Cyber Heart

Chapter 34: Chapter 34: Teasing

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Chapter 34:


Slumping against the restaurants table, all energy left my body. My heart pounded in my chest as the blood rushed through me. Yuriko sat across from me, head in her hands as she smiled with such contentedness that it was blinding. Next to me sat Cecelia, leaning on one hand as she smiled equally as amused as Yuriko was content.

" two kissed," Cecelia mused, stars in her eyes, "You also said something really interesting."

"...Y-Yeah," I mumbled, embarrassed as my cheeks heated up.

"Hehe," Yuriko giggled rocking slightly side to side, happy as can be, "He certainly did. His other wife, he said."

Cecelia looked to her sister, and I could feel the love and tenderness in her gaze.

"She definitely seems happy for her..." Despite the intense shyness coursing through me at my choice of words, I was happy for her as well. "My other wife, huh? I guess it is bound to happen one day..."

Still, I was reeling from the entire interaction. I pulled such a power move on the three of them. Something I've never done before. It was both exhilarating and terrifying.

I was not one for confrontation unless I had to. What was the point of anger? I only ever saw it hurt people. Still, in that moment I felt strong, confident. I was able to confront those who always bullied me. Which got me to thinking of how convenient it all was.

"...You knew about them, didn't you?" I asked Cecelia, who looked at me with a sly smile.

"Of course," Sliding her free arm under mine, she pulled me close to her, "I couldn't very well take out everyone...well, I could, but I wanted to leave some for you. Give you the chance to decide."

I found myself smiling, touched by her words. I had found out quite recently that many of those who got in my way had "disappeared" back in the day. That reason was completely obvious now. From my last ex and her new lover to all the others before me.

Bullies, exes, and others who hurt me in any way found themselves on hard times. When I first found out, it was a bit overwhelming. To think she's been looking after me all this time, and not once did her feelings change for me. If anything, they grew stronger. She told me as such.

"...Thank you," I mumbled into her, feeling some of the exhaustion leaving my body, "I really don't deserve you..."

I knew the moment I said the words, that it was a mistake. Yuriko ceased her happy rocking as she shared a look with her sister. Yuriko, as if by some unheard command, got up and skipped happily towards the door of our private booth. As soon as she was out and the door was shut, Cecelia's hand gripped my inner thigh.

"Oh, my dear..." Her tone was playful, teasing, "Those are words I don't like to hear..."

Gulping, I looked up at her eyes full of desire and challenge. Gasping as her hand reached my crotch. Her hand gripping my manhood. Immediately, I was aroused.

"What a naughty boy..." Her words whispered breathily into my ear, my entire body heating up, "We're at dinner, you know. My sister is just on the other side of that door..."

"I-I know..." Licking my lips, I felt completely parched suddenly, "I-I-"

"Shut up," Her words were followed by her lips upon mine.

The sweet taste of her lips was unlike any other. I could sustain myself on just that. No other sweets could compare. Her hand played with me below the table before she slipped it under my pants. The skin-on-skin contact caused an immediate reaction.

Gasps and moans escaped my lips as she kissed me harder. She gave me no time to think. No time to question. Just as I was ready to finish, she stopped. Shifting in anticipation, I pressed myself against her.

"D-Don't stop..." I pleaded, whimpering slightly.

"Oh?" Her words were soft, her body felt warm as she pressed herself against me, "Well...anymore is only for those who deserve it, right?"

She knew the best pleasure I receive is upon release, and she was withholding that.

"Y-You..." I pouted, giving her my best pleading eyes.

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It had a slight reaction, just a slight twitch in her eye.

"I-If she's playing will I," Rubbing up against her, I pressed my lips against her neck. I could feel her shiver in pleasure underneath me.

"Is that how you want to play it?" Her words made me more alert to just how powerless I was in this situation.

"I forgot...that I'm an easier mark..." As I thought that, her hand gripped my hair, pulling my head back ever so slightly against the back of the booth.

Straddling me, her legs over mine as she let go of my hardened cock. Pressing crotch against my erection, I could feel how warm she was even through the clothes.

"Tell me, love," Her voice seductive, "Which one of us will win this?"

Her lips found my neck, my lower lip quivering as I tried and failed to hold back a moan. Her fingers in my hair feeling tender, yet firm. As I tried to move my hands to her, I found myself pinned. Her hand removed from my hair as she held my arms against the wall.

"Never, my love," She whispered, her mouth a breath away from my ear, "Will you ever be unworthy. Say it...."

"I-I can't..." I felt a sadness wash over me, deep and heavy, "It wouldn' true."

"Stubborn..." She leaned back, looking down at me.

I felt like she'd be angry, but as I looked up at her there was no such emotion. Her face was full of love, desire, and tenderness. Her smile was inviting, comforting.

"Do I really deserve this? That face isn't fair..." I found myself blushing, my dick throbbing slightly as I attempting to adjust it. I wanted her. I needed her. Not just physically, but in all ways.

"Cecelia...." I smiled, tenderly and with warmth, "Thank you for thinking the way you do...I don't know when I will, but..."

Her grip seemed to loosen, almost as if in anticipation of what I wished to do. Every movement I made, she could predict. She knew me better than anyone. My arms wrapping around her, pulling her in close. Hugging her tightly, I took in her smell.

A soft lavender with a mix of rose. It was light and not overwhelming. Something she took great care with. Strong smells gave me migraines, but she knew that. Soft smells, however, were calming. Each breath I took was better than the last.

She held me in return, caressing the back of my head. With my head buried in her chest, I did not notice Yuriko had come back in until I turned my head to see her. Startled, I smiled in surprise and awkwardness.

"Did Celia get it through to you?" Yuriko asked softly, smiling as she tilted her head.

"...I don't know," I replied honestly, reaching a hand out to Yuriko.

I felt her soft hair underneath my touch as I rested my hand upon her head. Her expression softened as she reached up to my hand. Holding it with both of hers, she pressed it firmly against her.

"Well...we do," She told me, confident in her answer. Innocent and pure.

"...Thank you," Mumbling, embarrassed as I tried to calm the consequences of Cecelia's teasing.

"Dear..." Cecelia whispered as if reading my mind, "We'll take care of that after dinner...You deserve it all."

To punctuate her words, she pressed herself down further against me. Whether Yuriko noticed or not, I didn't know. Behind her serene smile was a mind much keener and more aware than I ever knew. My love for the both of them deepened as their efforts brought my anxiety down.


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