Crimson Fields

Chapter 7: 7: True Death

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                Lulu retreated into the arena’s visitor cage. Welcomed by the gatekeeper, he waited for Lulu to completely enter the room adjoining the Arena space before closing and sealing the gate. For fairness of the match, guests of the arena’s contenders were permitted to view their party’s fight up close from this location. Due to issues with guest observers intervening in matches, sealing the guest cage gate had become a mandatory precaution against unwarranted interferences.

                Lyssa’s matches always excited Lulu. She’d observed a countless number of Lyssa’s matches in the past and every time she stepped into the arena and fought it felt like a musical dance being performed. Lyssa wouldn’t fight all the time though, just enough to be liked by the crowds while keeping appearances rare enough that she’d never actually build up real recognition.

                Low stakes grudge matches weren’t the most popular form of entertainment for the Denizens of Neth’Lareese but as contenders it was always great for earning a living if one came out the victor. Lyssa hadn’t been participating in many arena fights recently and that’d worried Lulu quite a great deal. Even if her consciousness was somewhere else, Lulu had confidence in the human who supposedly possessed Lyssa’s body now. Humans had always been a force to recon with. One could argue that the most violent and omnipotent race between their worlds were the humans themselves. Legends told of how humans had long ago birthed the many demi human races of their world thanks to the ever present influences of mana.

                How long had it been since the human world had been cut off from its sources of mana…? Peering out between the cage bars, Lulu’s features grew dim. How long did humans live again? Did humans pass on their knowledge about magic even if they couldn’t put it into physical practice? Did this Tamaki know how to use mana now that he possessed a fully compatible body with which to do so? Lulu found her mind running away with worrisome questions she hadn’t taken the time to ask before allowing the distraught Lyssa to be sucked into a physically violent engagement… If she couldn’t channel her mana and utilize it defensively then…

                The first move of the match brought a brief moment of relief to Lulu’s unsettled heart. Lyssa ducked, then leapt into the air, avoiding the deadly sweep of the minotaur’s bladed cleaver with ease. The Lyssa Lulu knew would have followed up her movements by countering from the air using both physical and magic control to direct her descent, delivering a devastating vertical attack onto her opponent below. Tamaki hadn’t done this, instead she came down on top of the minotaur in a haphazard way before desperately finding a hold with which to cling onto Kregnok’s back.

                The match dragged on and Lyssa’s battle became even more desperate. Lulu’s heart sank into the pit of her stomach at the display. She’d foolishly assumed because Tamaki claimed to be human that he’d be more than capable of putting up a proper fight in the arena. She’d been wrong and everything Tamaki did appeared to be in an effort to avoid fighting. No counter attack, no advance. Just cowardly retreat… This wasn’t how Lulu remembered humans to be… They’d lorded over all the other races for thousands of years. They were challengers, conquerors, and leaders. Dejected, Lulu decided she could no longer watch the shameful display Tamaki was putting on in Lyssa’s form. Then came the heart-piercing scream.

                Kregnok held Lyssa by the leg. It’d bent into a disturbing direction. Seeing Lyssa’s form swept up into the air like a ragdoll and then thrown down into to the ground with concussive force, Lulu’s heart stopped. She’d done this to Tamaki. To Lyssa! Keeping information to herself because she wasn’t certain how a human would use it. She’d just committed Lyssa to a contest of pure suicide!

                “LYSSA!!!” Lulu screamed, her knuckles bracing hard against the cold iron bars of the cage, turning them white. Her head whipped around. “Open the gate!” she demanded, glaring daggers at the cage’s keeper.

                “I-I cannot do that, the match is still ongoing…” The cloaked keeper protested.

                “Open. The. Gate!” Piercing blue eyes lit up with feral light, a wave of killing intent washed over the keeper who reeled back in a startled panic. Catching himself on the gate lever, he hastily pulled it down causing the gate to slowly rise in response.

                “Lyssa is no longer able to fight. The victory for this Grudge match goes to Kregnok!” The announcer voiced her ruling over loud speaker to the crowd.

                Kregnok had other plans. Raising a leg high above Lyssa’s unmoving form, his hoof came down to crush his helpless opponent’s ribcage. A blur of fur flashed in front of Kregnok’s eyes before he noticed what’d happened. A heavy hoof slammed into the ground with thundering force, throwing a cloud of dust into the air. Solid dirt greeted Kregnok and he snorted indignation, knowing full well he’d missed the mark.

                 The announcer had moved in and snatched the unconscious Lyssa from the path of Kregnok’s raised hoof before it could make contact with her body. Laying the contestant’s form down safely away from danger, the announcer turned to Kregnok and proceeded to reprimand his actions. “This was supposed to be a grudge match. All fighting is to cease as soon as one party is declared unable to continue. I suggest you leave now and go collect your winnings before I decide to disqualify you for unsportsmanlike behavior.” To drive home her statements, both axes were raised. She pointed with one axe towards the gate she expected Kregnok to exit the arena floor through and Kregnok begrudgingly obliged. The minotaur made known his protests by brutally battering the ground with each step.

                “Lyssa!” Lulu collided with the dirt in her descent to the unconscious red-head’s side. Hands reached out, then hesitated to go any further. Should she embrace Lyssa now? Pick her up? Lulu wanted to make contact somehow, though she wasn’t certain how to help. She committed to an embrace but the announcer’s paw stopped Lulu. Sapphire eyes lite aflame at the announcer’s interference, but the flames dimmed upon seeing the announcer’s own concerned features.

                “Lyssa has suffered severe injuries. If you move her now it may worsen her condition and she could die. Until the medical staff arrives, please do not touch her.”

                “Okay…” Reserved and meek, Lulu backed off. She made room for the medical team’s arrival and watched as a particularly petite demon dressed all in white, face covered by an all-white cloth, began working his magic over Lyssa’s unmoving form.

                The desperate fire in Lulu’s eyes faded, giving way to glistening tears.


*             *             *


                “She should be sufficiently healed now. With sufficient rest and a week’s time, her regenerative abilities will be able to handle the rest.” The healer demon dressed in white retracted his hands from over Lyssa’s body. Upon restoring Lyssa’s chest cavity to a normal shape they’d then moved her from the arena into one of the arena’s recovery wards where the healer proceeded to continue his work.

                “But she’s not completely healed.” Lulu protested, pointing out to the healer all of the injuries she could still see across Lyssa’s body.

                Holding up three lithe fingers, the middle one of which extended two lengths beyond the others, the demon in white quieted Lulu’s protests. “Allow me to correct your misconceptions. Firstly, my abilities do not heal, they serve only to reverse the physical events one’s body has experienced. This ability is exclusive to my race, the Freylar, and is not a skill that can be used without cost.” Explaining this, the healer reached up to his covered features and removed the white coverings. Three slender horns extended backward over the demon’s neck and his facial structure resembled that of a mouse. He possessed two pairs of beady black eyes and sunken nostrils were the only indication of a nose structure. Revealing his face to Lulu she could clearly see the black blood oozing from the corners of each of the healer’s eyes. “Normally we enact a toll on those we offer services to. A significant portion of the subject’s life-force is required in exchange for my reversing physical events. I’ve offered my services in absence of such payment and it will cost me dearly. Should I continue any further than this without payment, it will only serve to endanger my own life. I have restored her ribcage, the shattered knee, and the bones in her leg have been realigned. Now if you’ll excuse me.” With his explanation complete, the demon restored his coverings and exited the ward, taking no notice of any continued complaints Lulu may have had.

                Lulu understood the situation, though she still couldn’t fully agree with it. Freylar were extremely fickle demons after all and could not be unwillingly forced into any act they deemed unprofitable. The fact this one had done as much as he had to restore Lyssa’s body was astonishing.

                “Knock knock, Zavis is here.” Wavy green hair and a clean shaven pointed chin poked through the doorway before the rest of the man entered into the room sporting a deep blue formal suit and tie and black dress shoes that made him look out of place from his environment. Long slender horns draped over the top of the man’s head before hooking one hundred eighty degrees. “How is our pretty red princess today?” Despite the chipper tone in his voice, Zavis’ features were drawn back in genuine concern. Emerald green eyes with black sclera took in Lulu’s shaking head.

                “Lyssa hasn’t regained consciousness yet.” Lulu proclaimed.

                “So I’ve noticed… I don’t think I’ve ever known Lyssa to go out of her way and throw a match before…” Suspicious eyes danced over Lyssa’s injuries, brows furrowing to emphasize his suspicion.

                “It’s… complicated.” Lulu muttered, approaching Zavis. “Did you bring what Lulu asked for?”

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                “I certainly did and though I am curious why you wanted these, I know better than to ask.” Sifting his right hand into the pocket of his suit, Zavis drew out a bound leather pouch.

                “Zavis is correct. No need to know.” Lulu stated bluntly, reaching out to take the small bag from Zavis. She grunted in annoyance when he held up a finger and recalled the bag to a position out of Lulu’s reach. “I needn’t warn you that mishandling this supply could have dire ramifications.”

                “Lulu will be sure to clean up after she’s done.” Glaring at Zavis, Lulu grabbed the bag as soon as the taller gentlemanly demon returned it to within her reach. “Stay here with Lyssa until Lulu returns.” She demanded before storming out the door.

                “Sure, sure, I’ll be here when you get back.”


*             *             *


                Kregnok sat and reviewed his winnings for the third time since receiving the bag of gold coins. Chuckling to himself, the minotaur was glad he’d left things as they were. With the amount he’d won with the matchup being ranked heavily in Lyssa’s favor, he’d hit upon an unusually big score. “I could splurge for six whole months and still not have to worry about funds with this!” Enthralled by his earnings, Kregnok hadn’t noticed the door to his quarters opening.

                “Something for you to drink.” A small hand offered a clear glass of liquid, setting it on the table beside Kregnok. Grabbing up the glass, Kregnok chugged it. He then smashed the glass on the table, shattering it. “What is this garbage? I specifically ordered beer for my celebratory drink, not water! Seething, Kregnok spun off his chair and stood to face the offender. “Who are you? You’re not the caterer” Kregnok’s features betrayed bewilderment upon seeing Lulu’s figure standing before him.

                “Lulu.” Taking several steps back, Lulu curtseyed and lifted the hem of her dress in mock courtesy.

                “Wait… I do know you... You’re the one who appeared with that Lyssa brat I fought earlier.” Taking a second to realize who she was, Kregnok gripped the cleaver resting against the desk. “What do you want?”

                “Lulu thanks Kregnok for fighting against Lyssa. Lulu now knows…” Releasing her curtsey, Lulu returned to an upright standing position, her now deadpan eyes staring blankly into the minotaur’s eyes.

                “Hmph. And what exactly does Lulu now know?” Kregnok snorted, ignoring the sarcastic thanks the girl offered him he prodded for the answer she hadn’t yet spoken.

                “Kregnok hurt Lyssa, for that Lulu must now expunge Kregnok’s existence.” Sapphire blue eyes stared into the minotaur with serene conviction.

                “Like hell some brat like you can kill me!” Kregnok cursed, immediately raising his cleaver well over his head. The fur across his body stood on end. With spiritual energy surging throughout his muscles he brought the oversized cleaver down square onto Lulu’s head.

                The concussive force of Kregnok’s blow traveled through to floor beneath Lulu’s fee, causing the stone floor to crack and cave downward. Blue hair billowed wildly in all directions with the piercing blow. The blade of Kregnok’s cleaver struck its target, and his features twisted into a sadistic smile for a brief instant at the expression of power. In the next moment however, confusion and fear took control. “I-impossible…!!!” The minotaur’s eye’s bugged out at what they perceived. The blade of his cleaver had struck the girl square on the head, but Lulu remained standing, seemingly un-phased by the attack which’d clearly been intended to kill.

              “Kregnok’s blade isn’t sharp enough to damage Lulu.” Speaking in monotone, Lulu’s sapphire irises then began to glow luminescent.

                Kregnok lost his grip on the cleaver, causing it to crash onto the floor with a heavy thud. He attempted to step backward but to no avail. Something held him now in its grip and it wasn’t Lulu. He looked on at his arm in horror as sinewy brown strands pierced out all over from under the skin. Curling and twisting, the loose fibrous filaments twisted and searched for unclaimed flesh before burrowing back inside the minotaur’s body. “W-what did you do to me!?”

                “Lulu fed Kregnok Venusvolrine spores.” Lulu stated plainly.

            “Venu-what?” Kregnok mentally agonized. He knew he should be feeling excruciating pain from whatever this thing was that slithered through his veins, but he could feel nothing. Piercing flesh and forcing blood to seep from every pore of his body, the fungal abomination rapidly grew, systematically taking over each one of the minotaur’s faculties.

                “Venusvolrine. The spores feed on the bodies of their victims. The more mana the target possesses, the faster it will grow. Sadly it also paralyzes its victims so Kregnok won’t feel his death coming…” Lulu stated with a somber sigh.

                So then he was going to die from this atrocious fungus? Kregnok’s fears rose to extremes. He didn’t want to die! He still had so much to live for in his current life. Ending it so abruptly would be an unforgivable waste. Vision faded from his right eye and Kregnok could see the tendrils of the plant arcing out, seeping into his nostrils, piercing the edges of his still good eye to completely blind him. “You could’ve just killed me. Why are you doing this!?”

                “Because Lulu doesn’t like working but Kregnok deserves a true death.” The deadpan of Lulu’s words sent unfelt chills coursing through the minotaur. All demons reincarnated again somewhere within Neth’lareese. Even minotaurs who were considered minor demons would gain a new life after death. They might not be able to remember any of their previous incarnations but they still returned every time. Kregnok couldn’t fathom this true death, the complete annihilation of one’s soul, being granted by anyone in these modern times… The only demons that’d ever been capable of such a feat were…

                “You’re a-“ Kregnok tried to speak but sinewy vines overtook his oral cavity, piercing his throat and cutting off his vocal cords.

                Lulu watched on in silence. The minotaur’s body collapse, eventually becoming enveloped entirely in thin brown vines. When the vines stopped spreading and growing, that’s when Lulu spotted the thing she’d been waiting for. A palm sized white orb of light floated up out of the dead minotaur’s forehead, fluttering slowly, aimlessly. Reaching a hand out, Lulu grabbed the light and pinched it between her fingers.

                “Everyone who hurts my Lyssa deserves a true death.” Lulu declared to the light before popping it into her mouth.

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