DC: Rose Of Death

Chapter 1: Well, This Is Unusual

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Chapter 1: Well, This Is Unusual


"Phew, quite cold outside... Perfect for the next adventure." A young dark-haired man stated. He was rubbing his itching eyes, seemingly just woken up.

He had only a grey bathrobe on. A large part of his chest was apparent, and he didn't care. He appeared to be quite leisurely, lazy, and simply living the life.

He also appeared to be healthy with a well-defined and maintained body, and his smile could tell anyone of his satisfaction with his life, so one has to wonder what led to his next course of action.

He wasn't too handsome but handsome nonetheless, let's say he lies in the average line of handsomeness though his healthy and strong body gives him a few more points.

He took one last glance at the window before going to wear his clothes. There really wasn't much to see outside, just a small town, cars and pickup trucks passing by from time to time.

However, there was a bit of beauty apparent far away, green hills and grey rocks in the far distance, that was his goal.

He wore his clothes which consists of a black sports suit and a grey coat, quite the inconsistent clothing but he cared for none of that now.

He picked up his large duffel bag before heading downstairs. He handed the hotel receptionist the room key before getting into his car.

He also has a pickup truck, a black RAM 3500 to be specific, simple, and nice. He placed his bag in it then set out.

The way there felt nothing but boring. The beauty of nature kept that from happening, and the scenery only got better the closer he got to his destination.

A dramatic scenery. He made sure to drive far away to an isolated place, right in the coastline, at one of the most dangerous cliffs in the world.

The man exited his truck already feeling the coldness of the air and the heavy wind that's especially dangerous if one's too close to the edge... Like he was.

He glanced at the waves colliding with the rocks far down the cliff, and the ocean going as far as the eyes can see, the beauty of nature is something he will never get bored of.

The man walked back to his car with a smile of excitement apparent on his face. He was in his late twenties yet his expression was that of a child looking forward to unpacking his Christmas gift.

The difference is that his Christmas gift is strange, too bizarre. He took off his coat and even went as far as taking off the upper part of his sports suit leaving only the sports pants on.

He then took off his shoes and placed all of his stuff in his truck before rubbing his hands together and walking towards the cliff edge.

"I wonder if it'll be like last time or something different... Something more exciting.

I missed this. Well, it was my fault, my last adventure was too dangerous leaving me with broken legs... Now that I think about it, this is even more dangerous, perhaps I'll even die?"

His bright brown shone more than ever as he spoke to himself. It was as if he truly believed he will live through it.

His goal was obvious. What was going through his head wasn't because before he is a jump almost nearing the 100 meters mark, that's certain death.

However, his goal doesn't seem to be suicide, and he doesn't seem to be that crazy.

"Phew, no reason to wait any further, just jump." And indeed he jumped without even a sliver of hesitation, and his scream sounded right after, one of excitement and happiness as he fell to what can presume to be his death.

"Wait what? This is new." However, something different happened this time, something he had never witnessed as he muttered to himself.

A bright light that formed into a large bright whirlwind formed far beneath him, and he didn't get to wonder much about it as he fell right through it.

All that the man witnessed after that is an even brighter light a white from all directions that seems to go for only a few seconds.

The man didn't seem to be too worried as he thought in his mind, 'Did I die? Well, that's a surprise, but what about the light before?'

He didn't dwell much on that thought nor did he get time to as he muttered one last thing before disappearing, "Well, whatever happens, happens... And this.."

His words came to a halt as he found himself in a dark alley. The stench was bad and he could see puddles of... Well, disgusting things all around.

'What's happening? And what just happened?' The man was certainly confused but also strangely calm as if what happened isn't the most bizarre thing he's ever witnessed.

He started observing his surroundings, noticing it was incredibly dark. It was night and there were very few lights around.

Moreover, he had only his sports pants on, and he was barefooted, those weren't exactly good circumstances.

He wasn't bothered by that, in fact, he was smiling as he thought to himself, 'Fucking exciting, an adventure I didn't expect. Now I just have to solve the mystery.'

He started walking through the alleyways, not that bothered by the disgusting stench. He noticed a few beggars around and the deeper he got the more there were.

He continued until he reached what looks like an abandoned warehouse. Its state was quite poor, so the poor chose to take it from themselves. It was indeed filled with beggars.

The man knew he needs to get information about his location first, so chose the easiest way to get them. One of the used newspapers around the trash.

He opened the newspaper and took a close look at it, specifically anything that can insinuate his location.

'Hmm? Gotham?' Various expressions surfaced on his face until he simply let it all out, "Hahahahahahahahah... Hahaha..."

He was laughing like a maniac, and he would've continued to do so if not for the timely interruption of one of the homeless.

"Buddy! have you gone crazy? You look better than most of us, did the wife throw you out of the house or something?"

"Indeed, it honestly feels like the whole world has thrown me out though I'm thankful for that." He recovered his normal cheerful self and responded.

"Aw? The wife was that much of a nuisance huh? Anyway, you're welcome here until you get your shit back together. I'm Ralf by the way." The homeless man said, too used to cases such as these.

The homeless man also got his answer on the reason behind all the scars all over the man's body. Perhaps the wife beats him up, quite roughly at that.

"Well, I guess thank you for having me, and I'm Ian, just Ian."


Chapter 2: A Night With The Homeless In Gotham


"Well, I guess thank you for having me, and I'm Ian, just Ian."

Ralf took a bite from the apple in his hand before lifting it and saying, "Want a bite?"

"Nah, I'm not hungry, not yet at least."

"Well, this is your first lesson, be an opportunist. Take every opportunity before you no matter how small. That bite of apple could save your day someday.

I will also give you some extra advice if you stay here. Never ever argue with anyone, be a good boy. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain so we can really do anything."

"I see, I'll make sure to keep that in mind," Ian responded a smile was still on his face seemingly not bothered by the circumstances around him.

Ralf thought nothing of Ian's strangeness, he just assumed his wife was that much of a bitch that even such circumstances were acceptable for him.

Ralf raised his brows as he seized up Ian from top to bottom, then he pointed out something.

"You actually smell good as if you've just taken a shower. That probably won't matter that much, but you're also good-looking... Hmm.

I'll give you a week or two before you start to smell like the rest of us. Before that, keep a low profile else people will start eyeing you... For several reasons. Fitting in is another piece of advice for you."

"Do you usually help everyone like this?" Ian curiously asked.

"Sometimes, I've been there, I needed that help at one point, and someone did help, so I understand.

Anyway, follow me inside, you can stay in my place for a while if you can call it that." Ralf started walking inside the warehouse directly after saying that while stroking his long grey sticky beard.

As he had just said, it wasn't much of a place as much of a blanket spread in an area with a lot of garbage around.

"Oi, uncle Ralf, who's the new kid?" In Ralf's place were two people, both seem like middle-aged men, they look and smell just as bad as Ralf but that seemed to be the normality around here.

Ian also wanted to get more information first before doing anything else. He wanted to verify whether this is actually happening or he just had a concussion and he's actually lying in the hospital like always.

"Yeah, I'll just give him a place by the side there." Ralf casually responded. He seemed to be the boss of the place, not the warehouse but just this small corner.

"Then as we say to all newcomers, everyone here fetches their living for themselves, don't expect sympathy from anyone."

The other middle-aged man also added, "Also, did you get robbed? You seem fresh for a homeless."

Ian sat down on the blanket while answering, "Yeah, I kinda was robbed of my house and all of my stuff." He technically didn't lie.

The middle-aged man raised his brows, "Oh?"

Ralf then explained in Ian's place, "You know marriage problems, and perhaps divorce. The greatest legal robbery to ever exist."

"Oh, I understand." The two beggars eyed Ian with sympathy and understanding, "It happens to the best of us."

"I guess but I'm not worried, I rather see this as a fortune. I will surely make the best of it." Ian said while observing the surroundings, the people to be specific.

'It's all too real. I can feel pain clearly and everything I observed so far says that this is reality. I was never one to stay in disbelief for long, so I'll indeed make the best of it.

Most importantly, if I'm truly in the world I think I am, then the possibilities all endless, and if my gift works in here, then what lies before me is a magical adventure... I can't wait to let all my.'

His thought process was interrupted by one of the middle-aged men, "Right, surely everything is gonna be alright. That's what we all think before realizing the painful reality..."

"Enough of the gloomy talk. We'll stay together for a while so let me introduce you to each other. This is Ian and those two are mike and barney." Ralf interrupted them and said.

The three nodded at each other, then Ian said, "Do you have any recent newspaper? The one I have is quite old. Also, any spare shoes?"

"Quite the guy we have here huh, but here, these were my old ones so they're in a bad state," Mike said before handing him a pair of brown dirty shoes.

Ralf brought a newspaper from his large brown coat and handed it to him, "I just picked this one today, give it back when you're done with it."

"You're also keeping up with that bat shit? Crazy things happening in the world, ain't that right." Barney casually said while picking up a bottle of wine.

Ian smiled and nodded. He had already got the answer he wanted but still continued to read through the newspaper.

'I am really in a fictional universe... Just what the fuck is going on? I gotta say though, I'm already hooked, I very much like where this is going.'

As one may have already understood, he's quite the strange man with a strange gift. After all, he has seen and experienced things that are kind of magical, not as much as this but experiences that made him numb to certain emotions.

"By the way, have this, it's quite cold this time of day," Ralf said while handing him a brown sweater, quite dirty with a few holes.

Ian took it and wore it right away with no change in his expression which led Ralf to ask the question, "You don't seem bothered by all of this, used to such stuff?"

"Yeah, I've gone through worse. I like to camp outside and go adventuring in dangerous circumstances, so I've had to deal with a lot."

Ian started stroking his chin while saying so. He then said something strange, something that baffled the trio, quietly enough for only the three men to hear.

"Want to rob a store and get some cash?" He said casually as if it's the easiest thing to do.

"What nonsense are you speaking? Want us to get shot?" Ralf responded, apprehension apparent in his voice.

One might think that it's easy to do such a thing in a corrupted city but it's the opposite.

You'll likely face a corrupt cop, and they'll likely shoot you down without a second thought before taking their 'service fees' from the store manager.

There are so many possibilities on how things would go and death is many of them. To a certain extent, meeting Batman is a fortune, he'll at least leave you alive.

Ian released a small smile, "You said it yourselves, we have nothing to lose. If we get shot down then whatever. Think about it, why take a bite of the apple when we can take a box of apples for ourselves.

Are you willing to stay like this forever just waiting for opportunities to get to you? Let's create them ourselves."


Chapter 3: Initiation Of The Petty Thieves


Are you willing to stay like this forever just waiting for opportunities to get to you? Let's create them ourselves."

The three were a bit stunned by his words for a bit though Ralf, the experienced old man got his wits back together, "That... is actually very convincing, but..."

The other two were also hesitating, so Ian gave them one last push, "It's okay, take your time. Just know that I have a plan, and when you're prepared to hear it, let me know."

They really had nothing to lose. They were like broken dolls, just doing what they were programmed to do but will jump on the first opportunity to become more than that.

Ian's confidence certainly helped in convincing them more, but... At the end of the day, they've only met him today.

Silence returned to the area, most of the homeless were already asleep, and the ones that weren't were silent.

It wasn't long before the group went to sleep, including Ian. In the most rundown place of the city, near the sewers, things were strangely peaceful. Everyone was just trying to live.

They spread around the city in the day, scavenging for something to eat and anything useful. Some never come back, and Ian came to know why.

Gunshots sounded as Ian and the group scavenged in an isolated alleyway. It was far away, and the three men were used to it, so they had little to no reaction.

"You seemed confident yesterday, you have experience?" Ralf asked, quite curious.

"Nah, not really, never needed to rob anything, but I am sure things will work out just fine."

Ralf shook his head at that, 'Perhaps I gave the kid too much credit, he's very impulsive.'

"Why are you doing nothing? Do you think we'd think what we find, go on and look for food or something." Barney reprimanded Ian who was just standing there and watching them.

"I'll be on my way and look for food somewhere else, see you guys at night." He left directly after that while the trio just shook their head, thinking the same thing, 'Kids these days.'

Ian started just walking aimlessly though he had a goal in mind. He just headed into what he presumed to be the more wealthy part of the city.

He wasn't specifically an anomaly there as he could see beggars basically everywhere, especially in this part of the city. Moreover, one would have to take a very close look to see his homeless statue.

He went to one of the large supermarkets there, and no one paid much attention to him as he just entered and started going around the place.

Somewhere on the way, his dirty shoes disappeared. He walked into the shoe section and picked up two different pairs of shoes.

He hastily put one pair on then slowly started trying out the other pair. He put it back in its place, and now he has new shoes.

He of course made sure he wasn't caught by the camera, and he did a similar thing when getting a shirt and a sweater.

There were a lot of people in the supermarket, but no one really paid attention to him. It's really that easy to steal things, people just don't pay attention.

Ian started casually walking out though he made a stop next to one of the workers and asked, "Hi, I'm curious, is there a sales day, it's my first time in here."

"There is but on Saturday. Some products are always on sale so check them out. Also, their price won't change even on the sales day but most other products' price will go down." He seemed well versed in the craft as he responded naturally.

Ian smiled and said, "Nah, I will just come back on Saturday."

Then he just walked out, leaving the worker muttering under his breath, "Cheap fuck." Oh if only he knew.

Ian wasn't done as he went on a stealing spree of food though he remained a bit cautious, he knew that luck was on his side. It has always been on his side except for it when it wasn't.

You are reading story DC: Rose Of Death at novel35.com

He then headed back to the warehouse by evening. He had to ignore most of the beggars there giving him some strange looks, he did look as fresh as fuck with the new clothes... He doesn't fit in.

Most however retracted their glances after seeing him joining Ralf's group, the latter was an influential figure among the homeless.

"W-where did you get those? The wife took you back? but if so, why come back here?" Barney was the first to ask, unable to hold his curiosity.

"Nah, I just stole them, It was actually quite easy. I expected something to go wrong, but here I am."

Ian responded while opening the black plastic bag in his hand. He picked up two apples, an orange, and a piece of bread from it before giving the bag to Ralf, "Here, split them between you all."

Ralf hastily took the bag and took a look at what was inside, "You stole all of this?" To which Ian nodded.

Ralf started eyeing his surroundings directly after, noticing several of the beggars watching them, "Barney, Mike bring the metal poles."

The duo instantly got to action as they started looking through the garbage next to them, pulling four rusty poles.

They placed them in the center of the group, ready for if anyone tries anything, and only then did they start devouring the food like they've been starving for months.

Ralf took a deep breath afterward, "What's your plan?"

Ian finally smiled and glanced at Mike and Barney. The two hesitated for a bit before nodding.

"Well, it's quite simple, but I'll have to get you all some new clothes. Also, Barney and Mike, you two will have to clean yourselves up."

And so he did, he was more cautious this time and went to different supermarkets, but he got what he wanted.

Only a few days passed before the group started their new adventure. They could be seen in a certain street, spread out. Their goal was a small store, a good store chosen by Ian as the goal.

Barney was on the other side of the street, hiding while keeping an eye on the store. Once the opportunity arose, he starts signaling for someone to take action.

That person or persons were none other than Ian and Mike who hastily started running towards the store with a mask on, and Barney also followed after them.

They were many people in the streets, and they knew they'll probably inform the police, so the group had to act quickly.

They chose the exact moment the shopkeeper or manager was out of his cage to go in.

Gotham is extremely dangerous so shop owners made such percussions, an anti-bullet plastic barrier isolating them from the visitors.

The group had to wait for an opportunity for several days to take action. Ian used it to put a knife to the worker's throat and said, "Make a move, and you're dead. Just do exactly as I say."

His tone was calm and collected, leaving the victim to believe he's experienced, so he did follow his instruction.

Neither Barney nor Mike spoke a word. They just collected a few expensive things from the store before collecting the money while Ian looked through the shopkeeper's desk, and just as he expected, he found a gun in there, 'A Glock huh, very nice.'

Ian then calmly used it to knock out the shaking store worker.

The group swiftly ran out of the store then directly to an alleyway not far away, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief not seeing any cop close by.

They ran until they reached their destination, an old man was lying there with his extremely long greasy beard lying on the ground next to a rusty shopping cart with a lot of garbage inside.

He was the old Ralf. None spoke a thing, they just started taking their clothes off as under them were another different set of clothes.

Ian's clothes were that of a dirty beggar while Mike and Barney were clean. They put everything they stole, their mask and clothes deep in the shopping cart beneath all the disgusting garbage.

Then Barney and Mike started walking out of the alley to the street from another exit while acting just like normal friends, joking and talking to each other.

Ian on the other hand covered himself with a dirty brown coat after spraying a bit of dark chocolate on his face and dirtying his hair a bit. He then slept next to the old man, "Well, good night old Ralf."


Chapter 4: Rise Of The Petty Thieves


Ian on the other hand covered himself with a dirty brown coat after spraying a bit of dark chocolate on his face and dirtying his hair a bit. He then slept next to the old man, "Well, good night old Ralf."

Ian didn't really think about his plans much. He's the adventurous type, the one who turns off his brain most of the time to make things more exciting.

His gift allowed for him to have that luxury, or more like, his gift is what drove him to be how he is.

However, his plan ended up working out just fine. The police did end up searching the alleyway and ended up coming across the duo.

They were only two officers and they had their guns out, "They're just two lowly beggars."

The other officer nodded before yelling, "Hi! Wake up!" However, they got little to no response, Ralf just move a bit, getting into a more comfortable position.

One of the officers used his radio to ask, "Hi, Marty ask the store manager if any of the robbers had a beard." "I know they had a mask, but I'm asking if any had a large beard, trust me, it would be noticeable even under a mask."

He was talking with his fellow officers on the radio for about a minute. He really didn't think it'd be the beggars, but he at least made sure, "Yeah, it's not them."

The other officer walked to the shopping cart which was covered by a grey dirty cloth, he moved it a bit before letting go.

It was extremely dirty and wet making him frown. He also noticed just more garbage beneath it, so they just moved on.

As for Barney and Mike, they were lost in the crowd of people in the city.

It wasn't long before Ian and Ralf 'Woke up', They pushed the shopping cart with them and made their way to an alleyway near the warehouse.

There they found Barney and Mike waiting for them, "We fucking did it! How much made did weee?"

They both were extremely excited that they even forgot how to speak. Ian allowed them to have their moment and even let out a laugh of his own.

"Unfortunately, there isn't much to make from stores, we only scored about 80 bucks, a watch, and all the things you guys took."

"Wait, 80 bucks? Holy fuck, that can feed us for like a few months. Moreover, we also took all that extra shit with us, so much food."

They were in the life of homelessness for a long time, so they learned the craft, the ways of min-maxing are in their blood. Eighty bucks could even feed them for a year.

"It's really not much, I think we just got to our homeless life, so we see it as a lot. Imagine going to jail for years just for 80 bucks. Jail isn't a forgiving place, I can tell you that especially in this shithole of a city."

Ralf started sharing his experience though he couldn't hide the smile on his face. It really has been a long time since he felt like he's achieved something.

"Indeed, it's not much for the risk, but we have to start somewhere." Ian agreed.

Barney's eyes started shining with brilliance as if he had just discovered the solution to immortality, and to existence, "How about we take over an entire store!? Right? We can have all the food inside, holy fuck, right?"

Mike next to him couldn't help but smack his head, "What nonsense are you saying? Won't cops just shoot us down? Like, how do you expect us to take everything in the store?"

However, Ian heard this and saw an opportunity as his light brown eyes shone under the darkness of the moonlight.

"No that's actually a brilliant idea. Do you know what's the fastest way to make money?"

The trio of Ralf, Mike, and even Barney was confused, "It is?"

"I don't know? I guess by stealing banks?"

"Nah, it's probably by having a big company or something?"

Ian let out a chuckle, "It's actually quite simple. All you have to do is to get people to make money for you.

Let's take drug dealers as an example. The ones who make the most money are the ones who distribute drugs to lower dealers. The latter do most of the work while the former reap most of the benefits.

Stealing from banks will attract way more attention from the cops and in-depth investigation while they won't pay as much attention to store robberies as long as we keep it clean."

"I still don't get it?" Mike said though Ralf on the side seemed to have understood something.

Ian explained further, "First, we'll have to rob a few more stores then but ourselves phones not just to communicate, but also to keep pictures and information of the people who'll work for us.

Also, if someone working for us lost the 'products' two times, they'll be fired no questions asked. This is to make sure no one fucks us over.

We'll also give them the same exact products and a certain amount of money they have to bring back, they can keep the rest. It all depends on how good they are in selling things, but the products would obviously have to be much cheaper than they were in stores.

We'll also have to be careful lest a bat comes knocking on our doors. We need a front, a scapegoat."

"D-do you really not have experience?" Ralf couldn't help but question. He himself had a bit of experience but before he had any chance to gain anything, he ended up behind bars.

"I guess I kind of do have experience from movies and books I have watched and read, and it all worked out fine." Ian started stroking his chin, seemingly thoughtful, but when he responded...

The trio's face couldn't help but twitch as Barney questioned, sometimes he can say the smartest thing, most other times he speaks the language of nonsense.

"Wait? Your ideas came from movies and books? Then why do they make so much sense?"

"Don't mind that. Let's start, but we first need a base where we will store things. Any ideas."

"I have an idea... In the sewers not far from the warehouse, we just have to clean the place and guard it." Ralf spoke his mind.

That started the legend of the petty thieves, they leave absolutely nothing behind even if it's worthless, it's worth something in their strange mind, an absolute menace to society though not that worthy of attention in contrast to the numerous crimes happening every day in Gotham.

However, at one point it got so ridiculous that even some influential figures had to interfere.


Chapter 5: End Of The Petty Thieves I


"We'll pull out for a while. You can do whatever you want in the meantime. We'll surely come back but not anytime soon. Understand?" Mike said to another middle-aged man standing before him.

Despite trying to hide, the man was extremely excited. He was the third beggar to join the petty thieves, and he made his way up the ranks.

It did occur to him sometimes to try taking over the group because the two leaders barely do anything, and he has a stronger relationship with the subordinates.

However, in the end, he didn't have to do anything. Everything was given to him without any trouble... Greed is a sin that can blind the wisest of men.

He still had some doubts, but still chose to go on with this. This is after all a huge opportunity, and he can control the business completely to counter whatever it is they might try.

Furthermore, he thought back on the two beggars that joined before him yet their position is lower than him. That led him to believe that his talent was noticed by the petty thieves.

Mike made his way out of the base. He looked clean and well-dressed, nothing luxurious but just simple new clothes.

He then took a cap with his destination being a small apartment in the easy part of the city, he did make sure he wasn't being followed though.

Within the apartment, he found his two close friends waiting for him. They were wearing similar close to him, casual clothes.

Ralf was the same except he couldn't get rid of his colossal grey beard, the difference is that it's clean now.

"It's done?" Ralf questioned, to which Mike nodded before joining them on the couch. Signs of nervousness were apparent on three.

Ralf directly picked up his phone and called someone after that, "It's done... You're gonna be okay, right?"

Once he got his answer, he hang up. The calm Mike who behaves properly for just a minute was nowhere to be seen, nervousness was overwhelming him, and sweat was dripping his forehead.

"Holy fuck... He's really fucking crazy." Barney couldn't help but mutter.

"Duh, I said that a month ago when he started wondering how we're still alive, I mean he thought we'd all die for christ's sake yet thought nothing of it." Mike really seemed triggered regarding the topic.

"But that's not too strange, right? I mean we all knew the risk." Barney responded while stroking his hair, feeling it not greasy for once in a long time.

"Then what about the time when he tried to shoot himself with a gun?" And Mike was getting even more triggered.

"I mean, he must've known the gun isn't working, surely that must be the case." Barney also seemed hellbent on making Mike even more triggered.

Mike took a deep breath, "Then what about now? He's meeting with the Falcone family for his not so thought of plan, he said it himself for christ's sake. He even said that he'll likely not come back today, and if so, we should leave the city."

"He literally was talking about death as if it's amusing to him. There is definitely something wrong with his head." He further added.

"Why are we talking about this in the first place, could it be that you want to pull out?" Barney wondered after finding no counter agreement.

"What? No of course not, I don't want to go back to the slums. Plus, it all... work out so far, so we'll surely be okay?"

That's how the agreement always goes and ends. It all worked out just fine, they all thought they'd be dead by now, yet here they are with a few thousand bucks saved up.

"Ralf, what do you think? Will we be okay?"

Ralf was much calmer than the other two. He was quite old, in his late fifties, so he wasn't troubled by death."

"Well, Ian might not believe it himself, but he's quite smart. His plans always seem to work out no matter how simple and crazy they are, so there comes a point where you have to start believing."

The center of their conversation has just exited a cab with a black briefcase in his hand. He was as always wearing casual clothes, the same ones he stole almost two months ago, he did make sure to clean them regularly though.

He casually walked towards an alleyway and started looking around, 'This should be it, right? This does look like a trap though, only an idiot would go inside.'

He was standing in front of a black door as he started knocking on it. He only stopped once he heard the sound of the door lock getting open.

"Why so much fucking knocking? Just knock once, I have fucking ears!" The man who opened the door was in quite a bad mood as he yelled at Ian. "The fuck do you want anyway?"

Ian let out a chuckle not scared whatsoever, "Sorry about that, I'm quite excited about this. I have a meeting with the boss here, so please let him know."

"Who?" The man got a bit more serious, business is business after all.

"Hmm, just tell him the petty one is here, he should understand."

The guard raised his eyebrows at that and eyed Ian from top to bottom before locking the door.

Ian didn't have to wait for long, just a few minutes which he used to imagine some stuff, death stuff as usual.

"Come in."

The man led him to a small hall where he found a man seated on a one-seat couch. Behind him stood several of his henchmen with guns in their hands.

"Petty one huh, or petty thieves. I heard a lot about your group. I gotta say, your offer was enticing, especially since you targeted me for that. I'm Frank Falcone as you already know, mind introducing yourself?" Frank calmly said while smoking the large tobacco in his hand.

Ian smiled and answered honestly, "Sure, I'm Ian Rose, and well, I'm excited about this deal as well."

Frank raised his brows, "Ian Rose huh, such a unique name, but I guess you didn't choose it for yourself, or perhaps you did, who knows.

Anyway, I hope you don't mind me asking, but where is the actual boss of the petty thieves? I talked to him on the phone, and he's surely not you. And no offense, but you don't look like the boss-type either."

Ian started scratching his head, seemingly embarrassed, "You see, the boss is... a bit of a coward. He seems to be proud of that, so he sent me since I'm not a coward."

Frank seemed to be baffled because he just kept eyeing Ian for a good ten seconds, he then let it out, a long laugh of amusement while turning his head to his guards, "Hahahahhahah, that's funny, like funny funny, can you believe this guy?"

His people indeed joined him in the laugh and only stopped when he stopped. He only stopped because he noticed Ian also joining them in the laugh, he was truly getting baffled by now.

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