Creation: The Path of a God (Updated Edition)

Chapter 15: Chapter 3 — Part 3 (Book 1 – Fantasy World)

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They had been traveling for a few moments. During the time, Han listened to what Tom's family and Elis were discussing -- comparing what life was like for each of them.

A portal emerged, and Cindy, Mindy, and the other Maids emerged carrying numerous bowls, platters, serving dishes, and utensils.

The maids went to the rear section of the carriage that had the appearance of a preparation station -- only different by the fact that anyone could see what they were doing. Each of the items was placed on the large table.

Han watched curiously, seeing the food being neatly presented on smaller serving platers.

Each maid moved confidently, as though they had been working in the hospitality industry for years instead of being created within a day's time.

With the family and Elis talking heard vaguely in his peripheral, Han couldn't help but think how intelligence and skills were the ability to make connections rapidly. The faster a person was able to notice patterns, the better they'd perform at a task -- regardless of the training that may be necessary for others.

Han wasn't a genius, even with his powers that bordered on the divine -- if not surpassing such levels.

"I know that I wouldn't be able to grasp things so quickly, enough to move with such precision," Han couldn't help but compare the maids to robots on a factory production line.


Brittany stood close to the table, the maximum distance away from her Master.

"I hope you don't work so sloppily on Master's dish," Brittany telepathically chastised one of the maids.

She watched and nodded approvingly at how the individual made no external signs, even if the maid mentally flinched from the reprimand.

"Move faster. What will you do if our guests become hungry? I will not forgive any of you if your laziness tarnishes Master's honor." Brittany told the group.

Hands would occasionally blur due to the speed at which the maid reached for items. If it weren't for the fact that the food items would be damaged from the force generated by such speeds, they would have been much sooner.

In addition to the concern of damaging the food, each of the maids was trained not to make too much sound from the ruffling of their uniforms.

"We're here to serve, not to be noticed," Brittany reminded the group of maids again.

Those words had become a mantra for the maids, something they were proud to achieve.


Samantha's nose flared from the smell of the food.

Looking at the Lord, who seemed to be distracted, Samantha glanced at her brother.

Noticing Samantha looking at him, he looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you smell that?" Samantha communicated in a way only close siblings could.

Jake grinned and nodded his head slightly.

"Don't be acting rude," Her mother lightly smacked Samantha's leg before returning to her conversation with the village woman.

Samantha rolled her eyes before stopping, realizing where she was at the moment.

Her cheeks burned in embarrassment.

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When Samantha looked again at the Lord, her eyes met his.

"Getting hungry?" The Lord asked.

Samantha merely nodded, not knowing how she should address the Lord.

Her father's business wasn't large enough to frequently be visited by Lords and Ladies. But, he'd often tell Samantha numerous times that if either she or her brother were to meet a Lord or Lady, they would need to be on their best behavior.

Samantha remembered how stern her father would always be -- typically reserved when he was warning them or something dangerous like the monsters roaming in the wilderness outside the gates surrounding the cities, towns, and villages waiting for misbehaving children to eat in the darkness.

"Don't worry. Brittany and the maids will bring the food soon. I think they're just about finished making everything look pretty." The Lord smiled.


Han noticed how impatient the girl was after smelling the food.

"I guess children will always be children, regardless of the world," Han laughed.

It made him think of when he'd visit the local grocery store with his mother. They'd pick up the usual staple foods, such as rice, kimchi, and other common ingredients.

While his mother would talk to the store owner, he'd play around on top of the stacks of rice bags, imagining an alien world. To this day, he was still amazed at how hard those bags of rice were if they were slapped or punched.

But sometimes, the owner would notice that he was impatient to go home and eat, that she'd tell him to go to the back of the store and grab one of the frozen dessert sticks.

Being an adult, it was now obvious to recognize when a kid was thinking of food. He couldn't help but smile and be thankful to the friendly store lady.

He reassured the girl that Brittany would be finished with the food, smiling at the mother, who looked at him with slight apprehension.

Han knew that there would be no way for him to make the family feel completely at ease, considering the parents were well aware of how much power he likely held just with how luxurious everything appeared. Even before counting Helania, Queen, Brittany, and the supporting staff he commanded.

Brittany made her way toward where Han sat, carrying a platter of meat and vegetables. All were lightly covered in sauce.

Seeing that the food was ready, Han couldn't help but smile -- anticipating the taste of the food.

Helania and Queen were served food by the other maids.

The others were then served.

Elis had her food served by Cindy.

Mindy and several other maids took the responsibility of taking care of Tom and his family members.

The girl's eyes were wide, seeing the heap of food on top of the plate placed on a small table next to her.

"Is this all for me?" The girl asked the maid.

Hearing the girl ask such an innocent question, the maid smiled, "Yes, Young Miss. If you wish to have more, please let me know. In addition, what would you care to drink?"

The girl sat on the couch, stunned by what the maid said.

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