Daydream or Nightmare. Do you even have a choice?

Chapter 1: Prologue

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It hurts so much. 

A person walks amidst the darkness, they can see relatively well, but that isn't the big problem.

Amidst the sheer exhaustion the person felt as all their muscles were in state of decomposition due to-

That fucking darkness.

They weren't doing so hot mentally either, being drained severely they felt like they were loosing something, something crucial or maybe multiple like competence, composure, and saw the other residences of the realm lose these things as well.

I can't keep...

They felt heavy, and muddled, they couldn't focus on paying attention.

I feel so cold...

They needed help, they wanted that chance....

Please.... I w a....n..t.

They felt themselves slowly down.

I. Want.

Suddenly that heavy feeling left, but they still felt relatively muddled, because every time they tried to think of anything with relatively hard thinking processes involved like expressing emotions, thoughts, feelings, etc, they felt an increase in that feeling

"What do you want‽" A sudden deep voice asked.

Nothing answered.

"Come on, little friend, I'm not gonna bind your soul with words... that would be to boring, plus that branch of magiks and magic isn't my type". He waved his hand slightly as if to reassure.

"I am just a curious soul who heard another soul with a want, so if I, who is on a journey of my own, can do a little good, then I'll surely feel a little better about myself".

Nothing answered.

"Haaaa...", the voice let out a sigh.

Suddenly, in the darkness something seemed to phase into vision, no, that wasn't right. It didn't give off light, and it was there before, so it just seemed to have gain more of a presence or restored what it originally was, almost like it became highlighted, if one were to give a word to it.

A mask. Connected to a neck that was then obscured by thick black robes and covered by black cloth. Infact, if someone could see his outfit they would notice no skin showed.

The only thng visible for the lonely soul, was a floating black mask, more similar to a skull with flesh and muscle and a black outside similar to the role of skin. Though it looked weird because unless moved or made to specifically, the mask would act just like that, a mask.

 In the mask where the eyes would sit, were two circular circular disks projected in to the front like area and could move in the space and range normal creatures eyes could, while obviously function like eyes are suppose to.

The colors of his eyes were mixed with alternating colors of red, orange, and yellow, reminiscent of burning fire or flowing lava.

The most striking thing, however, would be the mouth, which looked like a crescent,  like the moon, or similar to a certain cat from wonderland.

 The thing was, if you looked at the teeth long enough, it almost looked like it would unhinge and open wide to swallow you whole. (Think like Venom or Pennywise. Kinda like that).

The teeth were an eerie mix of the moon and cheese like yellow, and pearly white, made disturbing by the colored eyes, and pitch black mask, and dark ensombl, giving off a doomy and sinister vibe.

"The names Smiler, and you look like you need a smile yourself". The masked man, now "The Smiler" made a faux fancy bow, before looking up.

"And you, young friend?"

don't remember, not important.

The man tilted his head to the side.

"What could you possibly mean? A name is what gives you something to call, to be, be called by, etc. It is fundamentally the core to who a person will become and is something that gives homes to you and others", he paused for a second, straightend his neck and back, standing straight up once again and looked up for a moment, as his lava like eyes then looked downwards as they dimmed a bit.

"I guess I have a friend who has an entire gimmick and shtick that he is namelessness... huh, I didn't really think about"-

ENOUGH! want revenge. alone worked. then caught. PRETTY called me. 

They seemed to be struggling for the correct word.

"Asshole?" He offered.




It's voice seemed to choke up for a moment.

wanted to die. felt dead. couldn't die... couldn't see the light as beautiful as itcolor felt duller.... I felt like a waste of space. I was useless.. was thrown like garbage...


They paused for moment, their body started to twitch in what looked like full a blown Red Rage, and then continued.

Trapped. cut, split, burned, ripped, eyes bleed, tears dried. was violated. no one helped. no one gave the chance... that.. I heard others gave and was myself suppose to give when I could... how was I to give something I myself never got or had the chance to see...

Took the chance of others. soaked in anger. didn't take the chances given to them. so drowned them instead. felt better.

The voice stopped. Then continued, with more emotion then before, but even more broken, like something emulating speech to show raw feelings and emotion rather then for communication.


There was a tight and tense silence in the dark, and in just a moment, it exploded like dynamite.


 NONE. NONE BETTER. NO ONE. NONE HELPED. SO GRABED OTHERS. USE THEM. FEND OFF DROWNING. Still couldn't escape... Drowned still. Black in sky. drowned all. No escape. Never ending. No light.


The masked man interrupted the voice. This time, His own voice was dry and cold, not displaying much feeling.

"So you regret many things, from what I hear, same here, probably more then you, then you got raped, which granted, sucks and they deserve... something..."

This time there was no emotional charge in the air, but silence. 

In that silence was prescence and power that could threaten to drown them in an instant.

It was thicker then the Darkness that drowned them in its memories. It felt so heavy. 

sooo scary 

You are reading story Daydream or Nightmare. Do you even have a choice? at

As the man's voice continued it had a sudden and dangerous growl to it, showing he was full of disgust. That presence rippled passively through his voice.

"But... instead of growing and getting stronger and stepping into the light and rising up... getting better and such... you sunk... hard... and instead of fighting against the dark that hurt and tainted you.... you sacrificed and hurt those who fought in the light for others and may have been those chances your past self missed",

The man paused, For a moment as he arranged his words while also reminiscing of a different time, as his eyes focused on the now, he continued. As he did so, the powerful presence gradually lessened.

"Not for the light like those churches, those fanatic bastards... but pure goodness, for a better life and future, for sheer and pure hope to stand up once more, to stand tall in times of struggle.... yet look at what you chose...," and this time the man paused almost involuntarily, with emphasis on the last words he said,"Look what has become of you because of it".

The masked man looked at the voice's form for the first time. A real look instead of just a glance.

A women, frail, sickly, starved, with cheeks hollow and body bonny from what one could assume be hunger, and looked like a ghost, except her entire body had long and sickly cracks that emitted a sickly yellow glow with hints of a rogue red dyeing it.

Deep in her chest was a heart that looked like it was stabbed, burned, whipped, boiled, and more, the point being it looked horrible. It was also had the same sickly yellow, with almost the entire heart having at least a surface level of the black ink like goo like substance.

Her ethereal white skin was truly pretty. However it was destroyed by the different types of marks, stains, and black liquid slathered in different spots of her body.

On her arms and hands, looked something like a heavy type of ink, it smelled of blood while duely smelling like rotting flesh, and plenty of other unholy stenches. Her fingers were thin almost like tooth picks, being very sharp at the end, but her nails were not only rawly chipped, but also pure black in color.

Deep in the see-through skin and muscles of her arms and hands, one could see deep scars, uneven in number and appearance, as some were long, some short, some fat, and some thin.

Her neck as well as the rest of her body were covered with so many colorful black, purple, blue, and red marks that when mixed with the occasional untouched dab of skin on her body, it looked like someone painted her like some off colored clown. 

As well, were what looked like long thin and thick stitch lines going across different points of her neck. Some were broken and just ugly gashes, some looking pretty rotted and disgusting.

Then her face, one of a person's most important due to the features of the body it holds as well. Her face was pitch black.

Like no light could reflect off it. Like it didn't deserve for the sun to caress her skin ever again.

Her eyes were a mixture of the white of a humans sclera while being much more foggy, the red of blood, and several mixtures of black. 

Also noticeable was a tear trail from her eyes down her cheeks, and off her chin, though it was already dry and looked faded, compared to everything else actively on her body, it was colored in the purest red seen anywhere on her body, and this was only the vibrance the color showed after it was faded away mostly.

She had two long thick stitches that went from both end sides of the left and right of her lips all the way to her ears. (kinda like Heath Ledgers Joker but MUCH more prominent and obvious). If someone payed attention, they could notice how the stitches were actually deeper and could blend into the skin, which would allow the woman to open her whole mouth in a way no human could.

"Huh, I wonder how long you have been out here". He then looked around for a moment.

"Alright, listen little girl, I owe a friend of mine something, as he gets bored easily which is a trait sadly quite a few of my friends and acquaintances have acquired over the years," He mumbled to himself for a moment before continuing.

 "Anyway, he has wanted to watch someone go on a journey and maybe learn something. And so your the one who definitely has a journey to go on. Whether you rise like a hero or fall like a villian, or the opposite for either, doesn't matter to me."

The man then turned around and started to walk away.

are... are you a god perchance?

The man stiffend, then slowly turned around and looked at the women. The mask was compelled to show a expression then women hadn't scene.


If he felt disgust towards her behavior and treated her like air, then the Disdain was the same but different in that instead of ignoring, he would go in the attack just to feel clean.


The mask's mouth seemed to twitch into a slight snarl, as the eyes turn smaller and blood red for an instant, as a prescence even heavier arived, but left just quick as it came that it was a blink and you miss it momment.

They they turn back to normal size and color just as that presence faded away completely.

"No, I am not like those Repulsive Bastard Arrogant fucks... I swear, I could right a book on how much those sheer utter cunts who fuck with and fuck over anyone who knows them... They are like children with fucking nukes...though some are cool and not all that bad... not a lot of them though.... Right... we are getting off topic". He huffed and hmphed for a moment. Then he turned and stared right into her eyes, the window to her soul.

"Yes or No".

《This question》

have no choice?

"Nope, and you don't have much time, nor do I care to give a disgusting person like you that much time anyway".

A heavy silence floated in the air.

《This answer》


"Alrighty then".

《It changed many people's lives.》

《And ruined many others.》

The silent and heavy state of the realm labored on for a while, then suddenly, it didn't.

The space infront of the man and woman started to ripple, crack, and boil

After about 20 seconds, the cracks expanded, and the ripples glowed an eerie purplish white.

With the hole, came light in the realm of darkness, in which it had not seen in eons.

The man looked at the light, then back at the girl.

"Alright girly, good ridance. And remember if ya do survive and get strong enough, come visit me", he stopped for a moment once more seemingly chewing on what to say, which ended up being, "Maybe the you of then, er... rather... the future you, can become my friend".

At this moment the girl was kinda catching what he was saying, but not really listening, as she sped towards the light.

The man watched this occur, as his smile on the mask creeped all the way up to his ears, and since he didn't has lips on the outer part of the mask, his smile looked utterly terrifying as the sounds of flesh squelching and muscles in the "mask" making little crackle noises silently occurred.

As the girl went into the light and vanished, so did the light.

The Smiler stood there for a while, his haunting eyes the only remaining source of light.

Then he abruptly turn around.

"I gotta go tell him about this, maybe he'll watch".

The smiler then started walking away from the light and started to fade into the shadows.

As he walked though, he thought about something, then after thinking only for a moment, he started.

For nothing other then a sheer utter whim of his, he started laughing which sounded like a mix of a mad cackle and the shrieks of a madman.

More to be written in tommrow so the next chapter will make sense (it will also be re done)

You can find story with these keywords: Daydream or Nightmare. Do you even have a choice?, Read Daydream or Nightmare. Do you even have a choice?, Daydream or Nightmare. Do you even have a choice? novel, Daydream or Nightmare. Do you even have a choice? book, Daydream or Nightmare. Do you even have a choice? story, Daydream or Nightmare. Do you even have a choice? full, Daydream or Nightmare. Do you even have a choice? Latest Chapter

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