
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Rocky Beginnings

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The surroundings were dim and hardy, looking up from where I woke up was not the usual white ceiling bedroom that greeted me every morning. The top half of my vision appeared more obscured than usual, though maybe it was because of how dark it was. The fluttering of something caught my attention and quickly turned to another part of the ceiling where I saw a flash of movement from the corner of my eye, there hanging from the ceiling was most definitely a bat. 




Deluding myself from the terror above, I turned to look at the greatest light source in the area. From afar was a rocky clearing with a tiny, dim ray of light coming from the ceiling. The clearing from my angle seemed to have 3 branching paths including the one I had woke up in. Speaking of where I woke up in, I was situated in a small ditch in the wall, a bulb looking plant sat next to me. Further down my path was a wall to the right marking a dead-end, A few mushrooms scattered around the cavern floor. 


Even with how dim the light was, there was some other form of light helping to brighten the cave enough for me to properly see. Or I had faulty night-vision goggles plastered onto my eyes. Honestly, I'm just glad I can see at all, then again this is all probably just a dream so of course it wouldn't be accurate. Truly what a realistically freaky dre-d-d-did that Rock just move on it's own??? 


'It's about time this dream ended.'


My failing experience with lucid dreams recalled that usually I'd wake by the time I became self-aware, not now apparently. Closing my eyes, I tried to completely block out my recent thoughts from resurfacing in hopes of 'sleeping'. This felt like a perfect example of a ticking time bomb as like many people, I ignored my current problems. After closing my eyes I felt no closer to falling asleep as my usual methods involve YouTube browsing for hours until I dropped dead. Definitely didn't make sleeping even more difficult down the line... Regardless, my usual method wouldn't work as I neither had connection that would work down here nor a Phone which I've also decided to try and ignore before my panic spiked any further. 


For the next few minutes I tried to remain in complete focus. Honing in on the noises in the background, I could hear the rhythmic beats of water dripping and the odd rock being moved... Focusing further I could feel a new strange energy within me, it seems I've already gone insane. With sleep seemingly impossible I thought to try bashing my head into the wall to knock myself out... 'Yeah, No.'


I sighed and slowly opened my eyes. 


Looking around my surroundings a second time, I could feel my calm façade beginning to crumble.  





'So either a kidnapping or a prank.' My mind settled on two possible reasons for this fiasco, one or rather both could be easily ruled out. While a kidnapping might be possible, I am unsure of any caves or underground areas that are even remotely close to my apartment, and as someone who rarely goes outside I could not think of any instances where they could take me. If someone truly did break in I'd wake up to the commotion and remember anything, but my last memories were just me falling asleep around 3am. As for the possibility of a prank... I'm a complete loner with no family.


I sighed, again and steeled myself. I pushed my body off the hard floor with much more power than I anticipated and stood up, quickly turning towards the clearing. If there's light there must be a direct path up to the surface right? Walking towards the clearing, the ray of light was now in front of me and I now noticed that what obscured my vision wasn't the lack of light but rather my bangs. Odd, as I had pretty short hair last I had checked.


Now standing directly next to the light, I looked up to be met with disappointment. The ceiling was much higher than I anticipated, way too high for me to even think about climbing maybe about 30ft up? while the paths were about half in height. The hole itself was barely able to fit, say a small child, the route up completely impossible for me to traverse. The outside world was so close yet so far... 


Panic quickly took over, 'everything is fine' I told myself over and over again, it didn't help. Is this how I die? In this underground abyss? I almost broke out into hysterics, "holy shit I'm actually going to die he-hahaaha." I raised my hands to my face and-




Slammed both my hands into the sides of my head, Hard. With the idiot sandwich in place, I took a few deep breathes and slowly managed to reel myself back from complete insanity before putting my hands back down. 


"Ok, think positive I'll never get out of here If I don't believe I'll ever get out? If you don't believe, it won't happen or something like that..." Noticing something very odd I continued rambling on, "Lalala, hello world, I am in a CAVE! Yep, This is definitely not my voice." 


If there was a world record for how fast someone could hallucinate things and go insane when thrown into a cave I think I'd win, I mean just now I'd swear my voice went up by several octaves... Realizing something, I grabbed parts of my hair hanging from the side of my face, bangs? I held them into the light and watched as my hair went from a dark green to a pale bluish green, Very wavy and fluffy, there will much face smooshing later. Dropping my newly changed hair, I turned to check the back of my hair to see my insanely short hair now reaching all the way down to my butt. What really took the cake was what I was wearing. A sweater with a shirt underneath, and a skirt that stopped just right above my knees. How I didn't notice that was beyond me, though maybe being in a cave took away all my prior attention. 


"Huh, Guess I'm a girl now." I mumbled flatly, not really fazed. Honestly, waking up in a cave took most of my energy away, that and I really didn't care much for my gender. In the first place, what do gender norms matter to a guy that doesn't interact with society at all. And it's not like being the other gender would've changed my life too much. Maybe I'm missing something about gender, what with the many novels I've read with people making theatrics out of their missing 'son'. 


That begs the question, Now that I am a girl, how far does this new reality differ from my previous one. I mean there's not a cave for miles from where I lived, and as someone who religiously stands by reincarnation novels, a man? err girl? can only dream! With energy seemingly coming back in spades, "STATUS!!" I yelled excitedly, my voice repeating as I heard it echo throughout the underground.




After awkwardly standing in the light for a bit, I slowly reeled my excitement back in. Just because I've genderbent doesn't necessarily mean I'm not on Earth, as depressingly boring that felt to me. Then again, I'd rather be bored to death then get thrown in some war-torn dump like Naruto or something. As fun as it is to read about badass characters going through insane feats of violence, being in a position where I'm forced to kill other people is probably something I couldn't handle unlike the many psychopaths on the internet who'd say they'd fare otherwise. 


Sighing, I walked over to the only semi-large rock in the clearing, now much more conscious of my new attire. Fidgeting with the hem of my skirt, I took note of things around me. For one, I noticed the very expensive looking necklace I was wearing which contrasted heavily with my clothes, a plain dark red sweater with a black skirt that had creases? folds? 'What was this called again?.' And some worn out sneakers. Looking around, The one good thing was that it was bright enough for me to see, I could see much further into the tunnels then the light should allow me. Thank God for that, who knows how well I'd fare in complete darkness. Regardless, without food and water I really needed to find an exit out of here soon.


{"GET OFF ME!!!"}


"Hiiiiiiiiii" I squealed, as I heard a voice from below. Quickly hopping off my now living seat, I dashed straight towards the center of the clearing and twisted my head to see my assailant. There laid the same rock I had just sat on that went above me knees, now sporting additional... familiar features. Two eyes and arms that popped out of nowhere now completed the rock as it gave me a wrath-filled glare. 


A talking rock.


A sentient talking rock.


A very familiar sentient talking rock.

You are reading story Crescere at


A freaking GEODUDE.


Holy shit I'm in Pokemon.




The Geodude only glared at me harder.



Pokemon was definitely one of the better worlds I could've been transmigrated into. Who doesn't love Pokemon? The Games were fun and the show was light enough, the only thing issue I have is with myself. My knowledge regarding the Anime is practically non-existent outside of a few memorable moments and movies, and I stopped paying attention to the games after Gen 6 though I do know some Pokemon from Gen 7 that I liked. Who knew not following along with a game franchise would be so detrimental? Not me.




I always thought it was pretty weird Pokemon haven't tried retaliating against humanity after shoving them in small balls. Monsters capable of mass destruction against normal people, maybe Pokemon isn't all it's chalked up to be. Speaking of dangerous monsters that could kill me very easily. The Geodude in front of me somehow became even more furious, if he became anymore red in anger I'd assume it was shiny.


'Wait... I can understand it?!'


Mentally, I thought back to what the Geodude said not moments ago and quickly caught myself up on what this Geodude's issues were, i.e Me. "Err, sorry this is all a really big misunderstanding. I didn't mean to sit on you. M-maybe we can talk this out?" Hovering my hands in front of my chest, as if it'd help ease the situation. I cursed internally as it appeared my first Pokemon battle was starting without a Pokemon. A pretty vital part of the battle to be honest, but life is life. The Geodude who clearly thought we were past the point of civilized talk hopped towards me at a speed I'd not expect of a rock. I sucked my breath in as it got closer I could sense energy building up in it's right arm as it began glowing before settling to a metallic silver. 


'[Bullet Punch] on a Geodude?' 


Immediately knowing what the priority move could do, I hurled my body to the left as the Geodude covered 6-8 meters in seconds, slamming it's arm into the ground that I stood in moments ago. Using the few seconds I had while the Geodude was straightening itself I moved further away, still remaining in the clearing since I didn't want to risk encountering another Pokemon. 


My brain working overtime to find something that could get me out of this situation, though was left stumped. Without a Pokemon of my own I could only watch and wait for the Geodude's next move as I had no options of my own. What else am I gonna do? Kick a literal rock? Energy began forming around its mouth as another attack flew at me in the form of mud, and I ran circles around the Geodude, the mud following my footsteps as the Geodude sprayed a poorly aimed [Mud Shot] at me. With the attack losing steam I stopped and looked back at the Geodude who looked even more annoyed. 




"Right after you stop trying to killing me!" I huffed out, growing irritated as the Geodude prepared another attack.


"I really think we should talk this out before anyone gets seriously injured." I tried again to no avail as a smaller sized rock formed in front of him. 'This is getting old real quick...' The first rock in the series of [Rock Blast] shot directly at me. Easily side-stepping the attack, after a few seconds another rock flew at me which I also easily moved away from.


Their attacks were easy enough to avoid as I could sense they were coming but also because they generally seemed rather weak, as most of the attacks were quite slow besides the Bullet Punch. Dodging another rock I became much more confident in not dying to this Geodude. A plan popped into my mind, more of an idea but I'd take anything at this point.


A smirk formed on my face despite my anxiousness as his [Rock Blast] ended, the Geodude now looking at me with caution as I looked much more confident. "Is that all you can do? No wonder your just a weak old Geodude." Another rock began forming in front of him again as my plan completely revolved around him and his move-set.  'How does he even manage to shoot straight at me when his line of sight is blocked...' 


"Ha, more of the same moves? Is this seriously all you have?!" Really though the only way I could think of beating him was by having him run into a wall while using rollout. He somehow has Bullet Punch, so he MUST have Rollout, hopefully. Easily avoiding 2 more rocks I kept my smirk up despite my bubbling doubt. "Yeesh, any slower and I'd probably die of bor-Aa." The ground below was quickly approaching as my body was practically horizontal to the floor, shock all over my face. Yes I tripped. Definitely because of the mud from earlier and not my lack of attention. A decent excuse would be how this body is way smaller especially since the Geodude reached my upper thigh in height. Reflexively, I held my arms up to my face to lessen the impact of the fall.


Hitting the floor, I turned to the Geodude, my hair which somewhat blocked my view as the rock who grinned as he shot his 3rd repeated attack of [Rock Blast] seeing an opportunity to finally hit me. The rock shot towards me, who was still scrambling to get off the floor, my longer hair making things difficult. 




In a last-ditch effort I raised my arms to deafen the blow, Ash took Pokemon attacks in the show... So I should be okay, Right?. I closed my eyes, anticipating the blow as I felt energy leaving through my hands. Moments later, sounds of many somethings hitting a rock replaced the pain of me being hit by said rock. Slowly opening my eyes, I was met with a myriad of leaves pelting at the rock as it slowly crumbled to nothing. 'Holy shit I just did that, was that Razor Leaf?' Internally I prayed to Arceus for this cliched turn of events. 


Quickly picking myself up off the ground I looked towards my opponent who looked as unhappy as usual. 'Man, it'd pretty annoying if he evolved or something like that.' Internally, I slapped myself for even remotely entertaining that thought and setting up stupid flags like that. I looked warily at the Geodude expecting said evolution to begin. I sighed in relief, seeing as nothing happened I continued forward, a now real smile set on my face as I felt that for the first time in this battle that I could win. 


"Hahaha! Playtime's over now Mr.Rock, I'm getting rather sick of this little game, so I think it's time I end this." Raising one arm with my palm faced towards the Geodude. A dozen or so leaves materialized in front of my hand and shot towards the Geodude, apparently unable to conjure more. The Geodude looked calmer, more neutral as he took in my declaration and merely stared at the incoming leaves, a white sheen covered his body for a second as he took attack head on... and looked right back at me completely unfazed.  


Oh, [defense curl] wasn't as useless as I thought. 


The Geodude took in my gobsmacked expression which closely resembled a Magikarp and coldly replied. {"Yes, I'm also sick of this 'little game.'"} His whole body began to glow and quickly became cleaner? and more polished... 'Shit.' My eyes widened in realization as the Geodude's right arm glowed a familiar metallic silver before doing the same with his left. 'Double Shit.' A Geodude now boosted with [Rock Polish] and [Bullet Punch] looked at me with a dark smile, and for the first time since waking up in this cave, I felt pure dread.





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