Debugging in Book Series

Chapter 10: 6.1

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  To have heard this voice so abruptly, Jing Xi paused for a brief moment. Yet, not a single fluctuation could be detected in his voice as he affirmed, “CEO Duan, you are far too modest. After all, the entire Astral Realm knows of your prowess. So I’m sure a month means nothing to you, let alone a week.”

  Duan Chi disagreed, “This is not directly proportional to my prowess.”

  Feeling Duan Chi’s gaze upon him, the staff hurriedly chimed in, “Yes, that’s right! Matters like these have nothing to do with a Lupinus Mutant’s physique.”

  “I’m not referring to their physique. What I meant was that I have absolute trust in CEO Duan,” Jing Xi refuted, “Why don’t you check his bracelet? I’m certain that it is in a rather healthy range.”


  The staff, who had been recording his hormonal levels these days, coughed dryly, “… There are still occurrences of fluctuations here and there.”

  After saying so, he attempted to get back on topic and queried when the other was available.

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  Ywnb vs vblka pwarakpl, Kkdt Dk pwttlpvle pvayktbvqsaoyaezu, “R’x qall dso, ps obu esd’v ol ekpnwpp vbl xyvvla zkjl vbkp?”

  Tlzrzlppzu, vbl pvyqq eldkle, “Ls nyd es.”

  Kkdt Dk nbyzzldtle, “Ebu dsv?”

  Mbl pvyqq lmrzykdle, “El byhl vs cl ralpldv vs xsdkvsa vbl bsaxsdyz nbydtlp kd UOX Pwyd obld bl pllp usw. Xdzu vbld nyd ol clvvla rashkel y pwkvyczl pwttlpvksd.”

  Brsd blyakdt vbyv, Kkdt Dk pwxxsdle Gavkqknkyz Fvwrkekvu yde oyp vbld kdqsaxle vbyv vbkp oyp ynvwyzzu vbl nypl. Rd nlavykd kdpvydnlp, vbl alplyanb kdpvkvwvl xktbv ts yp qya yp vs byhl csvb ryavklp pktd yd ytallxldv sq psxl psav. Gqvla tkhkdt kv y pswde sq ynjdsozletxldv, Kkdt Dk nzyakqkle, “Mbyv’p lypu. Mbl czsse R rashkele vbl zypv vkxl byp ulv vs cl elrzlvle, aktbv?”

  Mbl pvyqq ydpolale, “Zlp, kv byp dsv.”

  Kkdt Dk pwttlpvle, “Rd vbyv nypl, usw nyd fwpv tayc psxl yde ldnypl vblx kd yd yavkqknkyz pjkd clqsal rzynkdt kv kd qasdv sq bkx. Fwcpliwldvzu, ol nyd nsxxwdknyvl vbaswtb bszstayrbkn nyzzp yde vyjl kv yp wp xllvkdt qynl vs qynl.”

  Ekvb vbyv, vbl pvyqq oyp aldelale prllnbzlpp.

  He sneaked a glance at CEO Duan next to him and could not refrain from praising Jing Xi inwardly. ‘That is such a brilliant idea!’

  A glimmer of amusement suddenly swirled in Duan Chi’s cold eyes. “There’s no need for blood. Let’s stick with the holographic call for now.”


  Each and every word he enunciated incited satisfaction within Jing Xi.

  Since he had never set up a holographic call room in StarNet before, he had always wanted to give it a whirl. That was also the reason why he took the initiative to suggest this idea.

  Three minutes later, both Duan Chi and the staff put on a holographic headset and logged in to StarNet. After locating the room with the ID Jing Xi sent over, they joined it with the given passcode, only to find a decent chat room. Three single-seater sofas placed in a circle surrounding a white circular table, coupled with a warm overall room design, made it perfect for a discussion.

  Since the appearance customization settings were disabled, their current appearances were no different than that in reality. As soon as the staff entered the room, he spotted Jing Xi relaxing lazily on one of the sofas. The humor curled at the corner of his lips painted an enthralling picture.

  On that day, he departed from the research institute with CEO Duan beforehand, so he had yet to meet this youth. Only through his colleagues did he know that Jing Xi was a somewhat decent-looking university student.

  As soon as he laid eyes upon this youth, he wondered in bewilderment, ‘How was this just somewhat decent-looking? This youth is simply exceptionally handsome!’

  With that in mind, he could not help but hazard a look in CEO Duan’s direction.

  Silently, Duan Chi watched the person seated in front of him with an intent stare before taking a seat opposite to Jing Xi.

  Immediately right after, the staff followed suit and plopped himself down on a seat as well. 

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  Under normal circumstances, the research institute required at least two staff to be present. Now that they were not meeting in real life, there was no need to turn this into a formal occasion. Seeing how he was the only one who could take up the role of a moderator between them, he asked the youth genially for his opinions.

  Turning to Duan Chi, Jing Xi mused, “What about you, CEO Duan?”

  Duan Chi’s suffocatingly beautiful features appeared somewhat softened in the holographic environment. Yet, they were very much unlike the assertiveness he exuded in the police station the last time. “Of course, I do hope that you will not choose to separate from me.”


  Jing Xi declared, “Sure, but it has to be on my terms.”

  Duan Chi prodded, “Go on, tell me.”

  Jing Xi clarified, “You don’t like to be controlled by others, right, CEO Duan?”

  Duan Chi replied honestly, “Mn.”

  “I have not a smidge of interest in controlling anyone either. So my plan is simplicity itself.” Jing Xi tapped his index finger gently on the circular table before continuing, “Let us meet again when your hormonal levels have exceeded the normal range. Moving on, we can continue to reduce the frequency of our subsequent meet-ups and train your willpower simultaneously. What do you think?”

  Much to everyone’s surprise, Duan Chi did not turn his suggestion down on the spot. “I need to meet you in real life before I make any decision.”

  Jing Xi agreed, “Sure, we’ll meet on the day when you find it unbearable.”

  Watching from the sidelines, the staff could not help himself.

  In the past, his mind went to all sorts of possibilities, diving into innumerable scenarios of a university student who had yet to enter the workforce meeting CEO Duan for the very first time. Even if it might not be the scene where CEO Duan threw a blank cheque for him to fill it however he wished, the chances of the other scenarios occurring could still have been extraordinarily high. Yet, who would have thought things had not progressed as he hoped they would?

  Since he was also a Lupinus Mutant, he had been by Alpha Duan Chi’s side this entire time. Finding it far too pressurizing, he had yearned for this assignment to end as soon as possible. With that in mind, he interrupted, “No, that won’t do. Things will only worsen if he is forced to hold out until his limits. As for now, we should set a date to discuss as soon as possible.”

  Upon hearing that, Jing Xi inwardly cursed at how troublesome things had turned out to be. Nevertheless, he was sure that CEO Duan would be fine even if he were to hold out for another week. “My little brother is about to get engaged, so I’ll be far too busy these days for anything else.”

  Without any hesitation, the staff volunteered, “Is there anything I can help you with? I do know quite a number of people, some of whom are experienced. Once we’re done here, why don’t we discuss this over dinner?”


  “That won’t be necessary.” Looking at him sincerely, Jing Xi explained, “I’m actually not planning to help my little brother with his preparation for the engagement. Instead, I intend to break them up. Since there’s only a week left, I hope you can understand that I am a bit tight on time.”

  At this juncture, the staff became so astounded that he was at a loss for words. 

  ‘What the actual f*ck… How could he ever expect me to understand this sort of thing?! No, wait! Why do you want to break up a couple all of a sudden? Could it be that he has taken a fancy one of them?’

  Should this youth really have someone he adored, then what about CEO Duan?

  Even so, emotional attachments were also something they were required to go over during the discussion. The staff gulped nervously before mincing his words. “W-Why?”

  With a melancholy smile, Jing Xi divulged, “I just don’t like the fact that my little brother is three months older than me.”

  His baffling comment left the staff speechless. ‘Boy, does the still water run deep.’

  Recalling Jing Xi’s ability to push people’s buttons from the footage, Duan Chi had a real itch to do something. As such, he asked instinctively, “You’re planning to make a move on the engagement day itself?”

  Just as his final words fell, Jing Xi shot the man a sideways glance.

  Knowing that he might have made a correct guess, Duan Chi wondered, “Can I join you on that day?”

  Only then did the staff return to his senses. “Oh, right… We can always find a place for a chat once the event has come to an end.”

  Subconsciously, he wanted to add, “When the time comes, CEO Duan can be of some help when you are beaten up.” However, all the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat at the thought of this young man fighting two individuals at the same time.

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