
Chapter 2: 2. Cottontail

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It was kind of funny in a way, after you got past all the tragic parts. Me and Grey both drifted into a career that meant we didn't need to interact with people all that much. We spent most of our workday alone, where we could be ourselves.

When we interacted with other truckers we usually did it semi-anonymously over the radio, where we could use non-gendered handles we gave ourselves. She was Grey, I was Rabbit.

The only big difference between the two of us was she tried to talk to someone about her feelings at one point. They told her to get married and have kids, they said that would make her forget about 'that bullshit'. I never talked to anyone, I just kept to myself, stayed alone, and buried those thoughts deep.

Until that day Grey came out to me, and my shell finally cracked.

Neither of us were planning to do anything about it though. It was something else we had in common, a shared pain that brought us together. I was forty-nine years old at the time, and grey was fifty-eight. We both had our share of health problems too. Grey had the extra weight and bad knees, I had chronic back problems and high cholesterol. And we were both tough rugged old truckers.

Neither of us figured there was any sense in transitioning, not the way things were for us. It was enough that we had our friendship, and we could talk to each other about the sort of stuff we both faced as closeted non-transitioning trans women.

"Rabbit? You still with me?" Rachel finally asked.

I'd been staring at her for two or three minutes as all that went through my head, but I finally blinked and apologized. "Sorry it's just... How the heck did this happen? And what's with the ears and tail? And... How? It's impossible!"

She grinned, "I know. I was planning on dropping by your place on Sunday, to let you see the new me and tell you all about it? I didn't expect we'd get a chance for a face-to-face today, but when I heard you calling on the radio I knew I had to see you."

"So here's the thing Rabbit," she said as her expression got more serious. "Back there in the truck stop, there's a bunch of little vending machines just inside the doors? Look for the one at the end, it's a two-dollar machine full of little keychain-sized stuffed animal toys. You're going to go in there and spend a toonie, get yourself one of them little plushies. Then when you've got a few hours alone, open it up and go for it."

I frowned, "Go for what? What in the world are you talking about?"

Rachel smiled again, "I got me a little wolf plushie from that machine last week? Thought it was cute, clipped it on my keys. Then four days ago I happened to be touching it when I said the magic word. Next thing I knew I was a wolf. Luckily I wasn't driving at the time! That kind of freaked me out a bit by the way, but it wasn't bad. Actually it felt really good? But I didn't want to be a wolf forever, so I touched the little toy and said the word again. Only instead of turning me back to that grizzled old man, I turned into this."

"Rabbit this is the best thing ever," she added. Her voice was as intense as the look in her eyes. "You can't pass this up ok? Get your ass in there and hit up that vending machine. Get yourself a magic toy and go for it."

I found myself staring at her again, and my heart raced as her words sank in. Part of me was ready to run back in there and find the machine she was talking about, but part of me was scared. I gulped, "What about... How do you explain this?"

She shrugged, "I'm telling my closest friends the truth. Everyone else thinks I'm taking over for my old man. I took over the business and the rig, and I'm using his handle on the radio too. It fits after all, with the hair."

Rachel grinned at that last part before she continued, "So you can call me Rachel, or you can keep calling me Grey. Whatever you do though, get yourself one of them toys. Ok Rabbit? Do that for me, do it for you. Now I gotta get rolling, I have to be in Montreal tomorrow. I'm still gonna swing by your place on Sunday though, and we can compare notes. Ok?"

"Ok," I nodded slowly.

She grinned, "Good girl. You take care, I'll see you in a couple days."

With that she got up, and I found myself staring at her shapely ass and her wagging tail as she walked away towards her truck.

I was still there as she pulled out, and she waved then pointed at the building again as if to remind me to go buy one of those magic toys. Then she was gone, rolling out onto the highway on her way east.

It took me another couple minutes before I worked up the courage. I got to my feet and walked back into the truck stop. I visited the convenience store first, and got myself some snacks. Couple bottles of spring water, some cola, and a package of dried fruit mix. Then I slowly walked towards the bank of machines by the exit.

Just like Grey said, the one on the end was selling plush-toy keychains. It was less than half-full, and I fumbled as I dug a toonie out of my pocket. I dropped it in the slot and gave the thing a crank, then nervously picked up the plastic capsule. I didn't bother opening it, just stuffed it into a pocket then headed out again.

When I got back to my rig I climbed up inside, closed and locked the door, then pulled off my boots and ducked down as I sat on the little bed in the sleeper. I turned on the reading light and put the drinks in a cooler I kept back there. Then finally, nervously, I took out that plastic capsule and opened it up.

I found myself looking at little black knitted bunny. That almost made me laugh, I hadn't really thought about what kind of critter I'd get but with a handle like Rabbit of course that's what I got.

It was made of yarn, the ears and legs were kind of floppy but cute. The ears were soft and fuzzy, so was the little tail. The eyes were knots of some dark yarn, but they seemed to sparkle under the sleeper's overhead light.

After another minute or so crouched like that my back started to ache, so I took the message and lay down and stretched out as best I could. I was on my back with my head on the little pillow and my feet against the far wall, holding the little plush toy above me as I quietly thought about everything Rachel said. I weighed the pros and cons, assuming this thing really was magic. If she was right, this thing could turn me into a girl. Or a bunny girl, considering Rachel was some sort of wolf girl now.

I thought about that, about what it might feel like. I knew there'd be struggles, challenges. I had no clue what I'd do for ID or things like the business, but at the end of the day I decided I had to go for it. I didn't want to be a fifty-seven year old man with health problems anymore. I wanted to be a girl, I wanted a fresh start like Rachel got. And if that meant getting bunny ears and a tail, well heck I wanted that too.

Except I didn't actually know how to do it. She said something about a magic word, but I had no idea what that was.

"Make me a rabbit," I said to the toy. "Make me a girl? Bunnygirl? Bunny? Ears. Cottontail. Carrots. Shazam! Abra-cadabra! Presto! Alla-kazam! What the heck is the magic word?"

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Needless to say, the toy was silent and unmoved by my words.

Luckily nobody could see or hear me talking to a tiny plush toy as I pouted, "Quit holding out and make me cute, damnit!"

After that I rolled over and glared at the toy as it lay a few inches in front of me on my discarded clothes. I twitched my nose and growled at it, then arched my back and tried to stomp my foot a couple times. Unfortunately the clothes and blanket under me were too soft to make a good thump sound.

Unsurprisingly the toy was unmoved by my antics so I huffed and knocked my feet together then turned my back on the damn thing. I hopped over to the far end of the sleeper where I hunched down and ignored the toy while I questioned if maybe the one I got wasn't magic.

Then my nose and ears twitched in embarrassment as it occurred to me maybe Grey really was just having one over on me after all. The whole thing might be a huge gag. I stomped my foot again as I pictured her dropping by on Sunday and laughing as she asked how long I tried to get the stupid toy to zap me.

Except I was sure Rachel wasn't that cruel. We both kidded around at times, but she wouldn't joke about this. She wouldn't play with me on something as serious as this.

So I slowly stood up and turned around, then looked back at the little plush bunny. It was still laying ontop of my discarded clothes near the pillow at the opposite end of the bed. And that's when something suddenly struck me as odd.

When did I get undressed?

I hopped over to the clothes and pawed at the old jeans with the black leather belt and big brass buckle. Sure enough those were my pants, the ones I was wearing today. I couldn't remember taking them off though, and I tilted my head slightly in confusion as I stood there staring at them.

That's when the next thing hit me. Since when could I stand up in the sleeper? Heck I could barely sit up straight without knocking my head on the ceiling. That was one of the many downsides of being six-foot-six.

Except now that I was paying attention, I slowly realized something drastic was going on. The sleeper was huge. The bed was huge. It was like four hops from the corner where I'd been sulking to the middle where I was standing on my trousers, and another four hops to get to the far end with the pillow. And the ceiling looked so high up I knew I couldn't reach it, even if I tried standing up on my hind legs and stretched my paws up as high as I could.

And with that thought in mind, at long last I finally figured it out. I was a bun!

My fur was black, just like the plush toy. It was hard to guess my size, apart from 'small', but I didn't really care about those details. Instead I found myself running circles up and down the bed. I must have done five or six laps, before I jumped down and raced forward into the cab. I zoomed back and forth over the seats, then dropped down to the floor and ran around the pedals. I hopped up onto the seat again, then jumped onto the dash and zoomed around there next to the windscreen for a bit, before finally running back up out of sight into the sleeper again.

I couldn't say how long I kept that up, but it was an amazing feeling just to run and jump and hop for the sake of it. My truck had become an enormous jungle gym and I felt like I could play to my heart's content. In fact I was so happy there were a few times I found myself jumping and twisting around in mid-air. I didn't even know what it meant, only that it felt great.

Eventually I'd had enough zooming around. I ended up sitting on the bed next to that plush toy again. I'd done the bunny part, the next step was the big one. I needed it to make me a girl.

I still wasn't entirely sure what the 'magic word' was, but I vaguely remembered the last thing I said to the toy. So I tentatively placed a paw on it, and in lieu of being able to speak I just asked it in my mind, 'please make me a cute girl?'

For the next few seconds I sat there quietly waiting. I tried not to get impatient, I remembered how the bunny thing was sort of sneaky and hard to notice.

After what felt like minutes I sighed and looked down at myself, then my heart skipped a beat as my eyes bulged wide.

I was human again, and I was a girl. I was sitting crosslegged on the sleeper bed, and the sight that greeted me was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. Not even in my wildest dreams.

Instead of my familiar hairy chest and flabby belly I was looking down at a pair of perfectly shaped breasts tipped with thick pink nipples. Beyond them was a small belly and narrow waist. Wide hips and strong thighs. And in between those beautiful shapely thighs, beneath a little tuft of black fur, I found the delicate pink folds of my womanhood.

"Oh my fucking god it worked!" I squealed in a high-pitched girly voice. "Aaaaaaaaa!"

I was practically bouncing with joy, my butt twitched and wiggled and I tilted my head then flicked my ears in happiness.

Ignoring my nudity I scrambled out of the sleeper and kneeled on the seat behind the wheel, then stretched up to reach the sun visor. I folded that down to reveal the little mirror, and my eyes were wide with wonder and joy as I stared at the little cutie looking back at me. She had shoulder length jet-black hair, a pair of long black rabbit-ears sticking up on top of her head, and dark pretty eyes. A cute little nose and wide full pink lips, a cute round face and a wide happy smile.

I found myself giggling, I was almost giddy I felt so happy.

After taking a few more minutes to admire my new body I had to stretch again to fold the visor back up, and it finally dawned on me how small I'd become. I dropped down into the seat and found my feet were a long way from the pedals, while my eyes were level with the dashboard.

I had no idea my actual size, but I was too damn small to drive the truck. I knew the seat was adjustable, but I'd always been more concerned with leg-room and head-room before. I'd never had to worry about how close and high the damn seat could get.

That led to the next concern, which was clothes. Technically I could probably drive naked and nobody would notice. One of the advantages of being up high in a truck. Four-wheelers didn't have that option, and over the years I'd seen my share of women driving topless, or both men and women driving without pants. They probably didn't know how good a view we got looking down on them. Still, I figured I ought to wear something while I was driving, just in case.

Along with the clothes I'd been wearing, there was also a spare outfit in my overnight bag. I looked in there, then made the executive decision that it could all wait till morning. I reached up and turned out the overhead light then let myself flop down on the bed, which was now quite large and spacious. And after another happy giggle, I closed my eyes and let myself drift to sleep.

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