
Chapter 3: 3. Bunny

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Saturday morning I woke up with the sun, and I had a very pressing problem. In fact I had a few problems, but one of them was getting urgent. I had to pee, which meant going into the truck stop building to use the facilities. Before I could do that I needed to put some clothes on, and currently nothing I owned fit me.

Fortunately I was able to come up with a plan pretty much on the spot. I had some track-pants in my overnight bag, they had a draw-string waist. I fished them out of the bag, then dug my pocket-knife out of my jeans, and quickly cut the legs off the pants. I pulled them on, being careful to get the waist up over my little black tail, then pulled the drawstring tight and tied it off.

What would have been scandalously short on my original body was basically knee-length on me now. And there was enough material it was hard to tell they were even pants, it almost looked like a little skirt. Only the roughly cut trim gave them away.

Next I pulled on a t-shirt, which proved to be laughably over-sized on my tiny frame. It was good enough though. The last thing was shoes, and that's where I was completely out of luck. I wore mens' size thirteen, and both the work boots I'd had on yesterday and the old sneakers in my overnight bag were impossibly big. There was nothing to do but go barefoot, and hope nobody gave me a hard time.

Luckily my track pants had pockets, so I stuffed some cash in one pocket and my keys in the other. And after a deep breath, I emerged from the sleeper and made my way over to the door. I opened it up and stepped out into the world for the very first time as Abby.

From my cab to the ground was always a stretch, but now it felt impossibly high. I nervously climbed down, pausing to close and lock the door before I finally dropped the rest of the way to the ground. Then I stood there a few seconds and stared wide-eyed at my rig. It looked so much bigger from this angle.

I stumbled a bit as I started heading across the parking-lot towards the building. Not because I was dizzy or having trouble walking in bare feet, it was because of the sense of vertigo. I had no idea what my height was now, only that I was a whole lot shorter than I used to be. I definitely needed to get some measurements later, but I figured I had to be more than a foot shorter. I wouldn't be surprised if I was down around five feet now, which felt kind of amazing.

Grey seemed about the same height as before, or maybe a little smaller. She was about five-ten or five-eleven originally, and the woman I met yesterday was probably five-seven or five-eight. Not a huge difference anyways. Certainly nowhere near the change I was experiencing.

Fortunately the truck stop wasn't that busy at this hour. It was about six o'clock Saturday morning, and the sort of people who tended to be around these places at that hour were truckers like me. Or other folks setting out or finishing up long journeys.

I made a bee-line for the men's room, but luckily I caught myself at the last second before making that embarrassing mistake. I took a sharp turn then after a deep breath I walked into the ladies room, where I had my pick of empty stalls.

Happily the place was clean, a lot cleaner than most mens rooms I'd been in. After taking care of business I found myself needing to stand on tiptoes to reach the sink and soap. And as I washed my hands I stared wide-eyed at the adorable cute bunnygirl I saw staring back at me in the mirror. The little vanity mirror in my rig didn't do me justice. I was gorgeous and I felt my behind and tail twitching and wiggling with joy again.

The other thing I hadn't clued-into last night but was plain as day now was my age. Rachel had gone from a guy in his sixties to a young woman in her twenties, and I'd had a similar miracle. From a tall ungainly fifty-seven year old trucker with back problems, to a tiny cute bunnygirl who looked maybe twenty. I tilted my head and flicked my ears again with joy.

I was grinning ear to ear as I finally left the ladies room, and got in line at the coffee shop counter.

The handful of people stared at me for a bit, some looked at my ears while others frowned at my bare feet. Nobody made a fuss though, and when I got to the counter I looked up at the teenage girl on cash and with a straight face I ordered a carrot cake muffin and a small double-double coffee.

Unlike me she had trouble maintaining a straight face, but she took the order and got me what I wanted. I paid, and left her a couple dollars in change as a tip. Then I grabbed some extra napkins, and strode out of there and back to my rig.

My next challenge was figuring out how to drive the damn thing, so I puzzled over that while I enjoyed my breakfast. The easy part was adjusting the seat and the steering wheel. The embarrassing and difficult part was I also needed a booster seat and some kind of blocks for the pedals.

The makeshift booster seat turned out not to be a problem after all, I just used my overnight bag stuffed with clothes. It wasn't very comfortable but it was good enough. Temporary pedal blocks were more of a challenge, but scavenging around the truck stop and parking lot I found some chunks of wood that would do the trick.

They looked like cut pieces of two-by-four, like the sort of thing guys used as wedges to stabilize a load. Or to protect a load from ropes, if you had to lash it down. Either way they were just about what I needed. I had some duct tape in the truck's toolkit, and after ten minutes kneeling on the floor of the cab I was fairly sure the blocks wouldn't come loose while I was driving. And a couple extra layers of tape meant I didn't have to worry about getting any slivers in my bare little feet.

With all that done, I took a deep breath then climbed up into my seat. It took me another couple minutes to adjust the mirrors, and I was ready to roll. One hand on the wheel, the other on the shifter, I took one more deep breath and put the old girl into gear.

The rest of my drive was wonderfully uneventful, and it was barely ten in the morning when I pulled off the road and up the long gravel drive next to my home. As usual I looped the rig around in the back field before finally parking it next to the house, facing out to the road.

I still had a ton of stuff to do though so I wouldn't be taking it easy any time soon.

My first hour at home was spent taking measurements and cutting down a dusty old pair of flip-flops I had from that one time I visited a beach in ninety-two or ninety-three. I had an old fanny-pack at the back of a drawer which became a makeshift purse. And finally I sat down and made a long list of everything I figured I'd need, then sorted that into where I thought I'd find everything. And how much it might all cost me.

I settled on a big-box plaza about a half hour's drive from home. They had a discount mart, a couple specialty clothes shops incase I couldn't get everything at the discount place, and they had a place that sold automotive parts and supplies, along with hardware and housewares and stuff like that.

Wearing a pair of ludicrously oversized work gloves it took me a little longer than usual to get the trailer unhitched from my truck, but I was relieved to find that despite my drastically diminished size I didn't seem to have lost any strength. Sure I struggled a bit with some of the tight connecters, but that wasn't any different than with my old body.

With the trailer separated and secure, I climbed up into the cab and added 'small work gloves' to my shopping list. Then with a wide grin on my cute little face I set out again to do some shopping.

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That took up most of the afternoon, but I got everything I needed. I also got more than my share of stares and gawkers, between my four foot eight inch stature and the eight-inch tall bunny ears sticking out of my head. Folks were especially curious when they saw me getting into or out of my rig, like I guess you just never expected to see a tiny bunnygirl driving a huge black Mack truck.

Once I got back home again I spent another thirty or forty minutes with the rig. I replaced the tape and wood with some proper pedal blocks. They were tough plastic with non-slip surfaces and they securely bolted to the pedals. Safety rated and all that, so I didn't need to worry about some transportation inspector giving me grief. Same with the booster seat, I got one that was purpose built and designed to fasten securely to the seat so it wouldn't move or shift. It was a lot more comfortable than the lumpy overnight bag too.

The rest of my afternoon was spent emptying out my closet and dresser, tossing the old clothes in a bag for donation. Then trying on and modelling all my new outfits, before putting them away.

I ended the day soaking in a perfumed bubble bath, then lazing around the house in a cute little nightgown. It was heaven, and I was happy.

• • • • •

"Sure enough, Rachel came by on Sunday like she promised. She got here around noon and the two of us spent the afternoon and evening together, comparing notes and ah, other things."

I blushed slightly, but I was smiling again at that happy memory. There'd never been any kind of romantic attraction between me and Grey, just a really strong platonic friendship based on a lot of shared pain and similar experiences. And I wasn't sure that was going to change now that we were Rachel and Abby, but as a couple young attractive healthy women we were curious enough and had strong enough sex drives that one thing led to another and we maybe graduated to friends with benefits.

Not that I was going to say any more on that subject, especially not to a stranger like May Hawthorne.

The two of us had long since finished eating, and as I wrapped up my story I gathered up the dishes and carried them over to the sink.

"So that's about it," I shrugged. "Rachel stumbled on the magic first, then she shared it with me and I got my own miracle too. The both of us are ecstatic, we'd never trade this away for anything. I can guarantee she's not going to want you to 'fix' her, like I sure as heck don't want you to 'fix' me either."

May nodded, "Of course. While I'm not trans myself, I do understand what it means and I know that no-one in your position would want that gift taken away. I apologize again for my earlier mistaken assumptions."

After a pause she asked, "May I ask how you and Rachel are dealing with the...bureaucratic side of things? What are you doing for ID, how do you handle things like banking or paperwork? What about customers or co-workers?"

I got us both some more water then sat back down and shrugged, "We're getting by. We're both using the same story with most folks. Rachel took over Grey's trucking business, I took over from Mr. Hayes. Other truckers just accept that. Women have been driving big rigs for ages, there's nothing unusual about that."

"She still uses Grey as her handle but instead of Rabbit I go by Bunny now," I added with a grin.

"Banking is all online or through automated tellers," I continued. "My customers accepted that I took over for my dad. They don't much care as long as the goods get where they're going on time. Neither of us know what to do about ID yet though. We know how to register a name change, but nobody's going to believe we're the same people. Not with how drastically we've changed."

I paused there and looked at the woman, "Say, you showed up here offering to help. If you really wanted to help and you have any kind of pull or influence, or magic even, then that's something you could do. If you really honestly want to help people like me and Rachel, that's how you can do it. Get our ID updated, so we don't end up getting accused of identity theft or something. So we can both keep our trucks and our homes and our businesses, while still being true to ourselves. That's the kind of help we need."

May frowned, she looked uncertain about that. After a few moments she sighed, "I'll look into it and see if there's anything I can do."

Without waiting for my response she got to her feet and added, "Thank you for dinner Miss Hayes, and thank you for your time. I'll see myself out."

I walked her out anyways, then stood on the porch and watched as she made her way down the driveway and got into her little hybrid. And after she drove off, I turned and got myself comfortable on the sofa. I put something on the TV, then found my phone and sent Rachel a text. I warned her about May Hawthorne, that she might expect a visit from the strange woman at some point.

About fifteen minutes later my old buddy texted me back. She thanked me for the heads-up, and confirmed she'd be pulling in here around noon tomorrow.

The two of us had plans for the weekend together, and we were both looking forward to that.

With another wide smile on my face I sat back and relaxed. I was set to enjoy a quiet evening alone tonight, but I was also looking forward to a less quiet evening tomorrow with my best friend.

~ The End ~

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