COSMOS WILL: Hell in another world

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Awakening

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Chapter 8

this is a fictional story by realTensai


The cosmo energy that did not want to budge all the time finally started to flow through my body. My fierce call had an effect. I felt the cosmo energy flowing through my whole body and giving me new strength. All the pain of the injury disappeared and I saw the bleeding stop. My body began to heal itself.

Amazing, so this is cosmo energy!

Under the influence of cosmo energy, I was bursting with strength. My body, which had been totally battered until just now, was now fully charged with energy. I felt powerful. With every second that passed, I noticed how I was getting stronger. But suddenly I saw how the next charge of hundreds of spikes came flying toward me. But these were no threat to me anymore.

The spikes, which had been incredibly fast until now were now slow. Without any problems, I dodged all of them with a jump to the side. I noticed that with a jump to the side I made up about 30 meters. My physical abilities had far exceeded those of a

of a normal human being.

"Now these damn hedgehogs are going to be executed!"

With my current powers, these hedgehogs were nothing more than small animals to me. Now that I was able to use my cosmo energy, I should probably give it a try. Then let's see what the true powers of this sword are.

I concentrated and let cosmo energy flow into the runes of the sword. I felt the sword drain my cosmo energy, but then I saw the effect. The sword began to catch flames.

"Hahahaha, a fire sword!"

Incredibly hot flames formed on the sword, their heat even overwhelmed me. However, this only served me right. I'm going to burn down this whole fucking forest!

The more cosmo energy I added, the more flames were created

and the more uncontrollable they became. So I added as much cosmo energy as I could to make sure that every one of these critters died!

I saw the hedgehogs getting ready for the next spike firing and I just grinned. With one jump I covered the distance between us and began the slaughter. One after the other, I mercilessly slit them open and burned them all to ashes. My sword arts left much to be desired, but my skill was enough to wipe out all the hedgehogs. Within a few seconds, they were all dead.


I could only laugh. Fantastic! With this power, no one can beat me! I have become a monster. I looked around and saw how everything around me was on fire. Chaos everywhere. A flame bath that was created by me. John was right, this world really is hell. So I just have to become the devil!

Since I had finished off the hedgehogs, I stopped supplying the sword with cosmo energy to the sword. When I did that, the flames on the sword disappeared. Only now did I realize how much cosmo energy I had used up. The cosmo energy in me was

clearly less. I should probably use it more sparingly so that I survive the hour.

A long time passed but I was not yet attacked by a new

attacked by a new beast. Maybe it was because of all the flames preventing the animals from coming near me, but it was all right with me. I thought that I would not be attacked again during this hour, but suddenly I saw something. Out of the flames came a creature I already knew. I began to grin, it was the creature that made me realize that I was in another world. It was a fire wolf.

Its red fur was already burning and it stared at me with its crimson eyes. But he did not attack me yet. I wondered what the reason was since my smell was supposed to attract cosmo beasts. But then I remembered my first encounter with a fire wolf and how I was not attacked. Maybe he is not hostile to me.

But when I thought this I saw what the fire wolf had been waiting for. One after the other they appeared out of the fire and before I knew it I was surrounded. What the fire wolf was waiting for was his pack. Around me were now five fire wolves who saw me as their defeated prey.

"Guess it's time to take down some wolves!"

I concentrated and let cosmo energy flow into my sword. The wolves also prepared themselves by creating several fireballs around them. My sword already caught flames, but deadly fireballs were already flying from every direction. The only way I could see to dodge them was to jump high. But when I did so, I realized that I had fallen into their trap.

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A wolf had not yet fired its bullets and did so only now when I was in the air. I tried to protect myself with my sword but it didn't help much, I was caught completely. Injured, I fell to the ground. These fireballs were no joke. Scary burns plagued my body so that I could hardly stay on my feet. One hit of these fireballs was worse than the spikes of hedgehogs. The part of my body that got hit was completely burned and hurt terribly, but my body was already started to heal itself.

This ability was very practical, but it also cost a lot of cosmo energy. I felt my cosmo energy being used for the healing

and becoming less and less. I could not afford to get hurt anymore, because I needed the cosmo energy to finish off the beasts.

The fire wolves did not wait and started the next attack. Three of them charged at me, while the other two fired fireballs from behind. I knew that wolves are clever, but that they proceeded so tactically amazed me. I made myself ready, with my fire sword fully charged with cosmo energy, ready to counter their attacks. First I created flames to keep the wolves at a distance. But it did not work. The wolves simply walked through the flames without being hurt.

They rushed at me with their teeth and wanted to dismember me. Desperately I barely dodged them, but then the fireballs of the other two wolves flew directly at me.


I tried to avoid them, but I was hit. The pain of the burns was hell but my wounds were already beginning to heal. But I felt how a lot of cosmo energy was consumed. If it goes on like this I will soon have no cosmo energy anymore. I also had another problem. I could have guessed it, but the action of just now made it became clear. The fire wolves are immune to fire. That means my fire sword is useless against them.

Without my fire sword and with not much cosmo energy left

I was in a very bad situation. In addition, the fire Wolves were already preparing for their next attack. If I don't come up with something, I won't stand a chance against them. It seemed that they were using the same strategy as before three attacked me directly and two stayed behind. I did everything to withstand the attacks of the fire wolves. Like wild beasts, they rushed at me and I only dodged while I tried to stop them with my sword.

The evasion succeeded through my strengthened body, but I could not do anything with the sword. I had never held a real sword before in my life and this was noticeable. Desperately I only waved around with it, but could not land a hit at them. If it goes on like this, I'll be dead in a minute! If only I had my pistol! But as I thought this I had a flash of inspiration.

Why don't I just create one?!

I remembered the words of the scientist who said that with cosmo energy you could theoretically create anything, as long as you had enough cosmo energy and you know exactly how it is built. I know how a gun is constructed and how it works now it only depends on whether I have enough cosmo energy for it.

I was too busy dodging and thinking that I noticed too late what the two fire wolves who stayed behind were doing. They hadn't fired any fireballs at me since just now but they had prepared something else. Above them hovered a huge fireball. When I saw it I immediately felt what kind of danger I was in. The other wolves attacked me further and I was forced to dodge. I already needed my whole attention to escape the attacks of the wolves, so if this huge fireball flew toward me it would be very dicey.

I couldn't afford being hit by the fireball in any case, because

I would use up all my cosmo energy for the regeneration of this hit. Cornered, I continued to dodge, but I saw the monstrous fireball already being fired.


The fireball flew with a rapid speed directly towards me. I felt how it was getting hotter and hotter with every meter it approached. Desperately I let a little cosmo energy into the sword to briefly interrupt the attacks of the wolves. Although they were immune to fire, it worked to confuse them. I used this time to escape them. I sprinted as fast as I could to the side to get out of the path of the fireball, but it was already too late. The fireball hit me.

The worst burns appeared on my body. They were completely charred and I felt my skin slowly crumbling. I could even see my

muscles. Unbelievable pain awaited me. Through the experiments of the scientist, I was somewhat hardened as far as the pain, but what I felt at that moment was hellish. My nerves and muscles were revealed, so just the touch of the air led to enormous agony. With every movement, my skin crumbled more and more. Completely befuddled, I just tried to lie still and endure the pain.

But through my evasive maneuver, only half of my body was hit.

The other half remained unharmed. Nevertheless, the pain was enormous. But then the self-healing process started. It was clear to me that at the end of this healing no cosmo energy would be left, so I stopped it. Even if it means continuing to suffer, I consciously let no cosmo energy flow into the injuries, in order to be able to continue fighting. This was my only chance to win this fight. But at least to be able to move I let a little cosmo energy flow into the injuries.

I had to do it now! I had to create a gun now!

I remembered the words of the scientist and imagined a gun in my mind. I imagined the construction as detailed as possible so that nothing would go wrong. Then I began to apply as much cosmo energy as I thought it would take to create the gun. It was not clear to me exactly how much cosmo energy I needed, so I just used as much as I could until something formed. But nothing happened.

I kept trying and releasing more and more cosmo energy but nothing would happen. Maybe I didn't have enough cosmo energy or my knowledge of guns was not enough, because it didn't work. Now I REALLY had a problem.

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