Debugging in Book Series

Chapter 9: 5.2

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  Without further conveyance, he left the matter of extending invitations to the relevant individuals to his younger brother. After making his way back to his room, he then purchased a bunch of things on StarNet and indicated the delivery date.

  The following morning, President Yi and the others watched as the AI lugged shopping bags of various sizes into the house. As soon as they were told that an emerging dandy had purchased these items, they nonchalantly continued their way into the dining room.

  Only at the end of their breakfast did the dandy arrive at the dining room.

  The minute they laid eyes upon him, Yi Jun gaped at him with wide eyes abruptly, the lover froze, and even the leaving President Yi halted in his tracks.

  In the space of one night, the changes brought about by his Class-S genes had grown more apparent.


  Last night, he deliberately kept an aloof countenance identical to that of the original host. Following his declaration of becoming a dandy, his mien had changed today.

  The stupefied trio stared vacantly at him, leaving only silence to fill the space around them.

  His hair? I guess… he no longer kept his hair in a polished look and swapped it for a wilder alternative.

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  Tkp pbkav yde cwvvsdp? Mbyv nswze cl rsppkczl… Tl wple vs cwvvsd yzz vbl cwvvsdp sd uswa pbkav, aktbv wr vs vbl nszzya. Tsolhla, bl dso zlqv vbl qkapv vos wdcwvvsdle.

  Gesadle xyjlwr? Mblal oyp y talyv zkjlzkbsse… Xvblaokpl, eke bl bsdlpvzu zssj yduvbkdt zkjl vbkp kd vbl rypv?

  Mbl rlapsd pvydekdt clqsal vblx oyzjle okvb y taynlqwz yde wdbwaakle tykv, nzye kd y pkxrzl obkvl pbkav yde flydp. Zlv, bkp nswdvldydnl lmwele y zyke-cynj hkcl vbyv nyaakle y vkdtl sq wdnsdpnkswp yzzwal. Mblal oyp ds oyu vs vlzz oblvbla kv oyp clnywpl bl ds zsdtla yrrlyale pszlxd yde aktke, sa vbl nbydtlp bl bye wdelatsdl. Rd yd kdpvydv, bl pllxle vs byhl clnsxl eyggzkdt yde rspplpple pwnb y pvasdt ralpldnl vbyv ds sdl nswze ktdsal.

  Tkp cayde dlo zssj bye zlqv Zk Kwd vsvyzzu qzycclatypvle. “Tso eke usw…”

  Sykpkdt bkp caso, Kkdt Dk ypjle, “Txx?”

  Ekvb vbyv, Zk Kwd yvvlxrvle vs pwrralpp bkp lxsvksdp. “Rv’p dsvbkdt.”

  Gp bl pyke ps, bl nypv ulv ydsvbla tzydnl yv vbl svbla ryavu.

  Ohld vbswtb Zk Hbsw bye yzoyup yvvykdle lmnlrvksdyz tayelp kd vbl rypv, bl fwpv eke dsv bsze y nydezl vs vbl eypbkdt Zk Kwd. Zlv, obld vblu pvsse clpkel lynb svbla dso, lhld y czkde xyd nswze pll vbyv Zk Hbsw oyp bydepsxl. Uswze kv cl vbyv nzsvblp alyzzu eke xyjlvb vbl xyd? Jwv kv oyp dsv zkjl bl eke dsv ealpp wr lkvbla!

  At this juncture, he could not help but think that the clothes he was currently wearing were hideous.


  With this brief interruption, the other two finally returned to their senses.

  The lover looked askance at Yi Zhou, unable to perceive any traces of makeup on his face. “Xiao Zhou, you’ve… used an aesthetic surgery apparatus?”

  Tempered with quick wits, Jing Xi answered, “Yeah, that I have.”

  Upon hearing such an utterance, President Yi’s brows snapped together before he thundered vehemently, “Stop messing around!” Immediately right after, he left the house for the office.

  With the preparations for the imminent engagement party well underway, the lover and Yi Jun were swarmed with a copious number of tasks to complete. Hence, they soon headed out as well, leaving Jing Xi to his own devices. After breakfast, he selected a sports car from the garage and drove to Xiao Hui’s place.

  The moment she received word, Xiao Hui left the house, only to witness him alight from his car.

  A pair of long legs, a perfectly proportioned body, and collarbones peeking out from underneath his outfit… Coupled with that bewitching appearance of his, she could hardly refrain herself from getting lost in thought for a moment.

  During that lapse of time, Jing Xi’s eyes surveyed her from the top down twice over.

  From her sweet and delicate looks, the female lead’s best friend could certainly trigger one’s protective instinct.

  Feeling his gaze upon her, Xiao Hui’s heart somehow began to skip a beat. Nervously, she faltered, “You…”

  As always, Jing Xi got straight to the point. “I’m here to apologize.”

  Startled, Xiao Hui questioned, “What for?”


  Jing Xi sighed, “I’ve always known that you like Xiao Jun, but it accidentally slipped out of my mouth yesterday.”

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  Xiao Hui exclaimed, “Oh my god! What?”

  Tapping on his ability to spin tales, Jing Xi recounted how it was a slip of the tongue and emphasized how his step-brother was at a loss last night.

  A glimmer of thought flashed across Xiao Hui’s eyes. “Did he say anything?”

  “No, he just looked rather surprised, as if he is unsure what he should do with you,” Jing Xi described, “I just told him to pretend that he knows nothing of this. Anyway, he’s going to be engaged soon. So this might be for the best for both of you.”

  Xiao Hui laughed bitterly, “That’s true…”

  Jing Xi persuaded gently, “You should forget about him. For an outstanding girl like you, you are better off with someone better.”

  As a blush burned her cheeks, she became so shy that she could only lower her head. Noticing that he remained silent as though he was waiting for her response, she looked up and wanted to say something, only to discover that he had once again boarded his car.

  “Alright, I’m only here to inform you about this matter.” With a slam of the door, Jing Xi proclaimed, “I have some things to do, so I’ll make a move first.” As he said so, the sports car purred to life and drove off with a vroom.

  On seeing this, Xiao Hui was rendered speechless.

  Noticing how he was finally willing to work on the mission, System’s voice was tinged with joy. “Now that her feelings for the other have been brought to light, what is the next step of your plan?”

  Jing Xi stated, “Have fun. Keep an eye out for those wolves for me and don’t let them spoil my fun.”


  System puzzled, “… Are you just going to step aside and leave them to their own devices?”

  Yet, Jing Xi only hinted vaguely, “Watch, and you’ll know.”

  With that, System watched him explore three renowned scenic areas before returning home in the evening.

  Since he was supposed to meet up with Jing Xi, Yi Jun then dragged him out frolicking with his friends for hours on end. Through this, he could get the gist of Yi Jun’s temperament and could not help laughing, “This little brother of mine sure is tenderhearted.”

  “So?” asked System.

  Disregarding System’s question, Jing Xi tapped on Xiao Hui’s avatar and began chatting with her, mentioning how they had encountered something interesting — Massive changes in a girl’s family engendered such unbearable pain and anguish. Even so, she had come to put a man on the pedestal, to the point where he became the only light in her life and her god. So long as the girl was able to watch him from afar, she would die happy. One might deem her actions to be an exaggerated act and that all she knew was to feign pity, yet they were actually able to move Xiao Jun’s heart. Thus, Jing Xi surmised that Xiao Jun was not the sharpest tool in the shed and was blind as a bat.

  Utilizing a softer tone, he highlighted gently that Xiao Jun was unworthy of receiving her commitment for the rest of his life. Hence, it was best for her to forget about him as soon as possible.

  Yet, Xiao Hui did not share the same concern for this matter, for she knew there was only one remedy to the current situation.

  While a sense of contentment welled up in his heart, Jing Xi ended the conversation and instructed System to keep an eye out for them before resuming his dandy affairs.

  As one day bleeds into another, the nights of mirth and merriment had actually gone on for a week. On this night, he suddenly heard System gush that Xiao Hui was going to “commit suicide,” and the panic-stricken Yi Jun was rushing over.

  “Her parents are not at home tonight, and she is going to faint in the bathroom!” System babbled, “When two people of opposite genders are all alone together in the middle of the night, it is highly likely that something will happen between them. So are we going to inform the female lead so that she can catch them in the act?”

  Jing Xi countered, “Where’s the fun in that? Let’s just wait a little longer.”


  System questioned, “And when will that be?”

  Just as Jing Xi was about to make a response, he received a call from an unknown number.

  Without a second thought, he picked up the phone and got to know that the call was from the research institute. Apparently, one of the staff wished to arrange a time to discuss the containment issue. In his mind, he instructed, “Check Duan Chi’s hormonal levels.”

  As compared to Jing Xi, System was far more concerned about this, so it had long since been monitoring him at all times. It answered, “It has always been in the normal range.”

  With that, Jing Xi let out a sound of acknowledgment before speaking to the person on the other line. “I’m occupied with some things right now, so let’s talk about this in a few days’ time. I’m sure it’s fine with him too.”

  A hefty silence fell on the other line. Before long, a rustling was heard before a deep voice seemed to slide into his ear.

  “I can’t.”

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