Cyber Heart

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Visitors

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Chapter 25:


Reading around the penthouse became my day to day. Yet, today I found myself surfing the channels on TV. Enjoying some documentary on the Ecology Conversion and the rise of cybernetics within society. An event so important that we entered into a new era, changing the calendars. Almost everyone knew of it. It was the reason why even New York City was a flourishing green metropolis.

It took a lot of work, a lot of time, and a lot of money. However, without it the world as we know it would have ceased to exist long ago. Our impact on the world could no longer be ignored. The world banded together to fight it. Governments and corporations working together.

It gave rise to the megacorps we know of today. Ishikawa-Alden Corp being at the forefront of it all. Mech-Tech was another megacorp that dealt in most of the technology we have today, as well as being a major weapons manufacturer.

What people thought of in the past as science fiction became reality, though a lot greener than most thought. Thanks to Eco-Conversion, this was the world we know lived in. Corporations ruled like governments, and the world bent to their whim. Still, people went about their days just trying to live. Most not paying attention to anything outside of themselves.

It was why, despite standing at the top, Cecelia wasn't always recognized. She was amazing in so many aspects. Of course, standing at the top came with its own difficulties. There were many who aimed to topple her and the mighty Ishikawa-Alden Corp.

"...It must get so exhausting," A sadness washed over me as I thought how hard she had to work, all while also caring about me, "I should make sure she's comfortable later. Maybe a massage? I could at least do that..."

A movement, quick and fleeting, broke me from my thoughts. I wasn't even sure I saw anything as I looked around to find nothing. My eyes did like to play tricks on me, but I swear I saw something out of the corner of my vision.

Looking around, I tried to figure out what it could have been. There were two ways into the living room, archways on either side of the television. There was no reflection in the large windows that overlooked the city. Nothing moved at all save for my own reflection.

The couch, U-shaped and comfortable, held no change either. Dismissing it as my eyes playing tricks on me, I turned back towards the television. I tried to settle myself, resuming my show. As I began to relax, that's when I heard it. A sound, almost like scuffling. Curious and slightly freaked out, I muted the program.

As the room was a bit sunken, the couch was set a step lower from the rest of the room. This left space between the furniture and the walls. Glancing behind me in that space, there was nothing.

"...What the hell?" My heart quickened as my thoughts ran wild. That's when I heard the giggling. It was light, almost child-like. My blood ran cold almost immediately.

"Oh hell no..." My breath quickened, matching the increasing speed of my heartbeat, "Ain't no damn way...Calm down, it's fine. You're going to turn around...and there will be nothing. Right?...I don't know if that will be better though."

With my heart caught in my throat, I turned around to find, just as I suspected...nothing.

"...Son of a bitch," Pushing myself up from the couch, I found myself unable to move.

The reason was simple, and terrifying. A hand, strong and firm held me down. The fingers felt slender, and a giggle sounded once more. This time, it was right behind me. That was the final straw as my heart leapt from my chest. Swinging around as hard and as fast as I could. I may be terrified of ghosts, spirits, and anything that had childlike laughter or giggling from nowhere, but I'd be damned if I wasn't going down swinging.

The moment I turned, I saw a flash of red as the back of my fist hit...nothing.

"...Oh fuck this. What the hell?" Looking around, blinking as I tried to understand what just happened.

That's when I felt a weight next to me on the couch.

"Hehe, you're funny," It was a feminine, light voice.

Snapping my head towards the sound, a womans face met mine. Mere inches from each other. Panicking, I bolted backwards, falling onto the cushions of the couch. To say an ungodly sound came from my mouth would not be a lie. Along with several colorful swears.

"Hehe, really, really funny," Her words were as serene as her face, amber eyes in a dream-like state, "You must be Alex..."

Her dark, auburn hair was done up messily. Loose strands falling along her neck and shoulders. A dark green crop-top sweater hung loosely from one shoulder, leaving very little to the imagination as her cleavage was left fully exposed. Wearing shorts and long dark stockings, she made her way crawling towards me. Giving me a full view of everything as I tried my best not to look.

"Who the hell is this girl?" Her knee fell between my legs, a very tranquil smile upon her lips.

"I'm Scarlett," She spoke softly, reaching a hand out towards me, "But you can call me Yuriko, since I like you."

Looking at her hand, she just held it out. Her whole demeanor seemed quite strange. I couldn't quite place it at first. Scarlett seemed a bit more...friendly and unsure of proper personal space. That's when it clicked.

"She's like a very curious, calm cat."

I was unsure if I should reach for her hand, but that changed as I saw her face. It was so sincere, and the look of anticipation tore at my heart. Whoever this was, I felt like I had to take her hand, if only to not make her sad.

Slowly, I did just that. My hand clasped hers, and the most sincere, sweetest smile I ever saw spread across her face. Her eyes just seemed to light up. Her hand felt so soft that I was quite surprised. Even more surprised when she took my hand and began to rub it against her cheek.

"What...the hell?" The sudden skinship caused my heart to skip several beats. Her fair skin was smooth, and just as soft as her hands if not softer. "Definitely like a cat...without the claws."

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"Sc-Scarlett...?" A bit unnerved, I called out to her.

"No!" Her expression changed, pouting as her grip grew tighter, "Yuriko! Yuriko!"

Shaking my hand up and down in a tantrum, it was almost too cute.

"O-Okay...Yuriko," The moment I called the name she preferred, she went back to being happy and rubbing my hand upon her cheek, "Just...what is going on? Who is she?"

Just as I had that thought, Yuriko was lifted up by the collar of her sweater. Just like a cat being picked up by the scruff of their neck. Her eyes widened in surprise as we both looked towards the source. Cecelia, my wife held her up with one arm, an exasperated look on her face.

"Sister Cecelia!" Yuriko threw out her arms and legs in greeting, like a starfish as she beamed happily at her, "I found Alex!"

"...I see that," Cecelia sounded exhausted, yet amused, "You weren't bothering him, were you?"

"W-What? Nooo..." In that moment, Yuriko became the saddest creature I had ever seen.

If puppy-dog eyes had a definition, her face would be it. Looking away bashfully and glancing over at Cecelia. It was the first time I ever seen my wife become so disconcerted.

"Cecelia...she's your sister?" I inquired after hearing her call her sister, "Maybe this cat does have claws then...glad she hasn't used them."

"...Yes," She sighed, dropping Yuriko on the couch before sitting between us, "I had planned to introduce you, but it seems she beat me to it."

Yuriko's whole tone changed from puppy-dog eyes to a beaming grin as she peaked around Cecelia. Giving two peace signs with her fingers, the overgrown sleeves of her sweater covering half her hands.

"What a...strange woman," It was quite overwhelming with how eccentric she seemed.

"So, my love," Cecelia motioned towards Yuriko, "This is my younger sister, Yuriko."

"Hello!" She waved, dragging out the end of the word as she draped herself over Cecelia, "Celia, did you know he's really funny?"

"Is that so?" She sighed, raising an eyebrow as she looked towards Yuriko, "So you were bothering him? I asked you to stay put."

"I...Noooo," She grew nervous as she looked away, "I was just saying hi..."

Cecelia shook her head, sighing once more.

"He's a bit sensitive, so-" She began to explain, and I couldn't help but feel a bit hurt at that accusation...even if it was true.

"Oh, I know!" Yuriko chimed in, interrupting her, "He was looking everywhere for me, but Yuriko is fast! So fast! You should have heard his scream."

"...I did," She replied, an amused smirk appearing on her face.

"L-Love!" I exclaimed, slightly hurt and in disbelief at her amusement.

"What?" She smiled slyly, "It was quite amusing, but..."

Brushing off Yuriko, she leaned over me, her body pressing against mine as she took my head in her hand. Her lips brushing close to mine.

"I'll make it up to you," She whispered sensually, causing all thought to leave my mind, "Just say the word..."

"Ooooooh," Yuriko's voice taunted, playfully teasing, "Juli! Look, they're being lewd!"

"...I am aware," A cold, young males voice sounded out.


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