Damn this isn’t my house bruh

Chapter 10: 10. Fool, fool, fool.

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I pushed my cap back up and rubbed my eyes.

I've been walking for a while.

I'm starting to think that I should've listened to the note. All I ran into when I went outside the door was just...

more damn questions.

To be fair though, The note had kidnapper vibes written all over it. Who writes, "stay there until sunrise. Going out isn't worth it." without expecting the guy who reads it to be threatened? The room I was in didn't even have any windows to indicate sunrise to begin with. It didn't even have anything nice to rest on. I sure as shit ain't sleeping on musty carpet.

As it was, it didn't feel like staying there was a good choice. And so I left.

And stumbled onto whatever fuckin backrooms type shit this is. And the hanged corpses, seriously. What the fuck.

I noticed some open doors inside the stairwell landings sometimes though. At first I thought I could maybe chill inside there until daybreak or something, but when I finally worked up the courage to go inside one (a laundromat), There was this fucking white haired dude peeking out from one of the washing machines.

Like, literally peeking out.

The laundromat was deceptively big, with all the washing machines to the side and a bunch lined up down the middle, and there was some that jutted out from the ceiling and from the floor at weird angles. There were scraps of cloth and stuff everywhere. It didn't feel damp or dirty though. On the contrary, it had a pretty clean and somewhat refreshing look to it, what with the moonlight pouring in from some rectangular windows on both sides of the room near the ceiling, illuminating the room with a cool pale blue glow.

As I was walking in though, a washing machine stuck to the ceiling suddenly shuddered and opened, revealing a fucking guy's head peeking at me from the inside.

What freaked me out more was that he had pure white hair and red eyes that seemed to glow in the faint blue light.

We stood there for like ten seconds, just staring at each other.

He never blinked.

Safe to say I booked it out of the room right then and there.

This happened a couple hours ago and I've been wandering the corridors ever since, looking for an exit and avoiding corpses. I took a couple powernaps every once in a while, trusting my gut that I won't be mauled while I was asleep or something. I've been trusting my guts a lot.

And that's how it's been going for while.

I turned my head to the left and stared at the empty night sky as a faint pale light shone over me.  The night sky looked nice, as usual. A wistful feeling swelled up in my chest, and I stopped walking for the moment and moved towards the concrete railing. I decided to take a peek at what was outside.

It was trippy.

The first thing that I noticed was I was really high up, as all I could see was the indigo sky, which actually had a few stars when I looked closely, since they were really faint. Then I looked down and I noticed I was in a building at least a couple hundred stories high, and looking up I could see it continue to extend endlessly into the sky. The floors all seemed to have identical corridors to the one I was in, which made no sense. Of course it wouldn't. That makes just about as much sense as what I saw next. 

As I moved my gaze down again, my mouth slowly started to open as I realized what I was seeing.

Under the cool gaze of the moon, were endless apartment buildings. 

Strewn all about a seemingly flat gray surface that similarly stretched as far as the eye could see.

They all had unreal proportions too.

I could see a fancy high rise apartment building which stretched into the sky, similar to mine, except the top part seemed to just suddenly taper of blurrily into non existence at one point. Another building was also leaning on it. Like, straight up leaning on it at an angle that would make that tower in Pisa blush. This building, in contrast with the one it was leaning on, looked dilapidated and abandoned.

Another building lay sideways, face up. another looked like the high rise, except it was...


Levitating in the air. And upside down.

There were hundreds of these, all in different positions and lengths. Suspended midair, sideways, upright, in any position you could imagine. Old and dilapidated, high rises, commercial buildings, weird single floor boxes, the whole shebang.

littered all the way towards the horizon.

They kinda looked like jenga blocks.

I wondered why I didn't notice them right away. I squinted my eyes, trying to focus on a couple of buildings.

As I squinted, I noticed that I couldn't really see whether they were really close or really far. They looked simultaneously small and big, far and close. Blurry and clear.

My head started to ache, and I couldn't look away.



"Be ready to expect everything and anything,"

 "Wachu mean by that?"

You are reading story Damn this isn’t my house bruh at novel35.com

"Dude, I mean that in the most literal sense. I never did drugs bu-"

"The fu- mmph!?"

"Don't be so loud, dumbass."

Something tapped my leg.

"bwuh huh!?" I yelped. A jolt of electricity coursed through me and I crumpled to the ground, pins and needles tearing through what felt like my very soul. 

"Aahhhggghhkghgg~" I whimpered, wincing.

"Hey! The heck did you do!?" A guy's voice.

It felt like my whole body was vibrating as needles raced through me like thousands of sewing machines running through my skin.

"Relax, that's just what happens when you try to stare into the horizon. It just gives you a bad case of pins and needles." Another voice, female this time.

"...usually." She added. That didn't sound good.

"Mmmm, that doesn't sound good." The guy said in a worried tone of voice. "Can I rock him around to ease it faster?"

No. No you fucking can't. I swear if-



"Sure, yeah, go ahead." Said the girl.

As those words rang in my ears, I knew that my end was near. Not my physical end, no, but my soul sure as shit ain't taking this like a man.

I felt my life flash before my eyes. 

fragments of my past lit up my vision briefly, like ripples of moonlight on a softly flowing stream.

That cake I didn't eat at 3rd grade.

Splurging my savings on that cool lego set, which was arguably less cool than that other lego set.

Fighting an old man for a can of pringles and losing.

Not bringing my umbrella to the group outing.

Not paying enough attention to my friends.

My confession to my crush during graduation.

Running over multiple sex offenders for revenge.

Actually nah, they deserved that.

Generally choosing no direction in life.

Accidentally telling my mother she was fat.

There were a lot of things that I regretted doing, which was stupid, because I can't really do anything about things that already happened.

Well, that's to be expected, since I've always been a fool.









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