COSMOS WILL: Hell in another world

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Creation

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Chapter 9


this is a fictional story by realTensai


The creation of a pistol had not worked, which meant that I was in a pretty hopeless situation. My brain was working at full power to find another way to survive this situation, but the fire wolves did not wait. They all started creating fireballs and fired them at me. They wanted to finish me off once and for all.

With my strengthened body I dodged the bullet one after the other. But it was only a matter of time before one of them would get me.

Think, Damion, think! If it goes on like this, you'll die!

Desperately I thought about how I could turn the tide. What could I do with my current abilities to defeat these fire wolves? My fire sword is useless because they are immune to fire. What could possibly harm them? They are fire wolves which mean their weakness is...


This was the answer I came up with. Water counters fire, so it should be effective. If I remember correctly John also used water against the fire wolf back then. But where should I get water? There was no lake or anything nearby.

No, there is a simple alternative. I will just create it! From chemistry class, I know that water is a compound of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. So I know the molecular structure. If that is not enough to create it, then I don't know what would be enough.

Fireballs continued to fly at me incessantly, all of which I could avoid only scarcely. Under these circumstances, I could not concentrate enough on creating water. Therefore I let cosmo energy flow into the sword again to create a huge wall of fire.

It cost quite a bit of cosmo energy, but it was worth it. Through the wall of fire, the wolves could not see me and I used this to keep my distance. I had only a little time because the wall of fire would not stop the wolves, but this time was enough for me.

Completely I only concentrated on the creation of water. I imagined its molecular structure, so that really nothing would go wrong. The amount of water did not matter to me I only wanted to create water. I released as much cosmo energy as I could so that water appeared. The fire wolves were already coming out of the wall of fire but I had done it. A huge wave of water appeared in front of me. The water wave caught the wolves and washed them far away.

I did it! I created water!

With this success, my chances of victory have increased drastically. Now I could really harm them. But this huge wave of water came at a price. The cosmo energy in me was almost completely depleted. With the current amount, I could not create such a large wave of water again. That means I had to kill the wolves with small attacks.

The first attack that came to my mind was the water ball that John had used back then, but this attack did not have enough punch. I needed something small with penetrating power like the spikes of the hedgehogs. I could create water, but I wasn't sure if my control over it was good enough to create small, fast, strong water balls. But I also didn't have enough cosmo energy left to allow making mistakes. My gun would have been perfect for this situation. It was with this thought that something incredible came to my mind.

This really could work!

In the distance, I saw the wolves coming again. I did not have much time but I had to try it. I closed my eyes and imagined it exactly. Then I released the amount of Cosmo energy I thought would fit. And when I opened my eyes I saw it in my hand. It worked.

In my hand was a water gun!

My knowledge of normal guns was apparently not enough to create one, but I was sure that I could create a water gun. But it was not a normal water gun, it was one with the penetrating power of a real gun! I have paid attention to that during its creation. Now I only had to create water and fire it.

The fire wolves were already back. Two of them stayed behind and the rest attacked me directly. This seemed to be their favorite method of attack. I created water in the water gun and aimed it at one of the wolves that were charging at me.


Successful hit.

The penetrating power was not as strong as that of a real gun but it came close. And it was enough to kill the wolf. The fire wolf fell down and its flames went out. Only four more to go!

The other wolves seemed shocked and stopped their attack. They tried to flee to the other two wolves that stayed behind, but not with me. I shot again and hit the next wolf. Good! With each shot, I noticed how I had less and less cosmo energy. It was clear to me that the cosmo energy in me was only enough for three more shots. I could not miss it under any circumstances.

Suddenly, several fireballs flew directly at me. I tried to dodge, but since I was not paying attention I was hit by one. The bullet hit me in the stomach. Immediately I felt immense pain and fell to my knees.

My belly had already been hit a little by the huge fireball and since I could not heal this injury, it hurt even more now. The skin on my custom crumbled because it was completely burned, yet I was not allowed to heal it! I needed the remaining cosmo energy to finish the wolves.

The fire wolves shot countless fireballs at me, but with pain, I maneuvered through them to get closer to the wolves. I couldn't miss under any circumstances. When I was close enough to one of them, I shot the next water ball.

Successful hit!

Immediately afterward I shot again and got the next wolf. Now it was a one-on-one. When the last wolf noticed that he was now alone, he tried to escape.

"Like I'm going to let my prey get away."


Successful hit! All down.

As expected, I didn't have any cosmo energy left, but it didn't matter now, because I had killed them all. I was able to kill all five fire wolves.

Completely exhausted, I let myself fall. Only now I felt the true pain of the burns. Under the effect of adrenaline, the pain was still bearable, but now it kicked in. Without any cosmo energy left I also could not regenerate so I had to endure the pain. The pain was on the same level as the experiments of the scientist. It was hell.

Time passed and I realized that the hour should be over, so now I could rest easy. I got hungry and since I had already made the effort to kill a few wolves, I could eat them. It was obvious that their meat would most likely taste bad, but I just wanted to eat something. I cut up a wolf with my sword and went to a place in the forest that was still burning, to roast the meat there. As expected, it tasted terrible, but I ate it anyway. But suddenly I felt something. The cosmo energy inside me filled up a bit.

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It clicked immediately. Every living being in this world has cosmo energy in them so that also includes the fire wolves. This means that if I eat them, I can replenish my cosmo energy back up again. With this realization, I went ahead and ate all the wolves.








"Fantastic, so you really survived!"

When I heard that and saw who had come I could only grin.

"Scientists, I've been waiting for you!" I said, no longer able to hide my hatred, "because you are the last LAST BEAST I HAVE TO FINISH OFF!"



Shortly after he left Damion


Now I should be far enough away from him. Shortly he will be attacked by cosmo beasts and must fight for his life. The liquid I shook on him only attracts smaller cosmo beasts, because even with the awakening of his cosmo energy he would not be able to keep up with them. Nevertheless, if he cannot release his cosmo energy he dies.

There are different methods to learn how to release your cosmo energy, but for him, this one should be the best. In a situation where you have your back to the wall and there is only one way to survive, it is most likely to make it. I only had to create this situation. Now it depends on him.

But if he doesn't make it, it would be a great pity. He is the first test object that could absorb cosmo energy, so his death would be a waste. But thanks to him I know that my experiment is not impossible, I will just find a new test object and do the exact same experiments.

And if it works, I can finally return to Utopia. I am the first to figure out how to expand the cosmo energy content in one's body. If we then apply this to our soldiers we will become an unstoppable force. When I find a less torturous method, we can use it for the general public as well. Then people like me who have not been blessed with much cosmo energy could still become happy.

With this revolutionary development of mine, they will have to take me back into the council as well. Even if I am punished for my crimes, at the end of the day, they must accept my results. Then I can finally live a happy life again. Maybe then my daughter will finally be able to forgive me.

The one hour should now be over. I set out to see if my test subject was still alive. It was already dark and the forest was illuminated only by the starry sky. In search of traces of a fight, I saw fire in the distance. Since I gave him a fire sword, the flames should have come from him.

I quickly moved on to confirm my suspicions. When I arrived, I saw him. Surrounded by flames he was sitting on the earth and ate what looked like the remains of a wolf. He was covered in blood and his clothes were completely torn. Next to him were the bones of other beasts. But he looked like the worst beast.

"Fantastic, so you really survived!"

When I said that, he just noticed me. He looked at me with his purple eyes and seemed like a demon. But then he grinned and only said, "Scientist, I have been waiting for you! Because you are the LAST BEAST THAT I HAVE TO FINISH OFF!"

The murderous intent that emanated from him was monstrous! He really wanted to kill me. What a pity. He had been through too much to be able to think clearly. I guess I have no choice but to knock some sense into him!




The scientist just looked at me in surprise but then he also started to grin.

"HAHAHA, you have clearly lost your mind if you think you can beat me."

"Maybe, but don't tell me that you really thought that I would just remain your loyal slave after all you did to me. All the pain and suffering you have caused me I will pay you back now! It was your biggest mistake to give me these powers and turn me into a MONSTER."

"Interesting, that's what I want to see. Just because you can control your cosmo energy a little bit, you are not an opponent for me. Have you already forgotten what I told you what the most important thing is in using cosmo energy? It is knowledge! And nobody has more knowledge than scientists!"

"I don't care how much knowledge you have, the only thing I know is that I'm going to kill you!"

"HAHAHAHA, well then come on and try!"

With these words, our battle began.

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