Danmachi: Reincarnation With System

Chapter 10: 066-080

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Chapter 66

Western Part of Orario,

This area is different from the lively adventurers street next door.

In addition to adventurers, many ordinary citizens also reside here.

Since Orario is famous for its magic stone products, there are various related trades and industries in the city. These facilities hire many ordinary people as workers.

Therefore, the guild has arranged a place for these workers and their families in the city. However, most unaffiliated workers who do not join any familia live in the residential area on the western street.

There are also various stores, taverns, and hotels standing next to each other on the bustling street, and many adventurers often come here to pursue young and simple city girls.

"To be honest, I prefer this place to the rowdy northwest street filled with rough-looking adventurers."

Sirius walked along the street with Raul and Anakitty without carrying weapons or equipment.

He looked at the casual and relaxing atmosphere in the streets and expressed his opinions.

The workers who had finished their day's work were drinking freely, and the simple shopkeepers were trying to attract customers.

There are also silhouettes of many adventurers and gods mingling among the crowd.

One can only see this kind of scene in Orario.

"Indeed. I also like this place. Whether it's a human girl or animal-eared demi-humans, they're super cute when they wear various uniforms, right?" The spiky-haired Raul misunderstood his intentions and whispered to him in a low voice.

"Brother Raul, you have exposed your nature~ You don't think Aki can't hear you when you speak in a low voice?" Sirius was speechless by Raul's self-destructive behavior.

Anakitty is a cat people know for its keen hearing.

"Humph! Don't pay attention to this guy, Sirius. When you are familiar with him, you will find that he is a hidden pervert. Although Raul looks honest and innocent, he is actually the kind of person who spends familia's public budget on a brothel…." Anakitty mercilessly destroyed Raul's image in Sirius's heart.

"Cough, cough…" Raul, trying to provide some unhealthy suggestions to Sirius, heard Aki's remarks and coughed endlessly like an asthma patient. He felt ashamed when she revealed his black history.

"Aki-sama, please give some face and not destroy my reputation in front of a newcomer~" Raul expectantly looked at his long-time friend.

However, Aki wasn't soft-hearted after hearing this. On the contrary, she smiled contemptuously and continued to expose his shameful secrets.

"No way. Sirius, let me tell you something. In the past, Raul was obsessed with a certain prostitute in the Entertainment District. Not to mention spending all of his savings, he even gave all of our familia's public funds to her. Due to this reason, this guy has been paying back the debt all these years~"

"Ahh… A-Aki! Please, stop saying anything more. My fragile heart can't take any more damage…." Raul pretended to cry and beg his companion. He felt ashamed and embarrassed.

"Tch~ Who doesn't know about your black history? I'm just telling Sirius in advance. Besides, didn't the captain remind you before not to make the same mistake again?" Anakitty didn't know what to say about her long-time friend.

After this incident, Finn often reminded Raul not to make another such mistake. The pallum captain didn't want to see the familia's public funds being wasted again.

Therefore, Anakitty wasn't bothered by Raul's distressed expression since he reaped what he sowed.

Besides, Siriu would know about this sooner or later. After all, people in Loki Familia enjoyed teasing Raul.

"Wow, Brother Raul, I never knew you were so brave and romantic. To be honest, I admire your courage…." Sirius tried not to laugh and gently patted Raul on the shoulder.

Although he knew something about this matter thanks to his previous life memory, he wasn't clear about the details.

And knowing about it and talking about it are two different things. So Sirius now has a legitimate excuse to tease his spiky-haired senior with the others.

After all, happiness needs to be shared among friends. And, often, it is based on someone's suffering.

"Stop laughing! If you laugh again, I feel that our friendship is in a jeopardy." Raul looked at Sirius's expression and complained.

"Okay, okay. Then let me ask, how much money do you owe, Raul?" Sirius was curious about this matter.

"..." Raul was rendered speechless. This question dealt critical damage to his already injured heart.

Therefore, the sullen Raul ignored his two friends and sighed in depression.

After a while, the three of them got closer to the agreed place and met more and more familiar people. Finally, everyone greeted each other and headed toward the destination.

Sirius was the one to get the most attention due to his recent popularity.

All the seniors of Loki Familia are optimistic about his future, hoping that he will grow up as soon as possible so that their familia will have another powerful trump card.

In this way, Loki Familia will be more secure in the city and can compete against Freya Familia.

All members of Loki Familia are friendly and united, and they are delighted to see their successor's rapid progress.

After all, it's better to have a powerful newcomer themselves than outside. Nobody wants to see a powerful newcomer in another familia.

Soon, Loki arrived with the group of core members of her familia. Everyone gathered at the entrance of the pre-served tavern, Hostess of Fertility.

"Mama Mia! Loki Familia is here!"

As soon as Loki called out the tavern proprietress, a waitress came out of the door and greeted them.

"Welcome to our tavern, Loki Familia. We have reserved appropriate indoor and outdoor seats as per reservation. Sorry for the inconvenience." Syr greeted them with an apology.

"Well, it's alright. We're fine with the arrangements." Finn dismissed her concerns.

There were many tables and chairs outside the tavern.

The reason is that the tavern cannot accommodate everyone in Loki Familia. There are also many customers besides Loki Familia inside.

Finn also realized their difficulty, expressed his understanding to the polite waitress, and ordered half of their group to sit at the open-air tables while the remaining half entered inside.

Sirius tried to go along the flow, thinking he would sit outdoors and be done with the party. But, he always felt gazes coming from Ais and the rest of the level 5 group.

He felt that they were hesitating to ask him something. Their gazes were making him a bit uncomfortable.

Therefore, he decided to escape and tried to walk away.

But someone blocked him.

"Sirius? Why are you still outside? Tonight's party is also about your achievement. So come in and celebrate!" Loki noticed his movements.

"Eh…I don't think it's good for me to go inside…." Sirius tried to make an excuse.

"What nonsense are you saying? That's for me to decide. Stop hesitating and come inside." Loki intercepted him and said.

"???" Sirius didn't know what to say. There was a virtual question mark on his face.

Anyway, he complied with Loki's demands and was dragged inside the tavern. But, of course, the others were also happy to watch him get deflated in the hands of their goddess.

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Chapter 67

The night was just getting started, and the Hostess of Fertility was already full of people.

People of various races were drinking and having fun, and in contrast, the vacant seats reserved by Loki Familia seemed a bit quiet.

Many customers wondered why the seats were empty, but when they saw the Loki Familia entering the store, they realized the reason and began whispering.

Loki and the rest of her familia members were used to the sights of others. They took their seats with normal expressions.


After taking the seat, as Sirius previously expected, he was surrounded by a group of level 5 adventurers, mostly girls. They kept staring at him in silence, making the atmosphere a bit awkward.

"Hey, don't put on such faces. I know that you are all curious about Sirius, but it's celebration time! The silence is killing the atmosphere. If you have any questions, please ask later. Now is time for the banquet!" Loki couldn't stand the weird atmosphere and shouted out loud.

"Hehe~ We are just curious~" The first one to react to Loki's speech was Tiona, who has the attributes of a little angel.

Her innocent and straightforward character is very easy to get along with. Therefore, she easily accepted Loki's suggestion.

"Well, me too." The elder sister of Tiona, Tione, nodded without hiding her curiosity. But, this matter was not as important to her as attracting Finn's attention.

"Now is not a suitable time, if you're curious, you can ask later, okay?" Finn stepped forward and expressed his suggestion with a cordial smile.

"I understand Captain, what you said is right." Tione immediately agreed.


The werewolf, Bete, who was listening to their conversation, snorted and turned back, suppressing his curiosity. He didn't want to disturb everyone's interest.

As for the last one, Ais… well, whether she stared at Sirius or not would not affect the atmosphere because everyone was tolerant of her.

After all, everyone knows her dedication to self-improvement and getting stronger.

This little drama was over soon, and Loki turned her attention to alcohol. She took the lead and slammed the tables and raised her glass.

"Everyone, cheers!! Let's celebrate tonight!" Loki ignited the atmosphere.

"Hoh… yeah–!!!" Every member of Loki cheered out loud, and the party officially started.

The waitress, Lunoire, led Ais and others to empty seats in the corner of the tavern. Their group attracted a lot of attention from other customers, but it was mostly harmless, not to the extent of affecting their moods.

There was an open-air seat next to the window where one could freely enter and exit by opening the door.

The waitresses soon served various dishes and drinks to the members of Loki Familia. Everyone stretched out their hands to get their share of the food and alcohol.

"Captain, please allow me to pour out wine for you." Tione looked at Finn expectantly.

"Well, thank you, Tione. But why are there so many drinks? What do you want to do to me after getting me drunk?" Finn agreed but looked at her suspiciously.

"Uhaha, nothing…I never thought of bringing you to my bed after getting you drunk…." Tione was embarrassed and exposed her hidden intention.

"..." The others were speechless by Tione's self-destructive behavior.

Tione exposed her crime before doing anything.

Tiona, next to her sister, couldn't help but stretch out her hand to cover her face in shame. She was embarrassed by her sister's foolish behavior.

She jokingly thought she would want to replace such a shameful sister if possible.

"Ugh! Gareth—! You're drinking more than me." Loki complained to the dwarf Gareth.

"Humph! So what? Let me show you how powerful I am!" Gareth was proud of his drinking capacity.

"Oh? Is that so? Let's make a bet then, whoever wins the drinking contest gets the chance to date Riveria all day tomorrow as a prize!" Loki squinted her eyes and made an incredible announcement in high spirits.

The mentioned elf was sitting next to Loki. Riveria raised her eyebrows, and her eyes sharpened. She subconsciously touched her side, trying to grab a staff.

But, there was no weapon.

Immediately, Riveria realized that because of the banquet, everyone was empty-handed without weapons.

In other words, her intention to punish Loki with a staff like before was unsuccessful.

"..." Loki felt malice coming from her side and turned around and found dark-faced Riveria.

"Ri-Riveria-sama…" Loki gulped in nervousness and said.

"Forget it. I will spare you tonight…." The green-haired elf had no way to punish Loki tonight, so she simply closed her eyes and sipped juice. She didn't want to ruin everyone's moods.

Many people were making a fuss beside Ais. She maintained her pace and ate silently, but the corners of her eyes always focused on a blond figure.

"Although I know Ais-san has her reasons, she has been staring at Sirius for too long…." The jealous Lefiya took out a handkerchief and whimpered while grinding her teeth.

However, the atmosphere was lively, and her voice was not very loud, not attracting anyone's attention.

Whether inside or outside the tavern, everyone's voices are getting louder and more cheerful.

The food and drinks were quickly swept away, and the waitresses had to work extra hard to replace them.

As time passed by, Sirius felt some gaze.

He felt something was wrong with the way Anya looked at him during the banquet.

Her eyes were not like others, and there was a hint of anger and revenge in her eyes…

'No way! Don't tell me Anya hasn't let go of what happened during the day?' Sirius thought with some uncertainty.

If it were only Anya, he would not be so worried. But Chloe and Lunoire also looked at him weirdly.

Unsure of what the three waitresses were thinking, Sirius's hand trembled while holding the glass.

He also didn't find Ryuu anywhere in the store.

When he asked Syr, she told him that Ryuu was busy in the back kitchen. Ryuu was responsible for washing dishes tonight.

The time at the banquet passed quickly, the guests were chatting and laughing joyfully, and gradually everyone had a pleasant time.

It was soon the middle of the night, and many customers were so drunk that they could barely stand still.

After seeing this, the sober people had a helpless expression, and they started carrying their drunk companions back home.

Sirius was among the sober people.

But, he was responsible for carrying the drunk and unconscious Loki.

"Is that okay? You are all level 4 and above, why would you let a newcomer like me carry Loki?" While walking with everyone on the street on the way back, Sirius asked with a face full of bitterness.

Raul, Anakitty, Alicia, Ais, Tiona, Riveria, Gareth, etc., were around him.

Among the group, anyone is more powerful than him and capable of carrying Loki.

He was puzzled and suspicious why the responsibility of carrying the red-haired goddess fell onto his shoulders.

"I want to help you, but I must carry someone else…." Raul gestured to Sirius, pointing at an unconscious chienthrope, Cruz.

Cruz Bussell is one of the Second String of Loki Familia, but he was also drunk and unconscious now.

"Haha, hic, Sirius boy, a man should not complain so much. All of us trust you very much." Gareth let out a breath full of alcohol and walked with some difficulty. He was barely maintaining his consciousness.

"Well, Sirius, please be considerate~ You know how Loki is. Unless necessary, no female in our familia wants to carry Loki with them. You don't know that drunk Loki is terrible…."

The little angel Tiona carried her shameful sister on her shoulder and kindly explained. Tione failed to get Finn drunk but was drunk instead.

For some unknown reason, once Loki gets drunk, she subconsciously pulls her hands up and down on the girl's bodies, wrapping around them like an octopus. It was very difficult for them to get rid of Loki's hold.

It's unbelievable that such perversion comes from a female goddess, not a male one.

"It's really… a lust factor hidden in the DNA." After listening, Sirius was silent and complained.

"Well, drunk Loki is perverted and horny."

"That's right!"

In the front, Ais and Lefiya couldn't help nodding. They were also victims of Loki's molestation.

One is a target that the red-haired goddess often tries to molest and fails, whereas the other is the one who is always caught and teased by Loki.

Both suffer from Loki's harassment daily.

Afterward, the topics gradually shifted towards Loki and her perverted behaviors. The girls around Sirius complained endlessly about their goddess.

In this way, they soon returned to Twilight Manor.

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Chapter 68

The city was shrouded in darkness at night, and the magic stone lamps lighted the area. The lights illuminated the city like stars in the sky.

At Twilight Manor, everyone returned to their rooms, while Sirius and Riveria brought Loki to her chamber.

Ais was in front of the door to her room and watched Sirius leave with Loki on his back. She hesitated to say something but held back.

"...Ais-san?" Lefiya worriedly looked at her beloved idol.

"Ais~ Rest for tonight. Tomorrow, you can ask Sirius about his secrets to getting stronger quickly. Since he is a member of our familia, he can't run away." Tiona advised.

Both Lefiya and Tiona understood Ais's hesitation. Strength has always been her goal.

But, unlike the yuri-elf who didn't know what to say, Tiona gave a straightforward suggestion.

"...Alright." After pondering for a while, Ais nodded. She didn't want to disturb Sirius at night.

"Then, good night, Ais-san." Lefiya took the chance to say something.

"Good night, Lefiya." Ais gently smiled at the shy elf.

"See you tomorrow, Ais." Tiona gave a hearty smile and bid goodbye. All of them returned to their room for rest.

At the same time, in Loki's chamber,

Sirius threw the unconscious goddess onto her bed like some garbage. He was very uncomfortable carrying her.

"Yuck, Loki smells like wine all over her body…." Sirius spoke with a disgusted expression. Although Loki made him used to alcohol, that doesn't mean he likes its smell.

"Thank you for your hard work, Sirius." Riveria took this chance to thank him.

"It's alright. It's not the first time, after all." Sirius waved his hands and sighed.

"...Our deity is such a person…." Riveria chuckled and shook her head with a helpless expression. She stepped forward, took off Loki's shoes, straightened the goddess's body, and picked up the quilt from the bed.

Her movements were neat, and it only took a few seconds for her to take care of Loki.

Even though Riveria often complained about Loki, her actions were honest. She would not have such skillful movements if not for caring for Loki for an extended period.

She had a kind of maternal aura on her body. That's why she earned the nickname mama-san from Loki.

Because of Riveria's movements, Loki suddenly opened a gap in her closed eyes.

"Augh…I..." Loki breathed out an alcoholic smell and tremblingly raised her hands, trying to say something.

But Riveria, who didn't like the smell of wine, backed up a few steps and distanced herself from the goddess, looking at Loki with an uncomfortable expression.

"Wait…Loki, what are you trying to say? Don't vomit! Wait a minute, don't come near me, stay away!" Riveria's voice gradually became panicked in the end as the goddess approached her.

"I… want to drink water. Wah…Ugh…Augh…My head hurts…don't yell so loud…." It was laborious for Loki to get out of bed, and her face was ashen. She felt her stomach start churning, and she had a headache due to the hangover.

Loki's brain was telling her to sleep while her stomach was asking her to throw up.

Loki felt very uncomfortable and looked at Riveria with a pitiful expression.

"Mama, I want to drink water…."

"..." Riveria was speechless after hearing this nickname again. If not for Sirius, she would want to beat Loki right here.

But, when the green-haired elf looked at Loki's expression, she became soft-hearted and compromised.

"...Alright, wait patiently. I will bring you a glass of water."

"Okay~" Loki nodded obediently.

Then, Riveria turned around and looked at Sirius, who had already prepared the water for her.

"Here, I just poured the water." Sirius gave Riveria a glass of water.

Loki's room always has a container of water nearby in case the goddess needs it.

"Thanks…" Riveria took the glass of water and gave it to Loki.

"No problem…" Sirius smiled.

Loki let out a sigh of relief after drinking the water and collapsed on the bed.

After seeing this, Sirius and Riveria looked at each other and left the room.

"Sirius… I heard from Loki before that you were creating your own magic?" Riveria suddenly asked him after stepping out of the room.

"Ahm, yes. After all, those two skills can't be left to dust, right?" Sirius's blue eyes and Riveria's emerald eyes met each other, and he replied with a gentle smile.

"In that case, why don't I teach you some magic-related knowledge with Lefiya? Maybe it will help you in the development of magic." Riveria wasn't affected by his appearance and made a reasonable suggestion.

Sirius blinked a few times in confusion, then was elated.

Riveria is one of the strongest mages in Orario at present. So, being able to get her teaching on magic is something many mages only dream of.

Many elves respect and adore Riveria and would not hesitate to pay a large amount of money to be her student if possible.

Moreover, she is the deputy captain of Loki Familia and part of elven royalty. Therefore, she has access to many rare magic books and information.

Being Riveria's student is way better than researching magic oneself. Therefore, Sirius quickly accepted her suggestion.

"Then, I'm glad to have you as my teacher, Riveria-sensei?"

"Eh?" After hearing him call her a sensei, Riveria was surprised and delighted. No one has ever addressed her this way. It was a fresh and novel feeling for Riveria.

"...Is this a bit inappropriate then? Should I call you Riveria-sama then?" When Sirius didn't receive any response, he asked hesitantly.

"No, you can call me sensei like before~" Riveria got out of her daze and answered.

"Is that so, Riveria-sensei…" Sirius asked for verification.

"Yeah. It sounds better this way." Riveria nodded in satisfaction.

After deciding to learn magic knowledge with Riveria, Sirius didn't chat with Riveria and left the place.

It was already late at night, and they had to go to bed.

Sirius quickly returned to his room and lay on the bed. He thought of his actions today and promptly fell asleep.

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Chapter 69

The next day,

It was morning, and there were no clouds in the sky. Birds chirped joyfully in the sky, telling everyone that a refreshing day had begun.

And our protagonist, Sirius, was still lying on the bed, covered in the quilt.

Yesterday he decided to give himself a holiday, and Loki also ordered everyone to rest today. Therefore, nobody will complain about him oversleeping.

After all, it's a pity not to sleep in such good weather.

However, his sleep was soon disturbed.

Knock! Knock!

"Sirius~ Are you inside? I'm Tione, can you open the door? I have something to ask you." Tiona said from outside the door.

"???" Sirius was forced to wake up after hearing this.

'Why is the little angel looking for me early in the morning?' Sirius wondered while getting up.

"...Wait a minute, let me get ready first…." Sirius responded, washed his face, and slowly changed his dress.

After a few minutes, Sirius opened the door and found that Tiona was not the only one outside.

Tione, Ais, and Lefiya accompanied her, chatting during the wait.

'Why are these troublesome people here? If someone saw them standing in front of my room, they may misunderstand.' Sirius felt something was odd.

If Loki learned about his situation, she may cry or attack him in jealousy.

"You're too slow, Sirius." Tiona conveyed.

"That's right. A gentleman should not make girls wait for too long." Tione said.

After Sirius opened the door, the two amazoness sisters complained and naturally walked inside. They looked around his room curiously and sat down on his desk.

"Uhm, sorry to bother you…." Lefiya spoke.

"Excuse us~" Ais expressed.

Immediately afterward, Lefiya and Ais also followed them into the room.

"Today is a holiday. I was still sleeping. Who knew someone would visit me so early…." Sirius yawned and replied subconsciously.

Then, he realized something wrong.

Why are these girls able to enter his room so naturally?

For a while, he forgot that he was the owner of this room.

It seemed like Tiona and the others owned the room, and he was the actual outsider.

"I'm sorry, did we bother your sleep?" After hearing this, Tiona felt guilty and apologized.

Yesterday, they agreed to visit Sirius in the morning to inquire about his secrets. It may have been a hasty decision to come so early.

They also didn't count that Sirius was still sleeping while the sun was already up.

After all, it's normal for an adventurer to wake up early and head to the dungeon.

Loki often told them that self-discipline is necessary for growth.

"Well, not really. It's just that I can't sleep anymore…." After hearing Tiona's apology, he waved his hands and shrugged off the issue. He didn't want to pursue such a trivial matter.

Tiona was simple-minded, so after hearing this, she felt happy and got straight to their purpose.

"Hey, Sirius, can you tell us about your secrets? How did you get stronger so quickly?"

Sirius was surprised after hearing her question and looked at the curious girls in front of him.

He immediately realized their purpose for visiting him.

They are undoubtedly curious about his unusual progress speed and wanted to figure out why.

Sirius thought for a while and decided to tell the truth. Of course, he hid some confidential matters like the system.

"Well, it's not something that can't be said. I do not any special way to become stronger. The reason for my fast progress speed is because of my skills and magic."

Anyway, all of them are from the same familia, and they will sooner or later know about his secrets. Sirius thought and decided to reveal some of his secrets and increase their goodwill toward him.

"Skills and magic?" The girls were surprised and disappointed after hearing his answer.

"I have a rare growth-type skill as well as a unique innate magic that allows me to leapfrog challenges. With these two, I can quickly become stronger." Sirius briefly told them about his skills and magic.

"Stellar Affection" is the fundamental reason for Sirius's fast growth rate.

And "The Arrival of Silver Star!" is a powerful magic that gives him a chance to defeat higher-level opponents.

As for a special method to get stronger, Sirius didn't have any such thing.

"A rare growth-type skill and unique innate magic? We don't have any of these…." After hearing this, Tiona entered a state of doubting her life.

Originally, she thought Sirius might have some special method to get stronger and had some expectations for it.

But after hearing his answer, she felt disappointed. She wouldn't be stuck in level 5 for so long if she had his talent. Therefore, she felt let down.

"Growth-type skill!? I have never heard of such powerful skill!" The elf Lefiya nodded at Tiona's words.

Innate magic and skills are unique personal miracles.

In other words, Sirius's growth process cannot be replicated by anyone other than him.

"If you haven't heard of it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist~" Sirius complained.

"Uh, maybe… you're right." Ais, who had been silent, suddenly said. She wanted to ask him something more but hesitated.

There was a hint of disappointment in her golden eyes. Ais was not satisfied with Sirius's answer because it was useless to her.

"So... the reason why Sirius became strong so quickly is not because of some special method but because of his skills and magic? I was hoping to hear something else… So disappointing…" Tiona realized this and muttered in dissatisfaction.

Such an answer was no use to them. All the girls had depressed expressions.

Sirius couldn't bear to see them with such expression and said with some hesitation.

"...Well, I may have a way to make you stronger~"


His words immediately brought a surprise to the four girl's faces. Their originally helpless and depressed mentality turned into anticipation.

"Really?" All of them asked at the same time.

"I can't guarantee it, it's just my personal conjecture..." Sirius said modestly. He didn't want to sound boastful.

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"I have no guarantee. It's just my personal conjecture..." Sirius said modestly.

"It's fine. Sirius, tell us about it first." The four girls didn't mind and eagerly asked him like students.

After seeing their expression, Sirius felt like a teacher and started explaining his conjecture.

"As far as I know, an adventurer can only increase their stats by training extensively or fighting a life-threatening battle. The more frequently an adventurer exercises and stresses their body, the greater the excelia gained to increase the stats."

"That is to say, in the face of an enemy in actual combat, the amount of excelia gained is actually determined by adventurer's own situation."

Sirius stated his opinion on the falna system. However, this is based on a normal situation. To level up, an adventurer has to do something outstanding.

However, not everyone can follow his thoughts.

"Uh, uh…"

Tiona and Tione listened to his words and nodded in confusion. They didn't understand anything at all.

Ais tilted her head cutely with a puzzled expression. Obviously, she also didn't learn anything.

Only Lefiya nodded with some hesitation. She understood his point and felt that it made some sense. She remembered seeing something similar somewhere in the past.

After a few seconds, Lefiya recalled.

'Isn't this similar to the answer that gods gave adventurers in the past?' Lefiya thought with some uncertainty.

'What does this have anything to do with getting stronger?' Lefiya didn't know what Sirius was trying to say.

After seeing their expression, Sirius felt depressed. It looked like such academic topics can only be discussed with knowledgeable people like Finn and Riveria.

This has nothing to do with strength but a pure gap in vision.

"Well, let me guess, you four girls came to me because you girls felt a significant decrease in the improvement of your basic stats, right?" Sirius narrowed his eyes and said.

"Except for the status update at the end of the expedition, your basic stats has hardly increased even though you visit the dungeon often, right?" Sirius tried guessing their thoughts.

He estimated that the basic stats of the four girls must have reached D-rank or above.

After the ability value exceeds D-rank, that is, 500 points, the increase rate will significantly slow down.

This is because the minimum requirement for level-up is fulfilled in this condition. Anything above D-rank is purely dependent on the adventurer's talent and effort.

If an adventurer wants to continue to improve their basic stats beyond D-rank, the process is challenging, especially if they want to raise it to S-rank.

Unless an adventurer has good talent or by virtue of their race, can an adventurer reaches this limit.

After hearing this, the four girls nodded irrefutably.

Indeed as Sirius guesses, their progress speed has slowed significantly compared to the past. Nowadays, unless it's an expedition, they hardly gain any increase in their stats.

No one has ever thought about why this happens. Everybody takes it for granted that it's a lack of challenge.

"Sirius-san…do you know the reason for this?" Lefiya looked at him in amazement.

"It's not hard to guess~ It's because the enemy's strength is getting weaker and weaker compared to the adventurer, so the excelia gained after defeating them is also getting smaller and smaller until it reaches a point where there is no significant gain…." Sirius expressed his opinion.

"Heh? Sirius, why are the enemies getting weaker and weaker? Aren't monsters the same every time we enter the dungeon?" Tiona was confused by his answer and asked. But, her sister rewarded her with a knock on her head.

"Stupid Tiona, Sirius said compared to the adventurer…We are getting stronger and stronger, but relatively the monsters are also getting weaker and weaker compared to us. Understand?" Tione also understood his point and explained.

"Oh~ I understand!" Although beaten, Tiona still smiled happily.

"In other words, if I want to continue to become stronger, I just have to challenge stronger opponents, right?" After thinking for a while, Ais realized his intention and looked at him in expectation.

"Uhm, Ais-san…Riveria-sama will not allow you to go to the deeper floors alone…." When Lefiya saw Ais's eager face, she hurriedly reminded.

At present, Ais often goes to the lower floors for training. She was only allowed to do so after persuading Loki and Riveria for a long time.

If Ais wanted to go to the deeper floors alone, Lefiya didn't think Loki and Riveria would give her permission.

It's too dangerous there. On deeper floors, the minimum level of monsters starts at level 4, and they come in groups. A solo adventurer can't withstand such pressure for an extended time.

When Ais heard Lefiya's reminder, she immediately became depressed.

She looked tangled like a child who wanted to go out and play but was rejected by her parents.

She wanted to sneak out but hesitated after thinking of the consequence.

When Tiona saw Ais's expression, she patted her chest to encourage her.

"It doesn't matter. We can accompany Ais together~ If it's not enough, we can pull a certain tsundere werewolf into our group!"

"...If Tiona and the others are there, maybe Riveria will allow me to go to the deeper floors…." Ais's expression gradually improved.

"Uh, this…" Lefiya didn't know what to say.

"Ahem, how about listening to me first? I'm telling you girls all this not to encourage you to go to the deeper floors every day." When Sirius saw them about to leave, he hurriedly stopped them.

"Huh? Isn't that what you mean?" The girls were confused.

"Of course not. I just want you to understand that the basic stats can improve only in the face of a powerful opponent or in a difficult situation. My original intention was not to let you go deeper into the dungeon…." Sirius hurriedly explained.

After hearing this, Tione looked at him in anticipation.

"Could it be… Sirius, do you have a way to allow us to face difficult situations while ensuring safety?" Tione asked.

"...Well, yeah. It has something to do with my magic…." Sirius rubbed his nose and said.

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Chapter 71

"...Well, yeah. It has something to do with my magic…." Sirius rubbed his nose and said. One of his magic has an enchant-type effect for training purposes.

"You mean extended magic?" The blond-haired sword princess was impressed by this.

After all, in the entire Loki Familia, only Ais and Sirius can use extended magic.

But, Ais has never heard of any extended magic capable of creating difficult situations for training purposes. She only heard of magic allowing adventurers to leapfrog monsters.

"It's not just extended magic, I'll show it now. Anyone willing to give me their hand?" Sirius felt that direct demonstration was better than explanation.

"Me! Me!" The little angel Tiona responded cooperatively and was about to stand before him.

However, Ais was one step faster and put her soft hands in front of Sirius. She looked just like a puppy asking its owner for a handshake.

"..." Sirius glanced at the paused Tiona, then glanced at Ais's beautiful hands and hesitated for a while.

Then, he took Ais's hand because it was closer to him, not because Ais was more beautiful than Tiona.

"Excuse me…" After speaking this, Sirius gently touched Ais's wrist.

"Ugh, Ais-san's hands! Even I haven't shaken it yet…." A certain yuri-elf was jealous of this scene and whimpered with a handkerchief in her mouth.

'Oh? What an interesting reaction…' Sirius caught sight of Lefiya's jealousy and smiled mischievously.

Jealous Lefiya looked stupid and cute, prompting him to bully her. But, now was not the time for such things.

He quickly dispelled any unnecessary ideas and quickly activated his magic. A small blue magic circle appeared on his palm and soon transferred into Ais's wrist.

One by one, glowing blue magic particles gathered around Ais's wrist and condensed into a virtual ring.

Gradually, the virtual ring began to shrink and shrink until it completely overlapped with Ais's skin.

When Sirius saw this scene, he let go of Ais's wrist. Then, he fully activated the magic. A virtual constellation on Ais's wrist merged into her arm.

Soon, Ais felt some changes in her arm. She couldn't maintain calm because she had difficulty moving her right arm.

As a well-trained 'First Class Adventurer', Ais has good control over her body. Therefore, she quickly noticed the pressure on her arm.

Not only the wrist area but her entire right arm is being squeezed inexplicably by some force, making it difficult to move.

Therefore, her right arm suddenly hung down due to the lack of control.

Ais used her left hand to hold the right arm to maintain posture.

"Ais-san, what's wrong with you!?" Lefiya exclaimed after noticing Ais's strangeness.

"My right hand… can't move…." Ais spoke while trying to gain control of her hand.

"Ehhhh???" Tiona and the others didn't know what was happening and were somewhat skeptical.

"Sirius…you didn't hurt Ais, right?" After seeing Ais's right hand completely disabled and hanging down unnaturally, all the girls had such thoughts. After all, although they trust him, verifying such things is necessary.

"Nope. I just squeezed the space around Ais's arm. Her arm is very difficult to move now." Sirius calmly explained.

His magic - Astral Confine, is a control/confinement magic. When it is released, a virtual constellation map appears as a prerequisite. When the constellation entirely unfolds, the magic is successfully activated.

The essence of this magic is not just a simple 'confinement'.

It uses the power of the stars to distort and compress the space around the affected area, thereby restricting the movement.

If a target is in the center of the virtual constellation, the pulling force will be highly magnified, making it difficult to move.

Stars have great power. Therefore a virtual constellation also has enough force to restrict a person's movements.

Without fully understanding cosmic knowledge, it is difficult for anyone to escape its pull.

After a quarter of an hour, the effect of his magic subsided, and Ais regained control of her arms.

"Hey, Ais, how do you feel?" After seeing that the magic circle on Ais's wrist had dimmed, Tiona couldn't wait to ask.

"My arm feels sore…." Ais truthfully answered.

She felt that her right arm was placed in a different dimension before, bringing tremendous pressure to it. It was tough for her to move it in such a condition.

"Sore!?" After hearing this, Tione felt surprised.

It is well-known that first-class adventurers have extraordinary physical abilities. Regular training is no use to them because they are too strong for it to be effective.

Normal exercise has little to no effect on their overall strength.

Therefore, most first-class adventurers only train for a while daily as a warm-up and go to the dungeon for exploration and exercise. Fighting against monsters is way better than training alone.

Although they gain slight improvement after each return, it is still better than nothing.

But after looking at Ais's sore arms, Tione couldn't help but feel curious.

"Uhm, Sirius? Can you apply this magic to me? I also to experience what Ais' felt." Tiona's thoughts were similar to her sister, but she was a bit more active. Tiona wrapped her arms around Sirius's body and asked with an innocent smile.

"Alright, but let me warn you in advance. This time, I will apply my magic to your whole body." Sirius nodded and reminded her.

"No problem. That's even better…." Tiona was happy to agree.

"Sirius! I want to try it too~" Tione asked.

"Uhm, Sirius, I want it as well…" Lefiya hesitantly requested.

'Hmmm…' After hearing the last voice, Sirius glanced at a certain yuri-elf in surprise.

He wanted to complain. Ais, Tiona, and Tione are desperate because of the lack of progress after reaching level 5. But, Lefiya is still level 3 and has yet to unleash her full potential. And, as a mage, there is no need for her to exercise her body like the other three.

'Should I play a prank on her, so that she can't get out of bed tomorrow?' Sirius thought of some pranks but decided not to do them after some contemplation.

Not only the three of them, but Ais also wanted to have a whole body experience. Sirius had no opinion on this because he could gain their goodwill in this process.

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Chapter 72

The bodies of first-class adventurers are not weak. They have great strength and endurance incomparable to a mortal.

Even some severe injuries may hardly affect their battle. Therefore, the debuff of Sirius's magic had no long-lasting consequence.

Since his magic was just distorting the space, Sirius thought Ais, Tiona, and Tione could still resist it. And they can use brute force to dispel the magic in the worst case.

With such an idea, Sirius applied magic on the whole body of the three girls.

The amazoness twin sisters were fine after staggering for two steps. They stood up against the wall with shocked expressions.

'This magic is stronger than expected….' Both of them have the same thoughts.

Since Ais had already experienced it before, she didn't show any surprise on her face and slowly started moving around to get used to his magic.

"How do you girls feel? Is it difficult to move? Do you want me to adjust the intensity of the magic? I can see that you have difficulty holding your weapon. If you train in such a condition, your basic stats will definitely improve a lot."

Sirius commented after seeing their frail appearance. It was quite a novel experience for him to see the weak side of these girls.

His magic simply adds pressure to their bodies. The 360-degree force applied throughout the entire body will suppress their movements.

In his previous life, many protagonists in shonen anime used similar methods to exercise. Sirius just copied some of their ideas.

"Hey, don't underestimate us, Sirius. If it's just this level, I can adjust in a day or two…." Tione looked at his smug expression and said. Then, she slowly walked towards the door.

"Hey sister, where are you going?" Tiona curiously asked while trying to resist the magic's effect.

"Train…" Tione simply said.

When Tiona heard this, her eyes lit in excitement, and she understood something.

"Wait for me! I'm going too. Sirius, I'm off to training, see you later~" Tiona greeted him and left the room.

"Alright… don't forget that the duration of the magic is around an hour." Sirius didn't forget to remind Ais, who was also ready to go outside.

"I understand." Ais nodded and said goodbye to him and followed the two amazoness sisters.

Sirius looked at their disappearing figure and sighed.

His previous words are nothing but personal conjectures.

And the best way to prove a conjecture is to verify it. Therefore, the three girls were so eager to train.

'I guess the effect of their training will be seen tonight… Whether or not my magic is useful to them will be revealed soon…' Sirius thought.

In Twilight Manor's stairwell, three figures are walking down with difficulties.

Raul's room was next to Sirius. So, he saw Tiona, Tione, and Ais coming out of Sirius's room with weakness in their legs.

"…" As a pervert, his first thought was something dirty while seeing this scene. Therefore, Raul chuckled and shook his head.

"Agh, it seems that I drank too much yesterday. I still have hallucinations…." Raul thought he was still affected by alcohol.

"My current state is not suitable for exploring the dungeon. I better take a rest today…." After muttering this, Raul closed the door to his room and went back to sleep.

He tried not to think about the previous scene.

"Umm, Sirius…" Only Lefiya was left with Sirius in his room when the three girls left. She weakly asked him with some hesitation.

"What's wrong, Lefiya?" Sirius smiled back.

"Well, can you do me a little lighter?" Lefiya didn't think she could handle such pressure, so she wanted him to weaken the magic because her body was weaker than the others since she was a mage.

Lefiya's words were a bit misleading, but the innocent elf didn't know about it. She thought if he applied the same magic as Ais to her, she would not be able to get out of bed tomorrow.

"Eh?" Sirius was dumbfounded after hearing this.

'Lighter?? What did she mean? No, what did I think of? Lefiya should not mean that….' Sirius thought of something dirty and shook his head to eliminate these vulgar thoughts.

Sirius calmly replied, "Oh, you mean this, I thought…."

"Hmm?" A virtual question mark appeared on Lefiya's head.

"Ahem, it's nothing special. Come, stretch out your hand. I'll give you a debuff, albeit a bit lighter…." Sirius tried to change the topic.

"Okay…" Lefiya nodded and followed his instruction.

As he guessed, Lefiya was immediately brought down to her knees by the magic. She tried her best to resist the magic, but it was useless.

This is the case when he deliberately lowered the effect of his magic.

However, this fits the image of an elf mage with a soft voice and soft body. As Sirius expected, they are easy to overturn.

But, Lefiya was no pushover. Thanks to her strong willpower, she stood up after tossing back and forth for 10 minutes.

After adjusting to her state for a few more minutes, Lefiya also headed downstairs to find Ais and the others.

During this process, Sirius followed her like a father. Lefiya looked like a child trying her best to walk. He was worried whether she would fall and bump into something on the way.

When they reached the ground floor, Sirius separated from Lefiya.

He wanted to have breakfast while Lefiya was looking for her beloved Ais in the courtyard at the back of the manor.

"Is that state of Ais, Tiona, and Tione related to that kid Sirius?" Loki squinted her eyes and looked at the three girls exercising in the courtyard with difficulty.

Although the effect of the hangover from the party last night was not over, Loki ignored the headache and focused on the three girls.

She was very concerned about the state of Ais, Tiona, and Tione.

"Oh? Lefiya also looks strange…." Riviera was standing next to Loki and noticed something. She was also worried about Ais and the others.

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Riveria was wearing her usual mage attire and had a mature temperament.

After having breakfast, she was brought out by Loki to observe the strange scene in the courtyard.

Although Riveria looked cold outside, she was actually kind in her heart. She was very concerned about the unusual situation of Ais and the others. Therefore, mama-san is a suitable nickname for her.

"Damn Sirius…to toss my Ais-tan to the point of softening her legs, and he even bringing three beautiful girls with him. How envious…no, I mean how infuriating! I can't stand his behavior!" Loki gritted her teeth and clenched her fists with a look of indignation.

If one ignores why she is so dissatisfied, it may move them…

"Don't jump to conclusion so quick…Ais and the others seem to be training, although they look strange…." Riviera had a different opinion.

As one of the best mages in Orario, she spotted magic fluctuations on the four mentioned girls' bodies. She also noticed a strange magic ring on their wrists.

"Is it the effect of some magic?" Riviera pondered.

On the other hand, Sirius, who was out, first went to Hostess of Fertility, said hello to Ryuu, and ordered his breakfast.

After finishing his breakfast, he left the tavern because Ryuu and the other waitresses were occupied by their job.

Then, he went to the guild headquarters to exchange the defeated black wyvern's magic stones and receive the commission reward.

As for being suspected as fake, there was nothing like that. Since Sirius had the magic stone of the black wyvern, the guild staff quickly identified it, confirmed his claim, and rewarded him for the commission.

Fortunately, Sirius didn't meet Eina in the guild. Otherwise, he would get an earful of scolding.

It seems that the other party was busy with something else and temporarily left her position to someone else. Or else Sirius may have to attend another lecture.

After all, two days have passed since he defeated the black wyvern. As a well-informed guild employee, Eina must have more or less learned about his achievements from other adventurers.

With his previous inquiry and the report of his general appearance from other adventurers, Eina must have guessed that Sirius was the one to defeat the irregular black wyvern.

So, if Sirius met Eina this time, the consequence would be absolutely unimaginable…

He won't be able to leave the guild building without a few hours of serious lectures.

Initially, he was happy to fool Eina, but now he has to pay the price for deceiving her.

Hence, Sirius decided to spend less time around the guild for some days to calm Eina.

After getting the commission payment, Sirius visited the Dian Cecht Familia Pharmacy and purchased a few bottles of elixir again.

It's fine to have excess medicine, but not without it~

Afterward, Sirius wandered around the city, and it was not until noon that he returned to Twilight Manor.

When he entered the gate, he found Raul looking for him.

"Sirius, Loki, and the captain seem to be looking for you. Tell me, did you do anything that you shouldn't do?" After asking this, Raul winked at him. He recalled the scene he witnessed in the morning and discovered something incredible, although it was a misunderstanding.

Sirius blinked a few times and wondered, "Huh? What did I do? Why do I feel like you're thinking of something rude? What are you referring to, Raul?"

"Ahem… It's nothing. If you didn't do anything unusual, it's fine. I'm just passing you a message. You can go and see the captain. He was looking for you before~" Raul coughed in embarrassment and tried to change the topic.

"Okay…" Sirius looked at Raul suspiciously.

"...My job is done. I'll see you later, Sirius…." After saying this, Raul quickly fled the scene with some guilty conscience. He couldn't stand Sirius's gaze.

"...Why do I feel that Raul has misunderstood something? He seems to be thinking something bad…." Sirius stared at Raul's back for a while and wondered.

But he didn't struggle for too long and quickly thought about the message Raul had just conveyed.

"Let's go and see why the captain and Loki are looking for me, although I have some guess…." Sirius muttered and headed to the reception room.

Twilight Manor, Reception Room,

It was close to noon, and many members of the familia had left the room. But, Loki and some cadres of the familia were still in the room discussing something.

The scene inside the room was a bit weird.

Four girls with messy postures were lying on the two sofas. Ais, Tiona, Tione, and Lefiya looked exhausted.

Finn and Gareth sat beside each other while Bete stood against the wall.

Riviera and Loki were massaging Ais and the other tired girls.

In the process, Loki couldn't help but move her hands around their bodies inappropriately.

The four girls would not tolerate Loki's actions if it were a normal situation. But now, they are so tired that they have no strength to scold Loki. Their bodies were sore and weak.

"Is his magic really so powerful? It can make you like this?" Seeing the miserable state of the four girls, Bete couldn't help but ask with some curiosity.

Tiona sat on the sofa without manners and pouted, "Can't you see what we look like now? Hey…Loki, don't mess around…."

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I couldn't help myself…." Loki quickly restrained her behavior.

After some inquiries before, everyone learned the reason for their situations. It was mainly because of Sirius, or to be more specific, his magic.

After Loki learned about this matter, she updated the status of Ais and the other three girls.

Not to mention level 3 Lefiya, Ais, Tiona, and Tione are all level 5. After a morning of tossing, their five basic stats have improved to varying degrees.

The increase is within 1-10, adding up to a dozen points in their basic stats.

But, the critical point is that this is only after training for a single morning!

"Does Sirius have magic to speed up the increase of basic stats…" Finn pressed his hand to his chin with a serious expression.

"This is a serious matter and has a great effect on our familia. So, we should keep this strictly confidential." Gareth gave his opinion.

Just like Ishtar Familia next door seems to have some sort of secret trump card in recent years, and they have kept it absolutely hidden. Sirius's magic is also a 'secret weapon' for Loki Familia.

If other factions know it, it will cause a great sensation in the city.

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Chapter 74

When Sirius came in front of the reception room in Twilight Manor, he politely knocked and walked inside.

Suddenly, he felt a malicious intention toward him.

"Arg!!! Sirius, How dare you toss my Ais-tan like this! I'm going to punish you!!!" A particular red-haired figure flew towards Sirius at a speed that surpassed most first-class adventurers.

However, it was useless. As soon as Sirius entered, he stepped sideways and avoided the flying figure.


There was a sound of close contact between someone's forehead and the door, and everyone in the room looked at the source of the sound.

But finding it was Loki, they all lost interest and withdrew their gazes. This scene was nothing new to them. They were used to seeing their goddess being deflated.

"You're back, Sirius. Did your morning exploration go well?" Finn looked at the blond boy with a smile. He thought Sirius had gone to the dungeon before.

"Exploration?" Sirius was stunned for a while, then shook his head in denial.

"I didn't go to the dungeon today…just wandered around the city." After hearing this, Finn was surprised and had an awkward smile.

The usual habits of adventurers misled Finn.

After all, most of the time adventurers are out in the dungeon.

Although not all adventurers go to the dungeon in the morning, at least 90% of them do.

Finn thought that Sirius was a typical adventurer, but it turned into a misjudgment.

But as an experienced person, Finn chuckled and changed the subject.

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"Anyway, let's get down to business, Sirius. Can you tell us more about your magic, the one you used for Ais and the others today?" Finn had a serious expression while saying this.

"Well, of course, I can." Sirius nodded. He had already expected such results.

So, Sirius recounted what he had told Ais and the others in the morning.

Since Ais and the others had confirmed his speculations, it can no longer be called a simple conjecture.

Of course, to clarify the confusion for everyone, Sirius also explained the details of his magic.

"Uh, that is to say, with your magic, you can make it easier for the others to increase their basic stats? Making them exceed their limitations, right, Sirius?" After listening to his explanation, Loki gave a brief conclusion. Sirius didn't know when Loki was behind him.

"It's not just a simple increase in basic stats, Loki." Sirius shook his head.

"First of all, we have to figure out one thing, that is, why is it difficult to increase the basic stats as an adventurer becomes stronger and stronger? Although some reason may be talent, I think there is also some external condition that restricts their growth."

"For example, the strength of the opponent and difficulty of the combat situation. As an adventurer gets stronger and stronger, the difficulty of the dungeon gets relatively weaker and weaker, making it difficult to increase basic stats as before."

Sirius patiently explained his understanding to Loki.

Loki and his perspective on this matter are somewhat different.

The 'limitation' in Loki's mouth was actually the difference in talent, but Sirius didn't think so.

Which core member of Loki Familia is not a gifted person?

For example, Ais. Is she not capable?

In terms of personal talent, she reached level 6 at sixteen in the original book, which is incredible.

Regarding racial talent, Ais has the blood of a spirit in her body.

Will her talent be bad?

In terms of personal talent, Ais is even beyond Ottar of Freya Familia.

But even so, why does Ais have difficulty increasing her basic stats?

Sirius thinks the blame is on external factors.

When Ottar was promoted to levels 6 and 7, it was all during the Zeus and Hera Familia period. Although Ottar may disagree, with opponents like them, they provided him with sufficient excelia and pressure for leveling up.

On the other hand, Ais could only train in the 'lower level' area without expeditions. That's the difference between the two. Without stronger opponents and external pressure, Ais couldn't catch up to Ottar.

Faced with such a situation, Sirius had no way to increase to strength of the opponent, so he could only start by increasing the difficulty of the combat situation by restricting the adventurer.

And his magic can be of help in this process.

Everyone in the room is not a stupid person with a low IQ.

Although they may not fully understand the theory of Sirius, it's enough for them to realize that Sirius can help them increase the growth rate of the basic stats.

So, they immediately looked at Sirius with eager expressions. They also want to experience his magic.

"Ahem, don't stare at me like this…I'll be shy too…." Sirius took two steps back in retreat. He felt uncomfortable by their gazes.

Afterward, apart from the four resting girls on the sofa and Loki, Sirius applied his magic to everyone in the room.

Finn, Riviera, Gareth, and Bete immediately felt the effect of the magic and called the group of level 4 adventurers of the familia to try out as well.

Sirius also applied his magic to Raul, Anakitty, Alicia, Cruz, and the others in the second echelon of Loki Familia to boost their training.

Although Sirius didn't want to be a training booster, he had no other way for now…

The topic of Sirius's magic was over, and everyone left the room after receiving the debuff. They couldn't wait to start training.

Even the most diligent Finn gave himself half a day off to familiarize himself with the magic of Sirius.

After all, he must first adjust himself to the effect of the magic so that it might not affect his battle in the dungeon.

Therefore, starting this day, in addition to eating, sleeping, and going to the dungeon, Sirius also had a new daily job.

—Apply the training buff to the main force of the familia.

For each person, Finn pays him 10 million per month.

"It's a stress-free job - by Sirius."

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Chapter 75

In the morning of the next day,

Sirius followed Riveria's instructions and came to the familia library early.

Since it was still a rest period, the green-haired elf took this time to teach him magic knowledge.

Knock! Knock!

Sirius knocked on the library door.

"Please come in." There was a calm feminine response from the inside.

After getting permission, Sirius gently opened the door and entered the library.

There was massive space inside with various collections of books placed neatly on the bookshelves.

In the center of the library, a familiar elf, Lefiya, held a heavy book and was studying hard.

Riviera was sitting beside Lefiya, reading a book, and answering Lefiya's questions from time to time.

"Good morning, Sirius-san." Lefiya noticed his presence and greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning, Lefiya." Sirius returned the greetings.

It looked like Riveria had already told Lefiya about his arrival. Therefore, she was not surprised by his presence.

"Riveria-san, good morning to you as well~" Sirius didn't forget to greet his temporary mentor.

"Well, good morning." Riviera nodded lightly and then closed the book in her hand.

"Since Sirius is here, then Lefiya, you should study yourself. I need to find a suitable book for him." Riveria told Lefiya.

"... ok!" Lefiya obediently nodded, while Riveria mentioned to Sirius to follow her.

Sirius followed Riveria towards the other side of the library. It seemed that Riveria wanted to avoid disturbing Lefiya's study.

After walking through an area filled with the scent of books and ink, Riveria asked softly, "Sirius, you seem to have your own ideas about developing your magic. You must have your own future direction. I won't change your plans, but can you tell me your thoughts? It will help me make suitable arrangements for your studies."

Although Riveria is not a full-time teacher, she still understands the method of teaching students according to their aptitude and can't force her ideas on them.

This is irresponsible to both herself and Sirius.

Learning is a gradual process of self-progress. Some students may even surpass their teachers in the future. Therefore, a teacher must maintain the most basic humility.

"Sure." Sirius nodded and expressed his thoughts.

He mainly wants to develop 'Stellar Magic.' So, he needs to delve deeper into astrology, constellation, etc.

In addition to hitting people with meteorites, he also intends to develop toward gravity. After all, gravity is an essential aspect of stars.

He also plans to develop some auxiliary magic like healing magic. But, to do so, he needs to go to a suitable healer for lessons.

As for 'Earth Magic,' he needs to be proficient in his existing ones.

In the future, he dreams of smashing thousands of rock pillars at his enemy with a shield on his body. None of his enemies can stand such bombardment. Maybe his attack can even change the dungeon terrain.

Anyway, the deeper one goes inside the dungeon, the bigger the space. Therefore, there is no restriction on unleashing large-scale destructive magic.

It should be noted that the dungeon is gradually increasing downwards in the shape of a pyramid.

The area of the 40th floor alone is equal to match the size of the entire city of Orario. And beneath that, the area of each floor exceeds that of Orario.

So, there's nothing bad with an AOE attack.

Arriving at a wooden seat in the corner of the library, Riveria fell into deep thoughts after listening to Sirius's thoughts.

She was surprised and amazed by his detailed plans. It looked nothing like the one made by a 16-year-old.

Almost every aspect is covered in the planning.

There is defense, control, wide-range attack, ultimate attack, as well as healing magic.

If Sirius develops his magic as he planned, then he will become a proper hexagonal warrior in the future with no apparent weakness.

Hence, as a teacher, all Riveria can do is give Sirius more knowledge to make it easier for him to develop his magic.

Every teacher wants to have such worry-free students.

But after thinking about Sirius's future, there is an inexplicable sense of frustration within Riveria.

After a while, Riveria shook her head to eliminate unnecessary thoughts and returned her attention to the present.

For Sirius's magic study, she thought of a book Loki had brought long ago.

"I don't have any good suggestions for your goals and development direction. But, Sirius, I have something that should help you. Come with me…." Riveria brought Sirius to a bookcase near the wall.

It was not a single bookshelf but a huge one that covered most of the wall.

"It should be right around here…Sirius, come and help find a book with a golden olive branch logo on the cover." Since the time was too long, Riveria forgot about the book's exact location. So, she simply called Sirius for help.

"What's the matter with that book, Riveria-san?" Sirius asked curiously.

"You'll know when you find it…." Riveria didn't give him the exact answer.

"... Ok ~" Sirius nodded.

The bookcase was leaning against the wall. Sirius and Riveria divided the job and cooperated in finding the book.

A few minutes later, Sirius almost checked half of the bookcase but found no such book.

On the other side, Riveria paused and looked up with an annoyed expression.

"This height…who put it up there???" Riveria found the book with the golden olive branch logo on top of the bookcase, and the corner of her eyes twitched.

She could vaguely remember placing the book where she could reach out, but not at such height.

'Who placed it so high?' Riveria thought with some annoyance.

At this height, even with her tall figure, it's still a little short of reaching the book unless she uses her staff.

But she didn't have her staff around. After all, nobody would carry their weapon in a library.

"..." Riveria felt complicated and didn't know what to do.

'Or…step on a stool to get the book?' Riveria felt embarrassed asking her new student for help.

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Chapter 76

Riveria was in a dilemma to ask for help or not.

"Riveria-san, I didn't find any book with the logo of golden olive branch…How about you?" Sirius walked in her direction and reported.

"Sirius…" Riviera suddenly asked.

"Yes?" Sirius nodded subconsciously.

"Go get that book for me! The one above me." Riviera caressed her forehead and finally decided to ask for help. She pointed toward the book's location and asked him.

'So cute…' Sirius was happy to see her tangled expression and suppressed the urge to show a smile. He was taller than Riveria, so he tiptoed and reached out to take down the book.

"Analysis of the stars, and there is a logo of golden olive branch on the book. Is this what you're looking for, Riveria-san?" Sirius glanced at the book cover and asked his elf mentor.

"Well, can you tell me who the author is?" Riveria said.

"Well, it says the author is….Goddess Astraea!?" Sirius was shocked to find the author of the book, and the way he looked at the book changed instantly.

An actual goddess of stars wrote the book in his hand.

In Greek mythology, Astraea is the virgin goddess of justice, innocence, purity, and stars.

Excluding the others, just being the goddess of stars is enough for Sirius to care about her.

And what's more, she's also the main deity of Ryuu.

"Goddess Astraea once lived in this city, but…." Halfway through speaking, Riveria sighed and changed the topic.

"Loki exchanged this book from goddess Astraea. Although this book is a treasure, it hasn't been taken out for many years. But now, it should help you a lot in your magic research. Do your best! If you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Riveria patted his shoulder in encouragement.

"Okay. Thank you, Riveria-san." Sirius thanked the green-haired elf.

After finding the book, Riveria went back to Lefiya. Sirius also found an empty seat and started studying the book.

He was amazed by the knowledge inside the book and engrossed himself in studying.

Unknowingly the day passed, and Sirius returned to his room for sleep.

It was morning, and Sirius performed his daily job of applying experience booster to Ais and the others.

When they felt the rapid increase in basic ability stats brought by his magic, all core members of Loki familia went into a training frenzy.

After a few days of adjustment, everyone got used to the debuff and plunged into the dungeon for a limited time every day, frantically squeezing every ounce of potential in their body. So, their increase in basic stats was very impressive.

The time limit for his magic is not just an hour.

After making adjustments based on everyone's specific situation, the magic duration will vary from one hour to four hours.

Sirius could adjust the intensity of pressure applied to the body, but he could not increase the max time.

Because if he did so, it might backfire. Training without proper rest is very harmful to the body.

Occasionally, the big three will give themselves a holiday and go to the dungeon with the debuff to explore.

In the following period, Sirius and Lefiya learned magic knowledge from Riveria.

Thanks to their shared mentor, he got along pretty well with the yuri-elf.

It was probably the kind of friendly relationship where Lefiya would not grit her teeth and stare at him when he accidentally got close to Ais but would look at him with teary eyes like an abandoned puppy.

He usually teamed up with Raul in the afternoon to explore the dungeon and increase his basic stats.

And at night, he spent time researching his magic and trying to discover something new.

Sirius spent such fulfilling days for about half a month.

During this period, Nick and his partner from Ganesha Familia also came to Twilight Manor as promised and paid the 1 million valis they owed to Sirius.

At the dusk of a new day, Sirius returned from the dungeon.

He found Loki somewhere in the Twilight Manor pestering Riveria to buy her some Soma wine.

"Mama-san, I want to drink some Soma's wine~" Loki acted like a baby to Riveria.

"...Who is your mother!? I need to go out and replenish consumables and props for our familia. So, please don't bother me. Besides, don't you have a pile of alcohol in your room?" Riveria was annoyed, looking at Loki pulling her arms.

It's useless to avoid the goddess's grip. Loki just clung to it and didn't let go.

"Soma's wine is different. It's rare and comes out in limited quantity. I want to drink it, mama-san! Please buy it for me!" Loki kept pestering Riveria.

"I told you not to call me that!" Riveria raised her voice and said.

"Um, Riveria-san…and Loki…" Sirius suddenly interrupted them.

Riveria tried to get rid of Loki's grip after hearing this, but Loki didn't let go of her arms.

"Loki! Quickly, let go. Don't you feel ashamed showing your childish manners to a newcomer?" Riveria tried preaching Loki.

"Eh~what does it matter? Sirius is not an outsider anyway." Loki shrugged off the matter.

'Even if you think it's okay, I don't think so…' Riveria complained internally.

Riveria is a dignified member of Elven royalty, so she wants to maintain her image in front of her student.

Riveria has been single for many years, unmarried, and has never even discussed a relationship. So, she was ashamed of Loki calling her mama-san in front of others.

"Uh, Loki…I can pay for you later if you want to drink Soma's wine. But, I have something to ask you right now…." Sirius realized the situation.

It looked like Loki was pestering Riveria again.

Whenever she wanted to buy something (usually alcohol), she pestered Riveria like this.

And Riveria is a typical hard-mouthed and soft-hearted person. She usually compromises after Loki pesters her for some time.

If he didn't come, Sirius was sure Riveria would take Loki out to buy Soma's wine after a few minutes.

Sirius can almost imagine the following plot with his eyes closed.

But this has nothing to do with him now. What he wants to do now is update his status.

It's a bit early, but it's okay.

Anyway, a bottle of Soma's wine costs a few hundred thousand valis, and he can earn it back by going to the dungeon once.

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Chapter 77

"Sirius, you'll spoil Loki if you agree to her requests so easily…." Riveria glanced at the laughing Loki and sighed slightly.

"Eh…but Riveria-san, don't you compromise to Loki every time?" Sirius couldn't stop himself from teasing Riveria.

"I-I…" Riveria was stimulated by his retort and wanted to refute it, but the next moment Loki spoke up.

"Sirius, that's because mama-san is honest and upright~ Try not to stimulate her. Don't you want to update your status? So, come with me, this way, run, hehe…." Loki ran after speaking.

If she didn't do so, then she would be greeted with staff on her head by Riveria.

Sirius immediately chose to follow the red-haired goddess because he didn't want to bear Riveria's punishment in Loki's stead.

Riveria took a deep breath to calm herself while watching the retreating figure of the two with a severe expression.

"Did he upgrade in just a month? It's faster than expected, that kid…." Riveria had an inexplicable feeling that Sirius might level up today.

On the other side, in Loki's room inside the central tower.

"If there is no accident, you should have reached the limit of basic stats. It's time to upgrade, right?" Loki asked with some expectation.

"I hope so…" Sirius said.

Loki didn't waste any time and updated his status.

[Name:] Sirius Starr

[A/N: These are some extra info. I just added it while updating stats.]

[Race: Human]

[Occupation: Adventurer]

[Weapons: Silver-grey long spear, regular spare daggers]

-Silver-Grey Long Spear: The backup spear of the captain of Loki Familia, Finn, built by the Goibniu Familia. It is second only to first-class weapons. After Sirius used it, mysterious lines appeared on the spear that had never been seen before, enhancing the weapon. Other changes are not yet known.

[Wealth: 13,440,000 valis]

[A/N: Extra info ends]

[Level:] Lv1 (Upgrade conditions have been met)


STR: I0 -> SSS1999

END: I0 -> SSS1999

DEX: I0 -> SSS1999

AGI: I0 -> SSS1999

MAG: I0 ->  SSS1999

[Development Abilities:] None (Options for next level-up)


"The Arrival of Silver Star!"

"Stellar Magic"

"Earth Magic"


"Stellar Affection"

"Heart Of Gaia"

"Loki, help me level up." Sirius requested after reading his translated status.

"Okay, as you wish." Loki took a deep breath to adjust her mood. Her heart was beating faster after seeing his stats. It was the first time she had ever seen such absurd stats.

Loki poked her finger with a needle again to squeeze some blood and integrated it onto his back.

As the divine blood re-integrated into the falna, the number on the level jumped from '1' to '2'.

From this moment, Sirius has officially become a level 2 high-class adventurer.

Immediately afterward, many words appeared on his falna, which was the change brought by the upgrade.

A particular remainder also came into his field of vision, making Sirius ecstatic.

On the other hand, Loki carefully looked at the change in his falna from top to bottom.

The first change she discovered is development abilities.

"Hey, Sirius, you have six development abilities? And, I have never seen three of them!" Loki's eyes twitch again.

'Is this the effect of his skills again? What a perverted skill…' Loki sighed internally.

"Stellar Affection"

·Obtain a unique stellar magic system and special additional development ability.

"Lancer, Mystery, Hunter, Morning Star, Shining Star, Dark Star. You can choose two of these. What is your choice?" Although Loki was doing the operation, Sirius was not completely unaware of his situation.

He pondered for some time and decided his choice.

"Mystery and Dark Star." Sirius told his choice to Loki."

"Eh? I thought you would choose two unique development abilities. Are you sure you want to choose 'Mystery'?" Loki was surprised by his choice.

If he chose 'Mystery', it means that Sirius has decided to develop in the direction of making magic items in the future.

Loki couldn't understand his reason for choosing this way.

"Well, although the other two may be useful, I first decided to keep 'Mystery'. And, I also have the choice to select the remaining unique development abilities in the next upgrade if I regret it." Sirius nodded. His intuition told him it was the best choice of all.

"Okay, as you wish…." Loki respected his opinion and completed the operation, adding two new development abilities to his status.

After Loki looked at his new status, she was surprised to find something incredible.

"Hey…a new skill has appeared?"

Loki was almost numb by the number of surprises she received in a short time. She felt a slight stomachache looking at his new skill and started translating it into a parchment.

Soon, she handed the brand new translated status to Sirius and then took two gulps of water from the glass nearby.

"If I show your stats to others, they will almost be autistic…." Loki sighed.

"Uh, don't exaggerate, Loki. It's not that incredible…." Sirius tried to be modest while reading his status.

[Name:] Sirius Starr

[Level:] Lv2


STR: I0 -> SSS1999 -> I0

END: I0 -> SSS1999 -> I0

DEX: I0 -> SSS1999 -> I0

AGI: I0 ->SSS1999 -> I0

MAG: I0 ->SSS1999 -> I0

[Development Abilities:] Mystery, Dark Star


"The Arrival of Silver Star!"

"Stellar Magic"

"Earth Magic"


"Stellar Affection"

"Heart Of Gaia"

"Astral Guidance"

· A keen sixth sense and enlightenment, applicable to all matters related to achieving goals.

· During the battle, acquires the development ability 'Intuition'.

· As the battle continues, all acquired development abilities are strengthened.

Extended Magic:


1. Starfall

2. Heavenly Body Magic

- Meteor

- Grand Chariot

3. Astral Confine


1. Center Of Earth

2. Jade Shield

3. Planet Befall

Loki felt complicated or emotional watching him, looking at his status indifferently.

Her child is too enchanting and often brings new surprises to her, making her act ungodly-like.

But her heart is more joyful. After all, Sirius is a part of her familia.

Regardless of other things, Sirius's upgrade is great for the familia.

Therefore, Loki thought that good things should not be hidden.

'Yoshi! I'm going to surprise everyone today!' Loki decided to share the good news with everyone. (Actually, she wanted to see the surprised expression of Ais after hearing this news.)

"Sirius is level 2!!!"

Loki decided within a few seconds and ran out of the room while shouting. Sirius couldn't even react until she exited the room.


In the reception room, Lefiya, who had been tossing around in the dungeon all afternoon, was holding a cup of black tea to drink.

Suddenly, her pointed ears trembled after hearing Loki's shout, and she spits out the tea.

"Level 2???"

"Sirius has leveled up? It's so fast!"


Ais, Tiona, and Tione were also in the reception room and heard Loki's words. All of them had irresistible surprise on their faces.


Bete dragged his exhausted body back to the room and pricked his ears to hear Loki shout. After listening to the content, he was suspicious of his life.

"Sirius broke Ais's record of the fastest level-up, haha…." In the office room, Gareth, sitting next to Finn, stroked his beard and laughed.

"It is due to his talent, Sirius…it may not take long before he catches up to us…." Finn, who was processing the documents, shook his head and chuckled.

"???" After Sirius reacted, several virtual question marks appeared above his head.

'Loki, can you stop shouting? What about your Soma wine? Eh, wouldn't this save me some money?" Sirius realized something.

It's not that he didn't want to buy Soma wine for Loki. It's better to save some money if he can.

And, it was Loki herself who left him. So, she has no reason to bother him later.

Sirius left the room and headed to this room to take a rest.

The following day, everyone in Loki familia was talking about Sirius's upgrade.

After all, nobody in Orario has ever leveled up so fast, and it's also a member of their familia.

A few days later, the adventurer's guild headquarters,

In the past, many lively people were in the hall, but it was quiet and silent this time.

People who habitually came here to collect the latest information about the dungeon looked at the huge notice board where a conspicuous notice was posted with stunned expressions.

Everyone had unbelievable expressions after reading the notice.

The source of the notice was from Loki familia, marked by red font, and there was a certification mark of the guild below. The main content of the message is to announce a person's upgrade.

"New adventurer, Sirius Starr, joined Loki Familia for one month."

"Went deep into the 15th floor alone to defeat an irregular black wyvern and was promoted to level 2 high-class adventurer. His current title is yet to be determined…."

"Are you kidding me? How is this possible…." Someone couldn't help shouting.

"I must still be drunk today and had hallucinations because of my poor state. Brothers, let me head back home and rest for the day..." A passerby adventurer thought he was drunk.

Not long ago, the guild posted an unbelievable announcement on the notice board.

After recovering from the shock, the adventurers made a commotion at the guild hall. It almost looked like a scene from the vegetable market.

At the unopened counter, a certain half-elf looked at the document in her hand with a gloomy expression.

The document on her contains the same information as the noticeboard, just a smaller version.

The half-elf lady smashed the document into a ball and clenched it with her fist.

The half-elf lady sneered and gave out a dark chuckle, excluding negative and depressing pressure, making the pink-haired friend next to her afraid.

"E-Eina? Are you alright?" Misha asked weakly.

"Of course I'm fine. I'm just a bit angry…." Eina calmed down and replied.

"Uhm, you haven't had your breakfast yet…." Misha tried to remind.

"Humph! I'm full. I'm in no mood to eat now…." Eina put the document aside with an angry look on her face. She looked like a furious tigress at the moment.

'Damn Sirius, don't think it's over.' Eina's heart had a chibi version of her shouting like this. She felt angry after finding out that Sirius had deceived her.

Although it was great that Sirius accomplished something spectacular, one can't deny the fact that he deceived her.

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Chapter 78

The news of Sirius's upgrade in one month quickly spread throughout the city.

Rumors started spreading around the world with the help of traveling bards who had nothing else to do.

About six or seven years ago, Ais upgraded in about a year, which is still fresh in everyone's memory.

Although the reason for Ais's fast level up maybe her innate and racial talent.

This remarkable achievement, equivalent to reaching level 2 in the shortest time, is not just for Orario; the whole world was in shock.

Sirius shortened this record by eleven months. Therefore, it was only a matter of time before this news spread worldwide.

But now, because of the short time, it's just a trend. After some months, everyone worldwide would know about Sirius's accomplishment.

So, only the people in Orario currently know about this news, and the information is slowly spreading outside of the city.

The closer one is to Orario, the more likely chance they have to hear this fantastic news.

At the moment, the protagonist of the topic, Sirius, is silently staying in his room and exploring his new development abilities and skill.

He skipped 'Mystery' for now because he had some knowledge about this rare development ability. It allows him to activate a miracle and create magic items.

The specific effect of 'Dark Star' is to make his magic have a devouring effect, reducing his enemies' physical and magic power and having a control effect.

And, the skill "Astral Guidance"...

It gives him a keen sixth sense and enlightenment regarding all matters related to achieving his goals.

And during the battle, this skill allows him to temporarily have the development ability 'Intuition' which enables him to predict his enemy's actions and avoid any dangers.

As the battle continues, this skill enhances his abilities and shows him the way to victory if there is a chance.

A keen sixth sense is probably equivalent to an inherent skill of a particular saint in the Type-Moon universe - Revelation. This skill accommodates all matters related to achieving a goal (for instance, choosing the most suitable path while traveling).

This skill even allows him to avoid a possible crisis by giving an early warning.

'Intuition' is probably the same ability as in the Type-Moon universe, allowing him to determine 'the most suitable action for oneself' in an instant during battle.

Sirius can predict attack trajectories through the sound of wind and instinct, making him not very dependent on visual and hearing senses.

After figuring out his new skill, Sirius called out the system to observe the task panel that he had not checked for a long time.

[Main Quest Completed: Adventure level promoted the level 2 (rewards have been issued)]

[Current Host Adventurer Level: 2]

[Update the Main Quest: Raise the adventurer level to level 3]

[Reward: System Space, Skill - Romance Bond]

'Skill again?' Sirius felt that there were too many skills in reward. However, their effect is pretty amazing.

He can easily guess what system space is and is looking forward to such a convenient ability.

"The only thing I lack now is a suitable weapon…." Sirius felt that his current weapon was not going to last very long. He wished he had a growable weapon like the protagonist.

Unlike Bell, he will have to spend an astronomical amount to get Hephaestus to agree to create him a growable weapon.

'I'll talk to Loki and Artemis about this later…' Sirius shook his head and ignored this matter for the time being.

After a few minutes, Sirius pulled a certain spiky-haired tool-guy and appeared on the street in front of the tower of babel.

He wanted to try out his new strength in the dungeon.

He couldn't wait to see how strong he had become after leveling up.

After all, an upgrade of adventurers is the sublimation of their own 'capability,' making them closer to divine beings for better understanding.

After leveling up, the basic stats will reset to the initial values starting from I0.

However, this doesn't mean that the previous stats are useless. They will remain as an invisible base in the falna. The gods call these hidden parameters.

Sirius won't know his specific strength until the battle. It is also the reason why he took Raul to explore the dungeon.

"Congratulations on your level up, Sirius. It's amazing how fast it is. You've already reached level 2 in just about a month. I'm afraid it won't take you too long before reaching my level…." With a self-deprecating smile, Raul said while touching his head.

"Let's not talk about such topics. Eh, Raul, why do you have such a sinister smile?" Sirius suddenly noticed something wrong with Raul.

"Uh, I thought if I want to bully you, should I take the chance now? I'm afraid I won't have any chance in the future…." Raul looked at him eagerly.

When Sirius heard this, he looked at Raul like a mentally disabled person and stepped back a few steps in caution.

"Haha, just kidding, how could I do such a thing? It's a joyous occasion for you to level up, how about I take you to celebrate after leaving the dungeon?" Raul tried to change the topic after seeing his wary expression.

Although Loki decided to hold a carnival to celebrate the promotion of Sirius earlier in the evening, everyone believes that she just wants to find a chance to drink alcohol openly.

Raul also felt the same way and invited Sirius to a private celebration.

"Celebrate? Where to celebrate?" Sirius blinked a few times with a puzzled expression.

At the time, Raul showed a meaningful smile, hugging Sirius's neck and gesturing in the southeast direction.

Sirius realized what Raul meant and hesitated for a while. "Ah, this is…not good, right?"

Sirius realized that Raul was referring to the entertainment district.

"What's wrong? With our income, it's harmless to go there every once in a while…We just need to go there quietly~" Raul patted Sirius's shoulders and persuaded him.

Due to the recent team-up with Sirius, Raul has accumulated a large number of valis, causing him to forget his past lessons.

It looks like he wants to pull Sirius into the red-light district together.

In this regard, Sirius fell into hesitation.

For some reason, his intuition told him that he should not agree to this matter and something terrible may happen if he agreed.

But his mind objected: 'Agree, maybe you can increase the goodwill of a certain lustful Renard. This is a good occasion.'

Sirius hesitated to answer for a while, so Raul tried to tempt him even more. "Don't worry, Sirius. If something happens, I will take the blame. You can rest assured!"

After hearing this, Sirius agreed immediately. "Thank you, brother~ I'm glad to hear this."

He was only interested in the fox-eared Haruhime, not the other prostitutes.

He will throw all the blame on Raul's head if something bad happens.

After the two completed their negotiations, the pair of buddies walked into the dungeon.

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Chapter 79

A small village not far away from Orario,

The sky was clear blue, and green forests added vitality to the land. There was an unmistakable sound of a stream near the village.

This scenery made the village look like a beautiful territory.

But in such natural scenery, cries of monsters suddenly disrupted the atmosphere.


The forest fell silent as the last scream of the monster reverberated.

A group of beautiful girls had just finished hunting monsters. It was the Artemis familia.

But, their work isn't done yet. After the corpse disintegrated, the girls collected the magic stone and dropped items such as claws, teeth, or fur.

For a familia like them, who mainly hunts outside of Orario, magic stones and drop items from wild monsters are essential sources of income.

They can replenish and repair their weapon and supplies by selling these items in a nearby village or town.

In some cases, the goddess of their familia also donates a certain amount to families affected by the monsters. The central policy of their familia is to avoid excess material desires.

Previously, Artemis fought alongside her familia, making them helpless. They didn't want their goddess to be in any danger.

"It's okay, Artemis-sama! Leave the corpse of the monster to us!" Rethusa persuaded her goddess. She didn't want their goddess to sully her hands.

"That's right! As the goddess of our familia, please put on a sacred expression, Artemis-sama!" The half-elf Lante gave her opinion.

"..." Artemis was speechless after hearing this.

She felt her children didn't want her to do such a trivial thing.

After all, this is just a job to expel the monsters around the village. Artemis familia took this task as a kindness to the villagers.

Such a job is almost simple and effortless for their familia, but the kind goddess still helped the villagers.

"Artemis-sama, the nearby monsters have been cleaned up. So, I don't think they can cause harm to the nearby villages for the time being…." After finishing her work, Rethusa reported.

"I understand, Rethusa. Thank you for your hard work." Artemis smiled and praised Rethusa.

Rethusa is one of Artemis' most trusted familia members and also the head of the familia.

"It's not hard work at this level, Artemis-sama. I'm glad to be of service to you." Rethusa was happy to hear her goddess's praise.

"Then, tell everyone to come back. After a short rest in the Carne Village, we are ready to return to Orario." Artemis ordered her familia members.

There was a squeaking and chirping sound, and a blue-feathered bird landed on Artemis' finger.

After feeling the intimacy shown by the wild bird, the blue-haired goddess looked around her surrounding with a slight smile.

A month ago, the Artemis familia accepted a request from the adventurer guild as usual and left the city.

After a month, they have completed the commission, and it is time to return to Orario.

Their location is not too far from Orario, and it's still daylight now.

If the Artemis familia hurry with all their strength, they might reach Orario in the evening.

Rethusa naturally followed her goddess's instruction, asked everyone to gather, and then walked to the nearby village with the spoils.

Previously, 'Carne Village' requested Artemis familia to clear the monsters nearby.

It is a village built along a trickling river on the edge of the verdant forest.

Because the distance between this village and Orario is relatively close. Therefore, many travelers visit this place, making it lively and prosperous.

Many business people and travelers heading to Orario will choose to settle here temporarily.

The roadway was paved with flagstones for the ease of transportation of carriages.

Although it is said to be a village, it occupies a large area, but not enough to be called a town.

The buildings were made of stone, and there were many hotels and taverns in the village. Some windmills turn alongside the breeze.

"Ah, look!" Suddenly someone noticed the arrival of Artemis familia.

"That is–!"

"It's goddess Artemis and her familia!"

After entering the village, the crowd soon surrounded Artemis's familia.

With Artemis and Rethusa walking at the front, a human wall formed on both sides of the way. The number of people is already on the scale of a small festival, welcoming heroes' triumphs.

Since Artemis and her familia helped clear out the nearby monsters, they were no different from heroes in the heart of the villagers.

The girls in Artemis familia have become accustomed to such kind of thing.

Just like Artemis familia, some factions in Orario also focus on eliminating the monsters running rampant outside Orario.

Therefore, helping the residents of the villages and towns to clean up the monster affecting their livelihood is common for the Artemis familia.

"Oh, goddess Artemis! Do you need anything? I will do my best to help you." The village chief hurriedly asked.

"Well, we need to sell some items and replenish our supplies. We won't stay here for long."

Artemis appeared in front of the village chief and communicated with him.

The 'drop items' are not useless to the villagers because merchants regularly come in and out of the village. So, they can take these precious items to the merchants and exchange them for some essential goods.

The village chief will not refuse such loss-free business, but he feels complicated mixing gratitude with business.

He wanted to give something back to Artemis and her familia as thanks for removing the threat of the monsters to their village, but the goddess rejected him.

The reason for rejection is that they're leaving soon.

While the village chief was preparing the necessary supplies, Artemis familia decided to stay in the village to rest temporarily.

The village chief bowed to the goddess and vowed to ensure that all preparations would be completed soon. Then, he ordered the people around him to make arrangements and dispersed the nearby crowd.

The village chief didn't know whether the blue-haired goddess liked being watched by so many people, so he dispersed the onlookers. He thought it was rude for onlookers to keep staring at the goddess.

Artemis's calm expression didn't fluctuate after seeing the actions of the village chief.

Amid the merchants' shouts, Artemis gave her group instructions so they could relax temporarily.

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Chapter 80

During Artemis Familia's stay in the village, an interesting 'event' also occurred.

"Hey? Someone in Orario leveled up in a month???"

"How is that possible? Who spread such nonsensical news!?"

"Right! Is that even possible!?"

During the break, the girls from Artemis familia heard from a passing bard about the significant events in Orario in the past few days.

The girls didn't believe in such exaggerated news and started chattering and making a fuss. They behaved utterly different from their cold attitude during battle.

"Oya, Oya? Even if you are Artemis familia, you can't slander me like this. I, Venti, Orario's best bard, never spread false news. If you still think that I lied, you can go to Orario for verification."

A soft-faced bard wearing light traveler clothing and a beret with feathers attached communicated with the girls from Artemis familia. His name was Venti.

[A/N: This is not Venti from Gensin Impact.]

Venti was displeased by the girls' suspicion and took an item out from his travel bag.

"Look at this announcement. This is the first-hand information I purchased from the adventurers' guild. It cost me almost 10,000 valis. Look, there is a guild seal below which is impossible to fake~"

Venti came prepared. He purchased the announcement document with the guild emblem to make others believe in his words and even earn some money in the process.

"Orario's best bard? Then why haven't we heard your name before?" Lante looked at the bard suspiciously. Although she believed his words after looking at the guild insignia, she still felt something wrong.

"Uh… it's…well…because…." Venti didn't know how to reply.

"Because?" Lante was interested in his answer.

"I'm self-proclaimed…Ehehe~" Venti stuck his tongue out after saying this.

"..." Lante was speechless after hearing this reply and didn't know where to start complaining.

"Well, everyone, I think the person on the announcement sounds a bit familiar…." A certain girl noticed something odd in the announcement.

"Ah, I also think so…" The companion next to the girl also nodded.

"It's Sirius!!!" Lante immediately recognized the name.

"Which Sirius?" The others were late to react.

"The one who has an affair with Artemis-sama!!!" Lante spoke with gritted teeth. She didn't forget how the hateful guy constantly bullied her.

"Oh~~~" For a while, the girls didn't react, then they were stunned. Although their reactions were not as big as that of a certain half-elf, the news still surprised them.

It is not as exaggerated as doubting their life, but the girls are still shocked by Sirius's accomplishment.

'The mere Sirius who was a newbie a month ago is now as powerful as me?' Lante couldn't accept this fact. She had plans to bully him after returning to Orario, but now it's useless.

"What are you girls making a fuss about?" The girls' exclamations caught Artemis's attention not far away, and the goddess came over and cast a slightly puzzled expression.

At this time, Lante jumped from her position and incoherently waved her hands.

"Artemis-sama, Si-Sirius, he…he…" Lante wanted to say something, but the anxious goddess interrupted her.

"Huh? What's wrong with Sirius?" Artemis frowned after hearing this but did not criticize the half-elf for being disrespectful. After hearing his name, she thought of a certain blond-haired boy that often disturbed her mind during this time.

Artemis couldn't help but wonder if there was any news of Sirius here.

Did Sirius do something wrong?

"No, Sirius has reached level 2! And in just one month!!!" Lante cleared out Artemis's doubts.

"Eh???" Artemis tilted her face cutely after hearing such unbelievable news.

Back to Orario, inside the dungeon,

The area's ceilings, walls, and ground are all formed of tree barks, and the lush moss on the passageway emitted greenish-blue light, creating a landscape like a secret hideout.

Roars of the nearby monsters caused leaves and flowers of various shapes and sizes to sway.

Somewhere in the Large Tree Labyrinth, entirely different from the upper area, flames ignited among the dense trees, and a silver light flashed from time to time.


A bird-shaped monster flying between the trees let out a fierce roar in a demonstration or warning.

But the monster's opponent ignored the warning, swirled above the trees, and came in front of it instantly.

The next moment, the dull sounds of a weapon penetrating the monster's body sounded, and the monster disintegrated into black ashes without much struggle.

One of the common sense of adventurers:

-After the level is sublimated, the suppression brought by it to lower levels is absolute.

Sirius realized this fact immediately after battling in the dungeon.

He felt stronger, faster, durable, and with more energy than before.

Sirius felt he was capable of defeating 3 of his previous selves before leveling up. (Without using skills) It was not that Sirius was arrogant and inflated, but just a matter of fact.

There have been tremendous changes in him after the upgrade, which is without a doubt.

Sirius jumped between the trees and landed on a large branch after killing the firebird.

But, Sirius didn't stop his movements. He leaned his upper body forward, clenched his spear tightly, and kicked his right foot on the tree trunk.

The next moment, his field of vision changed rapidly.

Another firebird appeared mid-air before Sirius and whistled past his ears with incredible speed.

The first time, Sirius was almost injured because of this situation.

But after getting used to their movements several times, he can instinctively dodge their attack.


Sirius waved his spear and split the bird-shaped monster in half. In the face of flying enemies, Sirius had no choice but to use such methods to kill them one by one for the time being.

He's also enjoying and exploring strength improvement brought by the upgrade.

'Firebird,' as the name suggests, is a rare bird-type monster that focuses on long-range attacks with fire.

From the 19th floor, powerful monsters appear with the ability to fly and breathe fire. In the Large Tree Labyrinth, these monsters have a natural advantage.

There are often rumors that these kinds of monsters have repeatedly turned the ground of the 19th floor into a sea of fire, making them tricky opponents.

Moreover, they can also fly to the safe area on the 18th floor. These monsters are frequent visitors to the town of Rivira and are often crusaded by the adventurers on the 18th floor with high priority.

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