Crimson Fields

Chapter 8: 8: An Unexpected Situation

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                Screaming echoed in all corners of my perception. Some of the voices were human, but many others I could not recognize or begin to place. Inhuman wailing rose to a shrill magnitude, and pierced my mind like thousands of sharp needles. Irritated, I opened my mouth and responded to the cries. A low rumbling formed in the pit of my lungs, building up to an uneven crescendo. A voice freed itself, spreading into the vast plains before me, but this voice was clearly not my own. A bellowing roar reverberated, dwarfing the desperate please and cries of all other things, and for a moment there was nothing to be heard but the sound of terror incarnate announcing itself to the world.

                Antiquated machines of war trembled and shook. Countless panicked soldiers suited in medieval armors fell or fled in a desperate attempt to escape. Only a few souls stood fast and remained though their fear was the only thing rooting them in place. The swelling of shimmering heat danced around my right hand, and with one swift movement a towering ball of flames shot forth to engulf the entire division of routed soldiers. Metals molded to the bodies of men who wore them while they writhed and screamed in hopeless agony.

                The beating of heavy wings and a great shadow clouded across my sight. I could feel the tug of one, and the force of another pressed harshly against my head. Great beasts with the strength to rival my own wrestled my raging form to the ground. The sky’s light faded into darkness. Though I could still hear the multitude of painful screams, my satisfaction waned as I could no longer watch the mortal races burn.


*             *             *


                My consciousness returning to me, the first thing I noticed happened to be that I didn’t feel the hard ground of the arena against my back. A soft, lightly fluffy sensation nestled against my back, though it did little to alleviate the pain still tormenting much of my body. Thankfully I could breathe again, and while a sharp pain did still radiate from my leg, the intensity compared to before had lessened significantly. I could sense a weight pressing against my chest and hear a voice and language I didn’t recognize whispering in hushed astonishment to himself. Peeking, I saw a man with green hair down to the level of his angular chin. Brows furrowed and emerald eyes narrowed. He was clearly staring at me for some reason but we didn’t share any eye contact. I followed his gaze and discovered the reason for the pressure I’d felt against my chest. The palm of his hand lay pressed against the center of my sternum. Had I been a woman in both body and mind I likely would have called him out right then and there. But as a man it looked more like his physical intentions were a result of concern… Did Lyssa know this man?

                “Why are you touching me?” The dull monotone of my voice demanded a response.

                “You’re awake. That’s good.” Instead of answering my question the man responded generically. He did remove his hand from my chest however upon seeing my expression shift into an accusatory glare. Just like myself and Lulu, this man had horns. Unlike the ones I had which swept backward over the top of my head his were curved forward at the ends, almost like fishhooks.

                “Where’s Lulu?” I wanted to ask why he was here, and who he was, but I figured if Lyssa knew this guy then it’d be best to play out the scene until I knew for certain. Lulu was one thing since she and Lyssa were roommates. I however knew nothing about this man or even why he happened to be here, and Lulu’s lacking presence suddenly had me worried.

                “Lulu? Ah! Yes, Lulu. She went to go take care of something. The little bubble said she’d be back once her task was complete.” The man’s words hinted at momentary confusion before realization and recognition settled in.

                Bubble? What kind of nickname was that? He had to be some form of friend to Lulu if he’d established a nickname like that for her… But why bubble? Sighing, I closed my eyes a moment and thought about it. Though I’d hardly known her a day I could clearly picture Lulu in my mind. What came of my thoughts were her horns. Strange round plump looking things on top of her head. I hadn’t yet touched them but they did appear to have a buoyant softness to them? Was that why this man called Lulu bubble? Opening my eyes again, I caught the man staring. “What?” I demanded and attempted to lift myself up to a sitting position in the bed I apparently now resided in. This proved to be bad decision on my part because pain returned to my ribcage, causing me to wince and fall back onto the bed once again.

                “Nothing, everything seems normal here except for one thing… but I can’t quite place it.” Tapping a finger to his chin, the green haired man stared off into space a moment.

                “Nothing is normal for me right now.” I huffed. Taking several slow and shallow breaths, I gathered my wits before making another attempt in raising myself up off the bed.

                “I’ll second that. I never thought I’d see the day when you’d purposefully lose a match in the arena.”

                So he did know Lyssa. I’d have to tread carefully then. The last thing I wanted was for the whole of Neth’Lareese to know that one of their own had suddenly become possessed by a human. “Against a minotaur?” I asked. Bracing my arms this time in order to lift myself into a sitting position. It still stung like hell but I managed, and now I could see around the entire room better. A single bed, several seats, one of which my conversation buddy was sitting in, a desk, and a cupboard. The room was fairly plain and without decoration. Now windows suggested this was likely an internal room to a larger structure. Were we still in the arena?

                “Minotaurs are minor demons. With your degree of power I’m surprised you let him hurt you as much as he did…” A gaze filled with suspicion trailed down to observe my still injured leg. The knee seemed to have recovered somehow but the rest of it still hurt like crazy whenever I attempted to move it.

                Minotaurs were minor demons in Neth’Lareese? I decided it would be best for me to dodge the subject. “I just didn’t feel like fighting today…” I stated, averting my eyes to the empty side of the bed in order to avoid contact. I had little confidence in my ability to lie to someone who likely knew more about Lyssa and her personality than I’d be able to learn in a month’s time.

                “So it would seem. Perhaps you’ve become homesick for the good ole days when we were all living together.” Rubbing his chin the man appeared to be thinking a moment. “Your rent is still due this month is it not? It’s a shame you threw the match today, perhaps you’d like to move back-“

                “-No.” Standing in the doorway, Lulu interjected by throwing a small bag at the man.

                “Welcome back. Lyssa was just telling me of how she’d like to move back with the rest of us.”

                “Zavis’ joke is not funny.” Lulu’s features betrayed an unamused expression. “Lulu and Lyssa are fine on their own, thank you very much.” In an effort to enforce her position, Lulu strutted over to Zavis. Standing at her approach, Zavis found himself unceremoniously ushered out of the room.

                “Later then I suppose.” Tipping a finger to me, Zavis managed to offer a wink before Lulu pushed him out and shut the door.

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                Leaning against the now closed door, Lulu released an exasperated sigh. Looking up she menacingly caught my eyes in hers. “Lyssa can’t let Zavis grill her.” Lulu stated matter-of-fact, her features growing softer.

                “Sorry?” I apologized, though I wasn’t quite certain what it was I happened to be apologizing for.

                Approaching the bed, Lulu lifted herself onto the portion I’d vacated in my effort to sit up. Drawing uncomfortably close to my face, light blue hair brushed against my cheeks. Lulu’s pupils shrank and grew in an effort to focus at our three inch distance. “Dirty…” She uttered in mumbled tones.

                “What?” I asked, taken aback by the sudden statement.

                Pulling one of my arms up, Lulu examined it. Copious amounts of dirt and spots of dried blood from scrapes covered my arms. I prepared myself, fulling expecting pain when Lulu rubbed away at the blood. But I didn’t feel any pain. “The shower is still broke…” Lulu bluntly pointed out.

                “Okay… I’m not sure where you’re going with this though?” I questioned. Pulling my arm away from Lulu’s grip I examined it myself. Confusion crossed my features. I could’ve sworn my entire body had been covered in bleeding scrapes and bruises from the fight but looking at it now I couldn’t identify a single spot where that evidence appeared.

                “Lyssa needs a bath.” Lulu stated.

                “As do you it seems…” I retorted, noticing the unusual amount of black dirt decorating her appearance. Was that… ash? What exactly had she been doing? I decided not to ask.

                “Mhm. And Lulu knows the perfect place to take a bath together.” Lulu beamed.

                “T-together!? Couldn’t I just fix the shower and then we can bathe separately at home?” I stammered.

                “Lyssa is still hurt. Shouldn’t repair the shower when injured. A bath together will be relaxing and help heal Lyssa’s injuries.” Shaking her head to shoot down my idea, Lulu promptly took control of the argument. No matter what I said to try and get out of it she wouldn’t bend on her stance to go somewhere and have a bath together. I eventually gave in when it became clear I had little choice in the matter…


*             *             *


                “You were right Mayv’lar, it’s not there anymore…” Worried undertones plagued Zavis’ words.

               “It doesn’t match up with the events that transpired during the match earlier today but this is indeed a deeply concerning situation.” The Freylar’s snout crinkled up, agitatedly sniffing. “No single entity could have possibly removed the sealing spell containing Lyssa’s powers without you and the others knowing about it.”

                “The lack of a sealing spell isn’t really what concerns me. What I don’t get is how both Lyssa’s spiritual and physical strength seem to have been completely reset in the wake of its absence.” Zavis tapped a finger incessantly against his chin.

                “Will you be telling the others about this then?” Four beady black eyes blinked beneath the white cloth covering Mayv’lar’s features.

                Zavis shook his head. “No. It would be best to simply observe the situation for now. If her powers truly are gone then there isn’t anything we need to worry about. This outcome could end up being far better than we ever anticipated.

                “And what of Lulu?” Mayv’lar inquired, cocking his head to the side in question.

                “Just let her have fun. She deserves it after all she’s sacrificed for us up to this point. Besides I don’t think any of us could separate Lyssa from that girl even if we wanted to…”

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