Crimson Fields

Chapter 2: 2: Mirrored Reflections

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I looked back up towards the showerhead  spewing water onto my face and over my body. My mind raced, pushing back at the disbelief that these physical alterations my eyes were perceiving could be true. The pelting of water and the heated caress of it flowing down over my skin… Based solely on physical sensations alone I could attest to myself that this did indeed feel like my body… I knew these sensations well from the countless times I’d showered before… My mind believed it, I did not. The most significant change I noticed immediately in the form of a physically lacking manhood which provided all the visual proof that my body had somehow converted to that of a female’s. The two smooth and modest mounds of soft flesh protruding from where my well-toned musculature had been served to reinforce the fact that I no longer possessed a male physique…

Leaning forward I placed both hands and half my weight onto the tiled wall. Breathing came hard and heavy due to my currently panicked state. “Breathe Tamaki. Take long slow breaths.” This was nothing short of a problem. I could solve problems. I’d been doing that in my job right up until the point I’d gotten that pink slip. Problems could be easily solved if one maintained a cool and calm mind. I needed to find my state of calm and remain there in order to assess this situation.

It took a few moments but while I stood there in the shower, water pelting against my back, rational thought gradually returned to me. Breathing a deep sigh, I reached for the faucet and shut off the water. This was when I noticed one of the more unusual physical changes my body had taken on. I splayed out the fingers of each hand, brows wrinkling while my mind attempted to understand and comprehend what it saw. Aside from the obviously feminine hands I now somehow possessed, from the tip of each finger grew nails similar to what I’d expect, but the ends of each formed into a shape I could only describe as claws. Pushing myself back into an upright position I turned each hand over to look from the side of the palms. “Claws.” I confirmed to myself, seeing that the sharp pointed protrusions did run deeper than the topmost surface of the fingers. These were likely an extension of the bones, and would probably prove exceptionally painful if one were to rake them across unprotected flesh… Glancing back down to my newfound feet I noted that they too were gifted with similar protrusions, albeit somewhat shorter in length.

A light tingling sensation touched across the back of my legs. Fear reactions instantly kicked in and I found myself spinning around to confront whatever new threat happened to be right behind me. With my mind still reeling from the previous panic and confusion, it didn’t occur to me that making sharp movements while standing on a wet surface would prove to be a bad split-second decision to make. I fell. Reflexively I reached out to grab at whatever solid object I could in order to break my fall but all I managed to latch onto were the shower curtains barring the inside of the shower from the rest of the bathroom. Snagging the curtain’s with my claws I could hear the fabric ripping, and for a second I believed myself saved. The momentum of my falling body slowed only briefly though before the iron rod holding the curtains in place also collapsed.

“Ow…” Groaning I reached up to rub at the spot where the shower curtain’s metal bar had struck against my head. My rear end having received the brunt of the damage from the fall, I’d subsequently received a brief shock to my spine. Given the results of my pain, this proved a better alternative to falling and directly hitting my head. The pain I could feel coursing through my body also served to prove that I wasn’t just dreaming up this entire experience. Using my free hand to push off the curtains I groaned in annoyance. “Seriously…?” Removing the displaced curtains from on top of myself revealed the culprit I’d been so badly panicked by. The thing that’d been surreptitiously touching me had been a tail… A slowly swaying, long and narrow, red-black colored tail. It didn't look too threatening now that I could see it, except for maybe the half barb on the end that would likely catch on things if I couldn't control it... Considering I’d never had a tail before though, I couldn’t be sure which muscles were actually making it move… Perhaps the way it shifted around happened to be involuntary? But if having a tail were actually normal to me I’d likely have scoffed at myself right then and there, making some comment about being scared of my own shadow…

Taking in the rest of the bathroom, now that I could see it, the space looked oddly normal? A sink, a toilet, a mirror, and a towel rack with a fluffy looking brown bath towel hanging on it… I could see a door which I assumed would lead out of the bathroom, but another door next to that one looked like it might go to a closet containing various bathroom amenities. Pushing myself back up to standing inside the shower, I reached over and grabbed the towel, proceeding to dry off my as of yet, unfamiliar body.

Body dry, I tossed the towel down, clicking my tongue in frustration. Water still continued to drip down from my hair onto the already dried areas of my naked body… As a man I could’ve dried my hair in a matter of seconds, but this body possessed a thick head of brilliantly red hair that draped halfway down the back. Thirty seconds of action with the towel and all I’d managed to accomplish was getting the towel completely soaked… “If I’m going to spend any amount of time in this body then this stuff is the first thing that needs to go.” I cursed, pulling at the offending locks before leaning both hands on the bathroom sink to stare at my newfound face in the mirror. “Woah…” Blinking in surprise I turned a cheek, then the other while observing the eyes looking back at me from my own reflection. This woman’s body, whoever she was, had a slightly above average and deceptively attractive body. Being careful not to claw my own eyes, I pulled down on the eyelids to examine them. Both eyes were pitch black up until where the sclera met with the irises. From there the irises were patterned to a deep crimson color. The gradient of the irises shifted to gold the closer it came to the black pupil, accentuating into a noticeably bright golden ring just before the two met.

Aside from the uniquely demonic eyes, this body also had long pointy ears, about three inches in length. And fangs. Four in total. Sharp and elongated. In terms of fantasy fangs, I'd say they were somewhere in the middle between normal human length and vampire... “So does this count as the ritual succeeding then?” In the mirror the woman’s lips moved in sync with my words, producing a voice resounding at a much higher octave than what I was used to. These results really didn’t meet my expectations in any desirable way. This whole scenario should’ve been pretend, a wild fantasy I’d come up with inside the confines of my own head… If the summoning was supposed to have succeeded anyway then it should’ve done so in the way I’d intended it to. I should be doing the hanky-panky with this devil girl right now… Instead I’d somehow transmigrated my own consciousness into that very demon girl’s body!?

“Argh! How did this happen!” I shouted curses at the woman in the mirror. She even had horns. Small horns, but they were still there. The backwards swooping protrusions of bone coming from the top of her forehead were just big enough that they measured only slightly longer than the width of my newly acquired feminine palms. I decided on one final test to see if this situation were real or not. Wrapping both hands, each around one of the horns, I pulled. I could feel the pressure against my skull while I tried to keep my head from moving. These things were definitely real… “Fine. I accept that in this moment, this is real… But the question is how do I return to being me?” I directed this question to the woman reflected in the mirror. My current self…

“Lyssa… you’re taking too looong… Lulu’s coming in…” A voice drifted in from the other side of the closed bathroom door. In the fraction of a heartbeat my panic renewed itself to full strength. Did this mean I wasn’t alone in this place!? A second thought: Did this mean I could be in danger!?

“W-wait! Don’t come in here!” I stammered, turning. I intended to rush the door and keep whoever was outside from getting in, but my reaction time wasn't fast enough.

The door was already opening…

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