death, Damion broke down.

"N-no, I just can't do this. How could I kill the only person I care about in this world? I-I just can't. Jane, you are my only friend in this world!"

He dropped his ice sword and fell to the ground. Shocked I realized that he would spare my life. But why? He knows that he will never return to his world if he does that. Did he really accept me as his friend?

I gathered all my strength and put my arm around him.

"Thank you, Damion."

I thanked him for everything. For sparing my life, but more for accepting me as his friend. After losing my entire family, I had no one. I met a lot of people on my trip, but no one I could call a true friend. But now to have someone I could call a true friend filled the void in my heart.

Thank you, Damion.


No matter how much I wanted to get home, I couldn't kill a friend for it. Even if it took me home afterward I could never forgive myself for that. I would lose my humanity.

Sarah would never forgive me if she learned that I had killed the only good person in this world only for my selfish goals.

"Damion I am truly disappointed. I expected more from you. But now at least I am sure, you are useless. I don't need you anymore!"

After he said that, I realized that I had lost my ticket back to my world. But I won't regret my decision now! Now there was no other option but to force him to bring me back. 

"Looks like we'll have to force him to send you back," Jane, who had stood up next to me, said.

"I'm sorry I fought you. The electric shock at the end must have hurt pretty bad."

Jane just smiled.

"You can say that again!"

She gave me a light fist against my shoulder.

"But now we have to defeat that guy there. You probably don't have that much cosmo energy left, so I brought you something."

She gave me a cosmo crystal. Since I was just suddenly kidnapped, I couldn't pack one for myself. Thanks to this cosmo crystal, I can replenish my cosmo energy completely. If I do this only once, it also has no bad effects on me. So I am again ready to fight.

"Thank you, Jane. With this, I can fight again."

Jane took out a chemical from her side pocket and drank it. After that, she also seemed to be back to one hundred percent.

"Now I'm ready, too. Let's finish him off!"

The two of us together against him. We simply had to win. But before we could attack, he seemed to have summoned someone.

In front of him hovered a boy who was not older than 16 years. But the pressure that came from him was tremendous. He was strong.

"You will not fight against me, but him. He is one of my latest inventions. You will be a good test of his strength."

So he was not a normal human either. But the pressure from him was way too enormous. He was stronger than the ice dragon!

Even Jane seemed to have realized this, as she was completely shocked. But then she suddenly started talking.

"I-It can't be! I saw how he was killed! That can't be him! What...WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?! Why does he look like Lucas?!"

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