Damn this isn’t my house bruh

Chapter 9: 9. whadey doin

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We walked at a brisk pace. The blue corridors we went through already didn't disappear, and we were backtracking through it. She had let go of my arm a short while ago, after we got past the mangled corpses.

They were still twitching as we walked away from them.

We trudged on with a sense of urgency, with her not talking at all. She told me a while ago not to run though, since we had to save our energy. I took the time to think.

What she said lingered in my head. I really would have never noticed if she didn't point it out.

Looking back now though, I noticed that there were times where my memories seemed really clouded, and I could not remember for the life of me some of the things that happened before...

before what?

It was weird.

It was like my mind was in some sort of haze, punctuated with moments of lucidity.

It kind of felt like my mind was drowning. Mostly under the water, but managing to reach the surface and gasp for air sometimes. Never enough though. Not enough for me to act as best I can in situations where I need to.

I didn't feel that tired though. Or something. Sometimes I can articulate like usual, sometimes I just can't. I think human interaction helps organize my thoughts. When I opened my mouth to ask her for confirmation, she suddenly cut me off.

"Hey." The girl said, looking back at me. We didn't stop walking. "What's your room missing?"

"Wut?" I responded, confused.

"Closet, restroom and bed, fridge, or lamp." She continued. "What are you missing?"

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"How can I be sure that giving you that information wouldn't get me screwed over? Don't think I don't see that hand on your knife holster buddy." 

She furrowed her brows slightly at me too and looked back away as she turned a sharp left.

"Everybody here has rooms with the same things inside. Always. Comfort, Storage, Food, or Light. People who go out of their rooms almost always lack one of these. Depending on what someone is missing, somebody can also interact with their surroundings in... unrealistic ways. Depending on what you're missing, we can either get back in thirty minutes or another two hours." She explained, never breaking pace.

"By unrealistic do you mean stuff like you opening pathways into corridors and stuff?" An arc of excitement suddenly coursed into me. "Aye, does that mean I can do stuff like that too?"

"To answer your questions then firstly yes, and secondly it depends. I got no time to explain any more than that right now. Now, what are you missing."

I really wanted to ask more, but I held myself back. This really wasn't the right time.

Hmmm. I thought back.

I remembered waking up in darkness. The minifridge had light though. In hindsight, if I just used it as I light source I might've not went out in the first place.

Darn it.

 "The only light I have was from the minifridge, does that count?" I responded.

Her head flinched. She didn't stop moving though. I noticed that her hand still hasn't left her holster.

She stayed quiet for a bit.


Her tone of voice didn't sound reassuring. 

"Why? what is it now?"

"Well..." She started, turning another corner. "Good news and bad news. Good news, we'll get back to our rooms faster, and we don't need to split up and look for people to guide us. Bad news is, well, you'll see."

"Start thinking about your room. Visualize it, recite 'my room' in your head again and again, imagine a string tugging you in the direction of it, anything. Follow your gut on where to go when we get back to the main corridor." She uttered, then exhaled through her nose. "Buckle up, my friend. I guess it's a good time as any to meet the residents." 

I let out a desperate chuckle. I really want to ask about what's the deal with... well, everything. We didn't have time for unnecessary questions though, so I stayed quiet. I still really wanted to ask.

"You all right there? You aren't crying are you?" She asked, with a slight hint of concern in her voice.

"Oh, nah. The whole situation just feels so stupid that it's kinda funny." I scratched my cheek. "Anyways, by main corridor do you mean the one with the long ass balcony with the beams? Also, how're ya so sure that we can get back to our rooms just by me visualizing or something? I spent most of my time walking around trying to go back by myself even before I ran into ya you know?"

"I already guessed as much from you. By what Lester- Bob, fuck, the guy with glasses said about saving you, it seemed that you had a run in with something dangerous on your way here, which in turn shocked you to the point that you weren't thinking straight. That resulted in your thoughts getting filled with useless stuff like 'I want to get away,' and 'Somebody please help me,'. When you finally got your wits together, you realized that you were much too far away from where you're room was and you unconsciously accepted that you were never gonna get home again. After that, you were just wandering passively in the hopes of running into a miracle. Or something along those lines at least. Am I right?" She stated, never turning back to me. "Also, yeah the main corridor is the one with the balcony."

That got me. Dang man, I was just asking for confirmation, not to be overanalyzed.

"Bruh." I chuckled, nearly tripping over myself as I followed her. "So much for the whole 'not having much time to explain' thing."

She tilted her head, her hair bouncing on her shoulders due to her pace.

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"You were the one who- nevermind." She cut herself off. "Actually, yeah, my bad."

We turned another corner and in the far end of it, I could see the moon.

We were nearly out.

"Alright, get ready. Remember, follow you're intuition. You'll have to take the lead now." She said, slowing down and going behind me.

"Hey, don't slow down too! C'mon, keep walking fast." She grunted, pushing my back.

"Wait how do we know the coast is clear? What if we get jumpscared or something?" I retorted, turning towards her.

"Nah. Glasses meeting us back then basically means that there isn't any danger left in this floor. Its the floors after this that we have to worry about." She replied.

"Mmmm, you go first. I'm not gonna lead without you in front of me." I said. "Also, Glasses? Is that what we're gonna call him now?"

"What, you got a better idea?"

"I'll agree to that when you go walk in front of me my boy."

With a defeated sigh, she took the lead again as we walked into the light of the moon again, back into the main corridor.

Well, she walked into it. I stayed back for a bit to make sure I wasn't going to get tackled by something.

"See? Nothing here."


"If you don't get out of there right now, that path will close and you'll be stuck there forever."

I let out a small yelp and quickly jogged towards her, looking gingerly side to side as I went. After a while, I let go of the breath I was holding and stood in front of her a couple feet away.

She was staring at me with pursed lips, clearly impatient.

"See?" she told me, nodding her head towards the space behind me.

Sure enough, all there was behind us was a door with no sign of another corridor ever being there.

I turned my head back to find the girl looking at me.

"So." She said. "Which way?"


"I just... trust my gut on where to go?" I asked.

"Yeah. And don't forget to visualize your room." She replied. 

I looked at her, losing confidence that what I was gonna do was going to work at all.

"C'mon. Trust you're instincts. This place doesn't base itself on logic and reason man." she said.

With no other option, I caved in.

I closed my eyes and imagined a string tied to me, with two other strings tied to it connected to both sides of the corridor.

After a while of concentrating, one of the strings started tugging me.

I opened my eyes.

"We goin left." I stated.

"I think."

"I hope."

She pursed her lips again.

"Good enough I guess. Let's go." She said, and started walking towards the darkness to the left.

I scratched my head in slight frustration at how much trust she had in my gut. After a short while, I followed.

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