Crossof Realm: Celestial Descendent

Chapter 6: C006—Soul Connected

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Rein is leaning against a tree, his weak body barely able to stand. He still communicates telepathically with someone.

❝ 25 seconds? quite long enough... ❞

'What did you say?'

❝ Yeah, when my family is at our peak, we can burn down a town in just 5 seconds. So I guess you're stronger than a town? ❞

'A—a town you say?'

❝ HAHAHA, my family is strong, right? ❞

Rein is trying to bear the pain in his body, but even now, his hands can no longer warm each other.

"Pain is pain and luck is luck. You don't have to worry about it." This was something Rein learned as he was growing up.

❝ But... ❞


❝ My family... we know we're strong, but compared to humans, we are nothing. It's not just something I'm saying randomly. ❞

❝ A hundred of us were swept away by a person from the human race, 1000 years ago. ❞


❝ Yeah.. doesn't y'all too strong for a species that's living on the Earth? ❞

He sent the words with tears and dimmed tone, but Rein doesn't say much in reply because he doesn't understand what it takes for such a story to make someone feel sad when speaking about it.

Rein also feels empty inside and his awareness is slowly fading due to his impending death.

❝ I'm done! ️❞


[ Got a Blessing from Silence Season ]

[ You will not get affected by the negative effect of Silence Season!

◊ All Attributes (+50%)

◊ All Skill impact (+100%) if had Attribute same as Silence Season area

*Active while inside the Silence Season skills area ]

After the notification appeared, Rein regained consciousness and could feel his body slowly recovering as before. The cold air that had been enveloping his body is gone and had just disappeared.

Everything returns to normal.

'What? A blessing? Who are you?!' Rein asked after looking at the pop-up screen.

❝ I'm Kuro, from Sa— Sorry... I have to go, please find my lord for us, sayonara~ ❞



[ Quest: Find The Lord ]

Another quest appeared, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Rein immediately opened it.

"He's gone??? Open Quests!"


[ Quest

◊ Main Quest

◊ Side Quest

◊ Daily Quest

Special Quest (2)* ]

"HAH?!!" Rein was so shocked that he jumped backward in his sitting position and accidentally hit his head on a tree so badly.


[ Critical hit! Health decreased (-90) ]

Unable to speak, he immediately lowered his head to the ground as he gently rubbed the part that was hit.


Rein felt an excruciating pain in his head. For a while, he remained bent down on the ground, frowning in pain. He closed his eyes, biting his lips, gripping the ground, and groaning in low noises.

He did everything so could fight the suffering, but somehow the pain seemed to attack him relentlessly.

[ Exposed to dizziness for (10 sec.) ]

Rein was gripping the ground as if he wanted to lift it, his body trembling so much that he could only control the grip of his hands.

The burning feeling in the back of his head coupled with the dizziness gripping his brain is a popular combo that Martial Artist and Monk class players often use in the game Crossof Realm.

After a while, the effect finally disappeared.

Rein slowly raised his body again and rolled his eyes back. He wanted to find out earlier about the things that could put pressure on his soul.

After paying close attention, he could now tell who the culprit was. It was a blunt point protruding from the tree he had been leaning against so hard before.

"You did it?" Rein thought about the protruding part that shouldn't have been there.

"You—," Rein couldn't continue his words.

He looked up at the sky, which was still cloudy like before. After focusing on a certain point, he said in his heart, "So this is the major event you want to give me?!'

"Slumpy stuff!"

Trees just grow and stay in the same soil until they die and give birth to new shoots. He didn't know who to blame, so the only creatures he could blame are the creators of this game.

"I will repay you..." said Rein, who knows one of the developers of Cross of Realm. "Just wait!"

After pondering with a painful head, Rein intended to return to his goal of seeing the new Special Quest.

"Open, Special Quest!"


[ Special Quest

◊ Come Here (2)

Find The Lord* ]

"I got the special quest again. Did the system go wrong because of my presence here?" Rein became speechless again after seeing the title of the quest. "Come here? Shut up," he couldn't help but think about this game system.

While daydreaming about the system, Rein accidentally remembered a memory from a month ago...

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This cold wind that blew my hair reminded me even more of what Kiara said when it rained heavily that night.

At that time, the two of us were sitting on the sofa and watching television. This was our weekly activity. At least once a week, we would sit together on the couch.

Usually, we counted on 3 or 7 people to sit with us and watch a movie, but this time it was just the two of us.

However, the atmosphere in the living room was extremely tense. We had just exchanged words for a few minutes on the sofa while covered in a white blanket to ward off the cold.

We were both silent and only the movie we were watching could cover the heavy rain outside.

I occasionally glanced at her, who was staring at the television. Her face might not look as irritated as it had in the middle of our debate earlier, but this was the worst possible scenario for me.

She looked lifeless. Her blue eyes might have been watching the television, but those lazy eyelids and the right cheek that was being bitten by her teeth from the inside...

"Archy," she called me with the same expression.

"Yeah? Oh, thanks for bringing this blanket, It's raining heavily outside, " I said to try to reduce the tension.

However, her face remained unchanged, and she seemed unhappy. She didn't even look at me when she wanted to speak. I was completely dumbfounded. She didn't reply or say anything.

'Is she more upset now?'

"Huh..." Kiara breathed out, "This is the last time I will talk about that game."

'Looks like tomorrow and the day after will be the hardest time at this house. Should I move out?'

"Archy... you said 'I can catch up the level?' Are you really thinking that way?" She sighed about my sentence during our debate. "It seems your arrogance has swallowed you whole."

'Oh... is my time just come?' I thought about a big event that was about to happen.

"You're still thinking THAT WAY? Even though you know the fact that happened?

"You remember it, right? About some famous people from various games who one year ago were called the G.O.A.T. that WILL REIGN the VRMMORPG Crossof Realm?"

I looked at her with some nervousness inside me, but she was still expressionless. I couldn't help but lift the blanket to cover my eyes if some tears fell.

"Your 'REIN' is no different from them, dummy!"

My heart ached and started to pump rapidly after hearing her words. 'Dummy? Am I?'

"Once the game has passed the first year of release, you will only have a small chance of reaching the Top 1% of players,

"Even being part of the Top 10% is gonna be a big fortune for you,

"So, if you still think that Crossof Realm is just a matter of level, I'll knock you right now...."

I immediately glanced at her right hand, which was outside the blanket

Her palm was formed into an extremely solid fist. I had never seen her so upset that she wanted to punch someone else.

With my brain tensed, I tried to calm her down by saying, "I'm going to play the game tomorrow—"

"I don't care about your excuses anymore," she cut me off. "Stop looking down on us who have been playing Crossof Realm for almost one year," she continued,

"This game is 100% different from the VRFPS you used to master," after finishing her sentence, Kiara got up from the sofa and walked away from me.

Kiara rarely gets so upset unless it's an important matter in her life. How would I know her habits? That's because the two of us are members of the same VRFPS E-sports team for 5 years, in the Ordinary People squad.

Previously, there had been three people in our squad who had received her bitterness, and now I was one of them. Even so, all of us on the team know, 'Her anger brings blessings to that person.'

But still, it gave me goosebumps with fear.

My head immediately followed where she walked. She was walking up the stairs and wanted to go to her room, which was on the second floor.

My eyes didn't blink as I saw her walking until she stopped her footsteps in front of the stairs and turned to face me, saying...

"I just want to say two things about your self-confidence and arrogance..."

—BANG! Crush!

The sound of lightning in the Exclusive Zone awakened Rein from his daydream. Kiara's words had kept him from sleeping well for a whole month.

Rein got up from his seat, the pain in his head had disappeared completely. He intended to continue his journey again after realizing that Silence Season had no negative effect on him anymore.

On the contrary.

'Everything you said that day... I can finally understand.' Rein clenched his fists in both hands, a faint smile appearing on his face as he remembered all her last words.

Then he held his waist to stretch his previously stiff muscles. "You won't talk to me until I play Crossof Realm and..."

"Find out about the Special Quest that you said? Now I've done it, please don't be surprised later...



"Hachii~" Kiara sneezed after getting out of her virtual reality cabin. She had been playing the VRMMORPG Crossof Realm since yesterday morning and needed to go to bed so badly now.

With sleepy eyes, she touched her forehead, "The temperature seems normal... maybe someone just talking about me."

"Hoaaam... let's take a rest for a while, go for breakfast at four, and continue my journey in the Dungeon..."

Kiara climbed into her bed and pulled the blanket over to make herself comfortable. Then she remembered something, "What is he doing? He didn't text me anything... is he celebrating the new year?

"But with who? I never knew he had friends... ah, maybe with his cousin... but why didn't he invite me to join the night—"

"It's better I sleep now. Why am I thinking about him when he doesn't care about me?"

Kiara went to sleep, leaving Archy alone who was struggling in the Exclusive Zone.




❝ Congratulations, your common thread is connected to the universe ❞


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