Danmachi: Reincarnation With System

Chapter 9: 056-065

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Chapter 56

The 18th Floor is a safety point where no monsters are born, though some monsters can come up from the floor below.

It is also called the Under Resort. The floor is filled with crystals and nature. Forests and lakes cover the floor.

Within the forest are blue crystals of different sizes that reflect the light from above, causing the forest to be filled with a pale blue glow.

After passing through the narrow passage connecting the 17th and the 18th floor, Sirius and Ryuu finally arrived at the safe floor.

They walked out of the cave entrance and found a vast and majestic prairie covered by warm and bright light.

The 18th floor looked more like a paradise for monsters than adventurers.

A swamp to their left was big enough to be called a lake. The water's surface was blue, and a huge rock was in the lake's center, acting as an island.

To their right were endless grasslands and trees. There was a huge tree standing in the center of the prairie. One can even see a hole in the tree from a distance.

Sirius came to the 18th floor for the first time. Therefore, he curiously looked at the new environment.

When he looked up, he found the floor's ceiling covered with many radiant crystals.

Countless crystals covered the dungeon floor, reflecting the above light and illuminating the surrounding.

These crystals are a substitute for the sun and determine the day and night time for this floor.

Sirius didn't know how it worked, but the crystals would dim and let darkness permeate the dungeon floor during nighttime.

"Is this the 18th floor? It looks more amazing than I thought…." Since they came from the 17th floor, they were on higher ground and could see a panoramic view of the 18th floor.

The view is impressive, and it looks like a natural wonder of the world.

It's hard for the people above ground to imagine such a beautiful place inside the dungeon.

This time, Sirius and Ryuu were fortunate because they did not encounter the Monster Rex of the 17th Floor, Goliath.

As a floor boss, Goliath is reborn two weeks after being killed.

About half a month ago, the expedition team of Loki Familia killed it. Therefore, it is almost about time for the Goliath to respawn.

Luckily, Ryuu and Sirius arrived earlier and didn't have to fight against such a powerful behemoth.

"I agree with you, Sirius-san. No matter how often I come here, I'm amazed by its beauty. I think you will soon be able to freely enter and exit the 18th floor, right? Sirius-san?"

Ryuu calmly said while enjoying the view. It was also refreshing for her to see such a beautiful scene.

Although Sirius is still level 1, Ryuu is sure he will level up after their return. After becoming a High-Class Adventurer, he can visit this place without her company.

"I guess so…" Although Sirius tried to be modest, he was pretty confident of his level-up.

There was a wide road in the forest for people to pass through and many flat areas for adventurers to rest.

In the depths of the forest, there was a large-scale campsite with a symbol of Loki Familia.

"This…" Sirius quickly recognized the symbol and was dumbfounded.

'Counting the time, it's almost time for the Loki Familia to end their expedition. So, it's not surprising for them to be on the 18th floor….' Sirius quickly reasoned.

'After a day or two of rest, they should return to the surface, right?' He also thought about Loki Familia's next plan.

"Ah, it's the Loki Familia…." Ryuu also noticed the campsite with a clown flag and said calmly and indifferently. Her clear blue eyes looked at him, waiting for his response.

"Yeah, I also saw that." Sirius nodded.

"Aren't you going to visit them?" Ryuu was confused by his casual behavior and asked.

"Forget it. I have you as my company now, Ryuu-san. It would be rude of me to leave you alone and visit my friends." Sirius shook his head and rejected her advice.

"..." Ryuu tried to open her mouth and say that she didn't need his company but was flustered by his gaze. She felt that he would not take a no for an answer.

'Forget it. Anyway, I decided to accompany him before.' Ryuu sighed and compromised.

Otherwise, it would not be worth it if she said something wrong and Sirius seized the opportunity to tease her.

After knowing Sirius for some time, Ryuu can easily determine what type of character he is. Therefore, she wisely chose not to speak out.

"Um, Ryuu-san, where are we going?" Sirius asked after seeing her leave. He quickly followed her lead.

"To somewhere important…." Ryuu felt a bit complicated and answered.

"Then why are you walking so fast? Please remember that I'm injured…." Sirius tried to remind her of his state.

"Oh, I don't see any obvious wounds on your body?" Ryuu narrowed her eyes and commented.

"Well, I have an internal injury. So, obviously, there are no wounds outside…." Sirius quickly came up with an excuse.

Ryuu felt soft-hearted and sighed after hearing his reason. Therefore, she slowed down her pace of walking.

'Mental exhaustion should also count as an internal injury, right?' Thinking like this, Sirius quickly followed her steps.

The two chatted during their walk and gradually entered the forest's depths.

The 18th floor has neither a labyrinth nor a dividing wall. It's a giant circular space.

The cliffs on this floor can even reach up to the ceiling.

The entrance to the 17th floor was at the southern end, and Loki Familia camp was also nearby this area.

However, Ryuu didn't want to attract any attention, especially from the members of Loki Familia, who often visit the Hostess of Fertility.

Therefore, the two of them went into the forest's depths to bypass Loki Familia's campsite.

The forest stretched with vibrant grasslands from the southern to the eastern side.

There were some wetlands in the north, and one could see some shadows of the monsters. Since the 18th floor had no walls, it was easy to spot them.

After all, with such a bright light coming off the ceiling, the monsters had nowhere to hide.

Monsters from other floors come to the 18th floor looking for food and water.

To the west was a massive tree with an unusually thick trunk.

All of the scenery looked amazing.

There was also a small town on the western side called Rivira.

It is said that Rivira is named after the female adventurer Rivira Santilini, who founded the city.

Rivira is operated by adventurers. Item trades are common, and inns and bars are also located there.

Although the inn and bar are overpriced, adventurers still use them. After all, sleeping outside is not comfortable.

Rivira has been rebuilt 334 times after monster attacks. But, the adventurers never abandoned this place because this place has strategic importance to all adventurers.

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Chapter 57

Sirius and Ryuu walked in a strange, quiet forest surrounded by almost identical trees and crystal fields.

The trees were sparsely arranged, and lights penetrated through the gaps in the branches and leaves, illuminating the surrounding.

"Sirius-san, do you want to take a rest?" After passing through another familiar corner, Ryuu asked Sirius again.

"...Ryuu-san, why do you keep asking me this?" Sirius felt strange about this.

Since entering this forest, Ryuu has asked him this question multiple times.

Three times? Five Times? Or more?

Sirius couldn't remember the exact number, but it was definitely not one or two.

'Why does she keep asking me this? Do I look so vulnerable?' Sirius started wondering. No matter how injured he was, he could at least keep walking.

"..." Ryuu was ahead of him, and when she heard his reply, she rolled her eyes and was speechless.

'I want to take a bath. Can you not follow me…' Ryuu wanted to complain, but she controlled her emotions.

As a cleanliness-obsessed elf, Ryuu would never visit her deceased friends without taking a proper bath.

It would be a huge disrespect to her friends if she went to their graves with a sweaty body.

Although some people may not care about such things, Ryuu is not one of them.

As an elf, she cannot tolerate such dirty behavior.

Therefore, every time she came to the 18th floor to pay homage to her deceased comrades and bring flowers to their graves, Ryuu would bathe in a nearby spring to cleanse her body.

But with Sirius following her around, Ryuu had no chance to take a bath.

That's why she asked him whether he wanted to rest or not?

It was just an excuse for her to leave temporarily.

Ryuu was not a talkative person, so this was the only thing she could think of.

For this reason, she took Sirius around the woods in a circle to tire him out. But, the effect seems to be negligible.

Ryuu was depressed and annoyed by this situation.

"Um…Ryuu-san?" Suddenly, Sirius asked her hesitantly.

"Yes?" Ryuu replied subconsciously.

"Is it just me, or have we been going around the same place all this time?" Sirius also found the weird situation.

"It's just your illusion, Sirius-san…." Aware of this situation, Ryuu paused her footsteps and replied nonchalantly.

No matter what, she can never admit to such a thing.

However, Sirius approached a tree with a strange expression and touched its trunk.

"It should not be my delusion, Ryuu-san…You see, here are the marks I left before…." Sirius pressed a unique mark engraved on the trunk and verified his conjecture.

After all, he was the one who left this mark not long ago.

"Don't tell me we are lost, Ryuu-san?" Although he said so, Sirius didn't believe it himself.

Sirius knew that Ryuu was very familiar with this location. After all, she has visited this place countless times after the death of her comrades.

Even if she didn't explore the 18th floor fully, Sirius was sure Ryuu was very familiar with the area around the graves.

There was no way she would get lost in this place…

"..." After hearing his question, Ryuu sighed and fell silent. Then, she turned around and resigned to her fate.

After a few seconds of hesitation, she replied, "No, we didn't get lost. I did it on purpose…."

Ryuu didn't want to waste any more time and get straight to the point, no matter how embarrassed she was.

"Ah…" Sirius didn't know Ryuu's inner thoughts. Therefore, he was surprised and puzzled by her answer.

"Sirius-san!" Suddenly, Ryuu looked at him with a serious expression.

"Yes?" Sirius felt a bit nervous by her gaze.

"You should already know something about me from goddess Loki, right?" Ryuu asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, a little bit…." Sirius didn't want to lie about such a topic. But he gave her an ambiguous answer like usual.

"Only a little bit?" When Ryuu heard this same answer, she shook her head helplessly.

"Since we are here, there's no need to keep pretending, right?" Ryuu asked in an affirmative tone because she already had some guesses.

After hearing this, Sirius knew that it was no use playing dumb. It would be counter-effective if he kept denying the truth.

"Well, as you guessed, I know many things about you, Ryuu-san. Of course, I only know what I should know…." At the end of his words, he looked at Ryuu meaningfully.

Ryuu understood his intentions and rolled her eyes speechlessly.

"Then you should understand why I came to the 18th floor, right?" Ryuu asked.

"Bring flowers to your deceased companions?" Sirius nodded.

"Since you know this, then do you know what elves usually do before paying homage to their fallen comrades?" Ryuu finally got the point.

"Uhh… I have no idea…." After hearing such a question, Sirius was surprised and unable to answer.

'What does the custom of elves have anything to do with me walking around the forest in a circle?' Sirius complained internally.

In his view, these two things are unrelated because of his lack of knowledge about elves.

"Bath…" Finally, Ryuu couldn't bear it and spit out a word.

After hearing this, Sirius quickly realized his mistake.

"Cough, cough, so that's it. I finally understand what you mean, Ryuu-san…." When Sirius realized her intentions for asking him to rest, he felt embarrassed.

Ryuu didn't want him to follow her while bathing but was too embarrassed to say it.

"...In this case, can you wait for me here while I bathe, Sirius-san?" Ryuu sighed and asked him. There was no use for embarrassment anymore. Ryuu just wanted to leave this place.

"Okay. I'll wait for you here." In response, Sirius nodded with an embarrassed yet polite smile.

After hearing his reply, Ryuu didn't waste any time and left this place. Her figure soon disappeared into the forest.

"Well…" Sirius was speechless by such a ridiculous misunderstanding.

He rubbed his head and felt wrong for walking around in a circle.

On the other side, Ryuu found a clean spring after some time.

The trees shaded the area and maintained the temperature to a moderate level.

At the edge of the spring, some crystals were glowing dimly.

"I should hurry up…." The elf-waitress sighed and began to take off her clothes quickly.

This time is different from her usual visit because someone is waiting for her nearby. Therefore, she had no time to take a long and comfortable bath.

'Speaking of which….' Suddenly Ryu, who was about to put her clothes on the ground, paused.

She remembered when Loki brought Sirius to drink in their tavern, he accidentally brought a topic.

[Peeping is a kind of romance!]

Two half-drunk people had a great discussion on this subject. And unfortunately, Ryuu happened to hear this.

"Sirius-san won't peep while I'm bathing, right?" Although she said so, she still carefully looked around her surrounding.

"I hope he won't…." Ryuu didn't find anyone nearby and muttered.

"Right?" She didn't even spare the areas around the grass.

"I guess I'm oversensitive…." After surveying around, Ryuu completely submerged her body into the spring water.

At the same time, Sirius put his luggage on a tree branch and climbed to the tree's highest point.

"Hah, it's a pity that I can't see anything…." Sirius shook his head regretfully.

The tree that he climbed on was the tallest one in this area. And even from here, he couldn't see anything in the direction where Ryuu was located.

As the saying goes, voyeurism is indeed a man's romance.

But only stalkers and perverts will follow and peep into a bathing woman. There would not be a good result for him if he was discovered.

Sirius was not stupid enough to ruin Ryuu's favorability for him by doing such a foolish thing.

What he pursued was a safe and secure method.

For example, if he could see her from such a height without following her. Even if he gets discovered, he could make some reasonable excuse.

Due to his improved vision, he can overlook the entire forest without a problem.

But the area where Ryuu was bathing was obscured by many trees. Therefore, he had no chance to see anything.

After realizing this, Sirius gave up on voyeurism and simply sat down at the intersection of some branches at the top of the tree,

He had nothing to do; therefore, he started looking around to pass the time.

"Huh? What's that?" Suddenly, Sirius widened his eyes in surprise.

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Chapter 58

In another part of the forest, there was a giant waterfall about ten meters in height. Crystal-clear water poured down continuously with the flow.

The water splashed into droplets, and a hazy mist covered the area of the waterfall.

Trees and crystals covered the area around the waterfall. This place looked like a forest sanctuary.

From Sirius's point of view, it was easy to see this place. His direction happened to be the place with no obstacle.

The reason Sirius noticed this place was straightforward. There was a group of girls bathing under the waterfall.

"Do girls like to bathe during the day? And even inside the dungeon?" Sirius muttered with some confusion. He was puzzled by their behavior.

'And why do these girls look familiar….' Suddenly Sirius felt something weird.

While Sirius was busy thinking about it, the girls mentioned above started chatting under the waterfall.

"I'm glad you found this place, Tiona! We can take a nice and comfortable bath here. It's a pity we are leaving tomorrow, so we can only come here once." The older amazoness sister, Tione Hiryute, said.

"Hehe, actually, Lefiya and I found this place. It doesn't matter if we come here once. I have remembered this location, so we can come here again when we revisit the 18th floor." The younger amazoness sister, Tiona Hiryute, replied.

"Well, that makes sense." Tione nodded after realizing this point.

The two brown-skinned amazoness sisters chatted while standing at the waterfall's edge.

"Thanks for finding this place, Lefiya~" A certain distance from the amazoness sisters, a blond-haired elf approached a golden-yellow-haired elf with a gentle smile and gently patted her head. They were Alicia and Lefiya, respectively.

"Uhh—  W-We just found it by accident…." The shy Lefiya bowed her head in embarrassment. She was not used to this kind of intimacy.

"Ahh, shy Lefiya looks so cute~" Alicia teased Lefiya.

"Alicia-san…" Lefiya was even more embarrassed after hearing this.

"Alicia, don't tease Lefiya too much. She is almost about to faint from shyness." A black-haired cat girl couldn't bear to see this and stepped between the two and rescued Lefiya. She was Anakitty Autumn.

"Aki, don't talk nonsense. How can I tease Lefiya? I'm just praising her…." Alicia felt that she was slandered out of nowhere. Therefore, she pouted and retorted unhappily.

The three were near two human girls, Line Arshe and Elfy Colette. And soon, they started chatting with each other.

In a shade of a nearby tree, a blond-haired girl listened to the laughter and chattering of her companions. She was Ais Wallenstein.

Ais was about to remove her clothes when she suddenly stopped.

The next moment, Ais raised her head and looked in a specific direction suspiciously. She found a conspicuous towering tree in that direction.

'Is anyone there?' Ais felt a particular gaze from that direction before but felt confused after finding nobody there. She wondered if it was just an illusion.

"What's wrong, Ais?" The mama-san, Riviera, was beside Ais and quickly noticed her abnormality.

Ais stared at the top of the towering tree for some time and shook her head in response.

"It's nothing, Riviera. It may be an illusion…."

"Illusion?" Riviera raised her eyebrows and looked in the direction Ais was staring at and found nothing but a tall tree.

'Is there someone peeping from there?' Riveria thought suspiciously but then shook her head.

'It's impossible. Although that is a good spot for peeping, no one knows we will bathe here. Maybe Ais felt gaze from some passing animal or monster.'

Riveria thought and dismissed her concerns. After all, she never thought there was someone in that place before their arrival.

"Don't worry, Ais. It might be your delusion…." The relieved Riveria comforted Ais with a gentle smile.


Above the aforementioned tree, Sirius leaned against a thick trunk and tried to hide his figure as much as possible. He was breathing rapidly due to nervousness.

"Almost found…" Sirius was very glad about his reflexes. Otherwise, he would be exposed.

"They turn out to be my familia!?"

"If I think more carefully, I should have realized it after seeing so many girls…."

"After all, apart from Loki Familia, where else are so many beautiful girls in this generation?" Sirius pressed his chest, trying to calm his rapid heartbeat.

'Speaking of which, Ais's senses are too sharp, right?' He only stared at her twice but was immediately noticed and almost exposed.

When Sirius discovered the group of girls from Loki Familia, they had almost finished bathing, and some were even dressing up. Therefore, he didn't see anything inappropriate and felt it was a pity.

It stands to reason that Sirius should not be afraid of being discovered because he arrived earlier than them.

But will these girls believe his excuse?

If Sirius was found in such a situation, it meant social death. No matter what excuses he has, nobody will believe in him.

It was a coincidence that he was nearby the place where the girls of Loki Familia were bathing. And, nobody would believe in such coincidence.

They would rather believe that Sirius was a peeping tom which would ruin his image and reputation.

"Phew, fortunately, I hid fast enough. Ais should not find me, right?" Sirius retook a deep breath and thought with some uncertainty.

"Sirius-san, what are you doing up there with a guilty expression?" Suddenly a nice and calm voice came from under the tree.

When Sirius looked down, he found Ryuu, who had finished bathing and returned.

"Ahh…" Sirius didn't know how to reply.

"Don't tell me you were peeping?" Suddenly, Ryuu narrowed her eyes and asked with some uncertainty. At the same time, she took two steps back subconsciously.

"I'm so careless. I didn't expect you to peep from the tree, Sirius-san." Ryuu couldn't help muttering.

"Ryuu-san, this is a severe misunderstanding. Look around; the trees are so dense around here. I can't peep while you are bathing even if I want." Sirius didn't want to be labeled a pervert, so he explained with a helpless expression.

"Then, why are there so many broken branches on the ground?" Although she agreed with what he said, she raised her doubts.

It was unrealistic for Sirius to peep from up there. But she didn't know why so many broken branches and leaves were on the ground.

"Well, I took a nap on the tree and didn't expect the branches to be so weak. Therefore, some fell off the ground. And, I don't have any guilty expression. I just felt fortunate that I didn't fall." Sirius was quick to make a reasonable excuse.

"Is that so?" Ryuu somewhat believed him after hearing his explanation but asked for verification.

"Yes, you can trust me, Ryuu-san." Sirius patted his chest in confidence.

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Chapter 59

The location is still on the 18th floor.

Some fragrant scents came from the vibrant grasses, and the nearby crystals glowed brightly.

There was clear-blue water flowing along the stream.

Ryuu steadily led Sirius through the forest, walking along the paths woven by tree roots and crystals.

Just as Sirius guessed, Ryuu was very familiar with this area. She didn't know how many times she had been here.

She quickly walked into the dense forest, avoiding any traps and monsters. Ryuu also collected some white flowers along the way.

These flowers may be unique to the dungeon because Sirius had never seen them outside. These flowers looked similar to white lilies in his impression.

After 20 minutes, the two walked out of a narrow way enclosed by the trees and arrived in front of a cemetery.

Bushes and crystals surrounded a small clearing. The crystals illuminated several cross-shaped tombstones made of wood tied with ropes.

"...Every once in a while, I ask Mama Mia for leave to bring flowers to them." Ryuu started talking.

Even if Sirius hadn't invited her, she would have come here soon. It was almost time for her to visit this place.

After saying this, Ryuu placed the freshly picked flowers in front of more than 10 graves one by one.

After doing so, she took out a bottle of fruit wine from her bag and sprinkled it on the graves orderly.

"Ryuu-san, I know a little bit about Astraea Familia. It's not a bad thing to remember the past. But, please don't forget the present. I wish you can free yourself from the entangles of the past."

Sirius didn't want to stand by stupidly, so he also put some white flowers he picked along the way in front of the graves with Ryuu.

Ryuu was surprised by his words and wanted to say something, but Sirius intercepted her.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to let go of your hatred. I just want you to calm down and let go of your worries during peacetime. I wish you would enjoy the present and think about the future. What do you think, Ryuu-san?"

Sirius turned around and looked at the bewildered elf with a gentle smile.

When Ryuu heard his concerns, she felt touched and puzzled. But, she still shook her head and said with self-depreciation, "I'm an avenger driven by hatred. I have done many dirty and shameless things for revenge. Do you think such an unworthy person like me can have a good future, Sirius-san?"

Ryuu felt that she was not worthy of being called an elf. She has done too many bad and unworthy things for revenge.

However, Sirius chuckled after hearing her answer.

"You are doing the right thing, what does it have to do with you being unworthy?"

"Doing the right thing?" Ryuu was confused after hearing his reply.

"Yes, I also believe in tit-for-tat." Sirius gave her his opinion.

"The moment those people from Evilus murdered your friends, they were guilty of death. If you kill someone you should be prepared to be killed." Sirius sounded indifferent while saying this.

"Forgiving them is only something a noble person like heroes would do. Reality is not a fairy tale, so our duty is to send these heinous people to these heroes, right?" Sirius chuckled after saying this.

In this world, there were many remarkable heroes on the surface thousands of years ago.

They made countless epics with mortal flesh and blood and drove the raging monsters back into the dungeon. Almost every child in the present grew up listening to their tales.

However, heroes are not immortal. They will pass away with time.

But, one of the most widely spread sayings is - The past heroes ascended to heaven.

Since ancient times, people have believed that a person's soul will ascend to heaven after death.

Ryuu naturally understood his intention and her eyes widened in surprise.

"..." She was speechless by his reasoning and didn't know what to say.

"Anyway, these are just my personal opinion. You should have your views and opinions, Ryuu-san. It's a bad habit to blindly follow others' words…."

After speaking this, Sirius put the last flower in front of a tomb and walked away.

"Bad habits…?" Ryuu recovered from her trance and muttered in a low voice.

She looked at him with a soft and gentle gaze. His words brought some comfort to her cold and locked-up heart.

"Sirius-san…Thanks for your comfort. I will take your words to heart…." Ryuu gave a brief smile and replied. She was relieved and in a good mood.

"It's no problem." Sirius casually waved his hands and said.

Sirius's words clearly had some impact on Ryuu.

After leaving the cemetery, Sirius felt that Ryuu was in a better mood. She chatted with him about various topics, and they wandered around the 18th floor.

During their chat, Sirius and Ryuu learned more about each other.

It was soon night, and they decided to go to Rivera town to rest for the night.

Although the inn prices are high, it is much better than sleeping out in the wild. After all, neither Sirius nor Ryuu brought a tent with them.

Today's Rivira town is said to be the 327th generation.

Even if it was located on a safe floor, the town was exposed to all sorts of dangers from the monsters. The dungeon won't allow the adventures to gain a foothold so easily.

Although many level 3 adventurers are present in the town, it will always be damaged extensively whenever some abnormal situation occurs.

After that, adventurers will repair and rebuild the town and resume operations. This process has continued again and again.

Therefore, money is significant in this town. If one has money, it's easy to do things.

Sirius and Ryuu walked into a nearby inn.

"Boss, two rooms for us please…." Sirius asked.

Although Ryuu's veiled appearance brought some suspicions from the innkeeper, he didn't get to the bottom of the matter and gave them a pass.

The reason is that Sirius paid too much. The innkeeper would be an idiot to ignore such an offer.

Hence, Sirius easily booked two rooms for himself and Ryuu and rested for the night.

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On the next day, Sirius paid extra attention to the movements of Loki Familia because he heard from some adventurers in the town that Goliath was reborn on the 17th floor.

Since he was going to return to the surface with Ryuu, they would inevitably encounter this giant monster with a potential of level 4 and a defense value comparable to level 5.

Thus, Sirius felt it would be better to wait until Loki Familia opened the way. That way, he wouldn't waste too much time and energy.

'Anyway, they're my familia. So, it makes sense for me to depend on them for things like this…' Sirius thought righteously.

Ryuu had no objection to this kind of 'hitchhike' behavior. Since Sirius is a member of Loki Familia, it would make sense for him to rely on his seniors.

Fortunately, Loki Familia was packing up today, seemingly ready to leave the 18th floor and return to the surface.

When Sirius saw this, he could not help but feel sad for Goliath.

Goliath may be the only monster rex killed so frequently. It won't survive for very long before some adventurer slays it again. Therefore, It was by far the most miserable floor boss.

It is often killed by a team of strong adventurers or some expedition teams from big familias.

All in all, Goliath is in an awkward position.

After all, if adventurers can't kill it, they won't be able to reach the safe floor. It's a sad fate for the Goliath to block the entrance to the 18th floor. Otherwise, it won't be so miserable.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky. The time was about noon.

At this time, when many adventurers were busy inside the dungeon, ordinary people lingered on the shopping streets in the northern part of the city, adding a bit of vitality.

"Finally home…"

In the north of Orario, next to the bustling northern street and in front of the Twilight Manor, a large team of adventurers crossed the roadway and arrived in front of the Loki Familia headquarters.

"Ah—, The air outside of the dungeon—, I feel alive again…."

"I want to eat some meat!"

"I want to sleep…."

There were some chatters among the members of the expedition team of Loki Familia.

Finn and the others returned to the surface and came before their familia's residence. Many supporters from Loki Familia were carrying supplies and loots from the dungeon.

There were two guards in front of the entrance of Twilight Manor, and they hurriedly greeted Finn and the others after seeing them.

"We are back. Please open the door for us." Finn gently ordered the guards.

"Yes, sir!" The two guards nodded and complied. Soon, they opened the door.

"Yeah!! Finn, Gareth, Riveria!! You guys are finally back. Ouch!" After the door opened, a scream sounded, followed by a goddess who flew down from the mansion at full speed.

The red-haired goddess shook her hair, ignored the men, and rushed straight toward the girls.

"Is everyone safe? I miss you girls so much!!" Loki pounced on the female adventurers of her familia with her arms outstretched. Ais, Tiona, and Tione dodged her subconsciously, while Lefiya, who was at the end of the line, was tragically affected.

"Hey, wait, yaah~" She was hugged and molested by the perverted goddess. Lefiya fell to the ground with Loki sticking to her.

Finn looked at this scene without any extra thoughts and calmly reported their situation, "Loki, the expedition was a success. The harvest is good, and we lost no one. We went a bit deeper this time. I will report the details to you later…."

"Mhmm… I see. Anyway, welcome back, Finn." Loki kept molesting the shy elf and replied.

"Right. We're back, Loki." Finn smiled and said.

After some time, Loki, who had recharged enough female energy from Lefiya, raised her head and grinned at the rest of the expedition team.

She was happy for her children's safe return from the dungeon.

"Speaking of which, did you guys see Sirius when you were returning to the surface from the dungeon?" Suddenly, Loki, playing with Lefiya's hands, thought of something and asked Finn.

"Sirius?" After hearing this name, an image of blond-haired youth appeared in Finn's mind.

But soon, he shook his head.

"No, we didn't see him on the way back to the surface. What's the matter, Loki?" Finn asked suspiciously.

"Is that so…" Loki's expression became distressed and hesitant. The surrounding familia members quickly noticed her expression, and they had a bad feeling.

"Loki, don't tell me…." Lefiya, held in Loki's arms, thought of a terrible possibility.

"The newcomer has an accident in the dungeon!?" Tiona completed Lefiya's sentence with a shocked expression.

"No, I'm not sure about that. Sirius went to the 15th floor three days ago to attack an irregular monster. The guild has already announced that someone has successfully crusaded the black wyvern." Loki explained.

"...But, he has not returned yet. I am a little worried about him…." Loki ended her words with some worry.

According to the words and descriptions of adventurers who returned from the middle floors yesterday, a powerful adventurer defeated the irregular monster alone.

The monster slayer looked young with golden hair and had a silver-white spear.

After hearing this, Loki confirmed that Sirius was successful in his endeavor.

However, Sirius has not yet returned to the surface, which worried her.

When the expedition team of her familia returned, she immediately asked them about his whereabouts.

Loki thought that Sirius would meet and reunite with the expedition team of her familia and return to the surface with them. She was previously hoping to surprise others with his progress.

But, after finding his absence, Loki was disappointed and worried. There is always a gap between reality and expectations.

"What!? How many floors??"

"1-15th floor!?"

"I-Irregular M-Monster!?"

"Are you kidding, Loki? Are you sure you're not exaggerating?"

The werewolf, Bete, reacted the most to Loki's words. Although others were also surprised after hearing this, they were not affected as much as Bete.

"Aki, pinch me. I feel like I'm hallucinating…." After hearing Loki's words, Raul asked his cat-eared friend in a daze.

"What??" Anakitty, who was beside him, looked at him like a fool.

"Is there something wrong with your brain?" She complained.

The situation of others was not much better. Their first reaction was that Loki was joking with them?

After all, what she said was too unbelievable.

"Can you tell me the specific details, Loki?" Finn was the first one to calm down and asked Loki seriously.

"Okay, but first, let's go inside." Loki agreed to this. After all, this place was not suitable for such talks.

Twilight Manor,

Inside the Central Tower, Conference Room,

The three de-facto leaders, the core members, and the goddess in charge of Loki's familia gathered in this room.

In the past, the leaders would report details of the expedition to the goddess and discuss future planning in the conference room.

But today is a bit different. Another matter was more worthy of their attention.

Everyone was staring at Loki, waiting for her explanation.

"Well… don't stare at me so much. I will be shy too~" Loki was uncomfortable by so many gazes and said awkwardly. She chuckled and tried to distract them.

"Hmmm…" The others ignored her attempts to divert the topic and continued staring at her. Riviera was even ready to raise her wand to discipline the goddess.

"Woah, Woah… don't worry, don't worry, I will say it. Mama-san, please put down your weapon…." When Loki saw Riveria's actions, she hurriedly compromised and requested.

Riviera felt better after hearing this and lowered her weapon. Loki felt relieved after seeing this.

"Ahem, first of all, I didn't lie when I said that Sirius went to the 15th floor three days ago to crusade the irregular black wyvern." Loki cleared their doubts and continued.

"Just remember that Sirius is not weak. You can even say that he is very strong compared to new adventurers. Even ordinary level 2 adventurers are no match for him." Loki revealed some secrets about Sirius.

"What!?" Just these words made the wolf-man unable to stand still.

You are reading story Danmachi: Reincarnation With System at novel35.com

"Loki, do you mean to say that the blond kid has grown to a level comparable to level 2 in just half a month? What happened while we were on the expedition?" Bete asked the things everyone wanted to know.

The big three knew the secrets of Sirius, so they were not that surprised. After seeing Sirius's stats, skills, and magic, they were psychologically prepared for such results.

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Chapter 61

"Nothing special happened. It's just a 'normal' growth speed…maybe?" Loki blinked a few times and answered.

"???" Immediately after hearing this, the others felt mocked.

"Loki, has Sirius leveled up yet?" Finn pinched his chin and guessed some truth about the matter.

Loki smiled and nodded.

"Well, not yet. Since his basic stats were almost about to max out, Sirius was prepared to go on an adventure to gain an achievement great enough to level up."

"Some adventurers reported the sighting of an irregular monster a few days ago, and Sirius felt that this task was enough for his upgrade."

"That night, the kid told me he found a level 4 helper and would explore the middle floors with her. The next day, he went straight to the dungeon."

"And just yesterday, the guild announced that someone successfully crusaded the irregular black wyvern on the 15th floor, but until now…." Loki had worry on her face.

"Sirius hasn't come back yet?" Finn couldn't bear the pause and completed her last words.

"I understand the situation. That's why you asked us if we saw Sirius on our return?" Riviera also realized the situation and said.

"Yeap, Mama-san. That's the situation." Loki smiled at Riveria.

"How many times have I told you not to call me by that nickname!" When Riveria looked at Loki's smiling face, she wanted to smash it with her staff.

"Well, well, calm down all of you… Although it is weird for Sirius not to return yet, since he has a level 4 adventurer accompanying him, it should not be a big problem. Loki, you should have a little more trust in your child…." The reliable dwarf, Gareth, rubbed his beard and expressed his opinion.

"You're right. Actually, I expected him to bump into you guys…." After hearing this, Loki nodded with a sigh.

Ais carefully listened to their conversation and couldn't help but interject, "Uhmm…how did Sirius become so strong in such a short time?"

In half a month, Sirius transformed from a rookie who had just accepted falna to a powerful adventurer comparable to level 2.

Ais was curious about his secrets and hoped to get an answer from Loki.

Ais was not the only one interested in Sirius. Everyone else in the room was more or less curious about him, especially Tione, Tiona, and Bete, who are at level 5.

After reaching level 5, they noticed that their speed of progress was gradually becoming slower and slower. It's becoming increasingly difficult for them to increase their basic stats.

So, when they heard that Sirius became stronger quickly, how could they not be curious? In addition, Sirius is their companion, so they have a good reason to be interested.

"Uh, this…" Loki deliberately lengthened her voice and looked at the eager Ais. She couldn't help smiling and wanted to tease her.

"I don't know either!"


The next moment, Ais was stunned for a while, then immediately realized her goddess had deceived her. Ais pouted and puffed her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

'I knew Loki would this….' As a senior veteran, the big three of Loki Familia immediately guessed their goddess's subsequent actions after seeing her mischievous smile.

"Well, Ais-tan, don't be angry! Your question is related to his secrets. Therefore, as his main deity, I cannot disclose it without his permission." When Loki looked at Ais's darkening expression, she immediately apologized. Although she still had a smile on her face.

After seeing this, the corner of Riveria's mouth twitched.

'Nobody will believe you with such a smile…' Riviera complained internally.

It was clear that Loki wanted to take this opportunity to tease Ais more.

After a while, everyone in the room put this matter aside and started discussing topics about their previous expedition.

At the same time, in the western part of Orario, Hostess of Fertility,

Sirius and Ryuu came in front of the tavern. Ryuu had changed into a waitress's uniform.

Ryu changed her clothes in the dressing room of tower of babel. There are various special facilities for adventurers in the building like a shower room, dressing room, etc.

Many adventurers will go to the shower room as soon as they return to the surface to clean up the traces of battle. It was a useful facility.

There was a 'closed' sign at the entrance of the tavern. Ryuu calmly pushed the door open and stepped inside. As a waitress, she knew some things about the tavern.

When they passed through the door, the bell chimed at the top.

"Nya? The tavern is closed… Nya!! Ryuu, who eloped with a nasty fellow, is finally back, Nya!"

The time was almost noon, and Anya, preparing to open the store, laid a tablecloth on a table. She subconsciously wanted to greet the customer but paused in the middle after seeing their faces and yelled out loud.

"Me, Eloped!?" As soon as she entered and heard such explosive words, Ryuu's face started blushing in embarrassment.

"Anya! Why are you saying such nonsense? Who's eloping!?" Ryuu sounded angry and shy while saying this. But, her rebuttal seemed lacking in momentum.

"Baka-Neko, can't you call me by my name? Who are you calling a nasty fellow!?" Sirius also heard Anya's words after entering the tavern and rebutted with a dark expression. He also didn't forget to close the door.

"Nya! Of course, you are a nasty fellow. Since you bully me so much, if you are not a nasty fellow, then who is?" Anya raised her chin and tried to look at Sirius with contempt.

But, the result is not satisfactory. There is a big difference between their heights.

Anya is only 1.5 meters tall, whereas Sirius is 1.8 meters tall. Therefore, she couldn't match his height even if she tried to stand on her toes.

She looked like a bullied sister trying to look up to her brother.

"Oh? Since I'm a nasty fellow, it's reasonable for me to bully you, right?" Sirius rubbed Anya's head with a mischievous expression. He especially enjoyed stroking her soft ears.

"Nya!!!" All the hairs on Anya's body stood erect in anger. She wanted to pounce on him and bite him with her sharp teeth, but his hands on top of her head prevented such actions.

"Nya, Ryuu looks shy…The situation seems complicated, Nya! What do you think, Lunoire?" Another black-haired cat-woman whispered to her companion. She was Chloe Rollo.

"Me? I also agree with you, Chloe. There's something fishy going on~" A waitress with brown eyes and medium-length brown hair beside Chloe whispered back. She was Lunoire Faust.

"..." Chloe was speechless by her friend's words and turned around and gave Lunoire a blank expression.

'Do you have to describe it as fishy? Can't you use other words? Please respect my status as a cat-people, Nya!' Chloe had a big drama going on inside her mind.

Soon, Syr Flova, the most popular waitress in the tavern, emerged from the kitchen and came beside Ryuu with a sweet smile.

"Aah~Welcome back, Ryuu." Syr greeted her elf friend.

"I'm back, Syr." Ryuu calmed down, withdrew her gaze from Anya, and returned a smile at her human friend.

Syr Flova is the only waitress without any power in Hostess of Fertility. But, she is still a unique member of the tavern.

She has a simple and friendly personality, treats everyone equally without discrimination, and is highly popular among male customers.

In front of her smile, even the roughest of adventurers can't help but relax.

Although Sirius was very wary of Syr because he knew some of her secrets, he had a good relationship with her thanks to the presence of others as middlemen. So, they can be regarded as superficial friends.

After all, he didn't know the inner thoughts of this goddess…

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Chapter 62

Syr Flova is an extraordinary girl.

Her close friends know that she can vaguely read people's emotions and sense whether a person is good or malicious by observing them.

This ability is similar to that of a god, where mortals cannot lie to a deity.

But in reality, Syr's abilities are much scarier than that.

She can even see through the essence of a person's soul.

But recently, she's been troubled by something. Her abilities don't seem to work on someone.

—Syr can't even sense the slightest existence of that person.

While chatting with Ryuu, Syr's eyes strayed toward Sirius, who was teasing Anya repeatedly.

Although he was standing so close to her, she couldn't sense anything about him.

If she didn't see him with her naked eyes, Syr would even wonder if Sirius was a ghost. Although, she could even know the essence of spirits due to her abilities.

Syr couldn't observe his soul because her abilities seemed to be blocked by something within him.

'Or…does he have a way to disguise his soul?' Syr wasn't sure what the problem was.

The only known fact is that Sirius is an unknown.

The 'unknown' of the mortal realm is very attractive to divine beings like her. Gods were tired of the depraved and dull life in the heavens, so they descended to the lower realm in pursuit of entertainment. The gods are essentially fun-seeking beings.

The bluish gray-haired girl quietly observed Sirius with curiosity in her eyes.

"Hey, Ryuu~ How does it feel to go on a date with Sirius-san?" Syr teased her friend to get more information.

"What!?...a date!? S-Syr, don't talk nonsense! Sirius-san invited me to explore the dungeon for a certain purpose, which has nothing to do with date…." Ryuu's ear reddened after hearing this, and she retorted with some stutter.

"But, you two spent such a long time in the dungeon, it's almost like a secret date…I heard from some adventurers that there is a different flavor to exploring dungeons with opposite sex~" Syr was pleased with her friend's reaction and continued teasing.

"Secret…date…" Syr's voice sounded like a devil's whisper inside Ryuu's mind, disrupting her thoughts and removing the calmness on her face.

Ryuu couldn't withstand her friend's teasing. Due to her lack of experience in romance, she looked like an innocent village girl bullied by her city friend.

"Hey, I can hear you two…." The black-bellied Syr tried concealing her voice, but the people in the tavern were not ordinary people.

They didn't need much effort to hear what Syr and Ryuu said.

Sirius, who was defending against Anya's attack, also heard it. Therefore, he turned his head and complained.

Of course, the situation between him and Anya was purely playful. If the cat-girl were serious, he would lie flat on the ground. She was a level 4 adventurer, after all.

"Oh? Didn't Sirius-san have any thoughts about Ryuu in the dungeon?" Syr leaned forward, sticking her head from Ryuu's side. She had a surprised expression while looking at him.

"I think there is something wrong with your thinking. It's too…I guess dirty…How can you treat an upright and serious person like me, like this?" Sirius replied while boasting himself.


Anya and Chloe couldn't hold back as soon as he said this. They looked at Sirius contemptuously.

'If you're upright, then everyone else is a saint….' The two cat-girl thought the same thing.

"If you're an upright and serious person, then why would you come to our tavern and tease our waitresses?" Chloe complained.

"And even bring the goddess of your familia to molest us?" Anya was amused by his words and said.

It was the funniest joke they've heard today!

"Chloe, Anya! He may also have some problem in his mind…." Lunoire, beside the two cat-girls, returned his words at him.

It's a pity that Sirius didn't even frown at their criticism.

After living in this world for so long, Sirius has already gotten used to criticism. So, he would selectively filter out unnecessary words and focus on essential details.

To put it simply, Sirius ignored their complaints.

"Uhm…Sirius-san, what do you mean by dirty thinking?" Syr was slower to react than others and weakly asked.

Syr is also used to Sirius popping some new words and phrases from time to time. She didn't know where he learned so much unnecessary knowledge.

"Oh? That means that one's mind is not pure and full of unhealthy stuffs…." Sirius looked at Syr with a mischievous smile and replied.

"...Unhealthy stuffs!? You're so rude, I don't have such thoughts!" Syr felt that her secrets were revealed and retorted with a pout.

"Hehe, Syr, admit it, since you understand the hidden intention behind my words, that means I was right. Bad people will never admit that they are bad, right?" Sirius teased the gray-haired girl with a grin.

"..." Syr was speechless to retort. So, she puffed her cheeks in anger.

She felt that Sirius was her arch-enemy. He always finds new ways to tease her.

Unfortunately for Syr, Sirius is a modern person baptized by countless internet roasts, so she can't compare with him in this regard.

"It's almost time to open the store. What are you girls chatting about here? Are you being lazy again!?" Suddenly, the Proprietress of the tavern, Mama Mia, quietly entered the tavern and shouted.

Her sudden appearance brought indescribable pressure to all girls in the tavern.

'No matter how many times I watch, I can't believe that this sturdy…lady is a dwarf…' Sirius complained internally. Of course, he would never dare to speak out.

"Oh? Ryuu is also here. Welcome back~ Since you took leave, you will have to do more work. Do you have any complaints, Ryuu?" Mama Mia noticed Ryuu and welcomed her.

"No problem, Mama Mia." Ryuu readily agreed to this condition.

Mama Mia had a motherly smile after hearing this. She knew some of Ryuu's past, so she always allowed her to leave during times like this.

Mama Mia never deducted Ryuu's salary even though she was on leave. During Ryuu's absence, others need to work more to fill her gap. So, Mama Mia asked Ryuu to make up to others.

It has always been like this, and Ryuu had no objection. She was grateful to Mama Mia and others in Hostess of Fertility.

"Syr, you're also here. Did you leave your job and come here?" Mama Mia squinted her eyes and said.

"Ah…Alright, I'll go back." Syr saluted and returned to the kitchen with an awkward smile.

After seeing this, Mama Mia focused on Sirius, who was still stoking Anya's head.

Mama Mia was not surprised by this situation and said, "Boy, my tavern is not opened yet. Your presence will affect the work of my waitresses. Leave, and come back later. Remember to bring money!"

After saying this, Mama Mia patted his shoulder with a smile.

Although she tried to control her power, Sirius felt a considerable force on his shoulders. It almost felt like his bones were cracking.

Sirius felt that Mama Mia was trying to take revenge on him for teasing Syr…

Although he thought so, Sirius didn't dare to say it out loud.

"Alright, Mama Mia's words are reasonable. I'll come back later…." After saying this, Sirius hurriedly left the tavern.

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"Nya~ Although I hate you, come and visit us later." Anya was pleased to see Sirius punished by Mama Mia, and her tail couldn't stop shaking in excitement.

Although whenever Sirius came here, he would tease and bully her, Anya was delighted to see Mama Mia doing the same to him.

She especially loves it when Mama Mia forces him to pay the overpriced bill.

Maybe, this is what 'One's happiness is built upon someone's else suffering' means.

Anya may unexpectedly have the talent to be a black-hearted businesswoman.

Sirius, who was leaving the store, heard Anya's voice, turned around, and looked at the stupid kitten with a contemptuous smile.

"Heh, just you, Anya~" After saying this, he walked straight out of the tavern and closed the door.

Inside the store, the cat-girl was stunned by his words and suddenly sensed something wrong.

Anya felt that Sirius used her name as a derogatory term.

"Pfft…Haha…Anya, your name has become an insult, nya~" Chloe, beside Anya, couldn't stop laughing.

"Anya…puff~" Lunoire also giggled.

Obviously, Anya wasn't the only one who realized this. The two others beside her also realized this and laughed.

"Nya!! It's not funny. Don't laugh!" Anya protested angrily.

"Sorry, Normally we won't laugh at our friend…." Chloe said.

"Unless we can't help it…." Lunoire completed the words.

"Hahaha…" x2

Chloe and Lunoire said the lines they stole from someone and laughed happily after speaking. Their laughter reached the back kitchen, maybe even outside the tavern.

"Chloe! Lunoire! You two get back to work!!"

However, the two laughing waitresses were not happy for long when a loud voice froze their movement.

Chloe and Lunoire paused and started sweating profusely in nervousness. They recognized the owner of the sudden voice. It was Mama Mia.

Ryuu brought out some working utensils from a room, looked at the scene, and sighed.

In a sense, Mama Mia is right about Sirius. His presence will indeed affect the work efficiency of the tavern employees.

The scene before her was another example. Although Sirius left the tavern a while ago, Anya and the others were still making a fuss over his words.

If he were present, then things would become bigger. Even Syr couldn't withstand his tease and went out.

'Oh wait, it seems that Syr went out to buy some things. It has nothing to do with Sirius…' Ryuu realized this.

After leaving the Hostess of Fertility, Sirius headed toward the Northern district.

All he wanted to do for now was lie down on his bed.

It's not that he was physically tired or anything. He just wanted some rest.

Sirius made up his mind not to enter the dungeon today. He would either take a nap or daze around.

After working so hard for the last few days, he needed proper rest.

It didn't take long for Sirius to reach Twilight Manor after passing through the residential area.

"Yo, look who's here! Sirius, I'm glad that nothing happened to you in the dungeon." When he arrived in front of the gate, a familiar guard greeted him in surprise. It was Simon.

"Eh..what!?" But Sirius was stunned after hearing Simon's words.

'What does he mean? Did Simon think I had an accident…' Sirius couldn't help wondering.

He just returned, and the first sentence the guard tells him is not a friendly greeting but a surprise that he is alive. After twisting the meaning, it can even be considered a curse.

"Oh, sorry… I didn't mean it in a bad way. It's been a few days since you went inside the dungeon and there was no news. Goddess Loki was worried about your safety…."

Simon realized his gaffle after looking at his stunned expression and hurriedly explained.

At the same time, Simon also told him what happened after the expedition team returned.

Because of Tiona's straightforward speech, many peripheral members of Loki Familia also heard about Sirius's situation and believed that he had encountered an accident.

Although Loki explained the situation afterward, only the core members of the familia knew about it, which led to the problem that the others really believed that something had happened to Sirius.

They even had a private discussion on teaming up for rescue operations.

'These guys are a bunch of good guys… It would be better if they would stop believing in every rumor…' Sirius felt warm after hearing this.

Although Sirius was considered a core member of the familia due to his talents, he didn't forget to have a good relationship with other weaker members.

So, he was happy to hear about their rescue operation. It meant that his past efforts were not in vain.

After talking with the other guards for some time, Sirius walked into the Twilight Manor with an indescribable expression.

Since the expedition just returned, the manor is not too lively because they need to exchange the loot brought from the dungeon.

Or provide materials to allied familias such as Goibniu Familia and Dian Cecht Familia. The expedition team members need to make/repair their weapons and buy some potion/elixir.

In short, none of the expedition team members have time for rest. They need to finish this matter quickly.

Also, there will be a celebration feast after every expedition. Loki had already asked some people to reserve seats in Hostess of Fertility tonight.

Even so, there are still some people inside the manor.

Every time he passed by them, they would show similar surprise on their faces as Simon and Sirius would kindly explain the situation.

In the Central tower, Conference room,

All the cadres have left the room for the time being. Bete was in charge of buying new supplies, while Ais, Lefiya, Tione, and Tiona were responsible for selling the harvest.

Therefore, only Finn was left in the conference room with Loki bored beside him. He was dealing with some important documents.

Even Riveria and Gareth left this place because of something.

"Oh? Sirius seems to be back~ I just saw him." Loki was holding a glass of scarlet wine with some ice cubes.

Looking outside the window, she saw a familiar blond figure stepping into the gate of Twilight Manor.

"Is that so? It looks like your worries are in vain, Loki…." Finn raised his head from a pile of documents and smiled.

"It seems so…he doesn't seem to realize the situation. It looked like the other children really believed what Tiona said before. Maybe I should have explained the situation to everyone…." Loki didn't confront Finn's remarks and easily diverted the topic.

"What did Tiona say?" The pallum captain was confused and quickly realized.

"Is it the rumor that Sirius had an accident in the dungeon? Did the others really believe this?" Finn was surprised.

"Well, it seems so. Even Raul pulled Aki to team up and rescue him in the dungeon. They would have gone by now if I hadn't stopped them and explained the situation…." Loki recalled this.

"It looks like Sirius will be tired after meeting them later…." Loki chuckled after thinking about something funny.

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Chapter 64

Sirius finally returned to his room and was able to rest as he wished.

He lazily laid on the bed and was immersed in its soft texture. He didn't want to do anything for now.

Compared to the beginning, his current room has a lot more furniture and facilities he added on his own.

To give an example, to pursue more convenience while researching and developing new magic, he added a new log desk and a small bookshelf for magic-related books in the room.

He also replaced previous beds and wardrobes with new ones and decorated the room according to his preference.

Although there is not much space left in the room after such decoration, Sirius felt this should be called enrichment of his life.

Sirius kept thinking about such trivial things while lying down. Unknowingly, time passed by.

However, his leisurely state didn't last long. Sirius quickly thought of something and got up from the bed.

"...I have to quickly go to Loki to update my status, otherwise, there won't be any chance for a few days if I missed this time."

Because of the expedition, many members of the familia will line to have their status updated. Loki will be busy during this time.

It is a kind of routine for the red-haired goddess. She is happy and painful during this time.

Happy because the strength of her children has increased again.

Painful because she's going to bleed a lot during this period.

Sirius walked through the corridor of the Twilight Manor toward the central tower. According to his observation, Loki was mostly likely to be in the conference room.

If not, then she should be drinking secretly in her chamber.

He first chose to go to the conference room because it was relatively close.

"Please come in."

After Sirius knocked on the conference room door, the people inside responded.

"Excuse me…"

After entering, Sirius found only two people. Finn was busy with paperwork while Loki was beside him, looking bored.

"Oh, it's Sirius. Long time no see, it looks like you have improved a lot in this period of time?" Finn put the documents aside and focused on Sirius.

"Welcome back, Captain Finn. It's been a while since we last see each other. Congratulations on a successful expedition. I heard that there was a bountiful harvest in this expedition. As for my improvement…I guess a little bit~" When faced with the pallum Braver, Sirius smiled and responded modestly.

Sirius heard from the others that the expedition was successful and very rewarding.

When he first heard this, he was pretty surprised. After all, in his impression, Loki Familia had failed multiple expeditions before the start of the plot.

But soon, Sirius realized his error. The current period is relatively early and should not be that time yet.

Generally speaking, as one of the strongest familia in Orario, it is normal to gain a lot in the expedition.

"A little bit, huh…." Finn was amused by his words and chuckled.

If ascension is considered 'a little bit', then Finn didn't know what would be regarded as 'a lot.'

"Alright, let's stop chit-chatting. Sirius-chan, you're here for me, right? Want to update your status?" Loki interrupted their conversation and saw through Sirius's thoughts.

"Um…yeah." Sirius nodded nonchalantly and then realized something wrong.

'Chan?' The corner of his eyes started twitching after hearing this suffix. But, he ignored her tease for the sake of updating his status.

After saying bye to the busy Finn, Sirius followed Loki to her chamber.

After a while, they were inside Loki's room. Loki closed the doors, dropped the curtains, and then looked at him expectantly.

"Then, let's get started." The red-haired goddess rubbed her palms excitedly, eager to see his progress.

"Ah, okay…" Sirius felt a kind of deja vu after hearing this dialogue.

"I don't know how much your basic stats have improved this time. You should be the one who killed the black wyvern, right? I heard that the guild headquarters are trying hard to track you down." Loki started talking.

"It's true that I defeated the black wyvern, but why does the guild want to know my information?" Sirius was puzzled.

"Hehe, it's the power of rumor. I guess the adventurers that witnessed your battle that day spread rumors that a blond youth single-handedly defeated the black wyvern with powerful magic. Congratulations, you are now a half-celebrity in Orario~" Loki teased him after seeing his confused face.

"Uh…" After hearing this, Sirius was speechless.

'How did I become a half celebrity without knowing anything?' Sirius didn't know what to say.

His half-celebrity status is because adventurers who witnessed his battle didn't know his name, only his rough appearance.

Therefore, many people in the city are still skeptical about his achievement.

Except for a few adventurers who witnessed the battle, the others are more or less doubtful.

However, when the news of his level-up is announced, everyone in Orario will know about his deed of leapfrogging and defeating the black wyvern.

That's when he's genuinely famous in Orario.

"Okay, your stats have increased, and the excelia are enough for level up…."

Loki updated his status smoothly and said the results. Like she guessed, he was ready for ascension.

She carefully read every word in his status and recorded them on parchment.

[Name:] Sirius Starr

[Level:] Lv1 (Upgrade conditions have been met.)


STR: I0 -> SS1008 > SS1233

END: I0 ->SS1006 > SS1133

DEX: I0 -> SS1001 > SS1252

AGI: I0 ->SS1001 > SS1261

MAG: I0 -> SSS1999

[Development Abilities:] None


"The Arrival of Silver Star!"

"Stellar Magic"

"Earth Magic"


"Stellar Affection"

"Heart Of Gaia"

The extended magics are still the same as before.

The main changes in his status panel are the increased basic stats and meeting the upgrade condition.

Sirius's successful leapfrog challenge against an irregular monster is undoubtedly outstanding. Therefore his upgrade conditions have been fulfilled.

Loki can immediately upgrade his level if he wants to.

Loki seriously looked at the parchment that recorded his status.

'Can he still maintain such a progress speed after breaking through the limits of basic stats?' Loki was not sure about this.

There was an increase of more than 800 points in the basic stats after the last update.

Therefore, Loki greatly underestimated Sirius's skill, "Stellar Affection."

"Can I level up?" Sirius couldn't stop asking.

"Yes, you have fulfilled the upgrade conditions." Loki nodded and gave him the parchment.

Sirius carefully looked at his updated status without any surprise on his face.

'You expected such results right, boy?' Loki looked at his expression and pondered.

"Well, let's not hurry to level up, Loki. It shouldn't take me too long to max out the other basic stats." Sirius thought for some time and decided to take the elite route. Besides, there was no need for him to hurry up.

"Oh~ Then, I'm looking forward to that time." After hearing his decision, Loki re-locked his falna with a unique method.

Afterward, Sirius stood up, picked up his clothes, and dressed.

"Then Loki, I'll just…eh!? What are you doing? Don't think about it!" Sirius turned around and wanted to bid her goodbye, but he found Loki swinging a kitchen knife.

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Chapter 65

"Huh? Why are you making such a weird face? How could I hurt you for no reason???" After seeing his reaction, Loki rolled her eyes speechlessly.

She isn't a murderous lunatic. So, there's no need to harm him. There are so many beautiful girls waiting for her after all…

"I'm making preparing for the next wave of status updates, alas… After every expedition, I need to bleed a lot. If I don't prepare in advance, I will have to poke my finger again and again with a needle. That's too painful for me!" Loki complained painfully.

Loki could endure poking her fingers once or twice to squeeze out blood.

But, if the number of times rises to dozes of times, that's another matter.

She can't stand so much pain. It's too painful for her.

Although the gods can't use their divine power in the lower realm and are no different from mortals, they can still feel pain and be injured.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Loki would be stupid not to make some preparations in advance.

"Since I updated your status, I decided to take this time to collect some blood. So, don't misunderstand. Boy!" Loki reassured Sirius.

"Alright, I understand. By the way, where did you get the kitchen knife?" Sirius sighed and curiously asked.

"Hehe…that's a secret. Don't care about such small details~" Loki chuckled and diverted the topic.

"..." Sirius looked at her suspiciously.

"By the way, there is a celebration tonight. Everyone will the there, don't forget, boy!" Loki couldn't stand his gaze and changed the subject.

"Me? I should be a little out of place, right? Loki?" Sirius pointed at himself with surprise on his face.

Usually, Loki Familia holds a grand banquet after the expedition.

He had known about this from the other members of the familia.

In the name of consolation, a certain alcohol-addict red-haired goddess will take this chance to bring everyone from the expedition team together and have fun.

The usual place for celebration is Hostess of Fertility. After all, there are plenty of delicious foods and drinks there.

Since it was a celebration for the expedition, people who stayed behind guarded the familia residence while the expedition team members had fun.

Sirius didn't belong to the expedition team. Therefore he thought he would not participate in the celebration party tonight.

After all, there is no reason for him to go there.

"What's with that face? Isn't your achievement of leapfrogging an irregular monster worth celebrating? I thought of putting both together~" Loki gave a reasonable explanation.

"Did you just come up with a reason?" Sirius narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Oh, don't pay attention to so many details, or you will be mentally exhausted. In short, Sirius-chan, remember to join the party tonight." Loki shrugged off her shoulders and reminded him.

"...Alright, Is there anything else? Can I leave?" Sirius nodded and asked. Although he didn't like the suffix, he endured it in the face of his goddess.

"Nope. You're free to leave~" Loki had nothing else to say.

Although Loki is a very carefree goddess, it is tough to change her mind.

Sirius internally sighed, watching the red-haired goddess bleed herself, and left the room.

In the process of going downstairs, Sirius encountered Raul and Anakitty. They were walking up with a pile of supplies.

"Sirius! Thank god you didn't have an accident in the dungeon." As soon as Raul saw Sirius, he stepped forward joyfully.

"Ugh…Raul, do you really want me to have an accident?" When Sirius heard this, he responded with a polite but embarrassed smile.

"Ahem, cough, of course not. I was just worried about you, Sirius. Although you are powerful, you are still a newcomer. Therefore, I was worried whether you encountered something bad in the dungeon." Raul realized his mistake and explained it with a sheepish expression.

"I understand, brother! No need to say anything else." Sirius patted Raul's shoulder and said. He felt warm after hearing this.

"Sirius, I heard from Loki that you went to the 15th floor. Is that true?" Anakitty, beside Raul, couldn't help asking.

"Uh…It's true." Sirius didn't know how to answer without sounding boastful.

"Is it true? Amazing… I spent half a year on the upper floors before having the courage to go to the middle floors with comrades from the familia~" Anakitty didn't doubt his words and sighed with admiration.

Her cat ears trembled in excitement after hearing his affirmation.

"Well, I also had a teammate…." Sirius corrected the cat-girl.

"Eh? Teammate? Is it from outside?" Anakitty asked.

"Yes." Sirius nodded.

"What kind of person was your teammate? Can you tell me, Sirius?" The cat-girl was curious.

"Hmm…a calm and aloof person, maybe? Also, she's an elf~" Sirius thought for a while and answered.

Afterward, Sirius and Anakitty started talking about various topics and laughing. They forgot about a certain spiky-haired guy.

"???" A question mark appeared on Raul's face.

'What's with this situation? Why do they ignore me and chat with each other? Do I have no sense of presence?' Raul felt the malice from the world.

As a dignified level 4 adventurer from Loki Familia and a core member, Raul felt he had no sense of existence.

He was depressed and worried, looking at them laughing and talking with each other while walking away, ignoring his presence.

"Hey! Don't ignore me. Wait for me!" Raul realized they had walked away and quickly followed after them.

Sirius's plan to sleep in the afternoon fell apart.

After chatting with the curious cat-girl, he unknowingly approached the rest of the expedition team and helped them with some trivial stuff. He spent the entire afternoon helping out.

The cat-girls indeed have their unique charm.

They could even make Sirius, a closet pervert, work willingly.

Thanks to a particular goddess, everyone in the familia knew about his feat of defeating an upper-level irregular monster.

Those who knew about it for the first time were speechless in disbelief.

They looked at Sirius differently from before. In addition to kindness as a newcomer, there is also a sense of awe in their gazes.

Sirius is undoubtedly a powerful newcomer with a bright future. After joining the familia for only half a month, he could leapfrog and defeat a powerful irregular monster.

They didn't doubt their goddess's words since the big three also consented to this.

When Sirius finished the work, it was almost dark. It was almost time for the celebration party.

Hence, Sirius, Raul, and Anakitty headed toward the western street together.

It was previously decided that after everyone finished their respective works, they would head toward the western street and gather at the agreed location for the celebration.

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