
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Echoes from the deep

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Whether it was fear or something else, my legs were kept firmly in place as the threat laid directly before me. The silence of the cavern felt magnified as Geodude and I continued staring down at each other, his dark smile never leaving his face. It felt as if the world froze over as nothing moved. The same thoughts repeating over and over again in my mind. ‘I… could actually die here…’ 


Moments passed by and I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Then the world moved. The object of my scrutiny blurred out of existence, my whole being screamed to move. A breath later I shifted my body to the right and jumped backwards. The Geodude materialized in front of where I previously stood and threw his right arm forward, a few millimeters between his fist and my chest as the arm traveled forward hitting the air, only narrowly missing me.


He turned to me as he landed and my foot touched the ground, blurring again as he hopped in towards me and threw out his other arm towards my face. My arms already in a defensive position were brought up to my face just milliseconds before his [Bullet Punch] smashed into both my arms. A deafening crack filled my ears as I was launched into the air. 


“Aaarrggaaa—” My body was sent flying before landing on the opposite side of the clearing, landing roughly as I rolled on the floor before stopping on my side. The pain felt like nothing compared to having a steel block hurled at my now broken arms. My eyes becoming watery as a tear threatened to spill from the pain. ‘H-how is this on the same level as T-tackle?’


Thankfully, I landed facing my future nightmares, if I ever got out alive that is. His rock polish appeared to have dissipated, however wasted no time playing around, raising his right arm and slamming it down into the ground. Small pillars of rock erected from the ground, growing larger as it quickly approached me.


‘God, Arceus, please no more.’ 


Instinctively, I propped both my arms to pick myself off the ground. My form crumbled immediately and I sucked a breath in as the dulled pain came back in spades. The stone pillars now around my height, unfortunately did not wait to let me collect myself as I forced my body to roll left, [Stone Edge] barely missing my body as it continued straight, further into the cavern.   


“Haa, Haa, Haa.” I laid there unmoving as nothing seemed to happen, staring at the now completed stone edge. ‘Fuck this world, Fuck this Geodude, Fuck the me from 5 minutes ago.’ 


As if the world heard my thoughts, more energy started building up from the Geodude. Another [Stone Edge] was sent towards me, albeit a tad too much to the left, not that I was complaining. The attack shot past me harmlessly as a sudden realization popped into my mind. Compared to the show the stone edge here had no gaps between each pillar forming a wall. The fucker was trapping me in.


Painfully, I rolled my way over to the newly made Stone pillars, my arms vehemently protesting the action as I made my way to the pillars. Positioning my back to the pillar, I thrusted my body upwards using the pillar for support so I could stand back up, and turned to the Geodude on the other side of the clearing. Said rock now began barreling down the 3-person wide impromptu alley. 


The 2 times larger than my head death ball was very rapidly approaching me with his [Rollout], though much slower than his earlier attacks. As he got closer he must’ve realized my newfound fear of lethal speeding steel objects of death and a now new steel coating covered his entire body. ‘What’s with this Geodude and steel type moves??’


Eyeing the stone pillars, both walls directly horizontal to me were practically my height, effectively trapping me in. The woes of a now 4 foot something girl. With the Geodude just meters between me, I conjured up a dozen leaf-sized leaves, and shot them directly on the ground in front of the Geodude creating a small ditch in the middle of the alley. As expected he swiftly avoided the hole by swerving left, and in that moment I made a mad dash to the right of the hole.


Having now crossed each other I turned to see the Geodude do an extremely tight turn almost hitting the Stone Edge, seriously what is this, a secret endgame boss? Spewing out my crappy version of  Razor leaf again, I targeted the side of the hole I previously ran for effectively blocking him off. ‘Gotcha.’ A tired smile warped into a grimace as the rollout form suddenly turned back into the Geodude, who skillfully hopped over the holes keeping the momentum from the Rollout. 


My legs tensed, preparing to leap backwards. When suddenly the 2 lines of pillars shattered as I proceeded to jump. “Waah!” I tripped and fell backwards, before quickly rolling left as I landed, the Geodude’s [Tackle] hit the ground just seconds from where my head was. Subconsciously, I gulped, ‘that would’ve been my head.’


I was broken out of my stupor by the fist that now pressed down on my chest, hard. “Ggguuu–.” My legs flailed wildly in an attempt to break free, sadly my kicks couldn’t reach the Geodude who was off to the side. He pressed his right arm onto my chest, his left now slowly rising up. “W-wwait! You do- *crack* AAAaaaaHHH!!” Tears began spilling out sporadically as he pounded my lower leg, his eyes never leaving me as his arm hovered over my thigh. “N-no, P-p-please n-n *crack*    !!!  ” 


{“I’ll admit, this has been a very humbling experience, never in my years of fighting have I fought an opponent so utterly weak, but yet managed to last so long in battle against me.”}


I absentmindedly listened to his little spiel as all I could feel was pain. ‘Is this it? Am I actually going to die?’ The tears ran rampant as I laid there on my deathbed.


{“With Leafage as your one attack, it is rather impressive someone like you made it this far. While the aura I gain from you is miniscule at best, know I will remember this exper-Guuh.”


‘No.’ As I’ve done many times now, I conjured the same dozen leaves and threw out my newly named [Leafage]. The leaves managed to not only flinch him but also push him back ever-so slightly, his fist no longer resting on my chest. “S-screw you…” my voice came out in a whisper.


{“Defiant till the end, your willpower is commendable if nothing else, but alas I’ve spent too much time and energy here.”}


He raised his right fist, the largest amount of energy I’ve sensed gathered into it as he cocked it back. The arm came down slowly but the pressure felt suffocating as it came down onto my still, broken, unmoving form.




‘...I’m actually going to die…’  


Life flashed before my eyes, memories of old suddenly flooding in, the final hour setting in. My old household, people who claimed themselves ‘relatives’, a caring facade, a necessity, a nuisance, a parasite. My parents long-dead before I could recall their faces. Being kicked out by legal age, finding a low-end job, an apartment. The days blend in, the same ceiling, the same room, the same job, the same loneliness, the same day, forever unchanging. 


‘Ha…ha, is this all my life amounts to…’


‘I’m going to die…’


‘How… pathetic…’ 


‘I’m going to die…’


‘All alone…’ 


‘I’m going to die…’


‘God–Arceus, give me another chance…’ 


‘I’m going to die.’ 


‘So much I’ve missed out on…’


‘I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die." 


‘I    DON’T    WANT    TO    DIE’




{“I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.”} 




Opening my eyes, I was met with the same ceiling, the same cave, the same clearing that I had just fought in. “I-I’m still a-alive.” I mumbled in disbelief.


I looked over to the assailant and my savior, the geodude was now a few meters away glaring at my savior with a frown. Standing at the same height as the Geodude was a green bulb-like plant, the same one that sat next to me when I had first woken up. A Petilil stood in front of me and between the Geodude, shielding me away from the rock. 


A small smile showed on my face at the sight of my hero. ‘Was this the girl’s Pokemon? Why’d she seem reluctant to save me…’ 


Said Pokemon turned to look at me, {“Once I’m done with the rock over there, I’m going to deal with you and take back Ayla’s body, thief.”} 


Several roots sprouted from the ground, carrying me to the closest wall and laid me against the wall. Now sitting up the roots disappeared as I processed what the Petilil said. ‘Ayla’s body… she knows I’m not her, I guess it makes sense now.’


‘Still...Why is everything out to kill me… ’    


{”You think you can deal with me sproutling?”} The Geodude gruffed out. {“Type advantages won’t save you here.”} 


 And thus the second round began.



‘I wanna close my eyes…’ 


You are reading story Crescere at

My eyelids were heavy, and my vision grew hazy as the final battle began. 


The positions of each side were quickly established as they started throwing out attacks. After the first [Energy ball] shot at an incoming [Bullet punch] was swiftly evaded, and Petilil almost got hit, she went completely on the defensive. The Geodude constantly pressured Petilil while she kept him back primarily using roots. 


He would approach using [Bullet Punch] and she’d block his hop with a series of [Grass Knot]’s, that he punched through as more roots attempted to ensnare him before he backed off. No one was able to hit each other. A delicate game of Cat and Mouse that spanned for several minutes. 


Parts of my vision seemed blotched out but I steeled my focus on the fight. Now that I wasn’t being the target of assault I managed to figure out a few quirks the Geodude had. His movement was extremely linear, which made much more sense as he was a rock that could only hop or fling himself at the enemy. 


Another thing was– {“Where are those combo attacks you used earlier? You tired already?”} The plant sassed. That’s one thing to be glad about– ‘should I be glad? On one hand one Pokemon wants and almost did kill me… on the other hand the second Pokemon probably also wants to kill me…’




I was broken out of my thoughts as the Petilil suddenly skidded a few meters in front of me. The Geodude meters away with his metallic fist held forward. ‘One demon over the other, The enemy of my enemy is my friend… we could make amends and become friends... my first friend… an introvert scared of being alone… how hypocritical…


“A-are you okay? Do you need help?”


{“Do you think I’d seriously lose a Geodude?! Just stay put and I’ll deal with you later.”}


Forgive me for my transgressions!’ 


Looking back the Geodude fired off another round of [Rock Blast]’s towards us. Petilil made a move to dodge the attack before looking back at me… who was directly behind her. 


I could’ve sworn she cursed for a moment before countering the blasts with [Energy Ball]. The Ball tore through the first one easily before exploding alongside the second rock, creating a mini-smokescreen. ‘She saved me?’ 


Having been the target of this attack several times, I charged up a [Leafage] ahead of time and threw it towards the Petilil. “MOVE!!” Though a bit startled she moved out of the way just in time for the leaves to clash with the 3rd rock that came through the smokescreen. 


I smiled as she looked back at me, a scrutinizing look.  A 4th rock with 2 arms one embedded in steel flew out of the smoke heading straight… for me. My body malfunctioned as the death ball came closer, death looming over me yet again. ‘Why, Why, Why.’ 


I stared at the fist as it came down on me, stopping just before it could hit me, roots entalging his other arm. “Haa hah ha— ha,” My breath, uneasy and rapid. The Geodude was hulk-smashed into the ground by [Grass Knot] before being flinged up into the air.


“T-t-thank you.” Reeling myself back from another near-death experience. She didn’t look back but nodded in reply, conjuring up several dozen leaves with rainbow outlines and shooting them towards the airborne Geodude. The myriad of [Magical Leaf]’s curved and arched in different angles all homing onto the flying rock. 


The Geodude who was still spinning around grew a red tint, sucking the air in for several seconds. The leaves grew closer and closer as he finally spewed out a slow line of flames, taking advantage of his rotating momentum the [Ember] shot out in a vortex catching most of the incoming leaves. 


Me and probably the Petilil gaped in disbelief as only 3-5 leaves managed to hit the x4 weak rock, sending him barrelling down to the floor. ‘Ww-w-why d- why?’  


The Geodude, looking much more desperate, quickly recovered and launched himself at the bewildered Petilil with another [Bullet Punch].


Petilil hastily set up a wall of [Grass Knot]’s in front of her to slow down the Rock. However, Instead of charging directly into the roots, he suddenly stopped and slammed his steel fist down into the floor, the ground shaking in response causing the Petilil to stumble and fall, the Roots dissipating. 


The same red tint grew on his body as he sucked in his breath again. ‘NOO.’ Attempting another [Leafage] a stinging pain rang in my head as I coughed. Ignoring it, I powered through the pain, the leaves hit the Geodude head-on flinching him for a moment, slowing down his attack as the Petilil got back up and spewed a ray of water at the rock. 


The world became hazy and started to shake as the [Ember] and [Water Gun] collided. It looked as if the water gun won and hit the Geodude. The Geodude suddenly got slammed into the ground and laid there unmoving. 


‘Did we w-’ *cough* 






Moments passed as we remained silent, only my heavy breathing penetrated the air. A large burst of energy suddenly invigorated my body after the Geodude had been knocked unconscious for several seconds. 


The Petilil who looked impassive stared down at the rock, a green ball slowly formed and grew larger and larger in front her, a clear goal in mind.


“W-WAIT!” My voice carried far into the clearing.


The Petilil looked back at me, a critical look in her eyes before stopping the [Energy Ball]. She understood my signal, nodded and oddly obeyed me as roots sprouted from the ground carrying me over to the rock.  


One root on each side of my underarm helped to stand me up as I was face to face with my almost-murderer. A look to the side was the Petilil who seemed neutral, trying to comprehend my actions. 


{“You aren’t seriously planning on letting him go are you?”} 


'No', I thought. For a Geodude he was easily able to overwhelm the Petilil in a 1-on-1 despite the type matchup. Possessing a variety of moves not normally learnt. Intricate strategies and an impressive on-the-fly decision making. 


Perhaps if he didn’t spend so much energy against me at the start he might’ve been able to defeat us 1 against 2, no…  he definitely would have. A geodude alone almost managed to take us both down, what other monsters could exist beyond this clearing. ‘No… I couldn’t let him go.’


A stinging pain in my head, similar to the one earlier. 




‘For endangering my present.’


Another ring in my head.




‘For the sake of my future.’ 


Blood began spewing. 




For showing me the ignorance of my past.’


The leaves turned sharper, infinite as my Leafage evolved into [Razor Leaf]. The blades pelting at the rock, unrelenting, crumbling the rock to dust, no longer a Geodude, a husk of its former self.


I fell backwards as a smaller surge of energy was felt throughout my body. 


My body hit something soft as the world went dark. 




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