Death Bothers Me!

Chapter 37: CHAPTER 37: The Netherworld’s Havoc

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Mickey was already back in the netherworld. He transformed into a brown-clad keeper again. That netherworld after his leaving was very silent but now his return seems complicated. That manor house where he had stepped was very bloody. He scanned that demon-designed door and opened it. Inside, was empty and what was left was the monsters' flesh and those big choppers. So, he continued to the outside area and he found that those little houses' doors were wide open, unlike, before that, they were all shut. One of that houses, was very catchy when the roses' petals were spread along the pavement. Mickey checked it inside and he saw that netherworld villager with a trembling body.

"Love lair. There is no love lair.", that young woman mumbled many times.

Mickey asked domineeringly, "Netherworld villager, why did you spread petals on your pavement? Roses are not handy to grow then you just wasted it."

The young woman fell silent and then stammered, "The demons visited the netherworld. They are looking for a human here."

Mickey crossed his arms as he remembered. As far as he knows, the only human that stepped here was Harvey. So, what was the purpose of demons here? Mickey interrogated, "Human? No humans are allowed to enter here.", he said just to continue the conversation.

"They said that Kahuna is keeping someone. So, they raided here and killed those monsters at the manor house.", that young woman spoke with a trembling voice.

"They said that? Where they picked that trash news?", Mickey looked around while asking her.

"I don't know. But, that news is spreading around."

Mickey ignored her and then rushed away back to the manor house. He just arrived but then the news now, was worse than he just left from there. The netherworld seemed disordered after that dark realm assault. The monsters had been executed and dematerialized. That demons were brutal and more oppressive than the monsters from the netherworld. Mickey just reached the high stade with heavy breaths, when the keepers seemed in an argument.

"Who allowed him to go to the world?", that teal-clad keeper asked. Mickey was in the corner and heard it so he lowered his head. He listened to them intently while they were still left unaware of his presence.

"He reminded us before that he will find Kahuna. So, don't be oblivious. Brown-clad keeper is just doing his promise.", that velvet-clad keeper replied solemnly. Mickey was touched so he showed up and declared in front of them, "Kahuna is now alive. He is kept by a good shepherd."

The keepers became silent and seemingly in contemplation. So, Mickey continued his words, "Don't worry. The person who brought him into the world is a kind being. No commitment but is full of devotion."

That mad teal-clad keeper nodded and then reflected, "But, I think that person also brings Kahuna to danger. The dark realm attacked us and killed those monsters. They might have some revenge or covetous at all means."

"What do you mean by covetous? What's the thing that wakened their revenge?", Mickey asked.

"They wanted that Kahuna's client. As for the reason, I do not know.", the blue-clad keeper answered while wiping his sweat.

Mickey checked those black holes that surrounded the high stade. It was still there and nothing was changed. Mickey languidly walked towards that steep where the monsters were being enclosed. The cylinder-like platform was sealed so that monsters were not directly roaming around. Mickey widened his eyes when the monsters below decreased. Those flying ghouls and chained monsters had already vanished. The only ones left were the ghosts and the poisonous flowers. The keepers

behind him looked consciously.

"Each of them died by that poisonous flowers.", one of the keepers reported about that sudden loss.

"Oh, that poisonous flower emitted toxoids every day?", Mickey was bewildered and asked just to verify.

"Yes. Those only immune monsters just stayed there."

Mickey stared purposively at the steep for a moment and discovered something. The black flowers around the steep seemed to change their color. It was very visible and so Mickey called the other keepers. "Come. The flowers are turning their colors." The keepers rushed to check and they were stunned by what happened. That netherworld was already centenarian but this was the first time that flowers turned to red as roses. Mickey mumbled, "Kahuna is gradually achieving his dream."

"Yes. That is the tale to cure the curse. If the black flower will turn its color, the effect of that curse will slowly decrease.", the teal-clad uttered. That cure was all secret and only the keepers knew it. The other keepers felt excited and their smiles reached to their ears. Nobody expected that tale to happen. It was all just written as a legend but now, that rolled scriptures became real. They can achieve absolute freedom and those monsters will be buried in that dark realm again. The netherworld villagers were not afraid anymore and they can stroll around their environment. Mickey felt happy and relieved since this thing was happening now.

Mickey decided to go back to the real world. So, he declared to his fellow keepers, "I will pass this good news to the Kahuna. Rest assured, nothing will happen to him."

The keepers smiled and agreed. They were happily discussing that sudden development so they affirmed Mickey without stopping him anymore.

Behind that cathedra, Mickey slowly approached the black hole and then entered it.


"Smeagle. What do you want to eat?", Harvey asked coldly but his face twitched as he smiled deep inside. He already called Zion, Smeagle as what Zion wanted. Zion frowned and then replied, "My boyfriend is teasing me. I am  affected, my heart hurts if you joke again."

Harvey quirked his brows and then said seriously, "Stop that childish attitude. You look gay."

Zion widened his eyes and then interjected, "What if I am gay, we are the same then." Harvey felt annoyed, he wasn't gay.

"I am not. So, stop playing around.", Harvey defended and then grabbed his phone, "What do you want to order?"

"Whatever you want.", Zion said dismissively and now with a serious face. He extended his hand to grab the book at the study table then flipped it again. He was bored talking to this very apathetic man. He wanted to just spend time reading the book when he noticed a note that was slipped inside it. "Zion, I miss you!" Zion smiled and then raised it through the air then read it loudly, "Zion, I miss you." Harvey was taken aback and wanted to snatch it but Zion

had already read it so not getting back anymore.

"Who wrote it?", Zion asked enjoyably.

Harvey wiped his sweat unconsciously and then answered, "I don't know. I think it's Mickey."

"Mickey doesn't know how to write.", Zion informed and then raised the note through the air.

"Zion, I miss you."

Harvey's face flushed and Zion noticed so he uttered, "The red one confirms it. So, there's no other person here, then you are the red one."

"I don't write it. Who will miss you?", Harvey stuttered and then rushed outside.

Zion was amused and then screamed, "You're denying everything but all are obvious." Harvey already shut the door. When suddenly, Mickey appeared in the room while Zion was still giggling happily.

"Kahuna. I bring you a piece of good news from the netherworld.", Mickey talked happily when Zion glared at him. Mickey was surprised and seemed taken aback. He was intimidated by those glaring eyes so he lowered his head and stayed silent. In his mind, Kahuna was a good actor, he can laugh then just a minute turned into vicious after. He mumbled, "A good actor."

"What news is that?", Zion asked with a loud voice and seemed annoyed. Mickey whispered to himself, "Is my presence that annoying?"

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Mickey composed himself and then replied solemnly, "The black flowers at the monsters' platform are changing their color into red." Zion whose head was lowered suddenly looked at Mickey intentionally. Mickey peered at him and then silently moved his steps back. He might receive punishment by Zion's fierce eyes.

"The flowers are turning their color?", Zion clarified.

"Yes. Kahuna. But, there is a piece of bad news that I am going to tell you. The dark realm appeared again and attacked the manor house. Monsters were executed.", Mickey told him with dismay and at the same time with relief. Monsters were decreasing so the presence of black holes also lowered.

"Then I will go to check it. That dark realm is assaulting again. By the way, before I go, can you bring that stubborn man here?", Zion said softly. Then Mickey asked just to assure, "Kahuna, who is the stubborn man you mean?"

Zion said dismissively, "The one you said that kissed me." Mickey smirked and widened his eyes. "Yes, Kahuna."

Mickey went outside the door and then downstairs to find Harvey. The ground floor was very quiet and the only person that was seated in the corner was Harvey. Harvey was watching the gardener caring for the roses. So, Mickey hurried his steps and then called Harvey. "Harvey. Why you are here?"

Harvey was surprised and then asked, "You are back that instant. It is just a day but now you are here."

Mickey just suddenly laughed crazily after he can't hide his laughter. Harvey noticed him just cackling as of a sudden, so he just ignored it. In his mind, Mickey's return became ugly as the man became mad. Who laughs just suddenly in front of silent people, only those maniacs? Still, Mickey was releasing his happy emotion when Harvey stood up and went to his motorcycle. Mickey noticed it so he ran towards him and told, "Kahuna wants to go back to the netherworld. He said that he will leave you for a year because of sudden development in the netherworld. I think he is already gone. I am just here to inform you." Mickey was such a liar and a story fabricator. Harvey who was now holding the motorcycle ran crazily inside the apartment. Mickey perceived his reaction and then laughed again. "These two men had an exciting relationship.", Mickey mumbled then walked around the garden to catch these beholding roses.


Harvey sluggishly opened the door. Zion was surprised so he asked, "Why you are rushing that suddenly here?" Harvey was taken aback and then rolled his eyes. He was baited by that Mickey but he just composed himself as if nothing had happened.

"That subordinate of yours is a storyteller.", Harvey said suggestively while gasping.

Zion was befuddled and posed a question, "Why?"

"Nothing. You want to go to the netherworld, right?", Harvey inquired about the matter.

"Yeah. You want to go with me?", Zion smiled and suggested,

"Maybe next time. I will die there if I visit again.", Harvey replied dismissively then went to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?"

"It's none of your business.", Harvey answered coldly.

Mickey was already at the door and saw Zion with a childish face. So, he questioned Zion with a sad face, "Kahuna. Why Harvey is an unpredictable person. I told him earlier that you will go to the netherworld. I think he will ignore but he is rushing here madly. Is he had something?"

Zion looked at Mickey intentionally and declared gently, "That man is stubborn but when I am leaving, he will be in a confused manner. Running, rushing, following me but when I am here by his side, he will always get mad."

Mickey was surprised that Kahuna was soft-hearted too so he replied, "Yeah, Kahuna. That's what I observe too, when you are at rest, I see him kissing you. I just take a glance at it but he just defended suddenly, he said what I see is just an illusion. I call him your wife but he becomes irritated. I don't really know what is his real attitude.", then he scratched his head while telling the story.

"How many times has he kissed me when I am at rest?", Zion asked curiously as his body might being abused by Harvey.

Mickey giggled and then answered proudly, "Kahuna. As for my estimation, every minute."

Zion was surprised so he retorted, "What? He always does that but when I steal a kiss, he is dramatizing. That sensual man is very secretive."

Harvey had already backed when Zion and Mickey watched him curiously. So, he glared and then declared, "What's that look? Seems you are very surprised when I come back. Do you have something to share with me?", Harvey seated the sofa and then watched them too with fierce eyes. Mickey smiled and then said, "Kahuna is just asking about how many times you kissed him." Harvey's ears heated and turned red. Mickey noticed it so he told Zion, "Kahuna, is there something wrong with Harvey? Why do his ears turn red?"

Zion said and winked at Harvey, "That symbolizes love."

Mickey was confused so he asked Harvey, "Harvey, your ears can love people too?" Zion smirked after hearing and interjected, "Brainless. Stop teasing him. He will explode sooner if you still fooling around."

Mickey replied, "Yes, Kahuna. If he will explode, he might die. I will just give him some water to stop him from exploding." Mickey went to the kitchen as he was not knowledgeable about it. Zion laughed loudly while facing Harvey who was in trouble, "Oaf. This keeper is a vibe too. I will keep him with you. If he does irritating, spank his butt."

Harvey was still silent and embarrassed. Why he is always the object of ridicule in the world? To ease his feeling, he just grabbed his phone and played a game on it. Zion also seated beside him and flipped the book. Mickey was now approaching bringing a glass of water and his face was very serious.

"Harvey, drink the water to ease your feeling.", Mickey comforted Harvey but seemed it was mocking him. Harvey drank the water to relieve his embarrassment. All the time, Harvey stayed silent while Mickey and Zion were casually talking about the netherworld.

"Mickey, keep and guard Harvey. If someone stranger finds me, told him, "Smeagle is going to find his lost ring". You need to say it and don't disclose everything. As for you Harvey, stop sulking now, I will bring black flowers to grow with you. If Mickey will tease you like that, spank his butt or pinch his groin. Or whatever punishments will do. If he resists, I will deal with him if I am back."

Mickey sighed and then interjected, "Don't hurt my lower anymore, Harvey. That old lady already abused it."

Zion quirked his brows then clarified, "Old lady?"

"Nothing serious.", Harvey verified but Zion seemed intrigued so he asked Mickey again, "The landlady visited me here and she asked if I am alone. Fortunately, the tenants help me to shoo her, or else bad will happen."

Harvey spanked Mickey and said, "Stop being childish. That's not abuse. You are already old but then you still act like a child." Harvey was irritated and said those words in front of the two.

Mickey lowered his head and then mumbled, "I told Kahuna that you kissed him every minute." Harvey heard it so he beat Mickey again and screamed, "Could you stop telling him that? I don't do that."

Zion smiled and then rose his anklet through the air. "Okay, I will leave you now. Continue your fighting in the middle of the street so that spectators will be entertained. I will go now." Then Zion disappeared into thin air.

Mickey was feeling pain when Harvey beat and punched his arms so he declared, "Kahuna will be gone for a year. I anticipated that you will miss him every minute."

Harvey rolled his eyes and then replied, "I will really sew your mouth so that you cannot talk again."

"Kahuna will be freed now. You can now love him forever.", Mickey returned to his normal state and then murmured. Harvey fell silent while registering those words in his mind. Mickey smiled at him and then ended the conversation, "Okay, I will not tease you anymore. Want something to eat?"

Harvey replied coldly, "I have already ordered food. Sooner, that will be delivered."

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