DC: Rose Of Death

Chapter 2: The Unexpected

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Chapter 6: End Of The Petty Thieves II


His people indeed joined him in the laugh and only stopped when he stopped. He only stopped because he noticed Ian also joining them in the laugh, he was truly getting baffled by now.

"You think this is funny?!" Frank yelled as he picked up his gun, "Here is the thing that you don't realize. I was already debating whether to eliminate you or not before you even came here and here you are now convincing me to do that.

Moreover, what your boss might not have told you is that his plan is just not good enough, I need more. A bunch of store stealing thieves is not enough!"

"I see, so that's why the boss thought of that," Ian muttered in understanding, just loud enough to be heard.

"Say what?" Frank questioned.

"Well, you see, the petty thieves have just been promoted from food thieves to jewelry thieves. The boss planned a jewelry store heist and we succeeded just last night actually. That specific store is usually closed this day, so it should only be discovered tomorrow."

"Wait wait... First, stop calling yourselves the petty thieves, it sounds weird. Second, you robbed a jewelry store just yesterday? And which one?"

Ian raised his eyebrows and said, "Well, the news started calling us that, it's not like we chose it. I also think it doesn't fit and..."

He wanted to continue with some nonsense, but he noticed frank had started to lose it, so he got to the main point.

"We robbed a jewelry store in the west side of the city, and we robbed it clean, leaving nothing inside. It's specifically in the territory of the Dubelz family, perhaps it's their property? Don't know."

Ian then placed the briefcase on the table, causing the henchmen in the room to be a bit cautious, their guns were already aimed at him.

"The briefcase has the true petty thieves' location as well as a small share of the jewelry.

We left the majority of the valuables in the base for our deal, and only took a small share as to not make the police too suspicious."

Frank strangely looked at Ian while waving his gun around, with little to no care about his nervous henchmen.

"I take it back, you people seem to know what you're doing... However, what's stopping me from just getting rid of you now, and taking the briefcase... Unless it's empty?"

Ian raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Empty? I didn't think of that but no, everything is inside. Honestly, it's okay if you kill me now, it's what it is.

If you don't, then hopefully we'll have a long fruitful business relationship. We can steal things, but we have no connections to sell them, and this is where you come in. This is something we both need, so I hoped it will go well."

Frank nodded his head with a smile before ordering, "Open it."

Ian shrugged his shoulders and did as told, he slowly opened the briefcase... Surprisingly, what he said was true.

"You're a strange one, aren't you?" Frank stood up, and as Ian noticed, he isn't right in the head. Frank circled around him until he stood right behind Ian's couch.

"But... But you see, I still feel like... You people gave me no respect, and I don't allow that. The offer however is enticing, but... Just but..."

Frank without hesitation aimed his gun at Ian's right hand and pulled the trigger while saying, "But I have to give a little punishm..."

Frank's face froze. He had to stop talking because he didn't hear a gunshot sound, he only heard a fainter sound of the barrel being stuck.

He still remained a bit calm and pulled the trigger again... and again, yet the same thing happened, and Ian remained just as defenseless throughout the entire incident. He even seemed surprised for some reason.

"Why isn't it working huh?!" Frank finally snapped at his underlings, "You! Yes, you tell me why?"

He pointed his gun at the scared subordinate while yelling, truly losing it. He then pulled the trigger, and everyone in the room froze because... because a bullet was fired, and into the underling's skull it went.

"Oh? The gun's actually working? Sorry about that." Fank was baffled for a bit before getting his wits back and fixing his suit up.

He turned his attention to Ian who seemed to still be surprised as he just looked at his right hand, "Well, aren't you the lucky one. Go on now, get it back together and get the fuck out of here. I will talk with your boss."

Ian strangely glanced at Frank before standing up and leaving, "I genuinely thought I'd end up in the hospital like always. I won't die but getting hurt is common, so what's happening here?

Did my power get stronger? But according to what I know, that happens only... Unless a gunshot to my hand can kill me, but I know that won't happen unless untreated..."

Ian stood outside for a minute or so before coming to a conclusion, "I have no idea, so whatever, It is what It is."

He shrugged his shoulders, a common occurrence in his life. Never deal with the problem, just ignore it, whatever. That's something he has the luxury to do because of his circumstances.

He put on his earphones and started listening to music on his way back to the apartment, anticipation was apparent on his face.

It has only been two months since his arrival in this new wonderful world, a dangerous world where death is but a common occurrence.

People would usually be surprised if a world-shattering failed to occur every month though it has been relatively peaceful for him so far.

He also knows why. Dc is a comic series he has grown up on but doesn't remember that much of it. He deemed that it's still very early in the life of this world, at least, things won't get too crazy too soon, 'Too bad.'

He didn't bring the apartment ket with him just in case, so he had to knock on the door, and the door was opened by all three of his partners in crime.

They were both baffled and excited to see him alive, "T-They actually accepted?"

Ian let out a small laugh, "Indeed, we're in. We have our connection."

Ralf let out a sigh of relief while the other two started jumping around in excitement like children, "Yeaaaaah! We fucking made it!"

"Now let the fun begin." Even Ian was excited, this way of life isn't bad at all. In fact, he has been continuously thinking about how to make it even more dangerous, and it's finally happening.

Ian took a deep breath as he sat on the couch, calmness returned to his face as he ordered, "Ok, enough celebration. Let's get to the serious stuff... So I have been reading a few crime books to learn more about our craft, and I indeed learned a lot."

The trio remained relatively calm with only a few of their face muscles twitching, his absurdity is incomprehensible. However, it all worked out fine so far, so surely he must know what he's doing... Right?


Chapter 7: End Of The Petty Thieves III


The trio remained relatively calm with only a few of their face muscles twitching, his absurdity is incomprehensible. However, it all worked out fine so far, so surely he must know what he's doing... Right?

"This marks the end of the petty thieves... We can't clean the entire place anymore." Ian stated while eyeing the hesitating Barney, "Go on, speak your mind."

"C-can we not? Maybe they won't suspect that we're still out there if we take like 70... I mean 85% of things.

I just can't imagine doing a heist and leaving all the other valuables inside, I swear I feel like losing my mind just imagine that."

Now it was only Mike and Ralf's face muscles that twitched while Ian looked him with appreciation, immensely proud of the apprentice who surpassed the master in the art of pettiness.

"Trust me, I understand how you feel... However, what you all fail to understand is how nigh impossible our previous heist was. The odds were entirely against us, and even I believed we'll end up dead, in prison, or in Arkham asylum.

You see, I told Frank Falcone that we cleaned the place up, but I don't think he understood what I meant. I bet that not even once did he imagine that we literally cleaned the entire place.

That's how unlikely the heist was. Moreover, we've given up on our organization. The police will raid the base tomorrow and apprehend the true leader of the petty thieves.

We can never allow even a silver of suspicion to rise in the good cops. Frank has a corrupt officer in the PD, and since he'll do the arrest and everything, he'll definitely rise through the ranks.

That's what he wants, an officer that can become the new commissioner of the GCPD before someone else does it. I know there is an officer they can't but on his way to that position, so do you understand?"

Granted the jewelry store they robbed was quite small, one of the smallest in the city, in there wasn't much jewelry inside. It also wasn't well-guarded which is due to basically no one believing anyone would actually rob from a crime family to such a degree at that.

Barney was disappointed but nonetheless understood. The other two on the other hand were impressed. Ian however wasn't finished as seriousness surfaced on his face.

"The most important thing however is... Frank is not to be trusted at all. He is an impulsive ambitious person whose only goal is to rise through the ranks of the Falcone family.

According to what I gathered, he's a long relative of the Falcone family, they don't seem to trust him that much, and for a good reason. Once we do our part, he'll definitely try to get rid of us."

Mike gulped with nervousness and asked, "So what should we do?"

Ian released a mischievous smile, "We'll fuck him over before he does it. We'll use him as a connection to gain more connections, and gain funds because the money we made so far is nothing. literally just a few thousand bucks.

I have a nice heist in mind. We also need to get Barney an Id and I as well, mine is still in the wife's house, so might as well get a new one."

Gotham has reached such a level of lowliness that people without ids are a common thing, and the police pay no attention to it.

The poor, beggars, and the homeless, most of them have no Id. They either lost it or their parents never got them one.

'The level of degeneracy in this city is truly fabulous. I can that it's even a miracle. Perhaps the rumors are true, the city is truly cursed.'

Just as said, the petty thieves have given up on themselves. One might think that cleaning entire groceries stores and selling the products is worthwhile but it's not.

It was a good starting point, and Ian knew when to adapt. He gave the organization to someone else he specifically picked, a beggar he saw to be impulsive, a bit dumb, and ambitious.

They were better talents than him, but he was perfect for the dummies role he prepared for him.

It wasn't long before the police raided the place and apprehended everyone.

They ignored the leader's yelling of him having been set up, criminals always say such things... Or perhaps they ignored that because they work for the Falcones.

A small part of the stolen jewelry was missing which they'll surely investigate... Surely.

Frank got the news soon after, he had his suspicion, but he thought that even if they lied, he'll just have them killed.

However, there was something that baffled him, "The fuckers really cleaned the place. Never mind then, the petty thieves suits them perfectly isn't that right? Hahaha heheheh, finally..."


"Alfred, did you investigate what I asked for." The area was dark, but one could see a faint dark shadow in a corner.

"I did. They were caught yesterday, but..." The one to answer him was an old man who just entered the area, light from the entrance made his face apparent.

An old man with very little hair, his hair has almost turned completely white. he was wearing a butler uniform, and his form was nearly perfect for someone his age.

"But what?"

"The circumstances were a bit off. It seemed too easy to me, and it shouldn't be.

Robbing a store one time isn't strange but robbing several on the row without fail, the robbers must know what they're doing.

The leader was also caught, and he seems a bit dumb? I couldn't get any more information about him though." Alfred said eloquently and calmly.

The dark figure walked out of the shadows while messaging his head, not much was apparent under his black mask, but he definitely was unhappy, tired and so many other things.

Frustration was apparent on the seeable parts of his face, barely hidden beneath his bat mask which was complemented by a bat suit.

"I've fought and fought without stop... Yet there was so little impact. Corruption is never ending."

Alfred frowned, "Are you okay? Do you need rest?"

Bruce or batman shook his head, "I don't have the luxury to rest. I need to take out the corruption from its very core, and only then can an impact be noticed... Only then will they fear me."

He took a deep breath, his determination never wavered, "There is a lot of weird things happening in the world as of recently.

We have a lot to investigate, the thieves could be a side project, but for now, let's focus on the important matters."

Indeed, the crime families are the ones who run the city, they spread terror and corruption. They're a significant source of the terrible stench overwhelming the city.

Ian is kind of different, he's more on the cleaner side. He was certainly not that clean in his previous world, he was just a collector, and he treated his collections gently.

He remained as such also in this new magical world. Most importantly, he has set his sight on something he wishes to collect, quite the gorgeous thing.

"Well, old Ralf, it's finally time to get rid of your beard!"

"?Wait what?!"


Chapter 8: The Unexpected I


It was an ordinary day in Gotham. The bright sun shone upon its alleyway. However, there seemed to be a shadow that blocks a significant part of that light from reaching the skin of the living.

It was the shadow of corruption, fear, and uncontrollable desires. It's also the curse of depravity, sins, and immorality.

Yet even under such dire circumstances, there were plenty of people walking through the city's dark streets.

Among those people was a short old man with an ugly-looking fedora on his head. He also had pair of gloves on and a small shoulders bag, leather, and classic.

His grey beard nearly reached his belly. If the fedora and his glasses were taken from the equation, one can safely say that he's well attired.

His destination was right before him, Gotham bank. Used goods are a common thing in the world, but this bank was used more than every used thing in the world combined.

It was robbed, destroyed, fucked by bullets, etc more than one can count, poor thing indeed. Greed is quite the powerful desire, achieving horrible and miraculous things day by day.

Ralf walked into the bank calmly. He was quite old, and he had experienced, so staying calm wasn't that difficult, especially after staying with the absurd death-seeking Ian for months.

It has been two weeks since Ian spoke the forbidden words, since he became a heretic by telling Ralf to shave his beard.

There weren't many people in the bank as it's Friday and it's near to closing time.

He made his way to one of the tellers, a specific one. The chosen teller by Ian himself.

The timing was perfect, or perhaps preplanned. He was calm and collected as he reached the counter and slightly smiled at the teller.

He didn't speak but just handed the teller a piece of paper as stealthily as possible without acting strangely.

He even acted as he was speaking to the teller but said nothing, he can't let his voice be known.

The teller looked at him strangely before starting to read the paper. Nervousness and fear appeared on his face.

All the paper had was information and a few instructions. That information is what brought fear to the teller's face.

His house's location, his wife and children's names, school and work schedule, and a few more personal pieces of information... Too personal.

The group has observed the bank from afar, and they chose him as their target. They followed him and watched from afar, they also did the necessary investigation to get as much information as possible.

The teller took a gulp of fear before he was able to calm down just a little. He had started reading the instructions.

[Calm down. Don't scream. Act Naturally. Don't push the alarm else action will be taken.]

[If I don't leave the bank in a certain time period, action will be taken.

If my partners outside notice any suspicious activity, action will be taken starting with informing my colleagues that are next to your house, and Action will be taken.

Place all the money in an envelope. No chips. No dye packs else action will be taken.

If the police are informed in less than an hour, action will be taken.]

One of the most important things bank workers learn is to comply with robbers, trying to be a hero will simply get you killed or fired.

However, there is something called silent alarms which tellers and workers can trigger without the robber's knowledge thus thieves often find the police already waiting for them outside of the bank without them knowing.

There are also dye packs, rarely used nowadays but useful. It's a radio-controlled device used by banks to foil bank robberies by causing stolen cash to be permanently marked with dye shortly after a robbery.

Ian naturally took the precaution of that which is why he personally wrote the note and made sure to remind the teller of Ralf's partners, imaginary ones. Indeed, there was no one keeping an eye outside nor was there anyone near the teller's house.

You are reading story DC: Rose Of Death at novel35.com

Ralf took the envelope and put it in his shoulder bag then just walked out of the bank, slowly and calmly.

Despite having near blind faith in Ian, Ralf still couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief once he saw no cops outside.

He then made his way to an alleyway not far away with swiftness, he didn't run but just walked as fast as he could.

He walked to the side of a large garbage container, in a well-hidden spot. Everything was already prepared for him as he hid behind the garbage container and picked the things hidden in a black plastic bag.

A small container filled with water and a few tools and clothes. Indeed, it's time to get rid of the beard.

He started shaving right there and then with swiftness, his goal was to get rid of the beard quickly thus he naturally didn't do a good job but achieved his purpose nonetheless.

He made sure his hair and DNA only falls into the container which he closed afterward and changed his clothes then took off his gloves and put everything in the plastic bag, not leaving anything behind. He even put his shoulder bag in the plastic bag.

He then walked out of the alley from the other side with the bag in his hand, as if he has been shopping, and the lucky thing is that the area was safe from cameras thus his new look wasn't seen.

It of course wasn't luck. All of it was planned by the one who believes himself mediocre, not smart, and perhaps he's right.

It all didn't need much thinking because he spent most of the time thinking of how to make it more dangerous.

"Move and you're dead. Not just you but everyone in here." Ian spoke calmly as he stood behind the security guard.

It was closing time, and the guards were about to start asking the people still inside to leave only for one of them to do this.

The guard complied, nervous but confused because he was pretty sure everyone knows there are cameras in the museum.

The area they were in was isolated and the cameras didn't have a clear view of it but that didn't matter as it already

Ian added further, "I want you to slowly take your handcuffs and put them on your hands, make sure your hands are behind your back. Understand?"

The guard complied and did as told. Only then did Ian take the guard's gun and basically everything the guard can later use, especially his keys.

The guard was then knocked out though not before taking a faint look at the robber, a blonde guy with black eyes.

Those were the last things he'd later remember and what the cops will use to look for the robbers because directly after that, Ian took a black mask from his backpack and put it on.

It was at that point that someone passed by, and Ian could hear someone else telling him to leave with the former saying he has to go to the toilet.

That person was none other than Mike. He passed by Ian and took the keys handed to him then continued on his way.

Ian naturally took care of the guard who followed, so far so good. No one tried to resist, and not one bullet has left Ian's gun since he took possession of it.

They actually have several guns as every store they robbed had a gun inside.

The two remaining guards were soon knocked out as well, by Ian and Barney with no trouble whatsoever. That only happened after they knew the cameras were disabled by Mike, giving them ample freedom.

Ian made sure to remind Mike to get the harddisks or the memory cards as even though they disguised themselves, a lot of people in this world would still be able to find them despite that.

"Ladies and gentleman. I introduce you to the jewel of the world, the beauty of nature, the Russifer Diamond..."


Chapter 9: The Unexpected II


"Ladies and gentleman. I introduce you to the jewel of the world, the beauty of nature, the Russifer Diamond."

"Holy Christ, it looks... beautiful." Barney couldn't help but mutter to himself, his eyes were shining transfixed by the gorgeous things before him. Never before had he thought of ever lying his eyes upon such a thing.

The diamond was placed within what looks like a glass container though Ian knows it's anti-bullet glass.

It's also surrounded by beautiful red fences, people can only look from afar, going any further would alert every single authority in the entire city.

It's all due to the sensors placed all around it, no matter what you do, they'll sense you.

In addition, at night red lasters appear throughout the museum, densely packed. If anything moves or if they touch anything, the same thing would happen.

"We have about thirty minutes before we can start. You guys tied the guards, right? Also, Barney did you close the museum and brought the duffel bag?" Ian asked after seeing Mike joining them.

"Yes, I also tied down the one in the control room after knocking him out," Mike explained, and Barney nodded as well.

"Ok, let's take a small tour in the museum in the meantime, and pick what we'll steal. Remember, we can only take two other things aside from the diamond. Also, don't touch or even come close to the glass cases."

Ian said and started touring the museum at his leisure, observing each and everything inside. Ancient armaments, different types of stones, remnants of ancient creatures, and so many historical things.

However, only ten minutes passed before Ian received a phone call, "Old Ralf, any change in plans?"

"Yeah, the police are on their way to the bank. It seems that the teller has acted earlier than we told him."

Ian smiled and hung up the phone. He then called both Barney and Mike in a shared line, "Let's start, you did choose what you want, right?" "Yeah." "Yes."

Ian brought several handgun magazines from the black duffel bag. Barney and Mike already did the same and took them with them, knowing the plan.

"The police should be near the bank, let's give it a minute. They should spread out to protect the bank worker's family."

Ian stated, his eyes never left the diamond before him. It was like a collection of shining stars, beautiful and distant.

After some time, Ian said, "Okay, let's start, and may luck shine upon us, and death closes its door on us."

'I wouldn't mind it if its doors were open though. That'd be a surprise I gladly welcome.'

The diamond was in a case, and the anti-bullet case was on an exquisite stone platform, not large but tall.

The trio instantly spurted into action with the trio doing the same thing. emptying their gun the glass case

Ian jumped beyond the fence and came closer to the diamond. He didn't have time to appreciate it, so he directly started shooting it.

He knew that just him getting closer has already alerted the police, so emptied his gun as fast as possible.

He was close to the glass case but not too close else the bullets might bounce back to him, and so did the other two.

Ian made sure to keep a steady aim and shoot at the same spot. He was fairly experienced in firearms handling, his adventurous life required that though he tends to not use them.

It went like that until he emptied the second magazine and started with the third one, only then did the glass case break, "Jesus Christ, I even started to doubt. The internet is indeed the all-knowing god of the world."

Ian walked up to the diamond, his hands were genuinely shaking. He faced death more times than he can count to the point that he became numb to it, but still find it the most exciting thing ever.

However, here he is now feeling the same rush and excitement he feels in the face of imaginary death. The same rush he feels imagining not how he'd die but how he'd not die even in certain death.

He gulped and took the gorgeous thing in his hands, not sure whether to hold it tightly as to not slip away or softly as to not break. His mind wasn't working correctly.

"Hi! We need to move!" It was Mike's scream that woke him up. He didn't notice when they came back. Barney was right next to him ogling to the diamond, almost drolling.

"Right. We should move. Get all the stuff inside the bag. Act according to the plan. Take the valuables and lay low. If I don't come back then whatever, just move on."

They started walking towards the exit as Ian started to calmly talk, not even bothered by what was coming out of his mouth, by the possibilities of what he seeks to do.

The two nodded, they have learned to never question his plans mostly because they don't have better ones.

The group is basically just a collection of people who don't actually know what they're doing but things seem to always work out.

Ian took the duffel bag with him as he ran out of the museum, and as he predicted, there were two cop cars outside with few officers taking cover behind them.

His plans however worked because most of the cops were on the other side of the city, busy with the bank robbery. Even if they decided to come here, it'd take them quite a while to arrive.

The second part of the plan was different, and any sane person would consider it stupid because it makes no sense. It can only work with someone like him.

Someone who can leisurely run out of the museum and head to an alleyway under the rain of bullets without anyone even coming close to hitting him.

The police ran after him and continued to rain bullets at him as he drove away on a motorcycle, one they stole only recently.

The cops were somewhat speechless, seriously unsure of what just happened. They did however get their wits back, went back to their cars, and tried to follow him.

Unfortunately, they couldn't as he drove at max speed without stop and without care for traffic. He didn't even slow down, a crash at such speed would almost certainly lead to death.

It was all a confusing mess and a chance Mike and Barney used to disappear like they were never there.

They ran through the dark alleyways of Gotham, ready to change their clothes and truly disappear... However, a cat has set her eyes on them.

Well, she had set her eyes on the valuables inside the museum, so imagine her surprise when she was close by and heard the loud alarm of the museum and the gunshots sound.

She stalked her prey, deemed who possesses what's hers, and jumped right in. Both Barney and Mike had literally no experience in combat thus why they didn't even understand what got them.

"How sweet, getting what I want without having to do anything... What was their plan anyway and how did it even work? Cops nowadays are..."

She froze. She searched them again and again, yet found nothing, "Where is it?!"

A slap instantly woke Barney up, well, barely, "Wtf?! Where is my food?! Damiit Mike!"

"Shut up!" The cat known as Selina was truly losing it now as she slapped him again, and only then did he pay attention to her.

He was still a bit dizzy and couldn't see things clearly, but he can notice her full black outfit and cat ears, "A cat?"

"Right, just a harmless car, now why don't you tell me where the diamond is?" She said as softly as possible.

"The diamond? Didn't the boss take it?" Barney was starting to wake up just as she asked further, "And who is your boss."

"Oh, he is the guy we work for, kinda. Mike says he's insane but I beg the differe... Wait... Who are you?" Barney couldn't help but take a long gulp.

Selina's face was twitching as she barely help her temper, "Right, you can sleep now."

That's the last thing Barney remembered before blacking out again, "I didn't tell the cat much, did I?"


Chapter 10: The Unexpected III


That's the last thing Barney remembered before blacking out again, "I didn't tell the cat much, did I?"

Here he was inside a strange place, a nostalgic place. Well, actually not at all, they have the place. With him was Mike and their savior Ralf.

Directly after robbing the bank and stashing everything, Ralf made his way towards the museum to pick up the two. He did indeed do that, their passed out bodies that is.

Thankfully, he was there on time, in fact, he was there quite early. He called Ian directly after that, and the latter simply told him, 'Change your clothes to a beggar's and stay in the warehouse for now, fit in with the homeless ones in there.'

Ralf understood right away and complied. The possibility of the cat following them is there, so they couldn't possibly return to the base or meet with Ian.

Ian was also busy as he himself emptied their base of operation. Now that sounds like some advanced shit, but in reality, it's just the apartment they rented.

He also changed to his natural looks. He took out the blonde wig and the black contact lenses. His natural black hair and brown eyes were his favorites after all, and he wouldn't change his looks for anything.

And now he is in a shared line with the other three, "Hmm, let me think for a bit, my brain is quite slow, so I need to think a lot in intense situations. Also, refer to me as anything but my name."

And he indeed took his time to the point that Barney couldn't hold his curiosity back and asked, "How did you know that she would appear?"

Ian did after all pretend to give them the valuables when he was planning to keep them with him from the start.

Moreover, he took everything from them in a somewhat hidden location, not seeable from the glass windows of the museum.

"Well, I was actually more afraid of the bat catching. I never saw a cat coming at all. I'm also extremely resistant to death, so I was planning on taking the valuables with me anyway."

"Resistant to death? I mean you kinda are, wait... You're definitely are." Barney seemed to agree while Mike beg otherwise.

"Nah, I think it's just luck. It's like the world simps for you. I noticed it way back, but am even more sure now."

"Hmm, we will lay low for like a week. I actually don't know what to do. I mean the last thing I thought would happen is having a fucking cat on my back. It's like common sense is losing it.

Also, I honestly feel like I can't think currently. This piece of diamond definitely has some magic spell that muddles the mind, I can't take my eyes off it.

I will contact you when my brain starts working again, and don't forget to destroy your sim cards and use the ones already prepared, I will contact you through them the next time."

There was a bit of silence for a while before Mike wondered only in his mind, 'What if he leaves with... the diamond? I probably would if I were in his place... No, I shouldn't think like th...'

He was interrupted by the crying sound of his best friend, Barney, "W-what's going on? Are you okay?"

"I'm not! I want to see it so much, and I want to hold it forever. It was sooo close yet that pussy crazy fucking ((&&*%$ Cat!"

Mike took a quick gulp, he has never seen his friend be so emotional. Moreover, his expression was kind of scary. He knew that Barney was petty but it seemed to have reached new heights.

"Calm down, and have some trust in Him. He will figure something out." Ralf calmly stated as he took a long smoke. That's something he got into recently.

"You aren't worried at all?" Mike wondered, truly curious.

Ralf eyed him before shaking his head, "I know what's in your mind but not really. I'm a bit different from you two, I'm old and I just want to live life. What we have been doing... It made me feel alive."

Of course, someone would be afraid of what Ian would do. Greed is one of the gospels in the Gothamlical bible, something they're used to, so they wouldn't find it strange if he decided to keep everything to himself.

They were patient, and so was Ian. However, only a few days passed before something strange happened.

Once Ralf woke up, he found a small piece of paper next to him. 'I'd like to meet your boss. Tell him to contact me here if he agrees.'

Written next to that was a phone number, and Ralf instantly understood what was going on. He called Ian right there and then and let him know.

"Hmm, let me think... I have a better idea. I used this time to get myself an Id, and I rented a place. Get a pen and write on the paper 'He'll meet you on the east side of the city, next to the monarch theater at 10 Pm, tomorrow.'

I will send you a message with the location of the apartment only when I meet her. Then you can head there. Also, send me the number just in case."

Ralf finally let a sigh of relief. He had started getting used to sleeping on a large comfy bed and eating delicious things, so it was a bit difficult fitting in here.

It wasn't long before the night came, and the three slept, the same as everyone else in the warehouse.

Only then did the visitor come. Someone walked into the warehouse, through the sleeping beggars, silently and slowly as it's her house.

The woman was wearing a black latex full body suit tightly fit around her seductive body, a hood with cat ears mounted on top.

She silently picked up the piece of paper and took a glance at it before making her way out of the warehouse, in full understanding of his thought process.

'I really really hate dealing with troublesome people. However, I will get the diamond one way or another, and how troublesome can one man really be?'

Ian stayed true to his word and indeed waited for her in an alleyway near the theater. Cats have strong senses, so he knew she'd eventually find him.

He just waited while eating a taco in his hand unaware that she had already arrived. She was just observing him from the shadows, taking his picture from afar.

She didn't keep him waiting for long as she walked from the darkness of the alleyways towards with slow seductive steps, already working on seducing him.

"Well... Hmm, a sadist or a masochist? Or is your work being a dominatrix or something?"


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