Death Bothers Me!

Chapter 34: CHAPTER 34: The Twin Wedding

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It was already Saturday. Mickey woke up early and then prepared himself for his biggest event. Well, it was his first attendance so he must be the best. While Harvey was still crashing on his bed. The man had no energy to go to that event but he already said yes. So, there's no getting back anymore. Harvey decided to prepare his suit. Inside his cabinet, there were lots of clothes but no formal suit so he just grabbed that yellow shirt and black pants. He sluggishly went to the washroom and then took a bath.

Harvey was already standing at the bathroom door when he remembered something. He hurried his steps back and then went to the living room. Mickey was well-prepared, wearing that formal suit and with combed hair. Harvey was taken aback and he asked, "Are you the groom?" Mickey blinked his eyes and then replied smilingly, "I am. Jessica's escort."

"Where did you get that suit?", Harvey looked at Mickey intentionally.

Mickey answered happily, "I buy it with your credit card."

"Mine? Who allows you?", Harvey scorned.

Mickey sweated suddenly and his face flushed. His boss will be angry so he defended, "I will pay it at the end of the month. So, don't worry."

Harvey frowned then ignored him. He went back to the washroom and then took a bath. He wanted to bring Zion but the man was half dead. So, he will just move on his own.


On the road, Mickey can't put his excitement while riding behind Harvey. He was talking about the wedding but Harvey didn't listen. Who wanted to listen? Harvey wasn't that happy attending

this wedding but he promised someone. They reached the venue at exactly the start of the bell ringing. Harvey heard that bell so he was taken aback. It was bad when a wedding was welcomed by a ringing bell. The visitors who were sitting now inside the church went silent. They were talking about that bell, "Why the bell rang?" One of the families declared, "No worries. That thing was just a coincidence."

"What coincidence?", one of the people said.

Mickey was no longer on Harvey's side as the man ran excitedly inside the church. While Harvey stood still beside his motorcycle, he was in deep thought. He was thinking about that cat incident and now that ringing of a bell at a wedding. He also remembered what Jessica said, "Sisters", so

her sisters will be married jointly today. It was a sign of death.

Harvey was silent in thought when two old ladies were passing by. "That family doesn't believe in that superstition.", the old lady in white spoke. Her companion replied seriously, "They are very stubborn. I already reminded them but they just said,' it was no longer ancient, now was already modern'." Harvey listened intently at the corner. In his mind, he believed in superstitions. Nothing will lose if you believe it. Now, that he was facing death always, he was no longer that modern.

After a minute, Mickey beckoned Harvey, who was still standing beside his motorcycle. "Come, Harvey. Jessica is inside the building." Harvey blinked his eyes after hearing the word 'building' so he clarified, "You called that holy place just building. It is a church. Bring a dictionary next time before you talk." Mickey lowered his head since he didn't know what was that building he was standing. He fell silent to reflect on his next words then he said, "I can walk on that red carpet. You wanna join me?"

Harvey walked away and then ignored Mickey to the bones. Mickey was petrified so he just followed him silently behind.

The church was decorated beautifully from the entrance to the altar. Along the aisle, flowers were meticulously displayed. When Harvey and Mickey went inside the church, the people's faces were very dismayed. They were puzzled about that earlier incident. Harvey observed the visitors while Mickey was smiling behind Harvey. Those young girls in the last seats were whispering something after seeing Harvey. They seemed intrigued and amazed by Harvey's presence. Harvey noticed but he just ignored those girls.

"Harvey, their looks are mysterious.", Mickey who was behind him, told about that talking girls.

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"I don't know. If you're that very interested, you can chitchat with them. Get lost.", Harvey said dismissively.

Mickey was stunned by Harvey's angry voice. So he asked, "Ummm. Harvey. Are you angry?" Harvey paused then glared at Mickey and replied, "Yeah. Your annoying so stop talking to me." Mickey lowered his head then he mumbled, "What an apathetic." Harvey heard something inaudible but he just ignored it. Then, he continued to walk and then seated on a fourth from the last. Mickey quietly seated beside him since Harvey was having a bad mood. He wanted to talk with Harvey but seemed the man will always ignore him completely.

They seated for a minute, when suddenly again, that bell rang. It was an eerie tintinnabulation. The visitors that had already been in their seats stood up synchronously and then looked at where that sound came from. The bell tower was high and they can't see the spot. One of the people outside ran exhaustingly, he said, "I checked it. There is nobody on that bell tower." He declared it at the crowd and those people trembled and felt frightened.

"Where is the priest? We can verify it with him.", one suggested.

"Yeah. We can do that.", one of the family agreed and then demanded, "You, can you ask about that ringing of the bells." That young lady ran the errand. The wedding was no longer lively and joyous. The groom or grooms standing on that side of the altar lowered their heads. They're waiting on this unforgettable event but it turned into ghastly anymore. The brides were still on their way to the church so people waited for them.

A while later, that young lady had gone back, she was very nervous and sluggishly stopped in front of the aisle. The crowd was waiting on her news when she suddenly shook her head and then declared, "The priest is dead. I saw him. His head was being cut.". That young lady was very shocked and she wept silently. Both families were also traumatized. They can't perceive this happening anymore. That groom in front suddenly screamed, "Death." And then he stabbed himself with sharp objects that he just grabbed from somewhere. The other groom shouted, "No. Bro, why you did do that?" The people in the seats were now blank.

Harvey who was sitting beside Mickey spoke, "I already anticipated this thing. Two siblings must not be married in the same year." Mickey listened to him and then slowly replied, "Yes. But seems they don't believe in that." Harvey nodded and then walked away. Mickey languidly paced behind him. On their way out, Jessica saw them, and then she said, "A curse wedding." Mickey widened his eyes after Jessica's words. Harvey, on the other side, just listened momentarily and then ignored her completely.

He went to where his motorcycle was parked then he rode it. Mickey who already saw Harvey boarding on his motorcycle quickly rushed to leave Jessica behind. He just bid her goodbye in instant.

Mickey was panting while holding onto the motorcycle, "Harvey. Why are you very insensitive? If Kahuna is here, he will be mad at your attitude. Before, you greeted me happily but now, you are very irritated. What is bothering you?". Harvey smirked and then answered, "If you don't want to join me, find your way to my apartment." Harvey didn't answer him correctly so Mickey just slowly rode behind Harvey. If he continues to open his mouth, maybe this man will push him away.

On their way, the people gathered in the center of the street. Harvey can't clearly see what happened so he stopped. Mickey also noticed that crowd so he got down from the motorcycle and then checked it. Harvey also followed him behind without saying a word.

"I knew there is a wedding. I think these two ladies were the brides.", one of the people said. The ladies were lying and drenching on their blood. Before they were that bridal car and the driver was no longer inside. It seemed that brides were being killed.

"Call the police.", one of the women suggested. The people were very confused as to what had happened. On that road, the only building was also a distance and the surrounding was a forest. Harvey looked around and was confused. Why there were so many people here since the road was already between the forest? Mickey who was silent in thoughts whispered, "They were ghosts." Harvey sweated after witnessing that situation. People that were here were ghosts?

"That two dead ladies may be those brides. People around us were plainly ghosts.", Mickey observed the ghosts who were talking. Harvey assumed, "You mean, they can't see us?". Mickey replied solemnly, "Yes. We are just thin air on them. As for us, our eyes saw everything." Harvey touched one of the people around him when he was stunned after his hands just float in the air. Those ghosts were intangible. So, Harvey posted a question, "Third eye?" Mickey smiled and then responded, "Our sixth sense allows us to see."

The ghosts around them were very normal in sight. There were young women, elders, and one little child. They were gathering around the dead bodies at the center. That bridal car was having a catching decoration but turned into a hearse of death. Harvey sighed then he asked Mickey again, "Are they all dead? Where is the driver if that's the case?" Mickey tapped his forehead and then answered, "That two ladies will be erased from everyone's mind. That ghosts were one of that monsters who delivered dying people to the end. They were not that dangerous since they targeted happy people but in between their happiness, they lost their being. Being a human will conform to humanity. So, Harvey, don't just be so apathetic. I know one of the monsters that love to play your wrath, you might be her next victim."

Harvey listened to him intently and then declared, "I am not despotic as your Kahuna. So, stop reminding me." Mickey frowned and then retorted, "I know. You just only listen to your husband.", then he smiled widely, "I hope I can see Kahuna alive here in the world. I want to see his attitude here."

Harvey quirked his brows and then drove back on his motorcycle. He left Mickey behind which shocked Mickey. "Harvey, don't leave me." The motorcycle was no longer to be seen after it went far. Mickey can no longer follow him. So, Mickey decided to watch the ghosts along the road. That dead people's ghosts were not that scary. A while later, the two ladies were being brought on a hearse-like mobile, and ghosts rode it. They drove through the forest until they can no longer be

seen. Mickey was very silent while watching that mobile fading along the way. That sun that was dark after that accident turned to its scorching sun. No cars or other mobiles were passing by, so Mickey can't ride the way. So, he just used his anklet and then drew a circle in the air. There, the black hole appeared then he entered it.

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