Danmachi: Reincarnation With System

Chapter 4: 003-015

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Chapter 3

"I hate to disappoint you, but I can still hear you talking from this distance!"

At this moment, a cold female voice resounded from the other side of the lake. The sound was pleasant to listen to, but it contains strictness with a hint of majesty.

On the edge of the lake, a goddess with aqua-blue hair, two long bangs, two strands on the sides, and a partly braided tail in the back came towards the circle of the girls wearing a white bathrobe interrupting their conversations.

Her otherwordly figure is vividly displayed under the wrapping of the bathrobe, highlighting her beauty like a goddess.

She had green eyes intertwined with awe and calmness.

There's no doubt she's a stern goddess.

It takes a single glance for one to come to this conclusion.

There is an essential difference between gods and mortals. Even if a god tries their best to hide their supernatural power and identity, it takes a simple glance from the mortal to identify them.

'Ah, this is a god/goddess!' One can feel awe and reverence with just a glance.


After hearing the voice, the little face of the brown-haired girl that complained before wilted immediately.

She was just like a child who did something wrong and was discovered by her parents. So, she immediately raised both of her hands near her cheek and made an expression of apology.

"Sorry, Artemis-sama... I was wrong~"

"It's too late for that! Chloe, before going to bed, come to my side!"

The goddess Artemis had a solemn expression and decided on the punishment for the girl with no room for refusal.

"Hmmm, I understand!"

The brown-haired girl named Chloe responded aggrievedly. She had already begun to prepare herself for the tragic fate that awaited her tonight.

Teaching from the goddess is not so easy to tolerate, so it seems that she can't sleep well tonight...

To be more precise, she can't fall asleep tonight!

Even if she is lying inside the tent, her ears will be full of the goddess's teachings, right?

This is not an exaggeration but a fact that has been confirmed repeatedly by her predecessors in the familia.

After dealing with Chloe, Artemis briefly glanced at the girls who had spoken 'dangerously' before.

She was acting like a teacher who wanted to remember the appearances of problem students in the class. She gave those with a guilty conscience a warning via eye contact so that they dared not do it again.

But, who knows if they forget about it the next day?

Maybe the next time, one of them will commit the same crime...

After a long while, the serious goddess finally retracted her gaze and left the scene, relieving her familia members.

Rethusa glanced at the retreating figure of the goddess and tried to say something. But, due to some hesitation, she couldn't say it out in the end and just sighed and left the scene.

After she left, the other girls looked around like thieves, especially staring in the direction where Artemis went. After repeatedly confirming that the goddess had no sign of returning, they recontinued their chat and discussion.

Although they are cowardly in front of the goddess, their enthusiasm for romance is not so quickly suppressed.


After changing her clothes on the shore, the goddess walked back to the camp with the bathrobe in her arms. Artemis rubbed her eyebrows helplessly and sighed.

"Just wait for the time to pass..." The goddess softly whispered.

As the main god and the head in charge of the familia, she naturally knows about the situation of the girls in her family very well.

They thought they could outsmart her by pretending to be cute; she didn't know what to say?

More than half of the girls in her familia were brought and raised by her. It would be a joke for her to not know about their enthusiasm!

She just didn't want to participate in such a topic...

Of course, there are some reasons why she didn't know what to say.

After all, to put it lightly, Artemis is a virgin goddess who has never been in love~

At such a time, she will blame the girls' behavior on adolescents' restlessness and try her best to suppress these feelings, slowly waiting for this period to pass.

Initially, Artemis wanted Rethusa to go and check the condition of the rescued boy before.

But, now it looks like Rethusa will not be the only one to visit the boy if she does so.

Artemis, the mama-san, is very fond of her familia members and hardly refuses their requests. Not to mention trivial things like 'taking a quick look.'

So, it looks like she needs to go there on her own!

This thought flashed through her mind.

But, what is unprecedented is that Artemis didn't realize any rejection of the thoughts in her mind.

She readily accepted it and decided to visit him.

Inside a temporary camp,

It didn't take long for her to arrive because the camp was not too far from the lake.

After putting her bathrobe back into her tent, the goddess came to a tent on the edge of the camp with some complicated thoughts and opened the curtain to enter.

There is nothing noteworthy to describe the scene inside the tent. It was very monotonous. After all, a tent is only a temporary shelter for the night and is disassembled during the day.

The rescued boy was still lying on the bed, with a small piece of white gauze on his forehead. His body was covered by the quilt with only the head exposed, and it didn't look like he was going to wake up anytime soon.


Artemis, who slowly walked to the boy's side and sat on a nearby chair, caught sight of the other's face. She felt there was something off about the boy... but couldn't tell herself.

She had this feeling ever since the first sight. But, it was during the time of the battle, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

But now that she realizes it, she finds that this feeling is undeniable.

It was bizarre... and intimate...

Artemis was immersed in this feeling and slowly lost her mind.

At the same time, Sirius went back and forth in the awakening phase. He felt that he was about to wake but indulged in the feeling of sleeping for more.

However, this feeling didn't last very long. And soon after, Sirius's consciousness gradually recovered.

The dark vision slowly opened up, and his mind was empty for a while. After blinking two or three times, his brain gradually sobered up.

Cloth ceiling... he's presumably lying inside a tent now?

Sirius made a quick judgment about his situation based on surrounding information.

Did someone rescue him?

Although he didn't see the situation clearly at that time. But before fainting, he vaguely remembered that there was someone by his side...

No... not just one. There was a group of people nearby!

A touch of blue at the corner of his eyes caught his attention of Sirius, so he turned his head in that direction.

After tilting his head, he captured the ethereal figure of a person sitting beside his bed.

He determined that the girl beside him was not a mortal with just a glance. It was inexplicable to him just how quickly he decided her identity.

But it looks like the other party seems to be in a trance and didn't realize that he was looking at her.


Sirius couldn't help narrow his eyes and lean back tactically, taking a deep breath.

Why lean back?

He didn't know why he did that, but there was a more important question. Who can tell him why there is a goddess beside him after just waking up?


Chapter 4

Inside the tent, a dignified blue-haired goddess sits next to a bed.

At the same time, the memory of Sirius before passing out began to recollect in his mind. Especially, the last dazzling blue and the goddess figure gradually overlapped in his mind.

After recalling, Sirius gradually realized the reason for her presence.

At that time... he was rescued by the goddess Artemis, right? And still being picked up like a princess?

Although it may not be so exaggerated to describe it as so, there seems to be nothing wrong with the wording, right?

Sirius knew a lot about the goddess before him, even though both of them had never met before.

During a meteor shower more than ten years ago, in a remote village on the mainland, Sirius reincarnated into this world and began to grow up as a newborn child with the memories of his previous life still intact.

Apart from his being a mediocre otaku, Sirius was nothing outstanding in his previous life. His hobbies were games, anime, and some light novels to pass the time.

He was an orphan in his previous life and made some youtube videos to earn his living. Apart from that, nothing was interesting about his previous life.

That's why it was easy for him to accept his new life.

Due to his previous life memories, Sirius quickly determined the world he reincarnated into.

In a world with the Labyrinth City Orario, where the gods descended from heaven to have fun, what else could this world be other than 'Danmachi'?

Sirius decided to become an adventurer and live an extraordinary life in this new world.

Now that sixteen years have passed, Sirius, who had longed for Orario since childhood, finally persuaded his parents to let him leave his village and go to Labyrinth City.

After all, reaching the age of sixteen means that one is already an adult in this world. So, at this age, one has to decide on his career stand on his own.

And Sirius has never made his parents worried about him ever since childhood due to his mature mindset. So, two simple-minded parents of his were reassured of his long journey, believing that he could take proper care of himself.

And fast-forward a bit, Sirius met the pack of dire wolves and was chased by them, and then being picked by the goddess in her home and be alone with each other?

His current situation seems like something out of a story!

Instead... he was alone with Artemis.

Although the goddess in question seems to be in a daze for some reason!

But it didn't take too long for her to recover her senses after Sirius cautiously stood up from his bed. Artemis immediately noticed his movement and looked at him.

"Huh? So, you're awake. How are you feeling? Is there any discomfort?"

A beautiful voice came out of her mouth. She softly asked Sirius some questions, realized her mistake, and converged very quickly.

"Thank you for saving me, there is nothing discomfort, I'm feeling well!" Sirius smiled and replied to her question.

He didn't feel any pain in the body except in the head.

Well, he could understand the reason why... After all, it was where he was injured in the battle.

He just hopes that there will be no scar left after the recovery. After all, he still cares about his looks. God gifted him a handsome face in this life, so he treasures it very much.

"No need for thanks, remember to be more careful next time. Don't go deeper into the forest, it is very dangerous for an ordinary person to enter the forest alone. Where is your home? If it is nearby, maybe we can take you back..."

Not knowing the drama folding inside Sirius's mind, Artemis earnestly advised him and proposed.

"Well..." After hearing this, Sirius was dumbfounded.

He ran out of his home on a journey. It's been more than three or four months since he left the village to join a nice familia and become an adventurer.

And now the goddess is asking me to send back?

For the time, Sirius didn't know what to say.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" After finding his strange reaction, Artemis asked with some doubts.

"No, lady goddess, it's not your problem, it's my own... I left home because I wanted to be an adventurer. The place where I want to go now is..."

"Labyrinth City Orario!" Before he could finish speaking, the goddess had already guessed his destination.

"At the end of the western part of the continent, there is the center of the world, where the gods reside..."

Such words are written down in the biography of some adventure stories.

While this is true, the reality is often crueler than the story.

Many newcomers who come to the city because of its fame often get stuck on the first step toward their dreams because of a lack of strength.

Without Falna, it's challenging for a mortal to gain strength.

After thinking about it... Artemis looked at Sirius carefully and nodded secretly for some reason.

Indeed, teenagers of his age will still be attracted by the beautiful stories in the book!

'Probably another dreamer~' The goddess thought so.

"Ummm, lady goddess, I feel like you have misunderstood something?" Aware of Artemis's weird gaze, Sirius tentatively asked to correct it.

"Huh? Is there any?" The goddess looked at him in confusion.

"There should be. Your gaze just now is pretty weird..." Sirius didn't know how to answer politely.

"Ahem, is it just my illusion?"

"..." The goddess just gave him a deadpan expression.

Although Sirius was confident that he was not wrong, the goddess had said so. What can he do besides accepting it?

"You're going to Orario..." Ignoring the boy in front of her for the time being, Artemis stretched out her hand and pointed her chin into thinking.

After some time, the goddess put her eyes back on Sirius, but she looked at him weirdly.

"Should I say that your arrival is a coincidence, or that you are just lucky! My familia has just completed the commission of a dragon hunt, and now it is time for us to return to Orario for repairs and maintenance of our pieces of equipment..."

After blinking for a while, Sirius couldn't help but be stunned. He looked at the beautiful goddess in front of him and seemed to be able to guess what her following words were.

As Sirius expected, Artemis gently opened her lips and said, "If you can follow my arrangement, you can tag along with us..."

"Is that for real!? Thank you so much, lady goddess!"

After hearing this, Sirius immediately propped up and moved forward in excitement. There was a joyful look on his face.

Finally, he won't have to worry about reaching Orario.

Not to mention tagging alongside a powerful familia, there will be a lot less danger along the way.

And, most importantly, Sirius doesn't know the way to Orario!

Before leaving the village, according to his father's description, although his home village is located in a remote place, the distance from Orario is not as far as he imagined.

Many bards along the way said that it would only take about a month or two for him to reach the Labyrinth city.

Not to mention two months. It's been about four months since Sirius started his journey, but he is nowhere near Orario.

In the beginning, he joined a merchant convoy to Orario. But, about half a month after departure, a sudden monster attack caused Sirius and the convoy to be separated.

What followed after that was three months journey without a clue.

It may be of his peculiarities, but every time he enters the forest, Sirius will definitely encounter monsters like goblins, Kobolds, etc.

Before even reaching the dungeon, Sirius had already encountered these monsters on his journey.

Adhering to the principle of escaping if one can't beat it, Sirius spent most of his time running from the monster's pursuit.

He's almost tearful thinking about it...

But thanks to this, his mentality is almost ready for being an adventurer.

Many life-and-death encounters along the way have polished his will beyond the limit. His future adventures will be a lot safer after this suffering.


Chapter 5

After agreeing to tag along with her familia to Orario, Sirius and Artemis started communicating.

"By the way lady goddess, sorry for the late introduction, but my name is Serius Starr, and my current goal is to become an adventurer." During the chat, Serius briefly introduced himself.

"Hehe, don't you think it's too late for introductions? Anyway, I'm Artemis, the goddess, and head in charge of Artemis Familia!" Artemis chuckled and also introduced herself briefly.

After finishing their introduction, they started talking to each other about various kinds of stuff.

Many of Serius's thoughts and ideas were relatively novel to Artemis as a modern human in his previous life. She enjoyed talking to him more than she expected.

Time passed by unknowingly, and Rethusa and the girls returned to the camp after cleaning up and started preparing dinner.

Not long after, the girls saw Artemis and Serius walking out of the tent together. Both of them looked happy talking to each other.

After seeing this scene, the members of Artemis Familia no longer knew what to say.

Maybe there is something wrong with their eyes?

The goddess of their familia, Artemis, who presided over chastity, and was strict when it came to love, actually walked out of the tent together with the opposite sex!?

Oh my god!?

The world is crazy, or they're crazy!

They just went out to take a bath. What happened during this time?

"Eh? Huh!!? Artemis-sama! Are you finally enlightened? You actually had a private meeting with the opposite sex at night... Does this mean, that we're allowed to pursue our romance as well!?"

As soon as they stepped out of the tent, they were greeted by the strange gazes of nearly 20 members of the familia. Artemis didn't have time to say anything when a sudden exclamation reached everyone's ears.

This lively way of speaking, mentioning such a controversial topic, with a vague sense of joy and expectation in the tone...

The one who dared to speak so blatantly to her in her Familia...

"Lante, you too come to my room with Chloe at night!!!"

The lady goddess was instantly flushed red with shyness and anger and shouted angrily, looking like an angry Medusa who was about to devour someone.

It may be an illusion, but Sirius seemed to see Artemis' hair fluttering along the wind, but the scene quickly flashed by.

When her voice fell, Lante, radiating joy like a bird out of the cage, instantly wilted and became depressed.

"I'm sorry, Artemis-sama..." She immediately begged for forgiveness.

'Damn... I was so overwhelmed by the scene.'

'The matter of Artemis-sama having a private meeting with the opposite sex should be discussed in private!' Lante thought as she realized her mistake.

The companions next to her showed a helpless expression after seeing her receive a punishment. They looked at her like a fearless warrior who dared to embarrass Artemis...

How Lante has no time to care about the thoughts of her companions. The half-elf's whole mind is focused on how to survive tonight's lectures.

Chloe gloated at her misfortune, the brown-haired girl, thinking that someone could accompany her tonight!


After seeing Lante obediently admit her mistake, Artemis let out a long sigh of relief. Then, she noticed the rest of the girls in her familia looking at her and Serius curiously, and the corners of her eyes twitched indistinctly.

What's with those skeptical eyes full of gossip?

Did they believe in Lante's nonsense?

Do they really think something will happen if she's alone with the opposite sex?


"Here, Artemis-sama!"

The group captain, who was also curious about the topic, heard her goddess calling out her name, so she immediately responded and stepped forward.

"Afterwards, Sirius will join our group for some time until we reach Orario. Please inform everyone about this, and don't overthink it!" Artemis briefly explained the situation to her succinctly and finally mentioned some reminders in the end.

However, it looks like her reminders were not taken seriously at all.

On the surface, there was nothing unusual about Rethusa, but inside, a fiery gossip appeared in her heart.

Artemis-sama, have you even started calling each other by the first name in such a short time?

Although for Artemis, a goddess, calling a mortal by the first name is not anything strange.

But that doesn't stop her heart from gossiping, right?

Failing to see the high-spirited curiosity hidden deep beneath her familia's captain, Artemis soon returned to her tent alone after giving them some orders.

She wanted to be alone to calm down.

Whether it is because of being angry with her familia members or something else is yet to be known.

As soon as the goddess left, the previously well-behaved and quiet girls immediately started making a ruckus. And in a blink of an eye, they surrounded Rethusa and Sirius in the middle, casting their gazes and asking questions like some curious babies.

"Ummm, what is your name?"

"Sirius Starr! You can call me Sirius if you want!"

"So, Sirius-kun, why were you chased by the wolves?"

"Well, I met one of their lonely kin and ate it for dinner..."

"How does it feel to be alone with Artemis-sama?"

"Well, not bad..."

"Sirius-kun, how far has your relationship with Artemis-sama progressed?"

"Why are you asking me this? We just met today!"

"Sirius-kun, what is your preference?"

"Sirius-kun, what is your family..."

"Sirius-kun, what is...."


Soon, Sirius was drowned in their questions.

They asked more questions than a police officer would do in his previous life.

Isn't it a bit too much to ask about his relationship with Artemis when they just met today?

Sirius likes to get along with cute girls rather than boys. After all, girls are soft and fragrant. What's wrong with accompanying them?

But enough is enough... when the numbers add up to 20, he's a bit overwhelmed by their enthusiasm...

Fortunately, Rethusa, as the captain of the group, still has some prestige in the girls' hearts. After she intervened, the noises of the surrounding girls gradually subsided and became relatively calm.

Well, relatively...

After all, they still have to prepare dinner next. If the commotion continues, when will these girls have their meal?

Adventurers also need to eat!

Not just mortals but goddess like Artemis also needs to eat as well. After all, their divine powers are sealed in the lower realms, and they need nutrition from the food to operate their body.

At dinner time, Artemis came out of her tent relatively calm and dined with everyone over a bonfire.

However, today was a bit different with a male in the group. Even though Sirius sat in a corner to avoid suspicion, many girls came close to him and wanted to chat.

Artemis, who couldn't handle the flirty atmosphere, tried to warn them, but it had little effect.

The goddess didn't want to talk too much while eating.

After finishing her dinner, she sat directly next to Sirius, and every time someone tried to get close to him, she would give them a death stare, making them afraid to get close.


After dinner, it soon became the middle of the night. The camp was quiet, with the girls all huddled inside their tents.

There were occasional sounds of some whispers and a bonfire.

Considering his particular situation, Sirius was allocated a tent alone. But because he slept for a long time during the day while in a coma, he didn't have much sleepiness despite being dark.

After being unable to sleep, Sirius quietly slipped out of his tent and sat down on a large rock on the edge of the camp.

It was not yet time for the vigil, so Sirius was the only one outside.

Usually, the person in charge of the night watch will sleep lightly for a while and only wake up in the middle of the night for vigil after everyone else is asleep.

Moreover, the monsters around the camp are all cleaned up during the day. So unless it is an emergency, nobody will attack their base at night.

So, due to insomnia, Sirius just stared at the stars twinkling in the sky.


Chapter 6

In the quiet night, Sirius could faintly hear some familiar voices.

He could probably guess whose voice those were.

From the bottom of his heart, Sirius silently prayed for the well-being of Lante and Chloe.

Then, he focused on the sound of the burning firewood and slowly calmed down.

In this quiet environment, a small red exclamation mark in the lower-left corner of his field of vision became very conspicuous.

He had an urge to click on it...

So, Sirius followed his urge and mentally clicked on the exclamation mark.

Immediately after clicking, a virtual screen that only he could see unfolding in front of Sirius, with a few lines of text brightly written on top.

[System v1.0]

[Skill: Stellar Affection (Semi-Activated)]

[Ongoing Quest: Join a Familia (Incomplete)]

[Reward: New Skill - Heart Of Gaia]


After seeing this, one can immediately tell that Sirius is a despicable transmigrator with a hidden plug-in.

However, his system is not like those omnipotent systems in some fanfiction. It's more like a game menu in an online RPG game.

There are three modules in his system: Status Panel, Quest Panel, and Achievement Panel. You can understand these terms as the same as game vocabulary.

Usually, his system is hidden in the lower-left corner of his field of vision, like a small arrow icon.

If one doesn't deliberately look for it, they won't even find it.

The small red exclamation mark means that the task/quest has not been completed.

Quests appear randomly, and you have the freedom to choose whether to accept them or not.

Tasks are not mandatory to complete, but they won't get any rewards if one doesn't finish them.

The Skill name 'Stellar Affection' is the reward Serius received after completing the achievement of 'First Travel to Another World'. Although, it has not been fully activated yet due to the oddities of this world.

Sirius guessed that this should be because of his inability to tap into his potential due to the peculiarities of the Danmachi world.

According to his assumption, 'Skills in the Danmachi world belong to the crystallization of the mind/soul, and it is the potential hidden beneath an adventurer's body. You can call them the transformation of a mortal's hopes and desires.

And the 'Falna' is the divine blessing developed by the gods to unlock the potential hidden deep inside an adventurer's body.

Falna is the key to unlocking the potential of a mortal's body.

It is due to the existence of Falna that his skill is only semi-activated.

At the moment, the only thing his skill can do is strengthen his physical fitness a bit.

There is still a lot of power hidden beneath his body.

If he wants to fully activate and awaken his skill, he will need to join a Familia and obtain Falna.

At that time, Sirius's strength will also usher in rapid growth.

However, the achievement of 'First Travel to Another World' made him question whether he transmigrated and obtained the system or obtained the system and then transmigrated.

It's like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg?

But he didn't struggle for too long and soon became contented with his new life. He didn't want his new life to be plagued with some unnecessary worries.

Therefore, Sirius simply accepted his fate and chose to give up unnecessary thinking.

"Speaking of which, I have a goddess beside me now..."

Looking at the familiar quest panel, Sirius muttered to himself.

"But Artemis... I don't think there's no need to ask~"

Artemis is the goddess of nature, childbirth, wildlife, the Μoon, the hunt, sudden death, animals, virginity, young women, and archery.

Much like Athena and Hestia, Artemis preferred to remain a maiden goddess and was sworn never to marry and was thus one of the three Greek virgin goddesses over whom the goddess of love and lust was Aphrodite had no power whatsoever.

She is a free and independent goddess, loves nature, opposes marriage between men and women, and impures heterosexual relations.

This is the case with Artemis in mythology.

In this world, staying with her familia for an extended period has somewhat changed her character and gained human empathy. However, she still prohibits love within her family.

It is tough to change her thoughts.

Unless she meets her fated Orion in the legend.

After staying in this world for 16 years and recalling his previous life memories, Sirius felt that Bell couldn't be the Orion of Artemis.

Sirius swears by his future lifespan that it is absolutely impossible...

Anyway, to sum it up, the idea of joining the Artemis Familia is not very realistic.

At least for now...

After looking at the stars for some more time, Sirius finally felt sleepy and headed back to his tent to rest.

After all, the Artemis familia doesn't stay in one place for too long. It's already become their habit.

Tomorrow they will begin their journey back to the Labyrinth City, Orario.

And Sirius, as the 'weakest' member of the group, felt that it would be better for him to get some more rest.

Speaking of which, where is the black iron spear he was carrying before?

"Where's my spear?" Speaking muttered, but no one replied...


The night passed by without any incident.

When the rising sun washed away the darkness in the sky in the early morning, the girls who got up early had already prepared breakfast. They packed their belongings and were ready to set off.

The same is true for Sirius. At this time, he is carrying a large leather backpack behind him, looking like a supporter.

The captain of the regiment, Rethusa, was beside him, telling him some points to pay attention to.

Also, from Rethusa, Sirius learned that the black iron spear he was carrying was broken in his battle with the dragon...

Well, the spear fulfilled its duty and died a glorious death!

In the end, Rethusa gave him a spare long sword for temporary use.

"Well, that's all you need to pay attention to. By the way, how do you feel now? Is your backpack heavy? If you have something to say, then feel shy and stay silent. You should know that if you fall behind, you may die..."

After giving him the reminders, Rethusa pointed to his heavy backpack that was taller than the ones others were carrying and asked.

"I'm okay, please don't worry. Maybe this is due to my natural physique?" Sirius effortlessly picked up his huge backpack and demonstrated it to her.

The backpack looks big, but the things inside are only quilt and folded tents, etc. So, it's not that heavy.

Anyway, this is only not heavy for Sirius.

"Really? I'm glad to hear that."

After seeing that he didn't seem to be pretending to be okay, Rethusa nodded in relief.

"Don't worry, Sirius! From now on, even if you encounter any danger, I will protect you along the way. You can always trust me in this regard!"

At the same time, the lively blue-haired half-elf ran over to join in the fun. Lante stood on tiptoe and patted Sirius on the shoulder like a little adult.

Amongst the long-lived species such as elf, the thirteen-year-old Lante is undoubtedly still a child. After all, whether it is a half-elf or pure-blooded elves, they have a longer life span than most humans.

And, Lante's personality is also a bit childish. Yesterday, she was complaining about the monsters brought by Sirius. But now, she has completely forgotten about it and promised to protect him.

She's just like a child, after all...

After all, she forgot her revenge the next day~


No, where did they see that he was afraid of the monsters?

After not knowing whether to answer or complain, Sirius faced the half-elf and forced a smile in the corner of his mouth.

His eyes are very soft looking at her, just like a child.

The girls around him couldn't help but smile when they saw this scene.

In such a kind and lively atmosphere, the Artemis familia finally began their journey toward the Labyrinth city, Orario.


Chapter 7

Layer upon layer of a seemingly infinitely expanding labyrinth, a cauldron of vicious monsters...

It is a place where only adventurers with the determination to die would go.

A site haunted by wealth and fame, where various races gather for prosperity, and the place where gods entertain themselves!

-The Labyrinth City Orario!

"It's up ahead. Orario is almost in sight!" Said the aqua-blue-haired goddess who was walking on a grey-colored road that ran throughout most of the green wilderness.

She wore a white and pale blue outfit, long brown boots with a light brown design, a belt in which she kept a piece of white cloth and a dagger, gold bracelets, and various gold hair accessories.

She gently lifted her hair bangs and looked at the towering pillar of heaven!

The tower was located in the middle of the city, with its height soaring above the sky, almost penetrating the clouds.

"That's... Orario..."

Behind the goddess, Sirius, who was carrying a half-person-sized backpack, looked at the scene in front of him in utter amazement. He felt like a young person in his previous life who had just gone to the metropolis for the first time.

Although the steel city he had seen was much grander than the one in front of him.

But even so, when the magnificent city of Orario, which is surrounded by gigantic walls on all sides, appears in front of him, the visual impact is hard to describe.

After just watching from a distance, Sirius couldn't stop the excitement of wanting to enter the city as soon as possible.

This is the place he dreamed of entering ever since he was born into this world.

"Um, hah... we're finally here! I'm almost exhausted after walking so much..." Behind him, the half-elf Lante couldn't help stretching out her body. She highlighted the curves of her body and made a sound that can be easily misunderstood.

"Don't whine, why didn't I see you complain when we were hunting in the past?" Rethusa, who somehow appeared beside her, knocked the half-elf girl's little head in an angry tone. But there was still a hint of doting mixed in.

On their way, Lante has complained often, almost causing her ears to be deaf.

"Ahh, it hurts! How can you be so cruel, captain?" Lante screamed out in an exaggerated voice, making Rethusa beside to give her a deadpan expression.

"I didn't hurt you that much! You're exaggerating, Lante!" Rethusa complained.

"But you still hurt me, isn't that right?" Lante tried making an excuse.

"..." Rethusa gave her a helpless expression.

Is your head made up of glass? Is it so fragile?

Rethusa's expression almost collapsed. Therefore she turned her head to indicate that she didn't want to keep arguing.

In the front, Sirius, who was half a step behind the goddess Artemis, noticed the noises the two were making and couldn't help but turn back and couldn't help himself from comforting.

"Don't be sullen, Rethusa. After all, Lante is still young... As a child, she has a lot of rebellious mentalities. As an adult, we need to properly understand their thoughts after all~"

"Well, if you put it like this, that's true." Rethusa realized his intention and nodded in agreement.

But she wasn't sulking before, just feeling a bit depressed.

She was acting just like a mother who has done her best to guide her children. But, she is depressed because her child has grown up to be so disobedient.

It is different from anger. It's more like helplessness.

"Ah! Sirius!! Did you speak ill of me again? Believe it or not, I'm not done with you!!!"

Unlike Rethusa, who agreed with his statement, Lante jumped with anger after hearing him slandering herself again.

As we all know, children usually don't like being called one by others.

The reasons... who knows~

Anyway, they don't like being called a child...

Lante also has this characteristic. And for this reason, whenever Sirius used her age as an excuse to tease her for the past few days, she got angry and chased after him for quite some time.

"Hehe, don't you believe me? Then try to come and hit me?" After saying this, Sirius leaned close to the goddess and showed a mocking smile toward Lante.

It's a bit sad to say.

But the presence or absence of Falna makes a decisive difference in this world.

It is almost impossible for an ordinary person to beat an adventurer who possesses Falna. This is practically a common fact.

If the current Sirius fought with a seemingly little girl like Lante, he would be hanged and beaten instantly.

He knew this fact clearly, so whenever he made fun of Lante, he would always stay close to Artemis or Rethusa.

Because only these two people in the familia can suppress Lante to a certain extent.


Sure enough, it worked. Lante, who originally wanted to go and give him a brutal beating, just raised her hands and caught sight of Artemis beside him.

Then, her arms froze in midair, seeming to tremble in excitement.

Or rather pissed off...

"Sirius, don't bully Lante too much. You say that she's a child, but you're the one acting like one these few days."

At that moment, Lady Goddess suddenly reached out and pushed Sirius away from her with a bright smile. Her emerald-like eyes glowed with joy.


After blinking for some time, Sirius, who was pushed back, looked at the smiling goddess with an innocent expression on his face.

After hearing what she said... How could he act like a child?

But after meeting the goddess's eyes that seemed able to penetrate his thoughts, his expression gradually became guilty.

Well... maybe there is a bit of childishness!

It has been more than half a month since Sirius, and Artemis's familia met.

After more than half a month of company, Sirius is finally about to reach Orario.

The team has now shrunk to four from the original twenty-two. Artemis familia consists of twenty members, excluding the goddess.

Because before heading to Orario, Artemis took her group back to the station of her familia and then set off afterward.

When they returned to the station, most members of the familia chose to stay there, and only the captain, Rethusa, and Lante tagged along with them to accompany the journey.

Unlike many gods' familia in Orario, the Artemis familia is mainly based outside of the city, in a town not too far away from Orario.

However, no one lives in the familia residence all year round.

After all, Artemis spends most of her time running around the world with her familia members.

As a hunting clan, they are always active outside of Orario, cleaning up the remnants of the monsters that once escaped from the underground dungeon and wreaked havoc on the ground.

Their Familia has a wide range of activities. Sometimes, they even accept a request from the guild and travel long distances before arriving at their destination.


Orario's southern gate,

The city gate is embedded in a large magnificent stone wall, with thick rock on both sides to highlight the tough defense of the wall. Opening a gap in the wall is enough for a carriage to pass through.

As the center of the world depicted in many adventurers' biography, countless people want to enter and exit the labyrinth city almost every day.

And at this moment, a long queue of pedestrians of various colors are standing in front of the city gate, waiting for their turn to check-in.

In front of the city gate, the guards stood by and checked everyone who entered the city.

They held a strange instrument in their hands to detect the traces of Falna amongst the people checking in.

Adventure's Falna is bestowed by the gods.

And the instrument in the guard's hands reacts to the divine blessing. As long as one accepts the grace of God, there is no way to avoid detection.

After all, not every God will take root in Orario. They are also many adventurers in other countries.

So, to maintain the peace and order of the city and prevent some adventurers with bad intentions from entering, this sort-of detection is essential.


Chapter 8

Although the queue in front of the city gate was very long, the guards quickly performed the inspection.

After all, those who can stand guard at the city gate must be guaranteed their strength and qualification. It is a well-known fact that they perform such work every single day.

The line in front of the city gate looked like a river flowing by.

Not long after, the four of Sirius's group arrived at the city gate, and there were very few people still in line.

"Come here, Sirius."

Seeing that it was finally their turn to be checked in, Artemis suddenly turned her head and beckoned Sirius to her side.

Sirius immediately understood her intention and took two steps forward. Then he turned sideways and brought his backpack to the goddess and said, "Artemis-sama, if you are looking for a pass and the guild certificate, it should be in the second backpack."

"Well, I see." After being together for more than half a month, the relationship between Sirius and Artemis has become closer and closer.

Whether it is the growth rate or the trend of their relationship, it is very unusual.

Well, one can say that his relationship with her is not like a goddess and a mortal. It's more like...

Ahem, cough, one can understand after hinting it like that!

It's just that the two of them haven't mentioned this before, or they aren't ready to break through this relationship yet?

Sirius is also not a fool. He can feel that Artemis treats him special. And, it's not something like the three major illusions of his past life.

These days, with almost all the girls in the familia still watching, Artemis spends most of her time with him. With so many hints, he is not blind to not realizing her intention.

But, because it's so weird, Sirius couldn't figure out why.

What made this goddess of chastity so close to him?

There is undoubtedly some doubt lingering in his heart.

Before solving the mystery, Sirius felt that maintaining this silent and ambiguous tacit understanding was the best way to deal with their relationship.

The same goes for Artemis...

She didn't know why she felt so close to Sirius. He has an inexplicable attraction to her, but she can't explain why. He gives her an intimate feeling, and she has no idea why...

That's why even the well-informed goddess had a headache dealing with this matter and chose the same way as he did.

The tacit behavior of the two couldn't help make Rethusa and Lante following behind show a teasing smile on their face.

They didn't care what the two thought simultaneously and only believed in what they saw with their own eyes.

For example, in their opinion, the current situation is nothing more than their lady goddess finally being enlightened and gradually understanding what 'love is.

And for the fact that Sirius might take down their goddess, Rethusa and Lante were not even a bit angry. They even wanted to encourage him to increase his effort to make their goddess fall quickly.

'Sirius, please accept our goddess!'

'In that case, she won't prohibit love and romance in their familia!' Both of them thought the same thing.

Every member of Artemis Familia is happy to see such a thing happen.

After all, being suppressed for so long, they finally saw a chance of success. None of them wants this chance to escape, isn't that right?


With the pass and certificate from the Adventurers' Guild, the four entered the city smoothly.

After passing through a long aisle at the city entrance, his field of vision became wider. And then, Orario's proper posture unfolded in front of Sirius.

The scene in front of him is a prosperous street that could not be seen in the outside world.

The fictional city of another world was full of flavor that grabbed most of Sirius's attention.

The vast and noisy street that stretches out from the square in front of the door is full of pedestrians on neatly arranged stone bricks.

Many different races of humans were also brought into his eyes. Sirius automatically filtered out the strong, burly dwarfs and demi-humans, focusing only on beautiful elves and female adventurers.

After all, as an ordinary man, he will not stare at those burly men as much as possible.

After all, his sexual orientation is normal.

On both sides of the street, all kinds of specialty shops were lined up. And for the time being, Sirius was excited while walking.

After seeing Sirius, many beautiful women in skimpy clothes immediately looked at him as prey.

The southern part of Orario is fascinating. It consists of bustling streets and many entertainment facilities such as casinos and grand theaters.

Also, right next door in the southeast area, there is 'Ishtar Familia' headquarters in charge of the biggest 'Red Light District' in Orario.

Those women staring at him like prey are most likely from the red light district next door.

Being stared at by these prostitutes inexplicably gave him some pressure because Sirius is not strong enough to escape their clutches.

He is not an adventurer yet, and the potential in his body is yet to be unleashed. Therefore, he restrained his excitement and moved closer to the goddess. Only she can give him a sense of ease.

There is said to be some human trafficking industry in Orario.

Although it is a shame, if the target of abduction is a helpless civilian with no background, nobody will care if they go missing.

Sirius has every reason to believe, just by virtue of his handsome face and figure, those prostitutes have every reason to attack and abduct him!

Some may even belong to the Ishtar Familia, who have received Falna.

Sirius' current weak body can't resist their intention.

Therefore, it is safer for him to stay close to the goddess!

Artemis, who noticed his movement, raised her eyebrows slightly, sighed, and acquiesced to his behavior.

After some time, they reached the front of the tower of babel.

At the foot of Sirius is a long road leading to the giant tower of heaven!

The whole city of Orario is a nearly perfect circle, with high walls on all sides and a tall tower of babel in the middle. And around the building is a central square that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

The eight streets radiate from the central part of the city, extending in eight directions up to the city call.

The direction of the street corresponds to its name.

Starting from the north, the entire city is divided into first to eight districts by each road in a clockwise direction.

The place where the four of them are currently is on Southern Street.

Their destination is Northwest Street, also known as Adventurers Street.

Because Pantheon, The Guild headquarters building is located on this street.

Artemis was going to take Rethusa and Lante to the guild office to notify the completion of their commission and receive their reward. In contrast, Sirius went to the counter to consult about joining a familia.

Although the relationship between Sirius and Artemis has become a lot closer in the past few days, it has not yet reached the point where she can break her principle for him.

"Twenty people are enough for my familia. And if you add more, I won't be able to take care of them. Also, it's not convenient for you to be in my familia as a boy!"

That's precisely what Artemis said when he mentioned the topic of joining her familia.

To put it simply, she didn't want him to join her familia.

After all, if there is a single man in a familia full of 20 innocent girls, no one knows what may happen?

After all, even gay people can make a girl pregnant if left alone with each other for an extended period.

This will almost be a garden of Eden for Sirius.

Artemus was unwilling to such a scene happen in her familia.

So to complete his quest and release the potential buried within his body, Sirius had to find another way out.


Chapter 9

Adventurers' Street,

Just like the name says, this is an area for adventurers.

It covers a series of industries with adventurers as the primary target, such as pharmacies, grocery stores, equipment shops, treatment homes, taverns, etc.

Countless adventurers gather here every day for supplies.

As for the guild headquarters next to the Street, Pantheon stood there solemnly, built with white pillars.

The surface of the building was imprinted with intricate symbols, and many adventurers were coming in and out of the entrance.

The time is almost noon, so many adventurers who have finished their morning expedition entered the guild with smiles, discussing with companions what to have for lunch later.

After stopping for a moment to appreciate the view of the building, Sirius retracted his gaze and entered the spacious hall of the guild headquarters with Artemis, Rethusa, and Lante.

The first thing that catches his attention is a vast space with counters for adventurers to talk with their advisors and an exchange area. There is also a huge commission board not far away.

There are also small meeting boxes where adventurers can talk one-on-one with their advisors without anyone else hearing them. Aside from that, there is a library area.

However, there were not many adventurers in the reception area. Many of them were lining in front of the exchange area to trade their magic stones for Valis, the official currency of Orario.

The exchange area is the primary source of income for many adventurers.

Here, they can trade all their gains from entering the dungeon into Valis for consumption.

Not only the guild headquarters, but there is also another exchange area set up in the tower of babel, located directly above the dungeon.

Most of the adventures present here didn't want to squeeze in the line bearing the heat in the exchange area there, so they came to the guild.

But many others seem to have similar ideas, so this creates the scene where the front desk is empty.

After all, the front desk is a reception area for people to ask questions and accept a commission. They're not responsible for trade.

After the four entered the guildhall, they did not gather together. But acted separately because their goals were different from each other.

Artemis was going to meet the main god and founder of the guild, Ouranos. Sirius heard Rethusa saying that this happens every time they visit the guild.

It is said that this is an exchange of information between the two deities, but who knows what happens inside.

This time, the task of submitting the commission completion by Artemis Familia fell to Rethusa.

The reliable captain of the Familia went to find a professional to help with her procedures.

And Sirius came to the reception area to inquire about some Familia recruitment. And, Lante also followed him from behind curiously.

The development of a Familia does not necessarily depend on the god/goddess in charge.

For things like recruitment, many deities will communicate directly with the internal staff of the guild and ask them to help post some notice.

For example, "XXX Familia is recently established, and welcome new members!" or "XXX Familia lacks YYY supporters and logisticians and is now recruiting interested people!" etc.

Generally speaking, the former notice belongs to a novice Familia that is just starting or a relatively weak one if already established.

The latter kind of notice is a form of conscription of a powerful familia.

One can guess the strength of a Familia from just the notice.

Because of a powerful familia, there is no need to increase the number of fighters. So, they will focus on other aspects, such as logistics.

"Hello, is there anything I can help you with?" A half-elf clerk politely asked him. She was the same race as the little tail behind him but had different hair colors.

The guild clerk had a slim body, pointy ears, shoulder-length brown hair, and emerald-colored eyes. She was also wearing round-rimmed glasses.

It is worth mentioning that almost all guild staff at the counter are young ladies. In addition to humans, there are also many demi-humans such as elves and animal ears.

The reason behind this is intriguing.

It can be said that the guild knows how to grasp an adventurer's wallet very well.

Although it was the first time he saw the clerk in front of him, Sirius somehow felt she was a bit familiar.

There was only one half-elf employee in the guild that he could think of.

However, out of politeness, Sirius didn't show it on his face but nodded in response to the other party's inquiry.

"Well, Miss clerk, I'm here to inquire about some familia."

"Familia matters, huh?" When the half-elf lady heard his reply, she couldn't help but stare at the girl behind Sirius.

Her eyes seemed to ask, "Are you serious?"

To be honest, the current outfits of the two are very deceptive.

Lante, who was wearing a light adventurer's suit with a weapon on her body, and Sirius, who was carrying a big backpack with no weapon on his body, looked like her supporter.

In the beginning, she thought that these two were of the same familia, the kind of people who were here to inquire about some commission.

Not it looks like her guess is not correct...

Noticing her subtle meaning, Sirius glanced at Lante behind him and understood her misunderstanding.

Therefore, he shook his head and politely explained to her, "My relationship with this girl is not what you think. For various reasons, I have yet to join a familia. Therefore, I'm here for some consultation."

The main reason Sirius is here is to use the guild's network to join a suitable familia. It's just like using his family contacts to join the right company in his previous life.

Because if you go straight to the door of a familia, he can be thrown out if he's unlucky.

After all, the early stage is the most challenging period for development, and many things have to be considered.

And this is reality. It is better to have a plan for the future than not.

After hearing what he said, Lante nodded regretfully.

"Yes, our Familia has a rule that doesn't allow men to join. Otherwise, Sirius will definitely be the head of our familia."

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At first glance, there seems to be no problem with this statement. But after getting along with Lante for so many days, Sirius always felt that this girl implied something.

She seems to be hinting at something...

"I understand! So, it's a special situation, huh? Then please wait a moment. I remember many Familia has issued recruitment notices to the guild. I will help you take a look after them."

The half-elf lady showed her understanding and began rummaging through a pile of papers after asking them to wait.

After a few minutes of waiting, the half-elf lady turned around with dozes of documents in her hand.

"Well, let me see, what you think of 'Dian Cecht Familia'?"

[Dian Cecht Familia] is a Familia famous in Orario for its healing. They operate a pharmacy in a white building that includes an area where they sell potions and related items, rooms to treat patients, and business rooms to negotiate deals.

However, after hearing this, Sirius shook his head, "Well, I am more included to exploration type Familia."

"Ok, I understand..."

After hearing this, Miss half-elf pulled out several pieces of documents and set them aside.

Exploration type Familia is the one with the primary purpose of attacking the dungeon. Simply put, they are fighting Familia.

The ones she put aside were some Familia that did not meet his standard.

"Then how about 'Soma Familia'? It is an exploration and business type Familia, and somehow they seem to be very keen on attacking dungeons for some reason. Maybe it fits your idea?"


Sirius didn't know whether the half-elf lady in front of him wanted to push him deep into the abyss. Others may not know, but as a transmigrator, how could he not know the sinister side of this familia.

He didn't want to waste his with this sort of trash familia.

He looked at the clerk's innocent and clear eyes and fell silent.

Speaking of which, judging by the age of Lante, he should be in the period two years before the main storyline begins. During this time, the guild seemed unaware of the atrocities happening in 'Soma Familia'...

They are keen on raiding dungeons?

Not at all; All they want is money to buy the divine wine from their main god. They are a bunch of drug/alcohol addicts doing all sorts of evils for money. Entering this Familia means jumping into a fire pit!

"Ahem, not this one! I don't have any interest in wine-making Familia."


Chapter 10

"Hmmm, well then the only ones that may meet your requirements are 'Ganesha Familia', 'Apollo Familia', and 'Loki Familia'." After saying this, miss half-elf spread out three recruitment notices on the table.

"Among them, the 'Ganesha Familia' is an exploration type familia, as well as the security forces in Orario. So, I'm afraid you won't have many opportunities to attack the dungeon if you join this."

"And about 'Apollo Familia', well... their reputation is a bit too bad... I guess this one is not suitable for you!"

"And the recruitment notice of 'Loki Familia' is for supporters rather than adventurers. This may be unexpectedly suitable for you? But, the goddess Loki has a very high vision for supporters..." The half-elf clerk concluded her thoughts.

To put it simply, there are more or less some problems with the recruitment of these three familia.

Sirius looked at the three documents carefully and thought for a while.

The first one to be rejected was the 'Apollo Familia.' He didn't want to enter the familia of such a perverted god.

The Ganesha and Loki Familia are well-known exploration type familia in Orario, ranking third and second in strength, respectively. Both of them are a good choice for him to join.

But after hesitating for a bit, Sirius decided in his heart.

"Does the guild have any information whether the 'Loki Familia' have any intention of accepting a newbie adventurer?" Sirius asked the clerk in front of him.

Ganesha Familia, full of burly men, and the Loki Familia, full of beautiful women, he didn't hesitate to choose the one amongst them.

There may be some beautiful women in the Ganesha Familia, but obviously, the Loki Familia has more.

And he is more familiar with Loki Familia due to his previous life memories. He likes the atmosphere there.

"Eh!??" The half-elf clerk was stunned after hearing his inquiry.

"Well, this gentleman, may I ask you whether or not you have Falna?"

"No, I don't. This is the first time I have come to Orario."

"Well, then... I may not be able to give you an exact answer."

After all, whether or not he can join Loki Familia is not something a small guild staff like her can decide.

In the end, it depends on the will of God.

"What about this then, if I want to join the Loki Familia, do you have any good suggestions, miss clerk?"

Sirius asked for some suggestions. After all, the guild may have some way for him to introduce to Loki Familia.

As a newcomer, it would be almost impossible for him to see goddess Loki if not for some particular circumstances. So he can only ask the guild for some help.


After hearing this, the kind-hearted half-elf hesitated, stared at the young Sirius with half-slanted eyes, and spoke weakly.

"There is a way, but are you willing to some risk?"

"Is there any threat to my life because of this?" Sirius asked her seriously.

"There should not be any..." The half-elf lady replied.

"If that's the case, then I'm ready for it." Sirius quickly nodded in agreement.

"Huh, okay, then please fill out this form."

Although the situation was completely different from what she expected, the kind-hearted miss half-elf still decided to help him as much as possible.

In Orario, the Adventurers' Guild has the purpose of taking extra care of newcomers.

Because most newcomers do not know anything about the dungeons, they are complete rookies.

And suppose the guild didn't take care of these newbies. In that case, the mortality rate of newbie adventurers will rise to a dangerous level.

Therefore, many adventurers are very grateful to the guild and rarely cause any trouble inside.

This is one of the reasons why the rowdy bunch of adventurers crowded at the exchange area, even if they are impatient, will not take the initiative to break the order.

"Well, thank you. I will fill it out!"

After taking the form, Sirius quickly filled in the answers.

The questions are nothing more than his name and age, the reason for joining Loki Familia, etc., and whether he has entered any other Familia before.

To the last question, Sirius naturally wrote none.

Finally, according to the regulations, he gave them the funds required for consultation.

And after a few minutes, Sirius received a document with the official seal of the guild.

"What is this?" Looking at the white document in his hand, he couldn't help but wonder.

"It's something similar to a certificate, Mr. Starr! I just canceled the recruitment announcement of 'Loki Familia' for supporters, and what you have in your hand is the letter of introduction according to the commission. With this, you can formally visit goddess Loki."

The half-elf clerk explained to Sirius with a smile.

She also knew his name after reading the form.

"Well, you can call me by my first name. And, by the way, I want to be an adventurer... not a supporter, right?" Sirius quickly reminded her.

"I know this, Mr. Sirius~ But this is the only way for a newcomer like you to join Loki Familia as soon as possible. With this introduction, you can directly meet the main God of the Familia. And, after that, everything else depends on you. Whether or not you can convince the goddess to let you join the Familia depends on your abilities..." Miss clerk showed a helpless expression after explaining.

"Well, I understand..." Sirius realized her intentions.

This trick is to use this permit as a way to contact the goddess.

He pretended to be a supporter to meet the goddess. And the next thing was how he could convince the goddess to let him join her Familia as a newbie adventurer.

There is a certain chance to succeed, but he will be kicked out of the Familia if it fails.

Even if this matter was seen through, he didn't think Loki would care much about such a small thing.

This is a good idea!

Sirius thought so inwardly.

"Thank you very much, miss clerk!" After receiving the introduction, Sirius solemnly thanked the half-elf lady.

"There's no need for thanks, Mr. Sirius. I hope the next time I see you as a new adventurer. You can come to me anytime if you have some questions. And, by the way, my name is Eina Tulle, you can just call me Eina. Sorry for the late introductions!" The clerk named Eina quickly introduced herself.

Sure enough, she was the one he expected...

Sirius already knew about it but still responded politely.

"Well, thank you for your encouragement!" After thanking her, he took Lante by her hand and met with Rethusa, who had already completed her task.

So, the three of them were waiting for Artemis outside the guild.

"Sirius, how about your consultation?"

Sitting on the edge of the building, Rethusa put some funds into Sirius's backpack and asked him curiously.

"Well, it went well. Although the method is a bit tricky, I met a kind-hearted guild employee!" Sirius warmly smiled after seeing her intention and answered truthfully.

"Huh? Don't tell me you have a good impression of the clerk just after meeting her, would you?" After she spoke, Lante showed a disgusted expression, but her little butt still moved to the side.

"Lante, where did you learn to be a tsundere?" Sirius teased her after looking at her expression.

"What is a tsundere?" Lante didn't know the meaning of the term.

"Forget it then, I didn't say anything!" Sirius shook his head and dismissed the topic.

"You're so annoying! Don't play with my emotions, scumbag!" Lante gave him a disgusted look.

Well, what does this have to do with scumbags?

Sirius couldn't understand her way of thinking.

After seeing the two bickering with each other again, Rethusa slightly smiled.

"Then which familia are you going to join, Sirius? You haven't thought about it, have you?"

Because Sirius couldn't join Artemis Familia, Rethusa had nothing to complain about but only felt a bit of pity.

As the captain, she was the one who knew Artemis the most.

Although Artemis has unique feelings toward Sirius, it has not reached the point of breaking her persistence for many years.

After all, they have only known each other for a month.

As for the future... who knows!


Chapter 11

"I decided to join the Loki Familia. Tomorrow I will visit the Twilight Manor to have a look." Sirius replied while looking up at the tower of babel.

Soon, this will be the place he visits every day.

As for the possibility of failing to join Loki Familia?

He never thought about it. It's okay to say it's blind confidence, but he has a feeling that he will succeed in joining Loki Familia.

Because he will have two rare skills after becoming an adventurer, he does not believe that Loki will stay unmoved.

One must know that many of the skills that appear amongst the adventurers in the 'Danmachi' world have the same effect and utility.

Acquiring a skill is a rare thing, but judging from the type most people have, it is often different in name but has similar effects.

If it is between the same species, this possibility will significantly increase.

There seems to be a common potential factor for the skills among various races. For example, the elves have the auxiliary effects of magic, the dwarves have an enhancement of strength, etc...

So among the multiple skills with similar effects, the unique or irregular ones are called rare skills.

This is a nickname that the gods have taken for granted.

The owner of a rare skill is often treated like a treasured animal, and if discovered by the ones with bad intentions, the ending will be pretty miserable~

Probably because of their thirst for fun, when other gods hear particular words like "rare skills," it is easy to attract their attention like a fool.

Most gods are just like a child, doing everything for fun. They are constantly seeking new ways to entertain themselves.

In some extreme cases, a god may persuade and threaten people with rare skills to join their familia.

Yes, Sirius is referring to a specific perverted male god.

The Loki Familia home is known as the Twilight Manor, located at the northern end of Orario.

"Is it Loki Familia? That's a good choice. The familia is strong, and Loki herself has an easygoing character. So, it's easy to get close to her."

At this time, Artemis, who had finished her meeting with Ouranos, walked out of the guild entrance and heard him, spoke out her thoughts.

"Sirius, you look confident about this matter. But beware of rejection! Although Loki is easy to get along with, she has a very high vision for her familia."

Sirius blinked a few times. According to the normal development of an adventure story, shouldn't she give him some encouragement at this time?

Anyway, he put his hands to his chin and pondered, thinking about the possibility of Artemis's warning.

"If I really can't join Loki Familia, then I have nowhere else to go besides you, Artemis-sama! Since we've been together for so many days, you won't reject my request, right?"

There was some hope and expectations in his voice, and for sincerity, he even squeezed some drops of tears in his eyes.

However, in the face of his pitiful appearance, Artemis remained unmoved and snorted lightly.

"I don't believe in your sincerity! First of all, put down the garlic on your hand and talk to me. The smell is disturbing my nose!"

"Hehe, as expected of you, my goddess. How is it possible to hide such a little trick in front of your divine eyes, Artemis-sama!" After hearing Artemis expose Sirius's trick, Lante praised her goddess.

"Well, I was a bit careless. Also, I never thought you have the skill to become a flatterer, Lante. You win, I won't argue with you this time."

Sirius didn't dare to refute Artemis's words, but he could still mock the little girl Lante.

"What did you say! Ah!!! Sirius! I'm going to bite you to death!!" After hearing him, Lante was instantly furious and rushed into him with her claws like a fierce kitten.

"Well... calm down, Lante! Don't be so angry! It's not worth being angry with him, lady goddess is still watching us..." Rethusa quickly embraced Lante and comforted her in a gentle voice.

"Sirius, if you continue to bully Lante like this, next time Rethusa and I will ignore you and watch you get beaten into a pulp by her."

Maybe she couldn't tolerate such a blatant act of bullying, Artemis reminded him helplessly.

After saying this, she walked away with her slender legs.

"Let's go! We need to find a place to have lunch, are you still hungry?"

Artemis gently lifted her bangs and looked back, and asked.

Sirius glanced at the half-elf kitten who was snarling at him and got up and followed the goddess's footsteps. After hearing the warning, he wondered if he went too far to bully Lante.

So, to ask himself, he put a hand on his chest to feel the heartbeat.

Hello, my conscience, are you guilty?



It's okay then! Sorry to disturb you, my conscience. Keep working as usual!

"Okay Lante, let's follow along and think about happy stuff~" Rethusa gently advised her companion.

"Well... I'm going to bite Sirius to death. He's a scumbag!" Lante said furiously.

"Yes, yes, you are going to kill the scumbag. You will definitely succeed..." Rethusa skillfully soothed Lante, ignoring her threatening speech.

She believed that when it was time to eat, this girl would completely forget what she said now and smile happily!

So, it's better to ignore these words, which go from one ear and comes out of another.

After the comfort of her caption, Lante pouted and reluctantly followed the two in front.

She put her hands behind her and fiercely stared at Sirius's back.

However, Sirius ignored her gaze...

The four came to the southwest area and found a tavern with a bright red bee sign called "The BumbleBee Tavern." They went inside and ate their lunch.

It is said to be a tavern, but most of the 'taverns' in Orario are restaurants with the same name.

It's just named that way to attract adventurers for a drink.

Hence the name Tavern.

On the corner side of the tavern,

Lante was not old enough for alcohol, so her goddess ordered her a glass of juice. She reluctantly drank the juice, acting like it was a glass of ale.

After the cup was finished, the blue-haired half-elf put down the cup, let out a satisfied gasp, and sighed with emotion.

"It's refreshing!"

"Sirius, give me another glass!" Lante asked.

"Why are you asking me? If you want another drink, just go ask the waiter..."

Sirius, who was eating on the side, complained immediately. But, he still called the waiter and ordered a refill of the juice she had drank before.

Rethusa took a bite of her food with a calm expression.

Look, Lante had already forgotten her grievance!


After lunch, the four decided to go shopping in the commercial street.

As the captain, miss Rethusa wanted to buy some supplies needed by the familia.

So, to buy and carry the supplies, the red-haired captain pulled the half-elf girl and dragged her out, leaving Sirius and Artemus behind.

She wanted to leave them with some time to be alone.

Sirius easily guessed her intention.

She's similar to a wingman in his previous life, keen to match their friends.

Now, miss captain wants to try and advance the relationship between her goddess and him.

After all, their familia won't stay in Orario for too long. After missing this opportunity, who knows how long it will take for them to meet again.

At least before they leave, maybe her goddess can hold hands and maybe... a hug?

Forgive the 22-years-old virgin for being too innocent. She tried her best.

But her intention is meant to be a disappointment.

Because both parties in question have some concerns in their heart, this trip is destined to be ordinary.

This remains true even if it looks like a date during which some delightful might happen.


Chapter 12

In the early morning of the next day,

Orario Southern Gate,

The morning is the most leisurely period of the gate entrance. A few caravans or travelers go in and out when the sun has just come out.

Except for a few dedicated guards, almost no one is in sight.

Taking advantage of the rising sun, the young figure of Sirius soon appeared nearby.

However, he was prepared to leave the city or something like that, but to see someone off.

"Artemis-sama, are you ready to leave this city so soon? You haven't even been here for a day, right?"

After seeing Artemis and Rethusa, who were not far away, packaging their bags, Sirius felt helpless.

Wouldn't it be because what happened yesterday during shopping made her angry?

After hearing him, Artemis shook her head, and her aqua-blue hair fluttered along with the wind.

In the past, whenever they returned to Orario, they would rest for a day and leave the city the next day.

But just this time... a bit earlier, maybe?

"To be precise, it's little over half a day." The blue-haired goddess replied.

"And, from what you usually say, rounding up is one day!" The goddess didn't forget to tease him.


Sirius tried to open his mouth to refute, but he was very speechless.

This is a sentence he mostly used to mock Lante before.

When the half-elf girl hunts monsters, she likes to count the number of kills. And, every time after the battle, she proudly shares the numbers with her companions.

And during this time, Sirius often rounds up her numbers.

For example, if she killed forty-eight monsters, it would be counted as fifty, and fifty-two would be counted as fifty.

There's no problem if he rounds up to a higher number, but she will become angry every time he rounds up to a lower number. For this reason, he often laughed at her with other members of the familia.

But, he never expected Artemis to reuse his sentence to tease him this time.

He didn't know what to say...

"What wrong, Sirius? You should not be the cry over temporary separation, right?" Looking at his speechless expression, a smile appeared on Artemis' face.

"You're right. But when I think that my joy of becoming an adventurer can't be shared with you anymore and we may not be able to meet each other for a long time, I can't stop myself from feeling sad, Artemis-sama!"

With a sigh, Sirius expressed his feelings.

"What!? Why are you telling me this kind of thing now..."

The blue-haired goddess immediately showed a slightly unnatural expression as soon as the voice fell, intertwining her hands behind her back. She turned to the side to avoid his gaze.

Did she misunderstand?

Why does it feel like Sirius is hoping to see her more in the future?

This is almost like a...

It must be an illusion, right?

Her mind was a bit chaotic, with all sorts of thoughts floating around. Therefore, she couldn't maintain her calmness and look at Sirius.

Sirius and Artemis were only less than half a meter away. He had a panoramic view of the goddess's small movements at such a close distance and could even see her fair cheeks reddening due to shyness.

At this moment, Sirius didn't know what came to his mind. His body moved faster than his thoughts, and he had already blurted out when he reacted.

"Um, Artemis-sama... Can you give me a parting hug?"

Not far away, Rethusa and Lante, waiting under a tree, looked at their situation in confusion and waited foolishly.

Although these two silly friends have no idea what these two were talking about.


"It's so slow... What are Artemis-sama and Sirius talking about? Can't they hurry up?"

Lante, who was squatting down with her knees bent, put her elbows on the knees, and supported her cheeks with both hands, couldn't stop complaining.

"It's a bit slow... but considering their situation, it's not unacceptable!" Rethusa looked in their direction with a gentle gaze.

One can't help but wonder whether she understands something or not...

"Huh? What!? Did you see Rethusa? Is there a problem with my eyes? Lady Goddess! Oh my god, Artemis-sama, she blushed!"

As if seeing the sun come out of the west, Lante jumped up and shook Rethusa's arms in astonishment.

"Well... your eyes are fine, I also saw that!"

Compared to the lively half-elf, Rethusa just hid her surprise very well, but her slightly trembling arms also exposed her thoughts.

"OMG! Hug... they hugged each other!!!" Lante opened her mouth wide in surprise and started shaking her companion.

"Lante, don't shake! I can also see!" Rethusa complained while looking at her goddess.

"Ohh~~" The two girls are even more excited to see this scene than two men kissing each other.

However, the time of embrace was short.

Without waiting for Sirius to realize, the blue-haired goddess had already left his embrace and walked back with her head down.

"Well... don't misunderstand! This is just a parting hug, alright? There's no other meaning!"

Since she couldn't see his expression with her head down, the goddess just left a standard tsundere-style speech and hurriedly walked away.

If Sirius catches up to her, he will find that the entire face of the goddess is red-hot due to shyness.

"Well, isn't it just a parting hug? Why didn't I find it before that Artemis-sama has the attributes of a tsundere?"

After recovering from the surprise, Sirius, who felt delighted, slightly laughed for some time.

But the tsundere goddess is also adorable.

Because she was walking fast in a hurry, Artemis quickly joined Rethusa and Lante in a few breaths.

The two members of Artemis familia quickly forced their composure to prevent their goddess from feeling embarrassed, and three of them left the city with a strange atmosphere.

"That amazing boy, you and that goddess..." At the city gate, someone sighed with some emotion.

However, this person was not Sirius but a gentleman guarding the gate. He watched the whole process of their interactions, acting as a transparent passerby.

The guard's words attracted Sirius's attention, then he gave Sirius a thumbs up with a smile that all men knew and understood.

"I'm very optimistic about you, shonen!"

He came over and encouraged Sirius with some hidden meaning.

"Uh... I always feel that you have misunderstood something. The relationship between me and that goddess is not what you think... Well, I guess not yet..." Sirius tried to explain himself but sounded not very confident in his words.

"No need to explain, my boy! I understand!" The guard stopped him from explaining and smiled at him.

God and mortal love each other. There is no need to hide.

At Orario, this situation is not without precedent.

After sealing their divine power, the gods are no different from mortals. They have their feelings and emotions and have to endure the hardships of life. So, it is no surprise for some to be attracted to a mortal who gets along with them and take care of them for a long time.

And, it's also not surprising for some mortals to be attracted to the gods.

After all, their appearances and temperament are beautiful.

The guard was wearing a coat with an elephant-head mark on it. He saw the whole scene of their conversation and became a fan of their ship.

He didn't say anything but just silently blessed this pair.

After seeing his expression, Sirius, who didn't know that he had an extra fan out of nowhere, knew that explaining won't solve anything. It would only reaffirm this idea in the guard's heart if kept on further explaining.

That's why he waved to the smiling guard and said goodbye. He planned to go to the city's Northern District according to his plan.


In the early morning, Orario was still filled with some mist, but the sky had already lighted up, and people slowly started appearing on the streets and alleys.

People who have woken up from their sleep have started a new day of their life.

Sirius returned back to the hotel he stayed last night and carried the backpack he left behind. It contained the documents from the guild yesterday.

After packing up and saying goodbye to the yawning hotel staff, Sirius briskly headed to the northern part of the city.

On the way, Sirius bought a cheap and affordable potato puff for breakfast for only 30 valis.

Yesterday, when he was shopping with the goddess Artemis, he was curious about its taste.

After eating, he found it to be quite delicious.

And it only takes 30 valis.

It was pretty cheap.

So, it's not unreasonable for so many potato puff stalls to open in the streets.

In the northern part of the city, on the side of the road outside of the bustling street stood a long and large mansion which is much bigger than the surrounding buildings.

Multiple tall towers overlap and support each other, with the middle tower being the tallest. The home is also described as being carved out from flames.

The tallest central tower consisted of a clown-shaped flag on top which fluttered along with the morning breeze.

This is the base camp of Loki Familia, also known as The Twilight Manor.

In front of the main entrance, a janitor meticulously guarded the gate with a weapon in his hand.

After all, as one of the largest familia in Orario, it is impossible for anyone to enter and leave the building casually.

The guard that it would be a quiet morning like usual, but after seeing a figure slowly walking closer to the gate, he dismissed this idea.


When Sirius was almost near to the entrance, the gatekeeper hurriedly asked him to stop.

"This is the territory of Loki Familia. If there is no legitimate reason, I can't let you in."

After saying this, the gatekeeper gestured his weapon to Sirius.

The guard had strong muscles under his armor, showing his powerful strength for deterrence.

Those who can stand guard at the front gate of a famous familia like Loki Familia are at least adventurers who have accepted the grace of God, i.e, Falna.

Sirius could even imagine the gatekeeper in front of him to be a level 2 adventurer if possible.

"Ahem, I'm here to join the familia. So, there's no need for weapons, right?"

Sirius stopped what he was going to say, helplessly explained his purpose, and took out the documents that Eina gave him yesterday from his backpack.

"See, this is a document signed by the guild. I believe with this I can enter inside, right?"

In fact, Eina's original words were that these documents were just a pass. In the past, many supporters who noticed the recruitment notice of Loki Familia came to the guild for a recommendation.

Especially when Loki made the announcement herself, the guild gave a considerable amount of such documents, but almost all of those people were rejected by the willful god.

That's why Eina said that Loki had a high vision.

But the situation of Sirius and those people are a bit different, so it can't be generalized.

After seeing this, the gatekeep received the documents to check. He ignored all the contents of the letter and directly moved to the bottom page.

When he saw the unique seal of the guild, the guard had already confirmed the authenticity of Sirius's words, and he could indeed let him in.

However, after returning the documents to Sirius, the gatekeeper looked at Sirius complicatedly.

"Join the Loki Familia? Are you sure?"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be here!" Sirius gave him a confident reply.

After hearing such a confident speech, the gatekeeper somehow saw his former self in Sirius.

In the past, he also came to join Loki Familia due to its prestige, and was equally confident, thinking that he would easily make a name for himself.

And, although he was lucky enough to join the familia, with the passage of time, he slowly went from an ambitious adventurer to a gatekeeper.

He had no such negative emotions as grief, jealousy, etc.

It can only be said that he has seen the reality clearly.

Even if he entered one of the largest familia of Orario, it did not mean that he was talented enough to rise above others. In the end, he could only be a gatekeeper.

There are many more powerful and talented adventurers than him in Loki Familia, some are even younger than him.

"Since that's the case, come with me. I'll take you to see goddess Loki!"

The janitor called his companion from the side and asked him to temporarily take over his job. And then, he opened the gate and brought Sirius into the interior of Twilight Manor.

"Just to be clear, whether you can join the Familia or not depends completely on the wish of our goddess. If you fail, you better not make any trouble, or else I will throw you out of the door."

Because he was used to seeking this kind of scene, the gatekeeper gave him some warning.

"Okay, I understand! If I can't join Loki Familia, it's because of my own incompetence. I will have nothing to do with other people, and leave willingly."

In this regard, Sirius nodded in understanding.

"It's better for you to understand! I've seen many arrogant newcomers who overestimate themselves and make unreasonable trouble after failing to join our familia. I personally don't like such kind of behavior, so please don't think that I have any malicious intent towards you."

When the gatekeeper saw Sirius nodding in agreement, he didn't feel that it was fake. So, his expression softened a lot, and then he led him to the place where the goddess was located.

Perhaps it was because he saw a glimmer of hope in Sirius to join the Loki Familia, he told him a lot of daily trivia along the way.

After entering the Twilight Manor from the main entrance, a huge mansion occupies almost 70% of the area.

Loki Familia's headquarters, which is built on a limited space area, seems to lack space for horizontal expansion, that's why it is expanded vertically to the top, with the tallest central tower to the most prominent.

The courtyard in front of the mansion does not seem to be very spacious. A few plants and colorful flowers swayed along with the breeze as they passed by.

When they were passing by, in the courtyard of the Twilight Manor, there is a beautiful figure exercising.

The girl held a wooden sword in her hand and constantly wield it.

Her long golden hair was scattered behind, and her clear gold eyes focused on the exercise.

"Sword Princess...?"

Sirius, who followed behind the gatekeeper through the courtyard, could not help but stop and stare at the scene.

Sword Princess, Ais Wallenstein.

She is a first-class adventurer and an executive of the Loki Familia. Among the small fraction of first-class adventurers, she is considered one of the strongest.

For his current weak self, Ais is an existence beyond his reach.

The other party seemed to be doing their morning exercise. I guessed she's been doing it persistently for almost seven or eight years.

With a proud talent, as well as quietly working hard, she deserves to be one of the strongest.

"Don't keep on looking! It's not good for us to disturb the morning exercise of the Sword Princess. A newcomer like you should not be too ambitious. Even if you are lucky enough to join our Familia, it is very difficult to reach the level of a cadre/executive."

The gatekeeper who noticed his movement advised him earnestly.

The cadres or executives in Loki Familia are the absolute main members of the dungeon raiding group, and they are all first-class adventures above level 5.

There are as many as four executives in Loki Familia, which are not found in most other familias.

It's enviable indeed...

"Well, she won't lose a piece of meat if I look at her~"

Retracting his gaze back to the gatekeeper, Sirius joked with a smile.

"Well, you kid, I understand... After all, Ais-san is a charming, and beautiful girl that even our god is fascinated with."

The gatekeeper seemed to understand his intention and winked at him meaningfully.


What does that look mean? Don't misunderstand my look!

After walking past the exercising Sword Princess, Sirius followed the gatekeeper and entered the mansion.


"Heh, heh... Ais-tan, she's practicing swords full of energy today! I should go and take a peek at her secretly..."

As soon as the two entered the mansion, a figure ran downstairs.

She had light red hair and red eyes and was wearing tomboyish-style dressing.

The red-haired woman shook her scarlet hair, squinted her eyes, and muttered something perverted. She didn't pay much attention to her surroundings and didn't even notice two people standing in front of her.

It was only when she was a few steps away from Sirius and the gatekeeper that the woman realized their presence.

"Loki-sama, my greetings to you!"

After finally having her attention, the janitor suddenly straightened up and bowed deeply to the other party.

It seems that the identity of this perverted woman is Loki, the god in charge of the Familia.

"Oh? Isn't this Simon? What's the matter? Why are you standing in front of me with such a strange expression?"

Simon, that's the janitor's name.

After all, Loki remembers all the names of her familia members, including the janitor.

It's just that at this moment, Loki cares more about Sirius standing beside him than Simon.

"Loki-sama, this kid is someone who wants to join our familia. His name is... er..."

Simon wanted to properly introduce Sirius to his goddess, but then he suddenly realized that he didn't know Sirius's name.

"Sirius, my name is Sirius Starr, pleasure meeting you, goddess Loki!" Sirius quickly introduced himself and gave her a slight bow.

"Oh? Do you want to join my familia? Yesterday, the guild informed me that someone picked the recruitment for a supporter. Now it seems that the person is you, right?"

Loki's squinted eyes opened a gap, revealing her scarlet eye. She looked at Sirius with some interest.

"Blond and blue eyes heh? You're very handsome and pleasing to the eye, but... there's no breath of God in you! Boy, I think you need to give me some explanation!"

According to their authority and strength, many gods have a disparity after their self-proclaimed divine powers are sealed when coming to the lower realm.

For example, Freya, the goddess of beauty, her eyes can see through a mortal's soul. Even if her divine powers are sealed, she can still release a certain degree of 'charm' effect through her eyes.

Hephaestus, the god of Smithing, possesses an innate forging skill to each the 'realm of the gods', which is very helpful to make various strong pieces of equipment for adventurers.

And, Loki is the god of trickery. She has no advantage over the two goddesses above in regards to skill.

But she can still see whether a mortal has received the divine blessings or not.

Sirius, a person who did not have Falna, signed up for the recruitment of Loki's familia as a supporter, which made her a bit interested.

"As you can see, I'm just a newcomer in every sense. I just came to Orario yesterday, and haven't joined any familia before. Since I wanted to join the Loki familia, I used some small tricks to be able to meet you. I hope you don’t take any offense!"

Although he was mentally prepared to be seen through, being spoken out loud still made Sirius smile bitterly.

He honestly expressed all of his thoughts to the goddess.

It is almost impossible for a mortal to lie in front of the gods, and of course, Sirius was not prepared to lie in the first place.

After listening to his honest explanation, Loki smiled and nodded in appreciation, unlike Simon, who was looking at him as a warrior.

“That’s right, boy! I didn’t expect you to be a complete newcomer. I personally like smart kids who can use all sorts of tricks to accomplish their goals. I’m in a good mood today, so If I am satisfied with your answers, I will let you join my familia!”

After all, Loki is the god of trickery… In front of her, using some tricks and cleverness is not a deduction of points, but depending on the mood, it may even be a plus.

And, she is in a good mood today.

‘Is she serious about choosing someone as her familia based on mood?’ Sirius thought so inwardly.

In this way, are all of Loki Familia's members chosen by her based on a whim?

At the bottom of his heart, Sirius was complaining frantically, but he still suppressed his dangerous thoughts.

“So, first of all, why do you want to join my familia? If the answer to this question is satisfactory, then I will agree to let you join!”

Loki had already made her decision and just wanted to tease Sirius some more.

Isn’t it a tradition for older members of the familia to bully newcomers?

“The reason you ask? Well, to be honest, I feel that I can get along well with you, goddess Loki~ After all, we two have similar interests.” Sirius wanted to give a serious reply, but then caught sight of the playfulness hidden beneath her eyes, so he changed his answer accordingly.

“Huh, compatible in every sense?”

This unexpected answer made Loki slightly startled.

“Yes, in every sense.” Sirius solemnly nodded,

In a sense, Loki and Sirius have a similar mindset.

They are all decent gentlemen ~

Both of them appreciate good-looking women.

After all, the major reason for him to choose Loki Familia is because of the members…

It’s not all about the good-looking woman…

After hearing his reply, Loki couldn’t help but narrow her eyes again, she took his ambiguous words a bit too seriously.

She always felt… that this kid hinting at something…

What is he implying? And, why does he feel like the same kind of people as me?

“Sirius, you can’t answer like that, right?”

Next to him, Simon, who was silently watching their conversation, couldn’t help but speak.

Even if Loki’s character is very unusual, she won’t be fooled by such ambiguous words, right?

It looks like the opportunity he gave to the kid is about to be missed!

Simon had just thought about this when things began to develop in a direction he could no longer understand.

He saw Loki pondering for a while with a serious expression, then suddenly seemed to be a bit relieved.

“Forget it, I don’t understand what you’re implying. There’s no need for me to waste any more brain cells trying to decipher your words. Your name is Sirius, right? I hope you get along with others in the family~”

Loki’s current performance made a question mark appear above Simon’s head. Sirius thought, it was more like he was giving up his thinking.

Then, she stepped forward with an indifferent smile, “It’s decided then! From now on, you are a member of our familia! There is finally a newcomer in our family after a long time!”

Loki patted Sirius’s shoulder, and let out a wanton laugh, feeling quite good.

After descending to the lower realm, Loki’s character as a god has become much gentler and casual.

In the words of her acquaintance in heaven, she has become a lot more kind.

However, such a casual and carefree Loki has created a friendly atmosphere in her familia.

“It’s my honor~” In this regard, Sirius also chucked joyfully.

The remainder of ‘Quest completed, reward issued’ floating in the lower-left corner of his vision made him feel even better.

“Simon, go and tell everyone the good news. There will be a welcome party tonight. I will take Sirius to complete the ceremony first!”

Loki waved her hands and pulled Sirius to her room to engrave Falna on his back.

At the entrance of the mansion, Simon’s expression went from surprise to speechless, and finally, he couldn’t help but smile helplessly.

“Loki is really… carefree as usual…”

The big thing such as joining her familia was easily decided by her after hearing a few words.

But he can also understand that this has a lot to do with Sirius’s innocence.

If he had joined another familia before, then Loki would not be so easy to talk to. After all, most gods prefer their familia member to be a pure newcomer.

Just like how a guy prefers his wife to be a virgin!

Sirius had never joined another familia before, so the matter of joining her familia is entirely up to Loki’s whim.

It can be said that by the time Sirius and Loki met, this matter was already half concluded.

The welcome party huh…

There was a smile on Simon’s face.

If Sirius’s talent was not noteworthy, then Simon can gloat at his misfortune.

Congratulations, there is a new member of the Loki Familia Gatekeeper Team!

Thinking about it, Simon let out a cheerful laugh.

Chapter 15

Inside Loki's private room,

It is a simple but very comfortable place, with a bed and some chairs, as well as some books and a table.

The bustling scene of the city could be seen through the window, but soon Sirius couldn't watch it because Loki drew the curtains.

A lonely man and a woman alone in the same room with the curtains drawn... It seems like certain conditions have been met~

But in front of him is a goddess with no substantial breasts and buttocks. That's why Sirius didn't have any interest in her, nor does he dare to for the time being.

"Lay down, and take off your shirt! I'm going to start the ceremony."

After closing all the curtains, Loki patted the seat in front of the bed and said.


Without any hesitation, Sirius quickly took off his shirt, revealing his sturdy and attractive upper body.

As far as this matter is concerned, Sirius's physical strength and stature are not bad, but his body looks relatively thin, or um... slender?

When dressed he looks a bit thin, but when undressed he looks unexpectedly masculine.

"Oh? I didn't expect you have such a solid body hidden under the clothes. And here I thought, you were the kind of a gigolo~"

As if surprised by this scene, Loki whispered to herself.

"Well... can you not expose your thoughts? You know, I can hear it!" After hearing this, a '#' mark appeared on his face.

Maybe in Loki's point of view, she was already very quiet when saying this, but now there are only two people in her room, and still so close to each other, so it is very difficult for him to pretend not to hear.

"Pfft~ Sorry, I accidentally said my thoughts. It's my fault, I will whisper in a low voice next time." Loki realized her gaffle and chuckled.

"You mean next time!??"

Loki, who was amused by his behavior, held Sirius back with her hands and began to engrave hieroglyphs, the language of the Gods, on his back.

This is a necessary step in the ritual for a god to bestow his/her divine blessing upon their familia.

After a god engraved their symbol on the back of their familia, they can activate Falna with divine blood. After the completion of the ceremony, the new familia member will be a level 1 adventurer and will have their ability points.

During the engraving process, Loku gradually calmed down and explained some rules of her familia.

"After this ceremony is completed, you will officially become part of my familia. To me, the familia is my family. Do you know what this means? I won't allow any betrayal here, or else every member of my familia will kill you, understand?"

"Well... isn't the contract eternal then? Won't you allow someone to leave your familia?" Sirius asked for her thoughts.

"No, I treat each member of my familia as a real family. So, I will never agree to let them leave unless there's some special circumstance. This is just the way my familia operates, understand?" Loki answered him with a serious tone.

Loki is very picky about her familia members and won't accept someone so easily. But, even so, she won't allow anyone in her familia to betray her trust and leave the familia.

Sirius thought that she accepted him based on a whim but that was not true. Loki has her way of peeking into a person's character.

"Mhm... I understand!"

Speaking of which, the reason why Sirius chose the Loki Familia was not only because of the beautiful girls but also because the atmosphere in the familia is very friendly for newcomers, just like a big family.

Although some people may be a bit awkward, everyone else is tacitly aware of each other's shortcomings, and there is no sinister villain present in the familia.

So, Loki Familia is a good place for early development.


The engraving ceremony was quickly completed by the skilled Loki, and she has already started checking out his stats.

The god's grace, or simply Falna is a catalyst.

A catalyst to unleash the potential hidden deep within a human body.

Falna can quality these potentials in terms of numbers, and let the adventurers slowly unearth them.

And the systematic value generated by Falna is the stats.

It includes basic stats, development abilities, magic, and finally skills.

The level of adventurers indicates the overall level of their strength.

The information about the ability value/stats is the result of long-term verification and analysis by the gods since their descent thousands of years ago.

Therefore, there are still some possibilities hidden beneath a mortal's body that even the gods cannot decipher. And, these possibilities turn into a skill.

Falna can be hidden by some secret method.

Because an adventurer's stats is a secret of an individual and his familia, and they have no obligation to disclose it to the public.

The guild will only publish a small report on an adventurer's levels and their dungeon activity as a record, which will not affect them very much.

"Okay, you are a level 1 adventurer! The basic five abilities are all I0, and the development ability is temporarily unavailable. Well then, let's take a look at your magic and skills~"

The systematic panel of Falna has five modules, which are adventurer level, five basic stats, development ability, magic, and skills.

To find out the talent of a rookie adventurer, one didn't need to take a look at the first three-module because they are all in the initial state. So, magic and skills are the primary focus of attention.

Loki picked up a glass of wine and took a sip to calm down.

'Tsk tsk, it's been a long time since I observed the talent of a newcomer like this. So, am I a bit nervous?' Loki thought thinking like it was some sort of lottery.

After calming down, she stared at the words written on Sirius's back.

"Puff!!!" With just a cursory glance, Loki was shocked and spat out a mouthful of wine, wetting the sheets beside him.

"You're kidding me, right? Loki showed an exaggerated expression and couldn't find any words to describe the situation.

It's as if she has seen a ghost at midday!

'OMG! The talent of this kid is a bit too scary!' Loki thought so while staring at Sirius's back.

"Huh, what the situation?" Sirius who noticed her movement just wanted to turn around but was stopped by Loki with her hand.

"Sirius, don't turn around! Let me take a good look at your stats just to make sure I'm not hallucinating..."

At the same time, she didn't want Sirius to see her current gaffle.

She also needs to maintain her majesty as a god.

Carefully looking at his back again, Loki was much calmer this time. She kept smacking her lips, looking at him as some sort of treasured animal.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... you have some talent, kid! I have to say, I have never seen such a scary mortal in my entire life."

"Can you please write it down then? I also want to see my stats!" Sirius asked speechlessly. He more-or-less knew what she was talking about.

In his life, he hates the type of people who only speak half of the word and leave the rest as a riddle.

Please answer clearly instead of adding a mystery! This is not a mystery novel after all!

"Okay, don't worry! I will translate your stats into a common language for you. But after reading it, don't let too many people know about your skills. Boy, remember to protect your back, this is an important matter!" Loki didn't forget to warn him.

"Okay, I understand." Sirius easily accepted her concerns.

After a while, Loki handed him his translated stat sheet to look at.

[Name:] Sirius Starr

[Level:] Lv1








"The Arrival of Silver Star!"

·Additional Magic

·Light Attribute

·Chant: Illuminate the sky(Orionids)

"Stellar Magic"

·Magic System

·Instant Activation


"Earth Magic"

·Magic System

·Instant Activation



"Stellar Affection"

·Obtain a unique stellar magic system and special additional development ability.

·Blessed by the stars, the growth speed is increased and magical effects are enhanced.

·Double the mental power and doubles it again under the starry sky.

·Able to create and learn stellar magic independently, and have no magical limit.

"Heart Of Gaia"

·Able to manipulate earth's element and obtained a unique earth magic system.

·Blessed by the earth, recover physical and mental strength in contact with the ground.

·Increased strength and durability when entering combat state.

·Able to create and learn earth magic independently, and have no magical limit.


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