COSMOS WILL: Hell in another world

Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Unexpected news

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Chapter 40

this is a fictional story by realTensai

A week has passed since I escaped from the land of the scientists and made my way to Durania. At the moment I am in the royal palace of Durania and a lot has happened since my arrival. But first in order.

After I had said goodbye to Jane, Gabriel and I flew to Durania. I didn't think it would happen so fast, but we arrived within a day. Flying was much faster than expected.

During the ride, I told Gabriel about my situation, but of course, left out that I was originally from a different world. I said that I had been kidnapped by the council, but that I had still some business with the council anyway.

Instead of saying that I wanted to get back to my world, I said that the council had separated me from my family and now I wanted to get back to them.

It wasn't quite a lie, yet it wasn't the whole truth either. Gabriel had saved my life and I could trust him, but I could not tell him. I had sworn not to tell anyone that I was from another world. But Jane was an exception.

Gabriel quickly understood the situation and didn't ask many more questions. He could now also understand why I desperately wanted to become stronger. But he still did not tell me how he was going to help me.

I also asked Gabriel why he was in Utopia in the first place and how he had appeared so suddenly. He explained to me that he wanted to go to Utopia to do some research. He did not exactly explain why, but I learned the reason later in Durania.

That Gabriel had found us was no mere coincidence either. While he was in Utopia, he felt a strange accumulation of cosmo energy all the time. This is something you normally only feel on a huge battlefield.

He followed that trail and then arrived at our place. Normal people would never feel something like that. Even among the strongest magicians, there would be only a few who would have felt it. But for Gabriel, it was easy to feel changes of the cosmo energy in the surrounding. That was just one of his many abilities.

When we arrived in Durania, we were greeted by the royal guards. At first, they were wary of me but Gabriel immediately explained that I was his friend. Thereupon they were quiet.

From then on, several things happened, but I will mention only the most important ones.

Gabriel got into a lot of trouble after he came back home. Gabriel just left for Utopia without the permission of the king, his father. This was worse than I first thought.

I have already heard from Jane that Durania has a close connection with the land of the magicians, Magos. But Magos and the land of the scientists are enemies. So that the prince of Durania was in Utopia was an absolute crime.

If Magos were to find out, they could, in the worst-case scenario, break off the good relationship with Durania. Only then did I learn the reason for Gabriel's stay in Utopia.

He wanted to see if Durania should consider working with Utopia after all. The Republic is developing rapidly and is becoming one of the great powers of this world. Gabriel was not sure if Durania would be able to keep up in the future if they continue to refuse to trade with Utopia.

Istavil is also becoming stronger and stronger, and since they have been working with the Republic, they have become an even greater threat. Gabriel wanted to see with his own eyes what the land of scientists is like.

But when Gabriel explained this to his father, he was massively rejected. Under no circumstances would Gabriel be allowed to go to Utopia. For the current king, the connection to Magos was far too valuable. He did not want to risk losing it.

But Gabriel hated this old-fashioned thinking. The hatred between magicians and scientists had already gone back to old times and is, according to Gabriel's own words, "kids' crap". That's why he just went out on his own.

He wanted to build his own opinion. But when he arrived in Utopia, he noticed that something was wrong. He noticed, just like Jane and me, that the council was doing something to its citizens.

When he saw a cyborg at the end, who had no humanity at all, his judgment was sealed. He had decided never to work with such a country.

That he also informed the king, nevertheless, he got into very much trouble. Not only the king rebuked him, but also his older siblings, the other princes of Durania. As a punishment, Gabriel is not allowed to leave the palace anymore. Although he grumbled, it did not change his situation. He was grounded.

As for me, I was warmly welcomed to the palace. They saw me as Gabriel's friend and the one who brought him back home. Even though that was not true, Gabriel told them that it was. He also said that I had fed him when he was starving.

I got my own huge room in the palace and was allowed to stay here as long as I wanted. As if that was not enough, I got tons of money. They gave me a bag full of gold coins. Even my old fortune was nothing compared to that.

Since I left all my old stuff at the hotel in Utopia, it came in handy. It was a pity about the many cosmo crystals, but with the money I now had, I could just buy new ones.

Since I arrived in Durania already a week passed. In the first few days, I had to rest and take care of my body. I was not allowed to use my cosmo energy. But now it was working again.

When I remeasured my cosmo energy level, I was also surprised again. My cosmo energy level went up again. After I used the will of the cosmo energy it had negative but also positive consequences.

One of the positive consequences was that my cosmo energy level was now 1230. That was a hell of a lot! Even Gabriel was surprised when he learned about it. He told me that he did not know many people with a cosmo energy level over 1000, that were not meteorite conquerors.

But the disadvantage that followed was serious. The will of the cosmo energy was now uncontrollable. All the time I have the desire to destroy everything and everyone.

It does not even feel as if it were the will of the cosmo energy, but my own. The will of the cosmo energy already took over a large part of my body. It felt like we were merging.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing we will see, but if I would lose control now, nobody could stop me. But with my new strength boost, I wanted to go and conquer a meteorite all the more.

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But Gabriel still stopped me. I came to Durania because he told me that he knew he knew how to make me stronger, but what he proposed to me amazed me. He said I should enroll in the mage academy in Magos.

Of course, doubts immediately arose in me. I did not think that he would suggest such a thing to me. But I had no interest in registering there. I had no desire to go back to school. Besides, it would take much too long to become strong enough there. I thought all this, but Gabriel convinced me of the opposite.

This academy was different.

Only the strongest and most talented mages would be accepted there. It was the best magicians school in the whole world, with the best teachers. All those who manage to graduate from this school are incredibly strong.

This academy had a system based only on performance. If you are too weak, you will get kicked out. The dropout rate at this school was enormously high, but that only shows the quality of the school and the high level of the students who manage to survive there.

The graduates of this school are the strongest magicians in the world. Moreover, the strongest of them should be on the same level as meteorite conquerors. At first, I didn't believe it, but since it came out of Gabriel's mouth, who has already defeated two meteorites, it must be true.

These mages were so strong that they could compete with meteorite conquerors without having conquered a meteorite themselves. That was incredible!

Gabriel claimed that if I managed to survive in this school, graduate, and finish it, I would be strong enough to defeat a meteorite. After telling me all this, he managed to convince me.

I will enroll in this academy.

Although the standard period of study is five years, I would do it. After that, if I am strong enough to take on the council, it would be worth it. But I didn't plan to stay in school for five years.

Give me three years!

Within three years I will be the strongest in this academy and have completed it! Until then, Sarah would have to wait for me.

After I gave my consent to Gabriel, he explained to me a few more important things about the academy. The next registration is in a month. Under normal circumstances, it would be way too late to send an application there now, but with a letter of recommendation from the prince of Durania, it should be no problem.

However, I still have to pass the entrance exams. These consist of a theoretical part and a practical part. For both of these parts, I should train properly.

I wasn't worried about the practical part, but the theoretical part could be a problem. I had no idea about written exams in this world. So in the month until the exam, I have to learn a lot.

The academy also costs quite a bit of money, but with the money that I got from the king, I had more than enough. I still had to prepare myself in many aspects for the study but everything with time.

All this has happened since I arrived. Right now, I was lying in my bed resting. Just a moment ago I had been training with Gabriel. Although he held back massively, I did not even have the slightest chance. He was really on another level.

Whenever I was alone, I thought about a lot of things. Before, it was mostly Sarah and how I was going to get back home. But lately, I've also been thinking about Jane a lot.

Did she survive? What is she up to? How is she doing? That and much more I asked myself, but there was no way to get an answer. We had parted ways and who knows when we will meet again. But suddenly someone burst into my room.


The one who burst into my room was none other than my little friend Gabriel.

"What's going on? Why are you just bursting into my room like that?"

It wasn't unusual for Gabriel to just barge into my room, but it still bothered me.

"Y-your girlfriend is in the newspaper! It's a breaking news story that is going all over the world. You have to see this!" shouted Gabriel in a panic.

What, does he mean Jane?! What is she doing in the newspaper? Before he could even give it to me, I snatched it out of his hand. I turned the pages like a madman until I finally found what I was looking for.

My heart was beating wildly when I saw a picture of Jane in the newspaper. But what was it all about? I read the newspaper attentively, but I could not believe what I was reading.

"W-What the hell did you do Jane!"

Jane was still alive. I was relieved, but there were things in the paper that I had never even dreamed of. There was a bounty on Jane's head. Namely, from the Utopian council in person. She had an incredible bounty of 30,000,000 cosmos! The one who would deliver her to the council would receive that sum. This would be the same as receiving 30 million euros!

But how did that happen? Jane was now a worldwide wanted criminal. She was a rebel who had declared war on the country of scientists!

As if that was not enough, she has also freed the worst criminal in the history of Utopia from prison and is currently on the run with him. Her whereabouts are unknown.

I could hardly believe it. What happened?

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