Damn this isn’t my house bruh

Chapter 8: 8.vibin yeehaew

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We were sitting back down at the end of the dead ended corridor again. My head rang from when the girl smacked me upside the head.

Quite a bit of time had passed after we were saved by uh... Bob? Lester? 

Whatever the case actually was, he helped us out. True to his word, the corpses just lay there, Twitching. Though they looked harmless enough, I couldn't bring myself to calm down knowing that they were right there.

The girl seemed to feel otherwise though. After our encounter with the guy with the glasses, the girl said that she was gonna go back into the dead ended corridor to rest.

I wanted to leave again immediately, no matter how tired we were, but the girl told me not to bother and just join her. I really had no choice but to stay with the girl since she knew her way around more than I did, but I couldn't make myself calm down without confirming that the corpses wouldn't be able to move anymore. Or something. 

I sat with crossed legs a couple feet away from the corpses and just watched them twitch with nervous eyes. They shuddered constantly, almost mechanically, and the only reason they couldn't seem to get up was because their bones were broken. They didn't jut out though, and not an ounce of blood spilt from their bodies.

Instead of the broken bones jutting out from their bodies, their skin stretched and widened at the spots where the bones would've otherwise pierced through. It looked like somebody put pieces of wood in a human shaped elastic bag. 

It was disgusting, but I couldn't look away. At least, not for a while

I breathed in the cool night air as I stood up. Blue light still tinted everything, lighting everything in a somewhat eerie glow.

Eventually, I slowly trudged back to the end of the corridor where the girl was.

The corridor itself seemed a lot shorter now.


It was a lot shorter.

I exhaled loudly from my nose as I sat opposite to her.

Both of us were weighed down with fatigue and lack of sleep. It seemed that adrenaline and paranoia were the only things that were keeping the both of us going, apparently. The girl seemed to have just been keeping her emotions to herself just like me, but to a much more effective degree.

Now though, it looked like she finally reached her breaking point. She was curled up in a fetal position in the corner to the left and had her face resting on her chin, with her eyes staring glumly into space and looking more tired than ever. Her backpack was beside her again.

Me, I sat with my back to the wall, staring at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, thinking.

My head hurt, but I was far too peachy for a person with a concussion. Suspiciously so. When I think about it, I recovered extremely fast. I shouldn't have been able to run like that in the first place without tripping over myself or worse. The girl didn't seem to want to talk yet, so I held off on bothering her for the moment and instead just started to think about everything that had happened so far.

Waking up somewhere completely unfamiliar.

That mysterious note, which I seemed to have dropped at some point.

So much for "not exposing" the one who wrote it or something.

Hanging corpses that chased you around.

Floors which continued on endlessly.

Corridors with features that didn't make sense.

The way that passageways seemed to elongate as one got more distressed.

Paths that opened up by themselves.

The man with glasses, Bob. Lester. Whatever. The brief moment when I was pretty sure he appeared after I woke up from a lamp crashing on my head. The mangled corpses. 

And last but not the least...

I looked back down at the girl in front of me. I had a lot to ask her. I still felt scared of what she might be and what her whole deal was, but fear was only getting me into more trouble, so I kept pushing it down with gusto whenever I felt it and focused on being as rational as the circumstances permitted. I figured I'll just get spooked and piss my pants later.

Now, there were more pressing matters at hand. I had to talk to the girl.

I couldn't bring myself to do it though, as I felt a twinge of social anxiety when I thought of speaking first. Even after all that's happened, some things never change. Or can't change that fast at least. I still had the social skills of a juice box.

I opted to wait for her to notice me instead.

She looked a bit calmer now, but still had her knees pulled up to her chest. She was tossing and catching her knife absently while staring into the corridor. Now that I think about it, she had never let go of it when we were running. Now that we weren't running around and I could look at it properly, It actually looked really cool.

It was sleek, long, and shaped like a military knife, with jagged teeth on the other side of the blade. It had a black handle with a grey metallic blade. I realized that for it to sink into her neck so cleanly it was either really, really sharp or the girl really... 

I didn't want to think about it. One thing was suspicious though. 

Thinking back, when I said that I wasn't really sure if she was real, she didn't seem to look confused at all. In truth, her face held a slight look of...


I'll just ask her later. I continued to look at her blade in the meantime.

It seemed like she had quite a bit of history with it, since she held it with quite a bit of familiarity. She waved it around absentmindedly, sometimes spinning it a bit. That was cool. I kept on looking, since there wasn't really anything else to d-holy shit she just spun it around like one of those army guys

woah wha


Dammnnn how are her fingers still intact

Alright she was really familiar with it. She suddenly started spinning the dang thing around like a pro. It seemed like she was just getting into the groove before.

I continued to stare wide eyed as she spun it round and round, making the blade move so fluidly that it almost seemed that it was alive. It danced around her fingers, moving so fast that I was genuinely concerned that she might chop off her fingers. 

After a while, she caught me staring.

I closed my gaping mouth and coughed into my hand. She stared at me with slightly less tired eyes, her immaculate knife spinning slowing to a stop.

Another chill crept up my back as I realized how bad our situation must've been that even she, who seemed to have been here for quite a while, was shaken.

There was also a possibility that I could also just be wrong. I usually was. Maybe she just arrived here not long after me and I was just too much of a pussy compared to her.

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I'm sticking with that.

"So." I breathed, cutting through the silence. 

Her eyes met mine.


"Sorry again."

"Huh?" She knit her brows, confused. "Why?"

"Well, about me being kind of a goober. Ya know. The indirect kiss thing. I kinda just sorta wanted to get ya back for you snickering, which when i think 'bout it now was really dumb. I didn't expect you to be that surprised though." I mumbled.

"Oh that? Huh." She straightened up, her confused face replaced by a weird look that I couldn't quite place. "I mean, I accept your apology but man, you looked completely dead serious back then. I just didn't expect you to act like that which I guess was also my fault. I was just doing it to gauge your reaction too. I don't really enjoy messing with people. Just... don't do that again next time. I really don't want you to be another Lester."

"Ah, right. That guy. What's his deal anywa-" I stopped. "Hold on."

"back up for a second. We're moving way too fast with this. I gotta lot to ask you first, dude." I stated.

"Sure, yeah man. Go ahead. I'll answer anything you ask, if it's within my ability. That was my plan originally too anyways." She expressed. "Just, lets keep the questions at a calm pace please. Don't freak out, and I'll try my best to phrase things in the way that you're most comfortable with." 

Dang, she's nicer than I thought.

"Nice. All right. First off, are you uh..." I trailed off. I was going to ask if she was evil or something, which probably isn't a good idea if she was. She could just be putting up a nice front for all I know, but asking in such a straightforward way might lend me more trouble than it's worth.

My brain felt really dull from the concussion and fatigue though, so after a short pause I just figured that future me can go screw himself.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I doubled down at the last second. Hehe.

"Well..." She started.

"I could say the same thing to you. For me, I need to cooperate with people to even get past the night alive. That was why I was hanging around down there. I don't really have any reason to harm anybody unless it's for self defense." She responded.

"Be that as it may, it really is up to you if you want to trust me. That's generally the rule around here. And I do encourage wariness when running into anybody here. As for why I don't act that guarded with you, well..."

"I developed a good eye for this sort of thing."

I nodded. "Mmmyeah, I guess you're right. Mkay, next question." I breathed deeply. I had to mentally prepare myself for her answer.

"When I first saw you, I was peeking out from a corridor entryway and we met eyes. After you saw me, you chopped half your neck off." I steeled myself. "Tell me, was what I saw... real?"

I honestly could've just let it slide, but it was too suspicious. I think it might just backfire on me if I ignored it.

She sighed. 



Alright. I know I had to ask the question, but I really didn't know what to think if she ever said yes. 

And that's just what I did. My mind blanked.

"I really can't say more than this, but believe me, I'm not dead, and I'm not a hallucination."


"Sounds like what a dead hallucination would say."

"I swear. All right. So, you see, the whole, um" -she scratched her head- "ugh. I really hate not being able to really rest when you're outside." 

"Wait, huh? What do you mean by that?"

"Mmm. exactly what I'm saying. You can sleep outside your room, but your body doesn't really recover anything. It's like the regenerative properties of sleeping are stopped while you're outside."

"Imagine it like this. You go to sleep for 10 hours and when you wake up, you still feel as tired as before you went to sleep. See look, you're feeling it right now, you just didn't notice cause you assumed that it still worked. alsOH-" She smacked her head.

A look of urgency dawned on her face.

"Dammit. Being outside at night also messes with your head after a while. Fuck."

She started looking more and more distressed.

"You slowly forget everything the longer you stay, and if you're out for too long..."

"Awww SHIT!" She exclaimed, her eyes suddenly clearing up.

Looking at all this, all that passed through my mind was that she seemed like she was a person with dementia who was having a rare moment of lucidity.

She stood up hastily and grabbed her backpack. She grabbed my hand and hastily pulled me up.

"Get up man. You're my ticket back to my room. If we manage to get back home in time before I turn into a vegetable, then we'll continue our talk. You understand me?" She said, dragging me by the arm.

Without another word, I let out a "Yep" and matched her pace.

I didn't complain much, cause when she pointed it out, I noticed it too. Maybe far too late for it to matter.

Looking back, I actually felt it even before I ran into her in the first place.

It was a curious feeling.

My mind seemed to be slowly dissolving.

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