Crimson Fields

Chapter 3: 3: Light Blue Girl

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                The bathroom door swung open, leaving me completely exposed while a girl I’d never met before nonchalantly walked herself into the room. Arms raised and rubbing sleep from her eyes the girl who I assumed was the self-proclaimed Lulu, took in the bathroom scene without so much as altering her sleepy expression. This girl possessed eyes similar to mine with pitch black sclera, but unlike the red and gold hues I possessed, her irises were shades of a brilliant light blue. Similarly light blue hair ran all the way from the top of Lulu’s head to well past her feet, and even dragged out beyond the threshold of the bathroom doorway. Oddly the only thing about her that appeared inhuman other than the eyes were a pair of fleshy bulbous light blue protrusions closely resembling horns, coming out from the top of her head. For clothing she wore a button-down dark blue one-piece sleep dress, patterned with little black bats all across its design.

                Lowering her arms to her sides, Lulu’s eyes briefly came to rest on the curtain rod laying on the floor. From there she looked over toward me, prompting me to grab up the towel in order to cover my bare body from Lulu’s sight. “Not it...” she stated bluntly.

                “Huh?” I asked, bewildered.

                “The curtain rod… Lulu isn’t going to fix it…” The blue-haired girl stated matter-of-fact.

                “Oh… Right, okay.”

                With Lulu in the way of the door, my ability to exit the bathroom became momentarily stalled. Lulu once again raised her arms but instead of wiping more sleep from her eyes, this time her hands settled on her sleepwear and she began unbuttoning the dress she wore. “W-what are you doing!? Why are you undressing!?” I exclaimed while attempting to find a balance between holding the towel and covering my own eyes at the scene unfolding before me. In my flustered state, I dropped the towel I was haphazardly using to cover myself and crouched down on my legs to retrieve it. Recovering the towel, I drew back up in time to see Lulu’s dress fall to the floor, leaving the other girl now standing stark naked in front of me. My heart raced, face flushed with embarrassment, both for myself and for the one in front of me. Did she not feel any shame about getting undressed in front of a man she’d never met before!?

                “Lulu needs to use the bathroom…” The girl stepped out of the dress on the floor and stood to one side of the doorway. I took this to mean she intended for me to leave the bathroom and promptly obliged by hastily stepping out. I managed to brush lightly against her in passing, unintentionally, though from her lack of response I doubt she noticed it as much as I had. My cheeks flushed red even as Lulu closed the bathroom door behind me.

                Too much excitement. I breathed, calming myself for the second, maybe third time since I’d opened my eyes to this new reality that’d been beset upon me. Looking around, I noticed that the bathroom connected into what appeared to be a master bedroom of sorts. This room housed a desk, a pair of futons, and an oversized oaken dresser. Judging from the color of the futons, I guessed that the blue one belonged to Lulu, while the red one must belong to the owner of the body I now possessed. “These two live together?” I wondered. Dropping the towel, I walked over to the dresser. There hadn’t been any clothes set aside in the bathroom but maybe I could find something to wear in here. Pulling open the topmost drawer I found bras, nothing that I knew how to use… Opening the second drawer revealed shirts. I could use these. Pulling out a black shirt, I shimmied it on over my head. Once it came to pulling the length of my heavy wet hair through I happened to struggle for a few moments before finally freeing the hair from the confines of the shirt. Ironically this shirt had the word Diablo scrawled in red across the front. In the bottommost drawer I found a pair of blue shorts that, when I drew and tied up the drawstrings, fit without falling down. Going commando wasn’t normally my thing, but then again neither was the prospect of wearing a girl’s underwear… I left those alone in the dresser drawer.

                Now dressed, I searched for my way out, but my attention was drawn to the desk on the opposite wall. “Are those laptops?” Approaching the desk I pulled out the office chair and sat down to examine my discovery. They were in fact laptops. One red, one blue. Color coded just like the futons. So far this Hell world wasn’t feeling much like hell. It looked more like another world that happened to be benefiting from modern conveniences… Opening up the red laptop I booted the device up. A few seconds later the login screen appeared. “Yep, this is just like the human world…” Punching the enter key I expected the laptop to move on to the home screen but instead an error message popped up, claiming I’d entered an incorrect password. “Figures there’d be password protection…” I sighed and glanced over at the blue laptop. Lulu’s laptop perhaps? Curious I swapped it with the red one in front of me and opened it up. Booting it up, I tapped the enter key and waited. The computer’s home screen appeared. If this was Lulu’s laptop then it didn’t seem like she cared much about privacy.

                “Web… Where’s the web… Ah here.” Fiddling with the laptop I eventually came across what I was looking for and opened up the browser app.

                “Nww?” Staring at the homepage which appeared to be a search engine I decided to type in “what is nww?” and hit enter. The simplest of results popped up and I got the explanation that nww was for Neth’lareese Wide Web. “Neth’lareese?” This word didn’t seem right. Wasn’t this hell? But when I thought about it, this word had popped up in the ritual incantation I’d spoken aloud right before getting transported into this demon girl’s body.

  “Nha…! Lulu feels much better now.” With the bathroom door opening, Lulu stretched her arms high above her head and entered into the bedroom.

                Not certain if I should be caught perusing Lulu’s laptop or not, I hastily put the screen down and attempted to hide the activity with my arms. “Lulu, I-“ Making the mistake of looking over towards the blue-haired girl I discovered that she’d neglected to put her pajamas back on. “Why are you still naked!?” I shouted, my face once again flushing red.

                “Muuuh…” Lulu pouted. Aside from the verbal response, Lulu ignored my panicked inquiry and walked over to the blue futon before letting herself fall face first into it.

                I stared blankly, less phased by Lulu’s appearance now that she’d succumbed to the futon because a mass of light blue hair covered the entirety of her bare body. I decided to pry a bit in order to better asses what kind of relationship these two had. “Hey Lulu?”

                “Mmm…?” Lulu’s muffled voice came from beneath the futon’s down.

                “Are we… lovers?”

                Lulu’s head peaked up above the futon, granting me a solidly blank stare before posing a question of her own. “Do you want Lulu and Lyssa to be lovers?”

                “Th-that’s not what I meant!” I stammered. “It’s just, a lot’s been happening to me recently and I don’t really understand what’s going on… My whole world suddenly feels like it got turned on its head.”

                “Lulu doesn’t know…” Rolling over onto her back, Lulu picked herself up into a sitting position on the futon and cocked her head to one side in order to emphasize her lack of understanding.

                I responded in kind by quickly averting my eyes.

                “Lulu wants to get dressed.” With a voice filled with monotone, I could feel Lulu’s eyes staring into the back of my head.

                “Then go get dressed.” I responded.

                “Don’t feel like it… Lyssa should dress Lulu.”

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                “But I don’t want to dress you.”

                “Then Lulu will sleep as she is.”

                “F-fine!” Letting out an exasperated sigh, I gave in. Getting up from the chair, I stepped over to the bathroom and retrieved Lulu’s pajamas. When I returned to the bedroom Lulu was already standing in the middle of her futon, staring at me with blank eyes and waiting patiently… “Can you turn around?” I asked, but Lulu responded by frowning at me instead. Letting out another sigh, I moved to get behind her. Draping the dress over my shoulder, I gathered up the mass of hair Lulu possessed. “If you want me to dress you then you’ll need to hold this.” I stated, prompting Lulu to hold her hair out in front of herself while I did my best not to stare at her body.

                “Kay…” Lulu took the hair and held it, though she didn’t sound pleased to be doing some of the work.

                Once I’d gotten the dress positioned over Lulu’s shoulders I took back her hair and straightened it out. The tough part came when I had to actually button the dress. Buttoning my own shirts was one thing but I’d never dressed someone else like this before. Finding the buttons and the right hole to pass them through was easy enough, the hard part was clasping the buttons to said holes while keeping my hands away from the front of Lulu’s body.

                “Nyan!” Lulu squeaked.

                “S-Sorry!” I flustered, realizing my hands had slipped and touched something soft and warm that clearly wasn’t fabric.


                I continued to button up Lulu’s dress in silence, my face heating up the more I concentrated on not repeating the same mistake again. The lower buttons strained my dignity the most but by this stage I had Lulu turn around. Enough of the buttons were fastened at this point that I didn’t need to fear seeing anything inappropriate.

                “And done.” I exhaled a sigh of relief.

                “Lulu thanks Lyssa.” Letting herself fall face first onto the futon again, Lulu’s hair displaced and fanned out, after which Lulu didn’t stir again.

                With Lulu promptly dealt with, my gaze returned to the desk where the laptop resided. If this world also had internet then it might also be able to answer some of my questions. Retrieving the laptop I could use from the desk, I returned to the vacant Futon and popped open the device to begin my search.

How to return to being human

                The results of this search were unsurprisingly, not very helpful. It did however reveal to me quite a number of demons who’d thought about what it’d be like to be human for a day… “I’m a demon for a few hours and I’m already not okay with it…” I muttered, moving on to the next possible list of searches.

How to reverse a body swap

                Apparently there’s a large LGBTQ society in this place called Neth’Lareese. The results of this search revealed as much to me. Scrolling through the list of results I couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment. This topic wasn’t going to help my situation either… I decided on a different search in order to break my search failure.

What is Neth’Lareese

                Quite literally it is the place in which demons reside. Not a hell the way I knew it to be, but a physical plane of existence outside the realm of human existence. Interestingly this search also brought up sites on the origins of demon kind as well as a type of demon known as a Resident Demon. Apparently a long time ago in the human world, demons who could not be banished back to the Neth’Lareese plain came into existence. The reason they couldn’t be banished had to do with the fact that these demons were born from the emotional energies of the humans themselves. It was an interesting read, but still not what I was looking for… With over an hour of searching and scrolling I decided to try a more practical search, regardless of how useless the results would be.

How do I get to the human world?

                The results were interestingly more intuitive than I’d imagined. Articles about portals leading to the human world, books on how to craft and create passageways that no one else could detect. Then there were the images. Including one I recognized right away. “This is it! The book I used for the summoning circle!” Clicking on the image of the tome brought me to a page with words in a language I could not read… Skimming the website, I found several images taken from the old book, though none of them appeared to be similar to the one I’d used. I backed out of the website. Even if I’d found it, I couldn’t read any of the content… Scrolling down the list I found another site hosted by a demon claiming to have visited the human world. Could this be it? I moved the mouse cursor over the address and clicked the link.

                “Venjios.” A female voice came from directly behind me. Then everything went completely black...



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