Danmachi: Reincarnation With System

Chapter 5: 016-025

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Chapter 16

"You're a monster, kid! The most luxurious newcomer status I've ever seen is that of Riveria with nine magics and two skills."

"But you... although you didn't have a few magic, for the time being, you are not inferior to her at all!"

"Are a rare skill that can create a magic system on its own? It's the first time I've seen such an outrageous skill. And, there's almost no upper limit to the amount of magic, huh?"

Loki looked at the effect of his two rare skills, and couldn't help but smack her lips.

It should be noted that magic in the 'Danmachi' world is divided into innate magic and acquired magic.

Innate magic refers to magic associated with the user's aptitude and race.

It requires the user to undergo training and rituals and use a long chant systematized during ancient times. It is cumbersome and has a fixed growth, and its power is weak compared to magic used by those with a falna.

The acquired magic is a possibility that sprouts through the Falna as a medium, also through self-realization. It is related to the user's interest and their identification with magic.

They don't have a fixed growth tendency and depend entirely on the user for development.

Loki had never seen a situation like Sirius who could create his own magic.

What kind of perverted skill is this? This skill is too strong! In the future, Sirius can become a one-man mage army.

One of his two perverted skills strengthens his spiritual power whereas the other strengthens his physical body, meaning that they complement each other perfectly.

It's just that these two kinds of magic have a very high degree of freedom, and it is up to Sirius himself to develop them.

In the early stage, these two magic will not be of much use, but in the future, they will turn into a formidable abilities.

However, Sirius did not immediately respond to Loki.

All of his attention was focused on the magic "The Arrival of Silver Star!", and suddenly he felt that he understood something...

"Chant: Illuminate the sky, Orionids!"

He understood a little why the increase in favorability between him and the goddess Artemis was so abnormal.

But before Sirius could think more about this topic, Loki, who was behind him, tapped him on the head.

"You kid, what the hell are you thinking about? Are you still distracted in this situation? Don't tell me that you're thinking about a certain beautiful girl, right? Thinking about going back to your hometown and marrying her in the future, huh?"

"Loki-sama, how is that possible? Are you talking nonsense again?"


"Well, I'm sorry, but what nonsense are you talking about?"

Sirius was a bit flustered in his heart because, in a sense, Loki was accurate in her guess.

"Well, forget it then. Remember, if you expose your ability is exposed, it will create a sensation throughout the city. So, pay more attention to yourself in the dungeon."

This is the second time Loki has reminded him about this topic, which shows just how much she values this matter.

There is no doubt that if Sirius's ability/Stats is exposed, there those fun-seeking gods will try their best to win him over to their familia.

Although in terms of familia strength or her ability, Loki was not afraid of those gods.

But she didn't want to have a headache dealing with those troubles as much as possible.

So, Sirius should hide his stats.

"So this is my talent, huh? It's so enviable, hehe..."

Looking at the paper in his hand, Sirius had no other thoughts except joy. He was already planning for his future!

He set a small goal first to upgrade to level 5 within two years. With two buggy skills and additional magic, he can leapfrog his level and challenge strong monsters in the dungeon.

When the time comes, Sirius wanted to see how many lives the monster Antares has to deliver!

He will never allow that monster to devour Artemis!

"You kid, that's a good thing to say!"

Loki patted his head fiercely, but the corner of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

There is doubt that Sirius will grow to be the backbone of her familia in the future.

Not only that, but he may also become the strongest adventurer in Orario. It's not impossible with those two buggy skills after all.

And Loki has a hunch that Sirius will grow even faster than she expected!

A rare growth related skill~

She couldn't predict his development.

"Hah, but it's going to be a bit troublesome now, ah..."

Suddenly, after recovering from the joy brought by her new familia member, Loki couldn't help showing an annoyed look thinking of what was about to happen next.

"Huh? Is there anything wrong?"

"Of course there is! Can't you join a bit earlier, kid! You joined my familia when the rest of my children are preparing to go on an expedition... Now, I have to worry about your first entry into the dungeon."

After saying that, Loki rubbed her scarlet hair in a tangled manner.

Talent does not equal strength. No matter how talented an adventurer is, when they are level 1, it is easy for some accidents to happen when they are so weak.

Therefore, when new adventurers enter the dungeon, there will a senior member of the familia to take care of them. Otherwise, they can form a team with other people through the guild and explore the dungeon together."

And in this regard, a powerful familia has an innate advantage over a weaker one.

Just now, Loki was thinking of which senior member of her familia to send Sirius to for company.

But Loki reacted immediately.

The situation of her familia doesn't seem to allow it at the moment!

All members above level 3 are preparing for the expedition, and they will set off in two days. During this time, it looks like there are no powerful members of the familia to accompany Sirius to the dungeon...

Two days include this day as well...

It means that there is only a single day left, and the day after tomorrow, Loki Familia will go on a dungeon expedition.

A dungeon expedition is a tradition that almost all powerful familias have.

Because the stronger the familia, the more money they spend on all aspects of their life. So they need to organize regular manpower to raid the dungeon every once in a while.

After the expedition, they bring back the magic stones or rare drop items and exchange them for valis to maintain the financial operation of the familia.

Although expeditions have always been accompanied by certain dangers, they also bring out great rewards.

Material resources, high-quality excelia needed to level up, as well as great achievements...

This makes expeditions an indispensable part of a big familia.

Just like the Loki Familia, they basically go on an expedition once a month.

And Sirius happened to join at an awkward time when the Loki Familia was preparing to set off for the expedition of this month.

This means that Loki's idea of assigning a mentor and bodyguard to Sirius failed...

"If it is this problem, then you shouldn't worry too much. I probably have no problem going to the first few floors of the dungeon by myself~" After knowing Loki's troubles, Sirius said.

Before receiving Falna, he could kill some level 1 monsters outside of Orario.

The reason why he was hunted down by the dire wolves, in the final analysis, was a calamity invited by his wrongdoing.

Although monsters outside of Orario are generally weaker than their dungeon counterparts, now Sirius also has Falna, skills, and magic.

This gap in strength can be completely covered up.


After the ceremony was done, Sirius gradually found that his mind was much clearer, his thoughts became faster, and he was vaguely able to perceive the power contained within his body.

To put it bluntly, now he feels like can beat tens of higher-level monsters like goblins, dungeon lizards, etc.

His confidence did not come from the improvement in his five basic stats.

Rather, it comes from magic and skills.

Sirius has three magic and two rare skills.

And, both of the skills have a passive effect. A clear mind is mostly the embodiment of "Stellar Affection", after all his spiritual power is doubled by this skill.

"Heart Of Gaia" may need him to enter into combat for obvious effect. He didn't feel the effect of this skill for the time being because he is not tired or injured in any way.

For magic, he needs to develop these two magic systems on his own, but thankfully there is still functional magic for him to use at the moment.

He could even release the magic now if he wanted to.

After releasing his magic, most of these lower-floor monsters would be down in seconds, so what more to say?

Having powerful magic and two buggy skills, if he can't wreak havoc on the first few floors of the dungeon with such condition, then Sirius thought it would be better for him to go back home and spend the rest of his life farming!

"Oya? Are you so confident?" Loki was surprised to hear his answer and started to persuade him earnestly.

"Boy, let me remind you something! Having a great power is one thing, but whether it can be applied in actual combat is another situation."

"Don't underestimate the dungeon! I've seen many powerful adventurers lose their lives in the dungeon by underestimating it."

"Let's give you an example, there's a timid level 3 adventurer in my familia. But, when she faces powerful monsters in the dungeon, she can't even properly cast her spell~" Loki tried to bring out some examples.

"Well, I get your point! You want me to keep my mind steady and not let the power overwhelm me, right?" Sirius nodded and understood her intention.

If his mindset is not right, then he might make a fatal mistake in the dungeon, which may cost him his life.

Thankfully, his journey before arriving at Orario has somehow polished his mind. Therefore, he won't have such problems.

"Well, it's good for you to understand my intentions."

Loki acted like a teacher and patted Sirius on his shoulders with satisfaction.

"But don't think about other things for today! I will take you to meet other members of my familia. As a newcomer with a bright future, you must have a good relationship with the seniors~"


Sirius had no time to react when Loki dragged him out of her room. There was a confused look on his face.


In the courtyard of Twilight Manor, in a space surrounded by a few garden trees and a little turf, a golden-haired girl sat on the bench. Beside her stood a flattering elf girl with similar hair color who handed her a towel.

"A newcomer to the familia?" After finishing her morning training, Ais was attracted by what the elf girl said.

"Yes, I heard from others that our familia has a new member, and there will a welcome party in the evening."

The timid elf in Loki's words, Lefiya Viridis nodded.

Immediately, she started discussing.

"By the way, Ais-san! I heard that our goddess Loki likes the newcomer very much. So, she must be a girl with good looks and personality!"

Lefiya held her hands on her chest and started gossipping.

Lefiya would misunderstand obviously because Loki's sexual orientation is not normal, and shows a lustful side toward females.

If Loki is fond of the newcomer, then there is only thing possibility that Lefiya can think of!

Therefore, she concluded that the new member of their familia must be a girl with a good personality!

Moreover, Lefiya also had some expectations for it.

"Really?" Ais started at the sky and muttered softly.

Her expressions were flat as usual, making it impossible for others to see her inner thoughts.


In the central tower of Twilight Manor,

"This status... it's right a bit too ridiculous, right?"

The dwarf, Gareth, sat next to the pallum, Finn, looking at the paper laid out in front of them. His unshaven face had an astonished expression after seeing the status of the new member of their familia.

"Indeed, it's unbelievable."

The leader of Loki Familia, Finn Deimne nodded in agreement.

"But it's not something impossible. Things like acquired magic and skills are, to a certain extent, personal miracles. So, it's not surprising for someone with this sort of skill to appear once in a while."

The beautiful jade-colored hair High Elf, Riveria Ljos Alf was also standing beside them. Three of them are the main pillars of Loki Familia.

As the leaders of the familia, they have a certain right to know about the abilities of the members of the family. After all, they can command more easily if they have prior knowledge of all the skills and abilities of the members of their familia.

Sirius had no objection to this since Loki trusted them very much. Therefore, his personal information was quickly sent to their location.

"That's right! This kid is amazing. Judging from my experience, his future is no worse than those human heroes in ancient times. No, maybe he will be stronger than them soon."

Loki caressed Sirius's shoulders, treating him like an exquisite toy, making him a bit uncomfortable.

Seeing the carefree attitude of their goddess, the big three executives of Loki Familia were not at all surprised.

Although Loki's temperament is very different from other people's and has a hidden power sealed within her. Most of the time, she acts like a perverted middle-aged uncle ruining her image.

The perfect face of the goddess envied by many mortals is often ruined by her behaviors. But, she nevertheless feels happy about it.

Sirius could feel that the three of them did not treat Loki as a god but rather as a part of their family.

Thanks to their actions, most members of the familia do not treat Loki as a divine goddess but as a friend and part of their family.

"Hey newbie, can I call you Sirius?" Ignoring the carefree Loki next to him, Finn looked directly at Sirius.

"Well, of course, you can, captain!" Sirius nodded.

"Then Sirius, welcome to Loki Familia! I assure you that your talent will never be buried here." Finn welcomed him.

"Thank you, Captain Finn!" Sirius thanked Finn for his welcome but did not say anything about his determination to become stronger.

Anyone can say big words, but only their actions can prove everything.

"By the way, Finn, see if there is any member above level 3 who can spare some time tomorrow to take Sirius to familiarize himself with the dungeon." After the introduction, Loki asked Finn.

Even if it was only for a day, Loki hoped that someone from her familia can take him to familiarize himself with the dungeon and teach him some precautions in the early days of an adventurer.

It's safer for him to do so rather than reading the adventurer's manual issued by the guild and heading there all along.

Most new adventurers who take their first step into the dungeon will have some accidents because of not having a good understanding of the dungeon.

Never underestimate the dungeon!

As for what Sirius told her before, Loki didn't fully believe in his words. She didn't want a potential superpower of her familia to have an accident due to recklessness.

After hearing Loki's words, Finn was a little stunned then understood her intention.

So, he gave her a reassuring smile and nodded.

"No problem!"

The personality of the three leaders of Loki Familia is all very easy to get along with. So, everyone in Loki Familia likes and respects them.

Therefore, the three of them quickly became acquainted with Sirius after some help from the informal goddess, Loki.

[Braver] Finn Deimne, [Nine Hell] Riveria Ljos Alf, and [Elgarm] Gareth Landrock.

These three are the most powerful member of Loki Familia.

All of them have reached level 6, and their prestige resounds throughout Orario.

Personally, though, Sirius likes to call them the Big Three of Loki Familia.

Because this name is very suitable for them.


Chapter 18

In the evening, the Loki Familia held a grand welcome party for Sirius in the cafeteria area on the second floor.

The canteen area is large enough to accommodate almost all members of the familia. And, as a talented newcomer acknowledged by the big three of Loki familia, Sirius was pushed to the forefront to introduce himself.

"Everyone! Today our Familia has added a new member. Let me introduce him, Serious Star!"

Picking up a wooden wine hug as a microphone, the drunk Loki laughed and introduced Sirius to her familia.

The corners of Sirius's mouth twitched slightly after hearing this.

Who the hell is Serious Star? He wanted to rant...

But after looking at his current location, he stopped himself from complaining. He needed to maintain his image when so many people were looking at him.

Compared to his past life, Sirius has a lot more experience dealing with this kind of onlookers.

"Well, hello everyone. My name is Sirius Starr, I'm glad to join Loki familia. Please give me your advice!" After giving a brief introduction politely, Sirius hurriedly slipped to the side.

Then, Loki naturally took over his place and changed the subject.

The red-haired goddess stepped on a table with a 'bang' noise and made a heroic posture that did not match her identity. Then, she raised her alcohol glass to liven up the atmosphere.

"Okay, boys and girls! To welcome our newcomer, tonight is a banquet! So, have a drink everyone!"

After speaking this, Loki took the lead in cheering under everyone's attention, and then everyone bumped their beer mugs together. The atmosphere in the cafeteria gradually started heating up.

Under the leadership of Loki, the party entered a lively atmosphere.

The noises coming from Twilight Manor could be even heard outside the street.

And even if Sirius tried to maintain a low profile, he still had the fate of being surrounded by many people.

Some of them wanted to introduce themselves and wanted to say hello.

But mostly came to him with a glass of wine and gave it to him as a token of friendship.

"Woo! Wohoooo..."

In a corner of the cafeteria, Simon, who brought Sirius here, was drinking with some tears in his eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, Simon?"

After seeing him cry, the friend next to him couldn't stop himself from asking.

"I'm so jealous of Sirius... His talent was recognized by the goddess as well as the three main executives of the familia. And, here I was thinking that our gatekeeper team would have a new member!"

Simon wiped his tears and complained.

He was looking forward to this all day in vain.

He thought that Sirius would not be talented enough to be taken by the goddess seriously, but who knows that the goddess recognized his talent and even introduced him to the leaders of the familia.

Simon couldn't help but feel a bit sour in jealously thinking about it...

He was self-righteous before.

The clown was him all along!

"This..." After hearing this, the companion next to him didn't know how to comfort him.

'Forget it, let him cry and vent! He'll be fine the next day anyway!' After thinking so, the guy left Simon and walked away.


In another part of the banquet,

Ais looked at Sirius's location, then at Lefiya, and then back at Sirius again...

She repeated this action two or three times, and then the doubts in her eyes turned into affirmation.

"Lefiya..." Ais softly called out his elf companion.

"Wh-what's wrong, Ais-san?" After suddenly being called by her idol, Lefiya was a bit flustered.

"The newcomer is not a girl, but a boy!" Ais said to Lefiya seriously.

"Uh... I know..."

Should she say that it's Ais-san? To be unexpectedly tangled in such a trivial matter?

'But Ais-san with this expression is so cute! Hehe...' The yuri elf started daydreaming again with a smirk on her face.

At this moment, when Sirius saw so many people giving him a drink to say hello, his face turned pale.

To put it bluntly, Sirius has never drunk much alcohol in his two lifetimes. He doesn't like its taste nor has the urge to drink it!

The most he can do is mix some red wine with a cup of sprite and take a sip, thinking that coke is way better than this crap!

So at this kind of banquet, what will happen to an inexperienced Sirius after drinking so many glasses of wine?

Unsurprisingly, the banquet was only halfway through and Sirius collapsed on the floor!

Serius didn't know when he lost his consciousness, but when he woke up, it was already late at night.

No, he's afraid that it's already early in the morning, right?

Sirius struggled to get up and saw a glass of water on the table beside him. There was also a hangover medicine next to the glass. He hurriedly took the medicine and drank the water, feeling a bit better than before.

He thanked whoever was kind enough to carry him back to the bed and leave medicine for his hangover, and then glanced at his surrounding.

Unfamiliar ceiling, unfamiliar room, bed sheets, and bedding are all new, apparently brand-new.

After realizing this, he laid down again and sighed.

If his guess is correct, then this will be his private room from now on, right?

"It feels completely different from that of a hotel..."

Even though the decoration of the room is simple and the area is not very large, it still gives him a reassuring feeling.

Now, he can understand why so many people in his previous life wanted to buy a house even if they have to take some heavy loans.

A personal home gives one peace of mind after all...

Putting hands behind his head, Sirius mentally clicked on his system. And, a game menu unfolded in front of his vision. He wanted to check the status of his quest.

[Quest Completed: Join a Familia!]

[Adventurer level: Lv1]

[Next Quest: Raise your adventurer level to Lv2]

[Reward: Skill - Astral Guidance]


"Is my main quest updated? Reaching level 2 huh? So, does that mean every time I level up, there may be some corresponding rewards?" Sirius guessed his system operation.

Well, this is his initial thinking. After all, most games have this type of routine.

Of course, this is just his guess. He can't verify it.

The reward skill of 'Astral Guidance' made him a bit curious. But before completing the mission, he wouldn't be able to know the details information about the skill.

"So, what I need to do next is keep on getting stronger. After all, in this Labyrinth City, strength is everything..." After thinking like this, Sirius turned his gaze away from the ceiling and looked outside the window.

There is a night sky outside the window without any visible clouds. The stars were twinkling in the sky, and he somehow felt relieved looking at them.

Although he can only see a corner of the sky from the window, it is still bright and beautiful enough.

Sirius stared at the dazzling stars in the sky, and his mind suddenly became a lot clearer and lighter.

His pair of deep blue eyes dimmed slightly and turned into a faint blue luster, with the star glitter flowing in them, shining brightly.

After a while, Sirius remembered the effect of one of his skills.

"Stellar Affection" - Double the mental power and doubles it again under the starry sky.

To put it simply, whenever he is under the exposed starry sky, his mental strength will quadruple.

Now that this condition is met, Sirius's mental power has been doubled temporarily.

Although he only received his Falna today, the current Sirius, with just his powerful spiritual strength can surpass most of the ordinary level 2 mages and wizards with the blessing of his skill.

"But this will make me even less sleepy..."

After finding that his mind was full of clear thoughts, Sirius's tone was a bit helpless.

This skill is essential for staying up late.


Chapter 19

After having nothing to do, Sirius remembered his two magics that were still blank for the time being.

So, taking advantage of his free time, he started to study and do some research.

These two magics require Sirius to think extensively about their development.

If this is compared to a game, he has a specific GM authority to design skills for himself.

But a crucial point to note, the strength of the magic depends mainly on the output of mana.

He wanted to say that with more mana capacity, he can use powerful stellar and earth element magic.

But with his current pitiful strength of level 1, he can't even release a simple shock wave and project a stone bullet with considerable force.

No matter how strong magic is, it becomes obsolete in the absence of mana.

Sirius also thought of developing some powerful abilities like Chibaku Tensei for his earth-based magic. Still, he gave up after thinking he could not output such a powerful spell.

However, he still has a rough plan for the development direction of two magic systems he owns.

His stellar magic should be based on astrology. With astral knowledge, he can quickly develop some way to control celestial bodies in space.

In this regard, he chose to use Jellal Fernandes from 'Fairy Tail' as the template for Stellar magic because Jellal's Heavenly Body Magic is very powerful and has potential for development.

As for earth-based magic, he directly copied Zhongli's template from Genshin Impact.

After all, nothing is more suitable than Zhongli's shield during a weak novice period.

And in the dungeon full of powerful monsters, only a reliable shield can make him at ease!

After calming down his excitement, Sirius began to think about how to develop his two magic.

And before he knew it, it was already morning.

The morning sunlight sipped through his window and brightly illuminated the room, making him realize the time.

Sirius squinted his eyes and blocked the morning light with his hands. Afterward, he slowly stood up and went to take a shower.

During communication with the trio-senior, they said someone would join him tomorrow and lead him to the guild for registration. That person will also accompany him inside the dungeon as a guide.

So, he didn't want to be late.

Sirius also noticed a change of clothes beside the bathroom.

He is sure that the person who brought him to his room was very thoughtful.

Sirius wanted to hug that person as thanks.

Although he was unsure how that person managed to find his exact size...

After changing clothes, he walked out of his room and fumbled into the canteen on the second floor. This place was the place of his last memory, after all.

After going inside the kitchen and asking for breakfast, Sirius found an empty seat in the corner and prepared to enjoy his meal slowly.

He couldn't help but notice some people who came to the cafeteria early in the morning with a glass of wine.

Sirius couldn't understand why some people would want to drink alcohol so early.

Loki familia has a habit of eating together. So, many people are crowded in the canteen during breakfast and dinner.

At this time, it takes a lot of effort to find an empty seat.

As soon as Sirius sat down, the person sitting next to his seat immediately noticed his presence.

"Yo, newcomer, good morning!" The senior greeted him. He has short, spiky black hair and brown eyes and is wearing a long-sleeved black top, large brown gloves, light-colored pants, brown boots, and armor protecting his chest.

"Good morning!" Serius also returned the greetings.

"So, newbie, let me introduce myself. I'm Raul Nord, a level 4 senior member of the familia." Raul gave a brief introduction.

"Well, I'm Sirius Starr, a newcomer! Pleased to meet you, senior!" Sirius also introduced himself.

"Hehe, don't be so formal. Just call me Raul!" Raul asked him to drop the formalities.

"Well, Raul, you can also call me by my name. I also don't like formalities." Sirius quickly agreed to his request and asked the same.

Raul Nord is a senior member of the Loki Familia. Finn recognizes him to be a respectable adventurer and considers him to potentially be the next captain if no suitable person is found.

As a level 4 adventurer, he should not pay much attention to a newcomer like Sirius. Therefore, Sirius was confused about his intention.

Raul noticed his confusion and immediately explained his purpose.

"Yesterday, the captain asked me to take care of you and lead you to the guild for registration. I will also accompany you on your first dungeon trip. My preparations for the next expedition are done, so I'm free to accompany you today."

"Oh, so that's the case. Thank you, Raul!" Sirius gratefully thanked Raul.

"No need to thank me, after all, now you are a part of our familia. Since the captain is very optimistic about you, I will also do my best as a guide! So come on, newcomer! Let's get along with each other!"

Raul took a bite of his bread and encouraged him with a bright smile.

His friendly act and spiky head made Sirius feel good.

After all, it was a wise choice for him to join Loki Familia.

Sirius and Raul chatted with each while having their breakfast and quickly became acquainted.

In many cases, the friendship between two men often begins simply by eating together, playing games, or talking about girls.

And before you know it, both treat each other as bros.

On the plus side, Raul and Sirius are members of the same familia, so they didn't have to worry about betrayal.

After finishing their meal, Raul led Sirius to pass through the family residence.

"Sirius, you don't have any good equipment right? Before heading to the guild and entering the dungeon, why don't we go to the family's warehouse and pick you some handy piece of equipment?"

"After all weapon and armor are very important for adventurers, no matter novice or professional."

On the way, Raul told him some of his thoughts.

Soon, under the leadership of spiky-head senior, they came to the familia's storehouse.

After slowly pushing the door of the warehouse, they entered inside.

Sirius found all kinds of weapons and equipment inside the warehouse.

As an exploration-type familia, Loki Familia has a large consumption of weapons and supplies.

Therefore the familia spends a large amount of money on equipment every month, often replacing good one with a better one.

But, those old equipment are still good enough for usage, and it would be a pity to discard them. Therefore, they are stored and stockpiled in the warehouse.

These weapons and equipment are often counted as familia reserves.

Whether training or for weaker members, the number of these reserves gradually accumulates a lot in the warehouse.

There is also some logistics personnel responsible for the maintenance of these weapons.

The storehouse in front of Sirius is where reserve weapons and equipment are kept.

"Well then, let's talk about what type of weapon you need, Sirius? I'll get you one." Raul asked him for his opinion.

"I prefer a long spear. I have been practicing it since I was a child." Sirius truthfully answered.

His grandfather was an experienced hunter and taught him many combat and hunting skills.

Perhaps advocating the principle that a sharp spear needs no polish, the older man preferred a spear instead of the standard sword as a weapon.

Whether Sirius or his father, they all learned spear arts from the older adult.

Therefore, all three generations of the Starr family are skilled spearmen.

And because of his innate talent, the youngest Sirius is the most powerful one among the trio.

"Long spear, huh? It's cool for you to use the same type of weapon as the regiment commander. Every time I see captain Finn wielding his spear in battle, it's so cool and handsome. But unfortunately, I use a sword instead of a spear~"

With a sigh, Raul familiarly walked around the warehouse.

After some time, Sirius walked out of the warehouse wearing fine light armor and carrying a silver-gray spear.

The spear is two meters long and made up of unique light-weighted materials. The pointed end of the spear shimmered with a cold light, highlighting its sharpness.

According to Raul, this spear was a backup weapon for captain Finn. But he got a chance to use it.

Because not long after this weapon was made, Finn got his hands on top-level equipment, which is the [Bravestrike] Fortia Spear he uses currently.

So this weapon was almost useless for him. And there are not many spearmen in Loki familia. That's why it was stored in the warehouse for many years~

Now, this weapon can finally get out of the cage and fulfill its destiny in the hands of Sirius. It is an excellent piece of equipment for a novice adventurer.

Sirius put the spear in a particular container for carrying a long weapon and held it on his back, walking side by side with Raul, carrying a supporter's backpack.

After passing through the red bricks-paved courtyard, they left the gate under the complicated gaze of the gatekeepers and headed straight to the northwest street.

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Chapter 20

Sirius and Raul weaved through the crowd on the avenues full of people from various races.

Early in the morning is the best time for most adventurers to begin their journey.

In terms of his previous life, if the dungeon is a company, adventurers are the workers arriving early for check-in.

Humans, dwarves, elves, pallums, cat people, chienthropes, etc. Many adventurers of various races walked on the streets equipped with dangerous weapons and gears.

Some conspicuous supporters carried huge backpacks and shuttled through the streets.

Sirius revisited the guild headquarters, which operates and manages dungeon-related activities.

It was early in the morning, and many adventurers were lined in front of the reception. And every service window had a guild staff present.

Sirius looked around for a familiar half-elf from yesterday.

After noticing her, Sirius asked Raul to wait, came to a service window, and lined up.

After some time, it was finally his turn.

“Next, please! Guest, what help do you need?”

The beautiful half-elf, Eina Tulle, held a pamphlet in one hand and a pen in another, had a professional smile and spoke out habitually.

“Please register me as an adventurer, Miss Eina!” Sirius smiled and politely said.

After hearing a familiar voice, Eina turned around and met gazes with Sirius.

“Oh, it’s you, Sirius! Congratulations on joining the Loki familia!” Eina looked at his current appearance and easily guessed the reason for his arrival.

Perhaps because she was personally involved in this matter, Eina was pleased to see the boy’s success.

“It was thanks to your help, miss Eina, that I was able to smoothly join Loki familia~”

Should this be called flattery?

The two talked to each other regarding this matter. Soon, Eina began to go through some procedures for registering a new adventurer.

“Speaking of which, Sirius, do you need a dungeon advisor?” While filling out the forms, Eina suddenly asked.

There are many instances of adventurers dying in the dungeon because they didn’t prepare enough in advance.

The guild often assigns an advisor to a rookie adventurer to quickly get started.

However, it also depends on the situation.

If a newcomer is like Sirius, coming from a powerful familia, they may not need an advisor.

In the end, this kind of thing depends entirely on the adventurer's wish!

“Dungeon advisor?”

The sudden question stunned Sirius, then he thought for a while.

He wanted to reject it, but then he thought about his familia’s situation.

Tomorrow, the Loki familia will go out on a dungeon expedition. So, there won’t be a strong senior to guide him in the manor.

Sirius is strong for a newcomer, but he needs to be more cautious in the novice period.

After all, he didn’t want to lose his life in the dungeon due to some recklessness.

Hence, having prior information about the dungeon is a must.

So, it is a good idea to find a guild advisor.

“Only if you agree to be my advisor, miss Eina! I can’t trust anyone other than you in the guild!” Sirius soon gave her the answer.

“Really? But I haven’t done this type of thing before.” Eina lacked confidence.

“I’m sure! You’re the only choice for me!” Sirius nodded confidently.

Who wouldn’t want to have a beautiful half-elf clerk as his advisor?

“Well, alright then! I can squeeze out some time for you. Come see me when you are free, Sirius!” After saying this, Eina quickly helped him go through the formalities.

A few minutes later, Sirius successfully registered as a new adventurer in the guild.

“Well, I’m a bit busy at the moment, so see you later, Sirius!” After saying goodbye, Eina quickly left him.

Sirius also went back to the place Raul was waiting for him. He was holding an adventurers’ handbook.

“Sorry to keep you waiting!” Sirius quickly apologized for the wait.

Raul shook his head, “I only waited for a while, so it’s nothing. Anyway, are you done registering?”

“Well yeah, I’m a noobie adventurer now!” Sirius answered.

“Noobie?” Raul didn’t know this term.

“Well it means a newcomer, it’s just an informal way of saying.” Sirius briefly explained the term.

“Nice to know then~”

After saying this, they walked out of the guild and headed toward the dungeon entrance.

“Speaking of which, Sirius, did you accept an advisor?” While walking, Raul suddenly asked him a question.

“Yeah, I did. Is there any problem, Raul?” Sirius looked at him curiously.

“Well, it’s no big deal. And, you should accept a guild advisor. After all, starting tomorrow most of us will go on a dungeon expedition. So, you can ask your advisor for dungeon-related questions in our absence.” Raul stated his thoughts.

“Well, it’s better for me this way. After all, I have a beautiful half-elf as an advisor.” Sirius was relieved to hear his words.

“Hehe, did you find a girl so soon, and a half-elf on top of that? I didn’t expect my brother to move so fast!” Raul teased him with a meaningful smirk.

“No, it’s a misunderstanding. We only met for the second time after all.” Sirius tried to explain but only received a teasing glance.

After chit-chat, they reached the dungeon entrance and entered inside.

The entrance to the dungeon is on the first underground floor of Babel. A ten-meter-long hole in the center of the room leads straight into the dungeon.

Within the circular room are multiple columns at equal intervals. Above is a beautiful azure painting of the sky that resembles the real sky.

Along the circle are gentle stairs that spiral down into the dungeon.

On the first floor of the dungeon,

The walls and ceilings are light blue colored, occupying the entire view.

There is also a broad hallway on the 1st Floor known as the Beginning Road.

Walking along the hallway, Sirius, who had taken out his weapon from the back and put it in his hand, entered a state of combat readiness.

On the other hand, Raul strolled beside him with a calm expression.

He walked with ease and listed a series of precautions inside the dungeon.

Such as the types of monsters available on the upper floors, their weaknesses, finding the way between floors, etc.

The ceiling above ground emits a faint light in a narrow hallway, illuminating the way.

The surrounding atmosphere is very dull and silent, making it clear that this place belongs to an area without biological activity.

Or not yet…

Crack… Crack… Crack…

It didn’t take too long before the wall in front of Sirius burst into cracks and made some cracking noises.

Dark red energy seeped through the dungeon, manifesting itself into an entity. Like a chick piercing an eggshell, a monster crawled out of the wall…




Three goblins with dark-green skin and long pointed ears emerged out of the wall with an unpleasant roar.

For some reason, goblins are born with a wooden stick as a weapon.

It was a solid wooden stick almost the size of their body, and a single blow could injure a low-leveled adventurer.

Soon, they noticed the presence of two humans and rushed there with an angry expression.

They rushed in front of Sirius and Raul with eerie glowing scarlet eyes, waving the stick in their hand.

After seeing this scene, Raul tried to observe Sirius’s expression. He didn’t know whether the blond-haired youth had any experience dealing with monsters.

He was thinking about whether to remind the boy or not.

However, he quickly dismissed the idea because he couldn’t find a single trace of panic in the youth’s face in the face of the monster’s attack.

But instead, the blond lad had a calm expression.

Tread… Tap… Tread… Tap…

Cluttered footsteps resounded through the hallway as the three goblins quickly approached them.

Sirius held the silver-gray spear in his right hand and quickly sprinted forward, meeting the three monsters head-on.

In an instant, he drew out his spear and headed straight to the goblin in the middle.

Cold light flickered at the tip of his spear; it had already come to the front of a goblin.


The spear's tip sank directly into the goblin’s head in a face-to-face situation, killing it instantly.

When the other two goblins saw their companion killed so quickly, their movement paused.

Sirius quickly noticed their movement and hurriedly retracted the spear.

Then, he twisted his waist, knocked out a goblin with the spear handle, and turned around and stabbed the throat of the other goblin with the spearhead!


His fast and accurate movement quickly tore apart the goblin's throat.

With a burst of black smoke, two small magic stones emitting violet-blue light fell to the ground.

Sirius did not rush to pick up the items but turned around and delivered a fatal blow to the remaining goblin.


The three goblins disintegrated into ashes in less than half a minute and dropped three magic stones on the ground.

After quickly surveying his surroundings and finding no other enemy nearby, Sirius picked up the dropped items on the ground.

Chapter 21

After killing a monster, they will dissipate into black ashes and drop their ‘core.’

You are reading story Danmachi: Reincarnation With System at novel35.com

The ‘core’ is called a magic stone.

Monsters rely on these crystals to survive, which are the amalgamation of energy from the dungeon.

These crystals contain incredible power, and as long as one presents them to the guild, they can exchange them for valis.

Therefore, these magic stones are the primary source of income for many adventurers.

“Tsk, what a small magic stone….”

Sirius looked at the three tiny purple-blue crystals the size of a fingernail in his hand, and his tone was a bit disappointed.

“To be more precise, these are only fragments. Most magic stones dropped by monsters on upper floors are of this size. These three crystals can be exchanged in the guild for about three hundred valis!”

Raul appeared beside him and revealed the approximate value of the three magic stones.

So, he indirectly revealed the value of a fragment to be worth a hundred valis.

In Orario, the cheapest and most affordable potato puffs cost 30 valis. So, one can buy 10 potato puffs with these crystals.

As for expensive places like Hostess of Fertility, you can only buy a cheap drink for this amount.

“Heh! So they are only worth 300 valis. Even a dog won’t pick them up if it falls to the ground….”

Although he said that, Sirius still picked them up honestly and put them in a small satchel attached to his waist.

“Hey… Didn’t you say that even a dog won’t pick them up?” Raul looked at his shameful behavior and complained.

“I’m not talking about these magic stones, only 300 valis. After all, I spent a lot of effort to beat the goblins, and these three crystals are the rewards of my first battle in the dungeon.” While answering, Sirius sounded a bit righteous.

“...” Raul was speechless.

Forgive him for thinking crookedly, but Raul didn’t see any effort in the previous battle.

In just about three of four moves, all goblins were eliminated.

So, swinging the spear three or four times counts as hard work?

If other adventurers heard Sirius’s definition of hard work, they would definitely beat him up in anger.

After all, even staying on the upper floors is dangerous for most newcomers.

But after seeing the battle, Raul had a rough estimation of Sirius’s strength.

According to him, monsters on the first four floors are probably not a match for Sirius.

And it looks like this is not the first time Sirius has fought a monster. He looked way too calm for a newcomer.

He thought about the news that the captain revealed to him; Sirius awakened his magic.

Raul has an inexplicable hunch that he may only act as a supporter behind Serius today.

It’s the tool guy who follows behind a powerful adventurer and picks up all the magic stones and dropped items without getting any payment.

Well, Raul’s intuition may be accurate after all!

After his first battle, Sirius received some kind of attention from the dungeon.

Therefore, every time a forked way arrives, they are greeted by more than one monster.

But, these monsters posed no threat to them.

Sirius has good combat skills and experience and good weapons and equipment.

Even if he received falna yesterday, there was no pressure for him to face these canon fodders in the dungeon.

After a while, the two came to the second-floor entrance unimpeded.

“Next is the second floor. Do you want to go in?” Raul didn’t forget to ask for his opinion.

“Of course! Is there any need to ask?” Sirius gave him an instant reply.

Entering the dungeon for the first time and feeling the improvement of strength brought by the falna, Sirius was filled with double the excitement.

And before venting all this excitement out in battle, he won’t leave the dungeon today.

The second floor was similar to the first one. An endless and intricate labyrinth with uniform and dull, continuous space.

However, both of them noticed a difference soon. The frequency of the monster’s appearance on the second floor was increased.

In the dungeon, the types of monsters born from the walls of each floor are usually pre-determined.

Some monsters may climb up and down the floor entrance in rare cases. But there are not many special situations like this.

So, the dungeon usually has a rule that the lower the floor, the stronger the monsters.

And the number and frequency of monsters vary according to the dungeon's depth.

The further deep you explore, the higher the frequency of monsters.

On the second floor, Sirius’s first battle was with six kobolds.

Kobold is a dog-headed monster about a height of 1.5 meters.

Without any weapons, sharp claws are their best tool for battle.


After looking at the newly born kobolds, Sirius chose to take the initiative in battle.

He sprang out from the ground and shot his spear at the two nearby kobolds.

And he quickly stepped out of the ground and added the necessary force to the spear’s handle, forcing the tip to swing mid-air!

The sharp tip of the spear easily penetrated the bodies of two kobolds, disintegrating them into black ashes.


Then, without wasting any more time, Sirius quickly jumped back off his place and retreated to some distance.

The next moment, his previous position was attacked by the remaining four kobolds. Their sharp claws quickly tore through the ground.


The monsters roared in irritation.

As an adventurer, or in other words, any profession related to the dungeon, they should have an apparent self-consciousness during the battle.

-The attacks that can be avoided should never be taken forcibly.

Maybe Sirius can just turn around and sweep two more kobolds with his next strike, but is that necessary?

He may risk getting injured by recklessness!

A dungeon is where even a little carelessness can kill him.

After dodging the attack, Sirius quickly sprinted forward and waved the spear's tip at another two kobolds nearby.

There were two more piles of disintegrating black ashes on the ground.


Most dungeon-born monsters do not know the danger and escape.

So the remaining two kobolds didn’t hesitate to hurry toward Sirius, swinging their sharp claws like suicide warriors.

Sirius hesitated and allowed the Kobolds to approach him with some consideration.

As the distance shortened, he could see the faces of two monsters burst into hideous smiles, thinking that they could send this hateful human to their ‘mother.’

“Center of Earth!” [PS: This sounds better than saying Dominus Lapidis.]


In front of Sirius, a huge rock pillar instantly rose from the ground.

The sudden appearance of the geo pillar sent the two approaching kobolds flying into the air.

At the same time, the rock pillar started emitting shockwaves into the ground, causing heavy damage to the fallen kobolds.

The two remaining kobolds were slammed into the surrounding walls and imprinted there.

Smashed to smithereens! This sentence can’t be any more accurate in this regard.

The bodies of the last two kobolds disintegrated into black ashes, and they dropped two small fragments of magic stones.

After following behind Sirius, Raul’s predictions soon came true.

At this moment, he is cleaning the battlefield like a skillful supporter behind a powerful adventurer.

He chatted with Sirius while fulfilling his duty as a supporter.

“That was amazing, Sirius! Is that your magic!? Suddenly, a huge earth pillar appeared out of nowhere and smashed those kobolds into the walls.”

“I’m so envious of you! Magic…They are powerful and handsome! I also want to have this type of miraculous power….” Raul said enviously.

As a ‘higher-leveled’ adventurer from Loki familia, Raul was very envious of those with magic.

Chapter 22

Raul Nord has the alias ‘High Novice.’

However, his abilities are not extraordinary at all. It can even be said that all of his powers are very common.

Not a single skill, and not even magic.

Only his base stats have been raised to level 4.

It may be rude, but Raul may gain any advantage other than experience while facing a level 4 adventurer of the same rank due to his lack of skill and magic.

In terms of game terms, he is just a high-level training puppet.

Most girls in the ‘Hostess of Fertility’ tavern can easily defeat him.

After all, in that pub, except for Syr Flova, the average per capita strength of others is level 4 and very strong at the same level.

Therefore looking at it this way, it’s no surprise that Raul is envious of Sirius for having magic.

However, Sirius did not know how to reply, seeing his envy.

Because anything he says will just count as a show-off.

Raul also noticed his entanglement and tried changing the topic.

“Speaking of which, what is this yellow barrier around you, Sirius? This looks like a guard, right?”

After putting away the fallen magic stones, Raul came to Sirius’s side. He tried poking the bright yellow barrier around the boy curiously.

“You’re right, Raul. This is a geo shield, an extra effect of my previous magic. It can be active for a period of time and help me resist some damage.” Sirius explained in simple terms.

Morax’s pillar and shield were something Sirius had tinkered with last night.

After some reference, he barely managed to complete this magic.

Raising rock pillars was very easy with his ability to control the geo elements.

The tricky part of this magic was to create a shockwave and add a shield effect simultaneously.

The shield is not limited to himself. Sirius can also add a geo shield to his teammates.

The criteria for judging who to apply for is based on Sirius’s recognition.

“Wow, can you attack as well as defend? It’s amazing! I’m even more envious of you….” The tool guy Raul once again expressed his envy.

Afterward, it was a dull grinding period.

Find some monsters, kill them, pick up the dropped items, then repeat…

Summing up, life in the dungeon meets new monsters and kills them for some rewards.

Maybe some people like the thrill of adventures and getting rich from rewards.

But, for most other adventurers, what the dungeon brings to them is a never-ending danger for survival.

Many adventurers hover on the edge of the danger zone inside the dungeon.

After stepping into the fourth floor, the monsters began to drop complete magic stones.

Although small in size, it is still better than the fingernail-sized fragments found on the first three floors.

In addition to the magic stones, Sirius and Raul also gained a lot of ‘drop items.’

‘Drop items’ are the materials that will not disappear even after the monster dies.

Most of them are part of the monster’s body, and their chance of appearance is minimal.

These materials, without exception, are rare items that can be used for various purposes like forging weapons and equipment, pharmaceutical medicines, and even making some magic items.

Hence, drop items are beloved by the craftsmen in Orario, and their price is not low.

“Is it just my delusion? How do I feel that chance of drop items is a lot higher today?”

Raul muttered while picking up another drop item. He was bewildered about their situation.

In the past, whenever he entered the dungeon, the number of drop items collected was only single digits.

But, after accompanying Sirius, they haven’t even reached the end of their expedition. The numbers of dropped items have already filled a grid in the backpack.

Inside of a supporter’s backpack is divided into various layers.

After all, it is impossible to cram everything into a single bag without proper management.

Potions, magic stones, dropped items, spare weapons, etc., are all strictly placed in different areas.

Otherwise, it won’t be funny if one can’t find the necessary item in an emergency.

They won’t even live to tell their tales in such a situation!

“Really? I don’t feel anything strange!”

After killing another batch of monsters, Sirius looked at Raul suspiciously. He had no idea about this situation. After all, it was his first time in the dungeon.

They were already on the sixth floor, and the number and frequency of monsters had significantly increased.

But fortunately, it is still within their tolerable range.

During the battle, Sirius’s use of the skill ‘Heart Of Gaia’ becomes more and more proficient.

"Heart Of Gaia"

·Blessed by the earth, recover physical and mental strength in contact with the ground.

·Increased strength and durability when entering combat state.

Every time he fights, he can clearly feel the improvement in his strength.

As for self-recovery of physical and mental strength? Sirius had no words to describe it.

It’s similar to soaking in a hot spring and feeling warm and comfortable.

“Sirius, are you sure this is your first time in the dungeon? Why do I feel like you’re lying?” Raul asked him suspiciously.

“...Well, I don’t know what to say….” Sirius didn’t know how to reply.

“Nevermind then! If I remember right, we should almost be near the entrance of the seventh floor. How about it? Do you want to take a look inside?”

After seeing the strength of Sirius, Raul, who was originally planning to end the expedition, suddenly asked.

“Eh? I thought you would say something stubborn like, ‘That’s it for today, let’s explore deeper levels next time’ or something similar to this, Raul!” Sirius was surprised to hear this proposal and teased the spiky-head senior.

“Well… I don’t know why but I undoubtedly sensed a bit of malice in your words. Is it just my illusion?” Raul looked at Sirius suspiciously, trying to find something from his expression.

“Hehe, it’s just an illusion~ How can I slander my senior? Isn’t that right, Raul?” Sirius shook his head with a dry laugh and retorted.

“...” Raul just gave him a deadpan expression.

After talking for a while, the two quickly reached the end of the sixth floor.


When they reached the entrance of the seventh floor, the walls cracked again, giving birth to new monsters.

Maybe this is the dungeon’s unique way of greeting them to the seventh floor?

One after another, hideous monsters emerged out of the wall.

The monster was a red ant monster with four legs and two arms.

It was very different from an ordinary ant because its size was almost the same as a human. It had a slender waist and stood upright.

They all had angry red eyes staring in their direction!


Chapter 23

There was some rustling friction of earth, the walls transformed to a light green color, and the dungeon's structure began to change.

They are standing in a place similar to a cave, with a square-sized open space in the middle.


One after another, scalp-tingling monsters appeared out of the walls. This scene gave Sirius some creeps. The large swamp of ant-like monsters would probably frighten a person with insect-phobia.

These monsters are called killer ants; they are large red monsters with four legs and two arms.

A killer ant has a hard shell and high attack and can use pheromones to attract companions in a pinch.

Along with War Shadow, they are known as a “newbie killer” for slaying a lot of newcomers.

So, it is very tricky for a newbie adventurer to deal with them.

Before they can break the monster’s defense, it is easy for the adventurer to get hurt by the claws.

Newcomers, who are used to fighting weaker monsters on the lower floor, often end up being killed by killer ants because of underestimation or lack of sufficient preparation.

“This is bad… this number….”

Raul was dumbfounded, looking at more than 20 ant-like monsters emerging from the dungeon wall. He never expected the situation to get so bad so quickly.

This number is almost close to the size of a small “monster feast.”

Raul’s eyes twitched in annoyance after encountering such an unfortunate event in front of the seventh-floor entrance.

“Monster Feast” refers to a phenomenon, usually forming from the tenth floor, where many monsters appear in a specific space in a short period.

[A/N: It is called a monster feast, right? Please correct me if I’m wrong.]

Once this happens, the aforementioned place will be filled with many monsters in a short time.

This is the usual way for the dungeon to deal fatal damage to the tired and exhausted adventurers.

Although they are only at the entrance of the seventh floor, 20 killer ants are not something to be trifled with.

What’s more, these ant-like monsters can call for help.

Although they do not issue a loud sound or anything, a killer ant can send a distress signal by releasing a scent similar to pheromones in times of crisis.

For rookie adventurers, this is undoubtedly a significant challenge. They have no way to deal with such many killer ants.

Initially, Raul wanted to bring Sirius to have a good look at the unique characteristic monster of the seventh floor- killer ants.

He wanted to make Sirius suffer from setbacks at the hand of the killer ants.

But, they hadn’t even had the time to enter inside when a large swarm of killer ants surrounded them.

“Sirius, retreat or stay? The stairs leading to the sixth floor are behind us, so what do you say…?” Raul put his hand on the hilt and asked.

He was just a bit concerned about their situation, not too worried.

After all, why do their seniors often accompany newcomers of powerful familia into the dungeon?

This is to prevent such accidents in the dungeon, resulting in the newcomer's unfortunate death.

If Sirius chose to turn back and retreat, that would be the best course of action.

However, it is also possible for him to stay and challenge the monsters head-on.

An adventurer can only get stronger by challenging themselves!

After all, there is a level 4 adventurer behind Serius in terms of safety.

If there is no external help, an increase in the adventurer’s level brings absolute suppression to a lower level.

Not to mention twenty killer ants. Even if they appear twice the number, Raul has no significant threat.

“Of course, stay….” Sirius replied without any hesitation. How could he miss such a good challenge!

Raul froze after hearing this reply and couldn’t help but curse. He somehow expected this answer but still couldn’t hide his surprise.

“What the hell are you thinking about?” Raul was confused but still got ready for combat. He didn’t want Sirius to have an accident.

“Well, I have another magic trick, brother Raul! So, I wanted to try it out now. What do you think?” After saying this, Sirius held his spear and took a stance.

When Raul heard this, he couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

A newcomer awakened two magic just after obtaining the falna???

‘It’s no wonder that captain Finn asked me to protect him.’ Raul realized his captain’s intention. But, he couldn’t help feeling a bit sour in envy.

Sirius didn’t know anything about Raul’s mood. There was no time for him to focus on trivial matters.

He took a deep breath and tried to feel the energy inside his body.

Then, he concentrated and sang a chant to release his magic!

“Illuminate the sky(Orionids)!!”

After Sirius finished the chant, mana lifted from its shackles within his body.


Suddenly, a star-like brilliance bloomed under his feet, shrouding his entire body in the glittering light.

But, the intense light only lasted for a second and soon dissipated, turning into sparkling starlight around him.

Sirius felt the increase in his strength due to magic.

A silvery-blue aura surrounded his body.

His blond hair was dyed with distinctive silver coloration and rose up in the absence of wind.

Serius’s clear blue pupils also flickered with some distinctive brilliance. (PS: Somewhat similar to Goku’s Ultra Instinct)

An overwhelming sense of power occupied his entire body, making him addicted.

Then, he soon regained his senses and tried to understand the effect of his magic.

His magic also has the effect of enhancement!

By blessing his weapon and the body with the magic, he can temporarily increase their strength, speed, and physical prowess.

Sirius concluded that his magic was scarce and powerful after looking at this effect.

There are various ways for him to develop and use this magic.

What he is doing now is directly covering his entire body with the magic, which is crude and wasteful.

“But it’s enough for now….”

Sirius clenched his silver-grey spear and summoned a faint-blue flame on the tip, distorting the surrounding atmosphere due to the high temperature.

His magic also has the effect of summoning stellar flame, which is very high in temperature and has an additional light attribute.

When the killer ants saw the human in front of them summon such a terrifying flame, their bodies started trembling instinctively.

Although Killer ants have low intelligence, that does not mean their instinct is unreliable.

They feel that if this flame befalls them, they will die instantly.

Even so, the killer ants didn’t mean to retreat. The simple-minded monsters who had no awe for dangers kept staring at Sirius.

Some of them even started making some noises. They released pheromones as a distress signal, hoping that more of their species would arrive for help.

The killer ants instinctively reached the best conclusion in the face of danger.

“Sirius, they are calling for help!” Raul was very familiar with killer ants and instantly understood their intention.

“Well, I see….” Sirius nodded.

He understood Raul’s intention.

He needs to quickly deal with them before their help arrives!

Raul would also do the same if he was in Sirius’s position.

His magic is strong, but it has significant physical and mental consumption equally.

The recovery effect of the skill “Heart Of Gaia” is not enough to cover up such a massive drain of energy.

“...I’ll handle them!”

After saying this, Sirius felt excited in front of the challenge.

He felt the overwhelming magical power spreading throughout his body and looked at his enemies.

“This is a moment for me to shine!”

Sirius grinned and pointed the tip of his spear at the swarm of killer ants and quickly found a spot where they were most concentrated.

He quickly sprinted, and the ground beneath him exploded, setting off a gust of wind.

His spear carried the momentum of a meteor strike! It had the intention to piece through his enemies!

After he was some distance from the killer ants, Sirius threw the spear with all his might.


A loud noise resounded throughout the passageway, and an ethereal blue radiance ravaged the passage, illuminating the place.

The silver-white brilliance almost occupied the whole area and spread out some faint blue flames here and there.

The strong impact even made the walls of the dungeon start to crumble.

Raul stood near the stairway, spreading his hand to resist the storm.

The intense light from before almost blinded his eyes.

It took a while before the attack subsided.

When Raul opened his eyes, he was stunned to look at the devastated surrounding, with fragments of magic stones scattered all over the place.

“Don’t tell me that… this is a level 1 attack???”

Raul had a feeling of being deceived. He had never seen a newbie level 1 adventurer this powerful in his entire life.

For most adventurers, magic is a miracle that allows a mortal to acquire supernatural abilities.

Simply speaking, magic is a very powerful ability. A person usually needs to sing a chant and consume a significant amount of mental energy to activate it.

The longer the chanting time, the more powerful a spell will be.

This is common sense for all mages in this world.

And an adventurer with magical abilities is often sought after in a team.

After all, mages are famous no matter where they go. They can simply solve some complex and challenging problems with magic.

The first magic that Serius showed, which can be instantly activated by saying the name, shocked and made Raul very envious.

But it is nothing compared to the one Sirius used a few moments ago. The first magic is incomparable and insignificant compared to this one.

The attack from before was definitely above level 1. Heck, even some level 2 mages may not release such a powerful spell.

Due to the previous attack, the dungeon passage was filled with dust and gravel, making it difficult to see further ahead.

But some occasional faint blue flames were burning here and there in the devastating scene, showing the extent of the damage.

The swarm of killer ants was instantly killed, and even their magic stones were not spared.

There were only some fragments of magic stones scattered all over the floor.

If an attack is powerful enough, a magic stone may shatter, and the power contained in it will slowly dissipate.

Therefore even though breaking magic stone is the most effective way to kill monsters, very few people do this.

Because this behavior is very similar to destroying one’s property.

Their hard work will be wasted, but adventurers will also have no money to spend if they keep doing it this way.

It was the first time Sirius used his magic. He significantly underestimates their strength, resulting in shattered magic stones.

After activating the "The Arrival of Silver Star!" he thought he would have to spend some time dealing with the swarm of killer ants.

But never in his wildest imagination did he know that his magic was so powerful as to kill all the monsters instantly. And not even the magic stones were spared.

Few wisps of blue smoke lingered nearby, and Raul searched for some intact magic stones among the fragments.

After a while, he picked a relatively intact magic stone and carefully examined it.

Unfortunately, it excluded high temperatures with some cracked lines on the surface, making it completely unreliable.

After finding the result, Raul sighed and complained, “It looks like there is nothing to gain here… your attack shattered all magic stones.”

“By the way, are you really a level 1? That magic is too exaggerated, right?” Raul couldn’t stop himself from asking such a question.

“Ahem, I don’t know what to say…After all, this is the first time I’ve used it. Never knew it was so powerful….” Sirius had no way to answer. It sounded more like a show-off.

“...” Raul gave him a speechless expression.

As an experienced level 4 second-class adventurer, Raul could also afford a grimoire.

But the reality is often cruel!

After all the expense, he couldn’t even awaken his magic.

After wasting all his savings to buy a grimoire, he was only left disappointed.

His dream of having magic shattered before it even got started.

He is very envious of Sirius for having such a powerful spell.

After their encounter with the previous swarm of killer ants, the frequency of monsters on the floor returned to normal.

There was not another monster feast!

It was good news for the duo.

The silver-grey spear used by Sirius was a backup weapon for the captain, having good sharpness and durability.

It can easily pierce through the outer shell of killer ants, tearing through their soft inner flesh.

There was no chance for him to cast another magic.

After all, he would blank out if he cast another magic like before.

The dilemma of a newbie adventurer is very far away from him.

After all, he has good pieces of equipment, powerful skills, and magic.

He is just like a protagonist in a story tale.

After all, even Bell, the original protagonist of this world, had difficulty dealing with monsters without proper equipment.

But after getting the Hestia knife, 200 million valis worth of priceless growth-type weapon, he quickly started killing monsters left and right without any issue.

Perhaps this is the power of money, very terrifying indeed!


After being stabbed, a needle rabbit that tried to ambush Sirius lost its vitality and disintegrated into black ashes, dropping a magic stone.

Sirius let out a tired sigh after dealing with the monster.

All of his previous excitement was vented out, making him mentally exhausted.

Although they managed to reach the end of the seventh floor, he was mentally exhausted.

His "Heart Of Gaia" skill can help him recover physical and mental energy. Still, it can’t do anything about the fatigue.

Raul wanted Sirius to quickly familiarize himself with the dungeon, so both took a lot of detours, commonly known as scouting.

After all, if an adventurer doesn’t remember the maps and terrains, it’s easy for them to get lost, right?

“Tsk tsk, furs of needle rabbits, claws of killer ants, etc. There are so many drop items and rare materials in my backpack making me a bit greedy!” Raul smacked his lips and said with some covetousness.

According to his estimation, their harvest is even greater than that of veteran level 1 adventurers.

“Are you really envious, Raul? You also have a share!” After putting away his spear, Sirius came to Raul’s side.

“Of course, I’m envious of your luck! The increase in the chance of drop items is obviously related to you. The value of the collected magic stones is not even worth a fraction of these drop items.” Raul let out a tired sigh, feeling regretful about his previous decision.

“Oh? Then my bro Raul, do you regret it?” Sirius asked sarcastically.

Before entering the dungeon, they agreed to share half of the gains from magic stones.

Sirius has no objection to this matter.

After all, he and Raul are both parts of the same familia. There is no need for them to argue about the proper distribution of the harvest.

Secondly, even though Raul acted as a supporter most of the time, his role should not be underestimated.

Supporters have a unique position in Orario; they complement adventurers perfectly.

They are non-combatants that explore the dungeon along with adventurers and carry many things, from magic stones dropped from monsters to spare weapons and items.

When an adventurer encounters a danger, they can also provide support like shooting arrows, laying down some traps, and providing remote cover to the adventurer.

If there was no Raul in charge of cleaning up the battlefield, Sirius would have no chance to fight and explore the dungeon so recklessly.

After all, it is very troublesome to pick up magic stones and drop items after every battle.

However, Raul forgot to include drop items in their agreement during their previous discussion.

And now he has no other choice but to lament…

“Yes, I’m very regretful! Who knew that there would be so many drop items. I’m so greedy looking at them….” Raul didn’t hide his thoughts and openly expressed them.

After he said this, Sirius gave him a pat on the shoulder as comfort.

“It doesn’t matter, brother! After we exchange them for valis, you will regret it even more!” Sirius dealt critical damage to Raul’s heart.

“...” Raul felt even worse after hearing this.

Chapter 25

After calculating the approximate time, Sirius and Raul discussed it and decided to end the expedition.

The eighth floor has nothing interesting to offer; there are the same types of monsters as before.

And they also started feeling hungry with an empty stomach.

Sirius remembered a quote: There are people in the world so hungry that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.

So, they compromised to their belly and ended their journey.

Not knowing the exact time, Sirius had a feeling that they missed lunchtime.

It was morning when they entered the dungeon. After a long period of battle and exploration, he was sure it was at least noon outside.

Raul, who carried the harvest of their expedition, felt money's weight!

The items in his bag are worth a ton of money!

Well, to be more precise, golden valis!

Their trip back was easier and more convenient than before.

They followed the safer router mentioned in the adventurer's handbook and avoided unnecessary detours.

After all, these optimal routes are determined after countless trials and verifications.

The guild provides adventurers' handbooks with this information so that a team of adventurers can stop wasting time doing unnecessary exploration of the dungeon.

Whether to advance or retreat to the upper floors, the guild listed some optimal routes for the adventurers.

Therefore, many adventurers walk this route daily, making it safer.

Of course, if a team wants to find an unexplored area and battle monsters, they shouldn't follow the guild's path.

After all, kill-steal is common in this route, where an adventurer robs someone's prey.

The other adventurers passing by mostly turn a blind eye to this situation to avoid trouble. After all, the guild's route is a public path.

And the guild only provides directions up to the tenth floor. After that, it entirely depends on the adventurer's ability to explore the dungeon.

After all, this is as much help the guild can offer. The guild is an official organization, not some charity!

Along the way, Sirius and Raul met many adventurers withdrawing to the upper layers.

Many teams of adventurers carried bulging backpacks, bringing a smile to their faces and feeling happy about their gains.

However, some depressed and gloomy adventurers were also heads down, looking very sad and disappointed.

Maybe some of their companions died in the dungeon? Or perhaps the harvest was not up to the expectation?

In any case, this has nothing to do with Sirius and Raul.

Sirius withdrew his gaze from others and walked back with Raul, laughing and chatting on the way.

They followed the guild route from the seventh floor to the first one and finally crossed the "Beginning Road."

They soon saw bright sunlight walking up the spiral stairways, meaning that the exit was near.

After getting out of the dungeon, the tall tower of babel was brought into their vision.

It was a fantastic sight to behold.

Babel was built to stop the monsters within the dungeon from escaping.

It was initially the same size as the buildings but was intentionally destroyed when the first Gods came down to earth. Those Gods later rebuilt it as it currently stands.

All the adventurers are officially out of the murderous dungeon from this point onward.

Many of their tense nerves relaxed, letting the fatigue take over the body.

Some adventurers even collapsed on the group for rest.

Sirius and Raul didn't waste any more time lingering in this place because their stomach was protesting in hunger.

But before eating, they had to exchange magic stones for valis at the exchange hall.

There are two places in Orario to exchange magic stones: Guild Headquarters and Tower of Babel.

Most adventurers usually go to the one in front of the tower of babel because of its close proximity.

Of course, it doesn't imply that the exchange hall in the guild headquarters is empty.

Some adventurers prefer to go there for exchange. It is based on their preference.

"It will take a while to exchange. Why don't you take the drop items and sell them yourself? After all, these items don't belong to me!" Raul said something reasonable.

"Okay, Raul! You can exchange our magic stones and give my share of money later." Sirius readily accepted his suggestion and received the drop items.

"Well, I'm glad to have your trust!" Raul was pleased to see this.

"And there's a meeting in the evening to discuss the upcoming expedition. Don't be late! See you soon, Sirius!" Raul hurriedly informed him.

Loki Familia will start their dungeon expedition tomorrow.

As the God in charge, she needs to spend quality time with her familia members and wish them a safe journey.

"Okay! Thanks for the reminder." After saying this, Sirius and Raul went their own way.

Raul headed to the exchange hall in front of the tower of babel.

Whereas Sirius walked in the direction of guild headquarters.

After putting his spear in the back, he looked at the sky carefully.

After exiting the dungeon, Sirius could finally determine the time.

At the moment, the sky was bright and blue with no apparent signs of clouds.

He concluded that the time was around noon.

In other words, Sirius spent half of his day inside the dungeon.

It's not surprising to most adventurers…

After all, dungeon exploration is a tedious and time-consuming job.

But this was only a temporary thing for Serius!

When he is familiar with the dungeon environment, the efficiency of his exploration will naturally increase.

After separating from Raul with a small backpack, he attracted the attention of some adventurers nearby.

There are few drop items compared to magic stones. Therefore, it was easy for him to carry them in his backpack.

Unfortunately, there is no storage function in his system, making it inconvenient for him to carry many things.

Even though Sirius tried to be as low-key as possible, he still attracted some curious eyes.

Some were envious, while others were outright malicious…

After all, his weapon and equipment look luxurious compared to other adventurers.

"Well, my friend… I have a bold plan!" A nearby rough-looking human adventurer whispered to his dwarf companion.

However, his companion blocked the guy's mouth and glared.

"Idiot! Get that kind of thinking out of your sh!tty mind!"

"Can't you recognize the guy from before beside the kid? That's Raul Nord, a second-class adventurer of Loki Familia!" He also didn't forget to remind his foolish friend.

"He's not something we can provoke, understand?" After saying this, the dwarf dragged the previous guy and left the scene in a hurry.

Similar scenes were happening around Sirius.

Adventurers are not necessarily good people. Many of them often put their life on the line.

Therefore, such intense pressure often brings some change in their characters.

Adventurers are very wary of each other and obey the rule of the jungle.

Even a kind person may turn dark to survive, not to mention malicious people.

Some dishonest adventurers even make a living robbing the weak.

But all of them have an awe and fear for the strong!

Sirius didn't care about others' conspiracy and hurriedly left the area.

After all, if someone didn't have a good eye and provoked him, he would call the seniors of his familia to take good care of that guy.

Also, with his current strength, low-level adventurers are obviously no match for him.

And Loki Familia is one of the most powerful familia in Orario. No adventurer is foolish enough to offend them for no reason.

After some time, he arrived in front of the guild headquarters.

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